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First Name: Jacqueline

Middle Name: Nicole

Last Name: DeRuyter

Birthday: January 29, 1988

Age: 17

Parents' Names: Bill and Lisa X

Siblings Names: Bj X, Tabitha X, and Randy X

Pets Names: Gizmo X, our new puppy Bandit X, and Princess

Height: 5'5

Weight: 120-125 (im fat!!!!) lol

Eye Color: Naturally hazel but I have green contacts

Hair Color: Medium brown with blonde highlights

Shoe Size: 9 or 9 1/2


-=- Favorites -=-

Animal: Lizards and Froggies!

Author(s): R.L. Stine, Steven King, J.K. Rowling, and Christopher Pike

Band: Limp Bizkit and Linkin Park

Breed of Cat: no favorite

Breed of Dog: Cocker Spaniel, or Yorkies!!!

Candy: Trolli Sour Gummy Worms, and Milky Way bars

Car: 2001 Prowler!!!! (or just my daddy's car!) X

Color: Lime green! or just green...any kinda green will do :D

Day of the Week: Fridays

Dessert: Godiva Chocolate Cheesecake from the Cheesecake Factory in Bellvue! sooooooooooo good :)

Fast-Food Resturaunt:McDonalds and Taco Bell

Fruit: Apples and grapes

Gift Recieved: lol my Hooters boxers from Brian in Honolulu that he even got signed for me ;)

History Lesson: O geeze...umm...I was always interested in Pearl Harbor...yeah... X

Ice Cream Flavor: vanilla with fruit loops on top! :)

Jewel: Garnet (because it's my birthstone), Savrite (a pretty green), Saphire (dark blue), and Zircon (baby blue)

Juice: I would say orange juice...but not REAL orange juice...just Sunny D

Kodak Moment: lol Girls Night Out: Princess Night! You girls are sooooooooo hillarious!!

Lipstick Color: Black or Purple! lol nah...anything natural looking or just a little shade of red or pink

Memory: September 18, 2004....The Ms. Sunnyside Pageant X, and New Years Eve 2005 X

Movie: Longest Yard!!! Awesome movie

Outfit: My leather skirt, shirt, and jacket

Pizza Topping: Canadian bacon and sausage

Place to Shop: Bon*Macys

Place to Visit: Canada because there's parties everynight, and California because of the partier that lives there ;) X

Pop: Mt. Dew, Barq's Rootbeer, Cherry Coke, or Vanilla Pepsi/Coke

Resturaunt: Black Angus and the Cheesecake Factory School Subject: Construction and Psychology 101

Season: Spring, a time of new beginings

Shoe Brand: mmm...Sketchers

Song(s): "Gob Bless The Broken Road" by Rascal Flats, "Hit The Floor" and "Lying From You" by Linkin Park, "Somebody Like You" by Keith Urban, and "Build Me Up, Buttercup" by The Foundations (yeah!), and "Behind These Hazel Eyes" by Kelly Clarkson

Sport to Play: Soccer, Roller Hockey, and football ;)

Sport to Watch: Ice hockey

Time of the Day: 7:17

TV Program: Futurama, Family Guy, The Simpsons, CSI (regular one!), Extreme Makeovers: Home Edition, and Dancing with the Stars :)

Vegetable: Cucumbers, Celery, and Carrots


-=- Friendship -=-

Who are Your Best Friends? Andrea Garcia, Brian DeHass, Curtis Wiseman , Jackie Cherry, Jose Arriaga, Marcus Schaneman, Raechelle Henderson, and Zak Don

Who are Your Close Friends? Angela Marin, Brittney Scherer, Cassie Jolliff, Chris Colton, Devin Abrams, Erendida Manzo, Herman Lain, Josh Schrotenboer, James Whitis, Jason Pennal, Joaquin Lopez, Josh Byma, Megan Cornelius, Mitch Duim, Paul Charlene, Rj Desmarias, Tyson Drieson, etc...(I know I'm leavin some out and I can't think of them right now!!)

Who is the Loudest? Deffinatley Marcus

Funniest? Megan X!! Shes also the best dancer! lol (Elvis Songs! Shook! lmao) Good memories... ;)

Coolest? My evil blonde twin, Jackie! But shes not just cool...shes AMAZING! lol Like me! Trust me, its a Jax thing ;)

Bitchiest? I have no bitchy friends

Prettiest? Curtis! lol Hes so pwetty :D

Sexiest? lol Jose X when he's eating cheetos!

