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Copyright: Kaley Online

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Kaley playing tennis

Tennis ambition: “I would love to play college tennis someday.”

Kaley started playing at age 3. “My whole family played. I really just ran around on the court.”


Working out in the gym & hanging with friends.


Mark Ellis
Weil Tennis Academy

Favorite tennis player:

Martina Hingis, “Because she is so mentally strong … she goes one point at a time.”


Highest ranking:
2001 # 90 USTA G14
2001 # 303 USTA G16
2001 # 42 SCTA G16
2000 # 112 USTA G14
2000 # 24 SCTA G14
1999 # 32 SCTA G14

Tournament history:

Aug 2001 G16 Singles Finalist, Northridge
Jul 2001 BG16 USTA Zone SW Team Event
Jul 2001 G16 Single Qtrfinalist, USTA National Open L2
Mar 2001 G16 Singles Finalist, SCTA Long Beach
Jan 2001 G16 Singles Qtrfinalist, SCTA Whittier
Jul 2000 G14 Singles Qtrfinalist, USTA National Open
Jul 2000 G14 USTA Zone SW Team Event
May 2000 G14 Singles Qtrfinalist, SCTA Anaheim
Mar 2000 G14 Singles Rd of 16, SCTA South Bay
Feb 2000 G14 Singles Finalist, Arcadia
Jan 2000 G14 Singles Rd of 16, Midwinter
Oct 1999 G14 Singles Winner, Central Coast GP
Sep 1999 G14 Singles Rd of 16, Los Caballeros
Sep 1999 G14 Singles Rd of 16, Cerritos Fall
May 1999 G14 singles Finalist, Quiksilver Last Chance
May 1999 G14 Singles Winner, Santa Barbara
Mar 1999 G14 Singles Qtrfinalist, Central California
Feb 1999 G14 Singles Semifinalist, Palm Springs
Jan 1999 G14 Singles Qtrfinalist, South California Mid Winter

“I love the sport. It’s great exercise and so competitive. I am competitive in everything I do.”