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In general, human beings are defined by their needs and individuals by
their wants. Your emotional wants are especially important when establishing
with whom you are compatible. While answering the Relationship Questionnaire
you established a pattern of basic, subconscious wants. This section of the
report was produced by analyzing those patterns. Our wants change as we
mature and obtain our life goals. You may find it valuable to revisit this
section periodically to see how your wants have changed.
You may want:
- Reassurance.
- A predictable environment with few surprises that are not "planned."
- Time and opportunity to weigh pros and cons of decisions.
- Time to think things over before making a commitment.
- Peace and harmony.
- Sound relationships which form naturally, and are not contriving or
- An environment free from conflict or hostility.
- Recognition for your concern for quality relationships.
- Protection or insulation from aggression or confrontation.
- Detailed information about major decisions with complete instructions.
- Security for now, and in the future.
- Freedom from pressure to perform or to act quickly without precedent.