Funnest? Brian...he could always make everything fun and put a smile on my face

Best Smile? Jose :D

Best Hair? lol Brian!! I like playing with his hair...

Best Laugh? mmmmMMMMmmmmmMMMMmmmMMMmm.....Devin

Best Sense of Humor? That would have to be Brian and Curtis, they have a very similar sense of humor :)

Worst Sense of Humor? MarcusX!!! He gets mean after a while...but we still love him!


-=- This or That -=-

Apples or Oranges? Apples. Oranges get sticky

Bath or Shower? Shower

Big City or Small Town? Small town gurl

Black or White? Black

Blind or Deaf? Deaf, because then I can still see how hot guys are, but not have to listen to them! ;)

Cars or Trucks? Hell yeah, give me a lifted mudding truck with 40" tires any day! :D

Cats or Dogs? Doggies

Coke or Pepsi? Pepsi

Fruits or Veggies? fruity

Goose or Moose? MOOSE!! MARCUS!! (goose is bad lol)

Grilled or Fried? GrrrrrRRRRrrrrRRrrrilled stuft burrito! lol

Hugs or Kisses? Mmmm...both please :)

Ketchup or Mustard? KETCHUP!!! (everybody knows I lloovvee that stuff!)

Long hair or Short hair? long for chicks, and short for guys but not too short because I like playing with guys' hair. And if not short, then a little shaggy like Owen Wilson's hair ;)

Love or Lust? I would say love because it's forever and not just for one night....but everytime I've thought I was in didnt even last for forever...

MSN or AIM? MSN Baby!

Rain or Snow? Rain...I love walking in the rain...

Sun or Moon? Moon...night...ffuunn ;)

Sweater or Jacket? Either or

Smoker or Nonsmoker? Nonsmoker, I can't stand smokers (except for one....but he knows he needs to knock it off! lol)


-=- Family -=-

Who is Your Favorite Family Member? My lil brother Randy

How Many People In Your Family? 6 including me

Who Is The Most Understanding? Gizmo! Because he never tells me that he doesn't understand ;)

Who Is The Least Understanding? My mom

Who Is The Most Annoying? no one

Do You Talk To Your Parents About Boy/Girl Problems? Tabitha

Favorite Family Memory? Whenever we go boating

Favorite Family Trip? Winter Break 2004-2005


-=- Love And Dating -=-

How Many People Have You Gone Out With? .....umm.....18? i think....19 now...

Who's The Last Person You Went Out With? Chris Colton

Whos The Last Person You Kissed? Curtis

Last Person You Hugged? Curtis :)

Had A Crush On? Mmmm....Josh

Confessed Your Love to? lol umm....Curtis

Who is Your Current Boyfriend/Girlfriend? nobody! Hell yes

Current Number of Crushes? 1...2...yeah 2

Farthest You've Gone In A Relationship? lol thats for ME to know...and that one other person... ;)

Key To Your Heart? A sweet smile and great sense of humor!

Your -PERFECT- Date Atmosphere? Being taken out to a nice resturaunt (not super fancy, but nicer than McDonalds!), being showered with love and affection the whole time, and then go clubbin n dancin all night

Most Important Physical Feature In A Boyfriend/Girlfriend? Beautiful eyes, nice ass and tummy, a lil built, and little or no face fuzz :P

Most Important Personality Feature In A Boyfriend/Girlfriend? Has to be a sweety, kind, a lil mysterious, playfull, and an awesome sense of humor. If he can't make me laugh...theres no point being with him

First Kiss? Jason Pennal from Indy!

First Boyfriend/Girlfriend? Joaquin Lopez! :) Love ya hun!

Best Date? Jose picking me up from work, taking me to dinner at Snipes Mountain, and then going to watch "Monster in Law"

Worst Date? mmmm....dont remember

Dream Wedding Spot? Hawaii baby!


-=- When's The Last Time You... -=-

Burned Yourself? I dont remember...

Smiled? Today! Lately I have been constantly smiling...

Broken A Bone? my right pinky toe on Spring Break of 2001!

