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Sunday, November 1st, 2009!
Staples Center
Los Angeles, California
Attendance: 67%

'Here To Stay' by KoRn blasts over the PA System and the camera opens to the projectWRESTLING arena, which is filled with fans from all around the world. The grand openeing of Sunday Showcase! The fans see that we're live and get to their feet with crazyness in their cheers. The already die hard fans hold up signs of their new favorite roster member and also, bobble head figures of Eric Bischoff. Fire works explode from the top entrance ramp as the camera zooms in onto good old' Jim Ross and Jonathan Coachman.

Jim Ross: "Hello project:WRESTLING fans! The wait is over!"

Jonathan Coachman: "You got that right JR! What a night we have for you folks! First, the well anticipated wait for the owner of projectWRESTLING to welcome everybody a board is finally here."

Jim Ross: "Let's give a warm welcome to our boss, ERIC BISCHOFF!"

'I'm Back' hits and the fans go nuts. They all get up to their feet and out walks the man of the company, the one you've all been waiting for, ERIC BISCHOFF! Eric comes out strutting in his usual business suit, looking flashy as ever. He comes down the ramp with a microphone already in hand. As his music plays, he walks around the ring and shakes the hands of both Jim Ross and Jonathan Coachman. He climbs up the steel ramps and enters the ring. His music cuts out and the fans keep going nuts!

Eric Bischoff: "WELCOME!"

The Fans: "pW! pW! pW! pW!"

Eric Bischoff: "A long wait, I know! However, I welcome you all to the answer of all odds, the most thrilling show of the new millennium, and the subject to always change…I give you…PROJECT WRESTLING!!”

Fire works explode everywhere and the fans go nuts. All four corners of the ring explode with excitement as well, showering the squared mat in various filtering colors.

Eric Bischoff: “First off I would like to officially say that the World Title Tournament will be taking over the first show, and I hope your all excited for that. This will be the talent that will remain as a whole and really hold this show together. I want to see where my talent lies and I want it done at 'Left 4 Dead', which will be the first ever PPV for project:WRESTLING.

Yet, that's not all. The losers from tonight will be competing in a Project Championship tournament next Sunday Showcase. The Project Champion will defend the title every night, every card, every second I say too. All champions will be named at the PPV called Left 4 Dead even the Tag Team Division. I’ll force a tag match if I have too and there will be no controversy over it what so ever. Deal With It!”

Title: Proven Faith
Involved: Randy Orton & Eric Bischoff

‘Voices’ by Rev Theory explodes over the PA System and the crowd boo’s tremendously. They stand up anyway just to shout; some few crazy assholes out in the stands to try and touch him, other than that, pretty simple and evil. Randy walks from out back, wrestling gear and all. His face not poised and cocky like usual, but angry and misled. He was literally confused. He gets right into the conversation with Eric Bischoff, raising the microphone to his baby face chin.

Randy Orton: “You think this is a fucking joke Eric? My status as the best damn wrestler in the business hasn’t changed over night you fucking prick! Abyss? Really? You put the best damn talent you’ve ever seen into your business, you go out, and recruit the finest athlete ever. Then you do this?”

Eric Bischoff: “Randy, let me exp…”

Randy Orton: “NO! I’m not taking on Abyss when I’ve defeated and ended careers of legends. I’m not down grading to a mental freak, which’s got no home, and you pay two dollars, a match for. Not going to happen. Have fun with your little joke of a ‘project’.”

Eric Bischoff: “Well, actually Randy there’s something in your contract that you signed. It goes for every single wrestler that’s on this card tonight! It’s the simple fact that if you leave my company, if you so dare sign back off or fail to conduct with anything I say for my organization….you will be in great debt, let me inform you this.”

Randy Orton: “I won’t owe you shit weasel. Now get me a damn title shot right away and let’s get this over with, shit, just make me your champion now.”

Eric Bischoff: “You know what you cocky bastard? I’ll change your match. It’ll be right here and right now! One on One! Taking on Abyss! IN A NO DISQUALIFICATION MATCH! You wanna play games Randy? Read your contract when you get home tonight and then talk to me. Let’s see if you can make it past the first round!”

Eric Bischoff begins to walk away, yet turns back around and puts the microphone back to his chin.

Eric Bischoff: “Oh yeah, there’s a new slogan around here ya’ know. DEAL WITH IT!”

World Title Tournament- Round 1
No DQ Match

Jim Ross: "Randy Orton does not look happy about this one bit, but he better get over it because here comes the Monster!" The music you would hear at a small town carnival starts to drown out the crowd’s loud reaction to Bischoff's announcement, only the bass is heavier and horrible screams are heard faintly. On the top of the ramp we see a large form appear. In the ring, Orton stands still, in shock that he now must beat this creature inside a realm he is less than familiar with. The monster Abyss walks slowly, stalking Randy Orton as his right hand caresses his hair while his left carries a small brown bag. A bag we have seen Abyss carry before, one he normally keeps his collection of thumbtacks in. Eric Bischoff is walking up the ramp intending to go to the back stage area. Abyss locks eyes with the man in charge, pausing briefly before continuing to the ring and passing Eric. The music is loud, enriched with fear and mystery as Abyss climbs into the ring standing just mere feet from the legend killer. He places the brown bag in the corner underneath the turnbuckle, and then arches his head in the direction of Orton. The two lock eyes as the music dies down and the official enters the ring. Abyss inches his way closer to Orton who backs away, a look of concern printed on his face. The ref calls for the bell.


