Welcome to the Kempenfelt Bay Athletic Club Wrestling Team Website

The Kempenfelt Bay Wrestling Club was founded by three high school coaches in the fall of 2003. Brad Chestnut and his former athlete Nicholas Cryer, along with Al Emond decided to combine their schools to create a club that was later named Kempenfelt Bay. K-bay started off with 14 wrestlers and now has over 30 wrestlers. Our club travels all over the province competing in events from November through to as late as July. The intense training gets our athletes prepared for tournaments such as GBSSA's, OFSAA, Provincial Championships and National Championships. The clubs members aren't just teammates. Many would say they are more like a family. Although the club is young we are still capable of competing with the toughest competition, and winning. Some of our members have over 70 bouts under there belts and are still just competing in their third year. So please consider joining our crew, team, and FAMILY.


Lindsay Beardsall
Tim Clement
Emily Charron
Matt Cristina
Matt Dunlop
Matt Eatough
Shane Eddy
Caity Goodfellow
Holly Hutz
Alyssa James
Matt Kerr
Sarah Kerr
Moe Ladiki
Alex MacDonald
Jonah MacGregor
Sabrina Manbahadur
Justin Mercel
Eric Mergl
Jasmine Mian
Billy Miller
Melissa Nikkonen
Jillian Robertson
Logan Ross
Ben Rowbotham
Mike Rowbotham
Brad Chestnut
Nick Cryer
Al Emond
Jeff Fisher
Don Rowbotham

Recent Tournament Results

Junior Provincial Championships 2005
Cadet/Juvenile Provincial Championships 2005
GBSSA's 2005
Cadet/Juvenile National Championships 2005
Cadet/Juvenile Provincial Championships 2006

Photo Album
The Wrestling Parent
Winners and Losers


Barrie Central Collegiate Bear Creek Secondary School
Innisdale Secondary School Barrie North Collegiate

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