Showered? lol last night duh

Talked To Someone on MSN? 5 minutes ago

Threw Up? last month

Saw Someone You Wanted But Knew You Couldnt Have? lol the last time I saw Curtis :)

Went Shopping? This last weekend for Girls Night Out

Listened To The Radio? Yesterday because I forgot my iPod at home :( lol

Sang In The Shower? Last night :D

Told Someone You Loved Them? probably the last time I talked to Brian...

Cried on Someones Shoulder? Dont Remember

Went Out of State? August 2, we took a family trip to Penticton, Canada for Randy's hockey camp

Cried Because You Were Happy? I don't remember ever being happy enough to do that...

Stopped and Smelled The Roses? time

Ate? This morning, breakfast

Drank Something?Yeah, milk, this morning

Went Out Of The House? earlier today for church

Did Something Crazy? lol Dressing up in formal gowns and tiarras and going to dinner and the movies for Girls Night Out!! People were looking at us pretty weird!

Bought A CD? Oh my gosh...I think about a year ago! (oops!)

Burned A CD? Few months ago for Brian :) And he still listens to it to this day! :D

Downloaded Music? Last night...but it was legal I swear!! lol I paid for it and all, off of Napster

Lied To A Friend? Theres no point in it

Hurt Someone? dunno

Watched A Movie? At the theaters?? Probably Serenity, a few weeks ago

Talked on the Phone? last night, I talked to Curtis' Aunt Louise about dinner with Curtis tomorrow night :)

Fell In Love? ...I dont know if I've ever truely fell in "love" with anyone yet...and when I think I do...I realize that I yeah...

Fell Out of Love? mmm.....dunno

Just Fell? lol like, 5 minutes ago!


-=- How Do You... -=-

Release Anger? Running...thats why Ive lost so much weight lately!

Pass Time When Your Wating For Something Important? Read a book, cross stitch, crochet, or even stretch

Deal With Stress? I crush things :D

Cope With Being Sad? I call someone (some of you know that all too well :S) lol

Stay Awake? I cant! lol

Get Going In The Morning? Chocolate!

Put Up With Annoying People? Think Happy thoughts! lol

Put Up With Annoying Parents? Happy Happy thoughts!

Study For Tests? Cram it all into the night before so its all fresh

Like This Survey So Far? lol well its for my site so whatever!


-=- Other Questions -=-

Where Do You Plan To Be 20 Years From Now? Alive!

Which Came First The Chicken or The Egg??? We all know it was....THE GOOSE! hehehe

How Did You Spend The Millenium New Years Eve? In Disneyland

Where Were You on September 11, 2001? Asleep in my bed, then at school..

Which finger is your favorite? My ring finger

Do you like your handwriting? Ya its ok

What is your favorite lunchmeat? Turkey! gobble gobble gobble

Any bad habits? too many to list, besides being a fat bitch

What is your most embarrassing CD on the shelf? SPICE GIRLS! lol

Have you ever misused a word and it has sounded stupid? lol well one time I said you could get AIDS from eating too much Pizza! (I actually meant to say diabetes!!)

Do you think there is a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow? Duh, what do you think leprechauns do all day? Gaurd the gold!

Do fish have feelings? mmaayybbee...but who cares! :P

Where are your second homes? My Grandma's house

What was your favorite toy as a child? My teddy bear

What subject are you useless at? History! Its pointless unless you wanna be a museum person or something like that

Have you ever been on radio or television? Ya...both

Do you have a journal? just online journals

Do you use sarcasm a lot? Nooo!! Remember..."Verbal Irony!" (dave, anne, gavin!!!)

Have you ever been in a mosh pit? Uhh yes and no...kinda...they tried one at the Prosser Homecoming dance but it was fun :)

Would you bungee? Hell ya! Done it once, Ill do it again!

Do you untie your shoes when you take them off? Nah...too much time n effort ;)

What are you worried about right now? Grizzliette competition next week in Richland

Do you ever wear overalls? no...they make me look fatter than what I already am :P

Do you think that you are strong? HHEELLLL no! Im the weakest chick in the school!

What is your least favorite thing in the world? Getting hurt...or being lied to...

How many wisdom teeth do you have? All of them

Who do you miss right now? Brian X, and Curtis X

Do You Know What You Want To Major In, In College? Construction Management or Architecture. Then if those both fail, I think I would wanna get into Law Enforcement.

Do You Have Anything Else To Say? Na not really I guess !

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