Jim Ross: "And we are under way Coach!"

Coach: "This is completely biased on the part of Bischoff JR, Abyss is a killer and he just gave him the right to do anything he pleases to Randy Orton! He brought with him his bag of tacks for god sake! You and I both know this is a personal attack by Bischoff and should not be allowed!"

Jim Ross: "Well if Orton would have kept his mouth shut this would be a standard match, but the Legend killer had to go and push Eric’s buttons. Well Randy this is what you get! This is what he deserves Coach, it's for his own good!"

Abyss stands tall, hand raised high in the air as he backs Orton into the corner with each step he takes towards the aspiring champion. The fans gasp as Orton is out of room to maneuver, Abyss screaming with excitement as he lunges for Randy's head only to get a boot to his stomach. The legend killer takes advantage as Abyss bends slightly, his head the target of a series of lefts and rights delivered by Randy Orton. The monster is whipped into the ropes, Orton following at great speed. A collision of Orton's shoulder and the face of Abyss sent the monster over the ropes and to the outside. Randy slides out under the bottom rope and quickly makes his way to the announce table where he steals a chair and folds it up as he walks back towards Abyss. Randy's eyes have an intense look, one of fear and anger. Abyss the target of the legend killer's raised chair, as it hauls in the direction of Abyss crushing against his forehead. Again a thump of steal greeting skull blares throughout. Abyss stumbles slightly, holding his abused head as Randy takes the attack to his lower back. A yelp of pain utters from the lips of Abyss, the crowd squeals with disgust as a thud caps off another connection from the chair to the monster!

Coach: "That a boy Randy, show em’ your not scared!"

Randy drops the chair and grabs Abyss by a fist full of hair; he knees him in the gut forcing him to double over. Orton looks to the fans with an evil smirk right before he drops his opponent with a DDT right on top of the chair! Blood is now streaming from the forehead of Abyss as he rolls on his back, Orton looks for more as he bounces to his feet and proceeds with an assault of boots to the cut area. The gash thickens with the flesh tearing and more blood pours from Abyss. Randy pulls him to his feet and body slams him on the chair. Orton looks angry as he shuffles underneath the ring, fans screaming at the gore they are witnessing. Randy Orton is on his knees as he is pulling something from under the ring, after a few seconds we can see it is a TABLE! The fans are excited as the action seems non stop to this point, Orton is unfolding the table and setting it up at the edge of the entrance way.

Jim Ross: "This is a possessed Randy Orton, I don't think I have ever seen him like this!"

Coach: "What a way to kick off the first ever Sunday Showcase JR! Good job Eric!"

Jim Ross: "How quickly you have a change of heart Coach, you never cease to amaze me that's for sure."

Coach: "What can I say?"

Randy rolls a helpless Abyss onto the table. A couple of shots delivered to keep the big man down right before Randy rolls underneath the bottom ropes, re-entering the ring. The legend killer rises to his feet before he stops dead in his tracks, looking to his left then arrogantly looks to his right. He extends his arm and strikes his very familiar yet annoying pose to a chorus of boos. Randy drops his arms in an instant and hits the ropes, he races towards the entrance way catapulting himself with the top rope, plunging to the outside aimed for Abyss on the table. As Randy is fully stretched, helpless in the air, Abyss manages to some how roll off the table leaving an empty pile of wood for Orton to land. The table breaks in half with splinters escaping off into the crowd as the audience rages with excitement. Abyss is on his stomach, still rattled from the multiple chair shots absorbed. Orton's upper body is flat, knees curled from the pieces of table that surround him. Abyss slowly begins to lift, pain plastered on his face as he moves to the ring where he kneels down with his left arm resting on the apron. He is now searching for something as his entire upper body enters the drapes underneath the ring, only his massive legs can be seen. When he emerges he drags his own table, throwing it to the side as he once more hides underneath. Abyss quickly returns this time with a baseball bat covered in BARBED WIRE!

Jim Ross: "And I think business is about to pick up!"

Coach: "Oh my god, what does he plan to do with that?!"

Abyss gets to his feet and raises the lumber high, proudly. The screams of approval alarm him to move closer to the downed Orton. Randy, is hit by a knee to the lower portion of his back, where it stays as Abyss grabs his head and places the barbed wire on his forehead. Abyss screams as he runs it back and forth, causing a red puddle to mount quickly. Orton is yelping loud and hard as he squirms back and forth but unable to move the gigantic man from his back. He has nowhere to go, nothing he can do except be victim of the harsh brutality. Abyss scars Randy as the razor blade like wire slices repeatedly. Abyss stands, dropping Orton's head, which falls like that of a dead man. Abyss hollers again, and places the bat on Orton's back with a forceful swing. Randy's body is motionless; the crowd begins to sympathize with Orton as Abyss is the one that now looks possessed. The bat is dropped and kicked back under the ring, Abyss walks over to the untouched table he dragged out and unfolds it. He grabs the puddle of blood that we call Randy Orton, raises his hand and plants it around Orton's neck. Abyss jolts his head towards the bag of tacks he brought to ringside with him, and tosses Orton to the ground. The monster grabs the bag and unties the top. He empties it on the table, filling it with thousands of thumbtacks. Some fans are not sure if they want to witness this, while others encourage it. The table is right next to the ring, Abyss stands on the apron and could walk on top of the table if he chose, instead he reaches down and pulls Randy to his feet; his right hand squeezing the legend killer's neck. His left clinched tightly around the top rope keeping him balanced. Right before Abyss can execute his choke slam on Orton he is nailed with a low blow by Randy, who still has fight left in him. Once his neck is free Orton acts quick, he leaps, grabs Abyss by his head and plants him with an RKO on the tacks through the table! Randy is next to him motionless, as his energy is spent and the move caused damage to himself as well.

Jim Ross: "Hate em or love em, Orton came to fight!"

Coach: "He's a champion JR, a CHAMPION!"

Jim Ross: "By this effort from both these men, you get the feeling this is a World title opportunity Coach!"

Coach: "Expect nothing less here in Project Wrestling!"

Both men are down. Motionless. The tacks are revealed as Abyss rolls off the table not from effort, rather the arch in the broken slab of wood. His back in the air as we see the tacks firmly pressed into his flesh. The camera crew zooming in as the blood soaked area is in full focus. However after a few moments of silence as a stunned crowd looks on, Abyss does begin to stand. He is slow, and not a hundred percent with us as he stumbles backwards. He catches himself by the turn buckle, where he slouches and tries to regain his composer. Randy is hurt bad as he is yet to move a muscle. Abyss walks over to the debris that surrounds the ring. He begins stacking the broken wood into a pile, as if he was looking to form a fire of some sort. Once the stack of rubbish is complete, he grabs Orton and brings him to his feet. Abyss cries into the air with a beast like howl, then grabs Randy's neck once more. CHOKE SLAM!! The rubble crumbles and Orton is beat. The pain he sheds is nothing short from a massive car wreck. Abyss rolls him into the ring and slowly follows. The two are inside and the ref shakes his head as even he is shocked at this match. With the 300 plus pound man on top of Orton's crushed body, the ref starts pounding his hand against the mat attempting to end this match with an Abyss pin.


Jim Ross: "Oh my god! Abyss has done exactly what he promised. We've got to get Orton some medical attention now! This is serious. I can not believe what I just saw."

Coach: "I don't know what to say JR, I am praying for Randy Orton right now and I suggest you do the same."

Lillian Garcia: "And here is your winner by pin fall, the Monster ABYSS!!"

Abyss stands to his feet, the ref tries to raise his arm only to be threatened by the monster. The official wisely exits the ring and leaves Abyss alone to stand over a downed Orton. His hand raised high and proud, the fans going crazy, as they know they just witnessed a hell of an opening match. The dark and mysterious carnival music kicks on, Abyss lurking so evil like. Abyss walks over the top rope, exiting the ring and making his way up the entranceway. A full medical staff equipped with a stretcher and neck guard rush to the ring. Surprisingly Abyss walks past them as if he didn't even notice them. The medical attention expressed heavily on Orton as Abyss disappears behind the curtain.

Title: The Phenomenal Highlight
Involved: AJ Styles & Lance Storm & Jeremy Borash

The night is young and the crowd is ready. The legend killer and Abyss tore down the roof leaving a high energy 'we want more' chant. Jim Ross is already showing signs of fatigue with a gurgle in his throat. Coach keeps repeating his thoughts of the brutal warfare we just witnessed, as if he was unsure what he saw was real or just a dream. Jim Ross alarms us that in the back, Jeremy Borash is standing by. The color commentators look excited as we switch from a shot of their faces to the backstage area. Jeremy Borash in plain sight, a Project Wrestling banner dangles behind him. He welcomes us with an introduction of his guest. Lance Storm enters via the left side of the camera angle. His chest bare, a look of disgust painted on his face.

Jeremy Borash: "Lance Storm, tonight you face an up and comer. One in which many believe will be a big star for this business in the not so distant future, R-Truth! And for a little more added pressure, this match will be a first round world title tournament match! Would you mind sharing your thoughts with us?"

Lance Storm: "A big star of the future? If i could be serious for a minute, I am not worried about the future. I worry about the here and now, and right now I'm Lance Storm and you R-Truth are a no body. No one purchased a ticket tonight because of you; I'm sure more than half of them don't even know whom in the hell you are other than the guy that's facing Lance Storm. I'm not sure how you got your self into this world title tournament, but I do know how you will get out of it. Tonight I will embarrass you along with every one of the morons who think you are actually going to be some body in this business. If Eric Bischoff truly thought you were the next big thing you think if would have fed you to me in the first round of this tournament? I’m somebody now bitch, a man of integrity, strength and dedication. I am a former champion and I will be Project Wrestling's first world titleholder. I will cut throu..."

Lance gets cut off by Borash who notices AJ Styles waking to the curtains that lead to the entrance ramp. Jeremy apologizes to Lance as he makes his way to Styles, camera following. AJ slows down, giving Jeremy the chance to catch up.

AJ Styles: "I got to go Jeremy, it's time to make this place Phenomenal!"

Jeremy sends it back to good ol' JR and Coach, as Lance stands off in the distance with pits off look on his face. He scowls at Styles who is jumping in place getting ready for his music to start.

Lance Storm: "Son of a bitch!"

World Title Tournament- Round 1
Singles Match

‘The Way You Like It’ by Adema begins to play and the crowd gets to their feet immediately. They cheer and chant the name of AJ Styles as he comes out of the backstage wearing his glimmering shirt over his head. He jumps around a little bit and a few fire works shoot off in the background. He walks down the ramp talking to him self, pumping the situation into his blood even more. AJ enters the ring and waits for his opponent.

Coach: “This should be a good match as well JR! AJ Styles the new and fresh talent coming a board to pW, then of course you got Shawn Michaels the older and more wiser of the two.”

JR: “This will be a good ol’ fashion slobber knocker Coach!”

“OH! OH! SHAWN!” The music of Shawn Michaels blares over the PA System and the fans are already on their feet. The loud cheers for this face of the project:Wrestling era echoed through out the arena. Sure enough, Shawn ‘Heart Break Kid’ Michaels comes out to the scene. The fans pop even more. Shawn takes a few steps forward chewing on a piece of gum, with his famous attire and smile. He stretches to one side and a massive amount of fire works explode behind him. He poses by flexing his muscle and his agility. The fans continue to go crazy as Shawn makes his way down to the ring. He slides in and dances around a little bit more for the ladies. HBK takes his stuff off and we’re ready to go.


AJ and Shawn circle each other for a minute as the fans go crazy still for these two faces. Shawn the more favorite one out of the two raises his hand to lock up with AJ. AJ follows as well. They lock up but when they do, Shawn quickly reacts and takes advantage with a kick to the mid section. AJ doubles over and Shawn bounces off the ropes. AJ stands back up but gets nails by a flying body cross from the veteran. Shawn is to his feet quickly with the energy following nicely, AJ bounces back up trying to regain composer. AJ swings with a haymaker but Michaels ducks and grabs Styles from the back and lifts him into the air. However, AJ flips behind Michaels and nails him with a back body drop. The fans go nuts.

JR: “What a counter by AJ! Great agility from this youngster.”

Coach: “That may be so but Shawn has the upper hand by just standing in that ring.”

AJ follows up with a couple stomps to the back, keeping Michaels off his game. AJ picks Shawn up by his hair and hooks his arm. AJ lifts Shawn into the air and nails a perfect picture suplex. The fans go wild as AJ goes for the first pin of the match.

Kick out!

The ref signals that it was only a two count. AJ shows a bit of frustration but not much as he lifts Michaels up and tosses him into the ropes. Shawn comes back and ducks a clothesline from AJ but gets nails in the face by a drop kick. AJ quickly gets to his feet and goes to the outside of the ropes. He climbs up onto the top turn buckle and leaps into the air as photographers snap photos. An elbow drop to the sternum takes the breath away from Shawn. He rolls around on the mat in pain as AJ gets up and show boats off to the fans that are cheering for him.

JR: “What an elbow drop from AJ Styles, this is turning out to be a one sided match here Coach.”

Coach: “Some how Shawn Michaels has lost everything he’s ever worked for. This is sad.”

Shawn gets to his feet slowly by crawling over to the corner. AJ waits for him to slump into the corner before he takes off running and tries to spear Michaels. Shawn picks up on the attempt and falls out of the way. He slowly manages to get up as AJ walks backwards a couple steps from the pain. Shawn hooks his head and falls back with a neck breaker. Michaels gets back to his feet and gives a couple stomps of his own. He picks up AJ and throws him into the corner. Shawn runs at him and give a splash to AJ styles, however he doesn’t stop there. Shawn climbs in front of AJ onto the ropes and lifts his hand up to the fans. They start going nuts and they begin to count every punch Shawn Michaels lands to the head of AJ Styles.


Shawn Michaels hops off backwards and lands perfectly on his feet. AJ stumbles forward and falls face first onto his face and stomach. The fans go nuts as Shawn dances around the ring, being flashy and putting the hurt down on ‘The Phenomenal One’ AJ Styles. Shawn begins to stomps his leg, calling for his finisher ‘Sweet Chin Music’. The fans go even more nuts, knowing if this kick is landed the victor very well could be Shawn Michaels.

Coach: “Here we go King! ‘HBK’ is about to end this right here, right now!”

JR: “AJ better watch out Coach, this could get ugly!”

AJ gets to his feet and Shawn goes for the ‘Sweet Chin Music’ but AJ ducks and Shawn totally misses and knocks out the referee instead! Shawn Michaels turns around and finds AJ delivering one hell of perfect DDT. AJ Styles goes for the pin once again but the referee is out cold!

Coach: “One, two, three! AJ should’ve one this match already JR! This is ridiculous!”

JR: “I agree Coach, I agree. WAIT! WHAT’S THIS!?”


Lance Storm comes running from the top of the ramp and slides into the ring without AJ Styles knowing. AJ is trying to get the referee back to a visual state and to get this win, yet it appears that Lance Storm has other plans. Lance Storm is standing and waiting for AJ to turn around and notice him. He does. Lance Storm winds up and kicks AJ Styles in the chin with his famous ‘Falcon Kick’. Lance stands over him and points into his face along with some challenging words. Lance quickly exits the ring and back up the ramp way.


Coach: “I guess Lance didn’t take his interview being stolen very well, I wouldn’t either. Don’t mess with my time and he let AJ know that.” JR: “Look! Shawn Michaels is crawling to AJ Styles who is knocked out Coach!”

Sure enough, Shawn Michaels manages to crawl to the limp body of AJ Styles and puts his arm over his chest. The referee comes to his senses and barely makes the count, after getting knocked out by Shawn Michaels ‘Sweet Chin Music’.


Conclusion: Shawn Michaels Defeats AJ Styles Via Pin Fall To Advance in the World Title Tournament.

JR: “I can’t believe AJ Styles just got cheated out of this tournament Coach. Lance better watch his back, these fans are…”

Coach: “…pissed? Yeah, but Lance Storm is proving he doesn’t care who steps in his way, he’s showing guts. We’ll see how his event turns out later on tonight. But for now, let’s cut to a commercial break.”

JR: “But don’t go anywhere because up next we’ve got John Cena taking on MVP to see who advances in this World Title tournament.”

Title: What About Raven?
Involved: Raven

We open up. The camera full is with a couple chairs and other items lying about. It was nothing unusual. Back packs or duffle bags, socks or feet covers, it was usual. Raven sat in the corner. Pity and it was all over his face. How could one individual be so disturbed and depressed. It was within him.

Raven: “What about Raven? What about me? Huh? Has that ever occurred to you Eric? I given you everything I’ve had and this is what I get? That really sucks! I want this title shot more than anything in the world. So here I am…”

Raven’s face angers quickly.

Raven: “I sit here in the corner, alone, myself. Nobody else. I’m a man of my word and I feel the need to crush a couple individuals’ bones. So I shall. So, it’ll be the man with no feeling and a black heart, who does the dirty deed, to be the angered one for bloodshed and battering of the brain? Brain damage. It’s in the sickest ways of the world I’ve come from. My days in ECW were fun and prized but I reside here. A project within a project and a bird, seeking out his pray. I don’t know if I can wait, I feel hungry. I shall eat!”

Raven quickly hurries out of the darkened room in search of some, food?

World Title Tournament- Round 1
Singles Match

The upbeat music of ‘I’m Coming’ blares through out the arena. MVP comes out and does his usual posing and what not. The fans are on there feet but they’re not cheering for this man, oh on. They’re booing and being as annoying as they can. MVP talks some smack back but then gets into the ring without a problem. He poses a couple more times and then his music comes to an end.

Coach: “This should be an interesting match JR. MVP taking on the man you can’t see, John Cena.”

JR: “After a big deal with Eric Bischoff, I’m sure John is already in shape and ready to go.”

‘My Time Is Now’ by John Cena himself announces. The fans get up to their feet and start to go crazy. The amount of cheers and flaring arms through out the arena are overwhelming. John comes out and fire works explode at the top of the entrance. He continues to walk down the ramp giving his fans high fives along the way. He slides into the ring and walks up to MVP and mutters ‘YOU CAN’T SEE ME’ with a special hand gesture to signify it. John takes his corner and gets into a middle line back position, ready for some damn action.

JR: “Look at ‘Da Champ’ is ready more than ever Coach. I sure hope MVP has brought his ‘A’ game tonight.”

Coach: “Well, by the looks of it there’s no ‘A’ game anywhere for MVP. Cena looks like he’s a damn Joey Porter from the Miami Dolphins.”

The referee sounds for the bell to get this match under way.


The two men lock up and struggle for position. Cena comes out with the upper hand and over powers MVP into the corner. They lock up again and the same thing happens with MVP getting tossed around like a doll. Cena charges at MVP and throws his knee into the mid section of MVP. An Irish whip into the ropes was to follow and as MVP comes back to John Cena, the lights go completely out! Total darkness! Nobody can see anything! The voices of JR and the Coach were the only thing to guide you.


Coach: “Oh shit! I don’t like this what the hell is going on?”

JR: “I’m getting word from out back Coach we’ve had a short in the building.

Coach: “I can’t see nothing JR! Tell them to turn on the generator, god.”

JR: “We should be restored here in just a moment folks, we’re going to commercial break. Please stay tuned!”

We open back up from the commercial break and the lights are still out. The black screen before you was empty but the voices within the blackness kept this show alive.

JR: “Folks we’re back from the break and we’re live on Sunday Showcase! We’ve experienced a bit of a problem but…”

The power coming back on cuts off Jim Ross, the lights filling the arena again. The referee stand in the middle of the ring where MVP and John Cena were both knocked out cold! Cena is lying beside MVP with one arm over his chest. Spray paint is on the back of both wrestlers and we get a close up of the writing. ”The Pack Is Back”


Coach: “I don’t know JR, what the hell is the ‘Pack’?”

The referee slowly gets to his knees, not knowing what to really do. He begins to count, yet he counts at a very slow pace.


Conclusion: John Cena Defeats MVP Via Pin Fall To Advance in the World Title Tournament.

Coach: “This is ridiculous JR, down right ridiculous!”

JR: “Your telling me but I guess the fans are loving it.”


Coach: “I guess we’re going out back now with the boss!”

Title: Call The Pest Control
Involved: Eric Bischoff & AJ Styles

Eric Bischoff is walking to his office located near the exit of the building. A luxury suit of course. On his way through, AJ Styles is flipping out over Lance Storm costing him his chance for the World Title. His anger emerged even fiercer as he kicked and dented a couple cars parked near the exit. The back door had been opened for ring equipment and what not. AJ comes walking back in but gets stopped by Eric Bischoff.

Eric Bischoff: “Whoa, whoa, whoa. Where do you think your going?”

AJ Styles: “I’m going to cost that jackass his match, that son of a bitch! I’m Phenomenal ERIC!”

Eric Bischoff: “Whoa, killer.. Listen here, you’ll get your revenge on Lance in no time, don’t you worry. For now, I suggested you keep your hands off him.”

AJ Styles: “Whatever, his ass is mine Eric. Mine! This is bullshit.”

Eric Bischoff: “No! You wanna know what’s bullshit? Denting my fucking car! That’s bullshit! Get his ass out of here or I’m calling pest control.”

Eric walks around the corner and into the security entrance, as we cut back to Jim Ross and Jonathan Coach at ringside.

World Title Tournament- Round 1
Singles Match

‘Rowdy’ by T-Truth sounds and the fans get to their feet. R-Truth comes walking out pumping his hands up and down. His energy and charisma are looking mighty fine. He runs at the end of the ramp and slides into the ring. He strikes his pose and his music comes to an end. He a waits.

The Canadian anthem begins to play over the PA System and the fans are disgusted. The amounts of trash being thrown at Lance Storm, is unbelievable. This man is well hated. He comes out and immediately the fans give him shit. He shrugs it off by yelling a couple Canadian terms and enters the ring. Looking directly at T-Truth poised and ready for battle. The referee signals for the bell.


Lance Storm doesn’t hesitate at all and goes right after R-Truth. Truth tries to back up and push Storm away but Lance is eager and ready. He takes Truth to the ground quickly and wraps his legs into a figure four-leg lock. The quickness and the speed were untouchable. Truth yells in pain for a minute but gets to the ropes. Lance doesn’t let go. He encourages the pain despite the rules and forces them upon R-Truth. The referee warns Storm if he doesn’t let go the match will be over and his loss will be enforced. He obeys. Lance gets up and stomps on the back of Truths head out of anger and dislike. The fans continue to boo this Canadian great as he picks R-truth and sends him into the ropes. He comes back and Lance picks him up and smashes him off his knee. A back breaker. Very well effective as Truth rolls around on the mat holding his back. Lance follows through with an elbow drop and forces his shoulders to the mat. 1!
Kick out!

JR: “Lance Storm performing well, dominating off the start.”

Coach: “He’s a monster. A machine. How can you not stop this man?”

JR: “R-Truth is trying to right now but it seems as if he shouldn’t even be in the same ring with Lance.”

Coach: “Well with Lance’s attack on AJ and now this annihilation, who knows what this Lance Storm will be capable of.”

Lance grabs the winded R-Truth by the dreads and lifts him to his feet. An Irish whip into the ropes sends Truth back and Lance goes for a clothesline. Truth ducks it and turns around with a roundhouse kick. The fans go nuts! Lance gets up quickly after the shock but gets knocked back down by the quicker R-Truth with a dropkick. Lance again gets back up but receives a left, a right, and then another left. He stumbles back a bit then tries to lunge forward. R-Truth scopes him up and body slams him to the canvas. He runs and jumps onto the ropes and then jumps backwards doing a moonsault. He nails it perfectly and goes for the pin on the downed Lance Storm.


JR: “OH MY! What a change of events Coach!”

Coach: “I honestly thought the Canadian just lost it there JR, I really did, wow.”

JR: “Truth looking good now. Great young athlete.”

R-Truth gets up and raises his hands to the crowd, feeling the energy. Lance in the mean time has rolled off to the corner and slowly got to his feet, without Truth even knowing. Truth turns around and there’s Lance storm attempting a Falcon Kick!


R-Truth reacts very timely and gets missed by the flying foot coming straight for his chin. He kicks Lance in the mid section and he doubles over. With a bounce off the rope and the right angle, R-Truth nails ‘Truth Axe’ onto the back of Storms head. His face collides with the mat as well and is completely out cold. Truth goes for the cover and the chance to advance in the next round of this World Title Tournament.


Conclusion: R-Truth Defeats Lance Storm Via Pin Fall To Advance in the World Title Tournament.

JR: “He did it Coach! R-Truth has pulled this one out of a hat!”

Coach: “Are you kidding me? What happened Lance? NO!”

JR: “Hell of a match though Coach, hell of a match!

Coach: “I’m over it. Moving on into the night we’ve got this quite interesting match with Daniels, taking on The Miz!”

JR: “Wait a minute, before that we’ve got something going on backstage! Let’s see if we can get a shot at this!”

Title: Hide & Seek
Involved: Abyss, MVP, & John Cena

The camera is over the shoulder of MVP, walking down the hall towards an unknown destination. He walks forward only, head staring straight ahead. His appearance is that of an extremely pissed man. We get to the end of the hall, to our left is where Montel stops dead in his tracks. The door he stands before is cracked a bit, allowing us to peak inside and see the corner of a desk with a computer monitor resting on the top of it. MVP knocks before pushing the door open. He cautiously enters, yelling to anyone inside.

MVP: "Bischoff? Yo Bischoff, you in there?"

No one answers. MVP searches each corner of the room, but no luck. He turns and is stopped by a wall of a man. The camera view is at the head of MVP, the chest of this unexpected guest. We slowly pan up and see long strands of curly black hair. It's ABYSS! MVP is filled with shock, he takes a step back, eyes glued on the Monster. MVP lowers his head and tries to pass, he has to be forceful but manages to get through. He arrogantly gasps quietly thinking Abyss couldn't hear him.

MVP: "Freak."

Abyss does hear him though. He stretches his neck back, twisting his head, glaring at the skull of MVP. A hand full of the dread locks keeps MVP in the doorway of the room. He is sent crashing into the door, yelping in pain. Abyss then tosses him out of the room, face first into the concrete wall. MVP's body bounces away from the wall like a dribbled basketball. Abyss towers over him as he rolls in pain on the floor. The Monster brings him to his feet then grabs him by the neck, Choke slam on the cement floor. Abyss proceeds with a series of stomps, crushing the ribcage of Montel Vontavious Porter. Security starts to hustle around the massive beast, attempting to secure the situation.

Security guard 1: “Come on Abyss that's enough!"

A swipe of his arm and the guard is tossed backwards, head pounding the cement wall. Abyss stands firm as the uniforms gather quickly and come at him in packs. His solid right hands keeps them at bay, he grabs the closest one and sends him into the wall. Abyss is in complete control as the guards keep getting knocked down, with only one left, Abyss picks him up in a gorilla press slam position over his head. He thrusts him on the group of downed Project Wrestling workers. A monstrous scream leaves the body of Abyss just before he walks down the hall, exiting the scene.

MVP lays motionless, as do the six security guards spread around him. After a few seconds of silence various superstars in the back close to the attack, start to gather around. Abyss is completely out of sight, and the victims all lay helpless so the concerned superstars have no clue what just went down.

John Cena: "We need some help back here, quickly!"

World Title Tournament- Round 1
Singles Match

The music by John Morrison and The Miz, ‘Aint No Reality’ hits and the fans start to boo. The Miz comes out walking and jumping around like a jumping bean, then enters the ring.

JR: “Let’s see what this young superstar can do Coach.”

Coach: “To be completely honest with you, I think my money is going to be on this guy coming out right here…”

‘Wings Of A Fallen Angel’ by Dave Oliver starts up. Daniels, the true ‘Fallen Angel’ of project:Wrestling comes out from the back and the crowd begins to cheer very loudly. They are going nuts holding up signs, action figures, and snapping pictures along his way down to the ring. He enters and takes off his over lay. Both men are ready for action.

Coach: “Now this, will be the future of project:Wrestling JR.

JR: “That may be so, but for tonight he’s gotta take out Miz first.”

The referee signals for the bell


The Miz raises his hand into the air for a hand lock. Daniels pretends to acknowledge this challenge but charges Miz quickly with a huge clothesline. Stunned but not hurt yet, The Miz gets back up to his feet quickly. Daniels follows through with another huge clothesline. The Miz attempts to get up yet again but Daniels just over powers him with a huge drop kick. The Miz falls to the canvas hard. Daniels waste no time and uses the corner for some support as he jumps onto the top ropes with just the backs of his legs, flips backwards, and lands perfectly onto Miz for the ‘Arabian Press’. Daniels hooks the left and goes for a quick cover!

Kick out!

Coach: “Good effort after that Arabian Press.”

JR: “It was worth a shot for the win. Daniels is looking stronger than ever right now Jon.

Coach: “It’s Coach Jim, Coach.”

JR: “Oh stop being a baby about it. Meanwhile folks, Daniels is in the ring throwing lefts and rights to the face of The Miz.”

Indeed it was. Daniels had Miz mounted and was forcing his fist to bounce off the head or face of The Miz. Daniels finally has enough and gets up, bringing Miz along with him. He tosses him into the ropes and Miz comes flying back. Daniels lifts him onto his shoulder so his body is horizontal with the ropes. Death Valley Driver! Daniels bounces up from the canvas feeling the momentum and screams in a rage! This fierce man reacts well with the crowd as they cheer back for him, the ‘Fallen Angel’. He picks up Miz who is gassed and out of energy already. Daniels picks him up and grabs him from the back, lifts him into the air, and falls backwards nailing a perfect Northern Light Suplex. Along with that suplex came a bridge, forcing the shoulders of Miz to stay on the mat.


JR: “NO! The Miz got his shoulder up!”

Coach: “That’s been the closest one all night JR, what a dominate match going right now for Daniels.

Daniels picks The Miz back up to his feet and tosses him into the ropes and when he comes back, Daniels jumps and drop kicks Miz in the face. Miz is out cold in the middle of the ring as the fans cheer for Daniels.

The Fans: “Daniels! Daniels! Daniels!”

Daniels takes a short walk to the corner of the ring and jumps onto the middle rope. From there he jumps to the top ropes without any hands at this point. Daniels then flips backwards into the air and lands perfectly onto Miz. This move is called the ‘Best Moonsault Ever’(BME).

JR: “B.M.E! The Miz is looking a bit under the weather here Coach.

Coach: “Daniels is on fire right now JR, he’s on fire.”

Daniels gets up and signals for his finisher, ‘Angel’s Wings’. The crowd goes nuts. Daniels picks up the limp body of Mix and puts him between his legs. He hooks his arms and goes to lift but is blocked by Miz! Miz reverses and lands a back body drop!

JR: “The Miz finally making a move.”

Daniels is quick to get up and Miz knows this so he performs a nicely done drop kick to the face. Daniels gets back up again, even quicker this time. Miz rebounds as well and tackles Daniels to the ground. The both of them roll around the ring for a minute trying to fight for position. It almost looked like a MMA fight gone bad. The Miz locks in a sleeper hold but doesn’t last to long because Daniels gets his foot on the ropes. The referee breaks it up and when both men reach their feet, Daniels is quick to land a reverse STO along with a Koji clutch. The Miz is in great pain as Daniels applies more and more pressure. Miz doesn’t want to give up at all. He’s fighting through this gruesome hold and relaying on his stamina. The referee stays close. Suddenly, The Miz passes out! The referee calls for the ball right away!

Jim Ross: "Daniels wins!"

Coach: "The Miz gave everything he had though, not an ounce of quit in him!"

Lillian Garcia: "Here is your winner, Daniels!"

Conclusion: Daniels Defeats The Miz Via Submission To Advance in the World Title Tournament.

World Title Tournament- Round 1
Singles Match

Lillian Garcia: "Introducing first hailing from Ontario, Canada. Weighing in at 240lbs, the Rated R Superstar, Edge!

step right up;
crawl right up;
on your knees;
feed (no time to hesitate);
I want a little bit;
I want a piece of it;
I think he's losing it;
I want to watch it come down;
don't like the look of it;
don't like the taste of it;
don't like the smell of it;
I want to watch it come down;

Coach: "EDGE! This is the first Champion of Project Wrestling JR, I just know it!

Jim Ross: "Well it wont be the first time tonight if your wrong!"

Edge starts to make his way to the ring, his arms spread apart soaking in the chorus of boos. The fans are not welcoming the Rated R Superstar and he couldn't care less. His strut is that of a cocky and confident one, his eyes focused on the crowd. Smiling from ear to ear, laughing as he see's the anger and hatred the fans are filled with simply by his arrival. He motions a title around his waist and holds up his pointer finger, provoking the curses and obscenity's aimed in his direction all the way to the ring. He slides under the ropes, crawls to the corner and awaits his opponent.

Lillian Garcia: "And his opponent hailing from Miami, Florida. Weighing in at 260lbs, the Peoples Champion, The Rock!

Jim Ross: "If I was a betting man, I would have to say the smart money is on this man!"

Coach: "He USED to be the Great one, but he has been gone for so long. You honestly think he still has it?"

Jim Ross: "We are about to find out!"

A slow eerie music quickly filled with heavy bass and drum loops laid over and explosive guitar rift fills the Staples center. A slow moving Rock emerges and charismatically enters down the ramp. The fans are screaming as an icon is returning to the ring right before their very own eyes. The Rock pauses, taking a breath then raises his right arm high in the air. The crowd loud-ens as he gets closer to the ring. