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Short History of Russia from Perun to Vladimir the Red Sun


Prince Vladimir Accepts Jesus as his Saviour

Vladimir, God, princess, baptism, city, Greeks, faith, Kherson, church, emperors, Russian, idol, priests, earth, report, worship, Germans, Bulgars, vassals, sister, rejoicing, ceremonies, beheld, commanding, religion, behold, Christians, Lord, inhabitants, envoys.

Baptism of Russia

987 (6495): Vladimir summoned together his vassals and the city elders, and said to them: "Behold, the Bulgars came before me urging me to accept their religion.

Then came the Germans and praised their own faith; and after them came the Jews.

Finally the Greeks appeared, criticising all other faiths but commanding their own, and they spoke at length, telling the history of the whole world from its beginning.

Their words were artful, and it was wondrous to listen and pleasant to hear them.

They preach the existence of another world.

'Whoever adopts our religion and then dies shall arise and live forever.

But whosoever embraces another faith, shall be consumed with fire in the next world.'

What is your opinion on this subject, and what do you answer?"

The vassals and the elders replied: "You know, O Prince, that no man condemns his own possessions, but praises them instead.

If you desire to make certain, you have servants at your disposal.

Send them to inquire about the ritual of each and how he worships God.

" Their counsel pleased the prince and all the people, so that they chose good and wise men to the number of ten, and directed them to go first among the Bulgars and inspect their faith.

The emissaries went their way, and when they arrived at their destination they beheld the disgraceful actions of the Bulgars and their worship in the mosque; then they returned to their own country.

Vladimir then instructed them to go likewise among the Germans, and examine their faith, and finally to visit the Greeks.

They thus went into Germany, and after viewing the German ceremonial, they proceeded to Constantinople where they appeared before the emperor.

He inquired on what mission they had come, and they reported to him all that had occurred..

When the emperor heard their words, he rejoiced, and did them great honour on that very day.

On the morrow, the emperor sent a message to the patriarch to inform him that a Russian delegation had arrived to examine the Greek faith, and directed him to prepare the church and the clergy, and to array himself in his sacerdotal robes, so that the Russians might behold the glory of the God of the Greeks.

When the patriarch received these commands, he bade the clergy assemble, and they performed the customary rites.

They burned incense, and the choirs sang hymns.

The emperor accompanied the Russians to the church, and placed them in a wide space, calling their attention to the beauty of the edifice, the chanting, and the offices of the archpriest and the ministry of the deacons, while he explained to them the worship of his God.

The Russians were astonished, and in their wonder praised the Greek ceremonial.

Then the Emperors Basil and Constantine invited the envoys to their presence, and said, "Go hence to your native country," and thus dismissed them with valuable presents and great honour.

Thus they returned to their own country, and the prince called together his vassals and the elders.

Vladimir then announced the return of the envoys who had been sent out, and suggested that their report be heard.

He thus commanded them to speak out before his vassals.

The envoys reported: "When we journeyed among the Bulgars, we beheld how they worship in their temple, called a mosque, while they stand ungirt.

The Bulgarian bows, sits down, looks hither and thither like one possessed, and there is no happiness among them, but instead only sorrow and a dreadful stench.

Then we went among the Germans, and saw them performing many ceremonies in their temples; but we beheld no glory there.

Then we went on to Greece, and the Greeks led us to the edifices where they worship their God, and we knew not whether we were in heaven or on earth.

For on earth there is no such splendour or such beauty, and we are at a loss how to describe it.

We know only that God dwells there among men, and their service is fairer than the ceremonies of other nations.

After a year had passed, in 988 (6496), Vladimir marched with an armed force against Kherson, a Greek city, and the people of Kherson barricaded themselves therein.

Vladimir halted at the farther side of the city beside the bay, a bowshot from the town, and the inhabitants resisted energetically while Vladimir besieged the town.

Vladimir and his retinue entered the city, and he sent messages to the Emperors Basil and Constantine, saying: "Behold, I have captured your glorious city.

I have also heard that you have an unwed sister.

When Vladimir learned their response, he directed the envoys of the emperors to report to the latter that he was willing to accept baptism, having already given some study to their religion, and that the Greek faith and ritual, as described by the emissaries sent to examine it, had pleased him well.

When the emperors heard this report, they rejoiced, and persuaded their sister Anna to consent to the match.

They then requested Vladimir to submit to baptism before they should send their sister to him, but Vladimir desired that the princess should herself bring priests to baptise him.

When Vladimir heard her message, he said, "If this proves true, then of a surety is the God of the Christians great," and gave order that he should be baptised.

He appointed twelve men to beat the idol with sticks, not because he thought the wood was sensitive, but to affront the demon who had deceived man in this guise, that he might receive chastisement at the hands of men.

Great art thou, O Lord, and marvellous are thy works!

Vladimir, rejoicing that he and his subjects now knew God himself, looked up to heaven and said: "O God, who hast created heaven and earth, look down, I beseech thee, on this thy new people, and grant them, O Lord, to know thee as the true God, even as the other Christian nations have known thee.





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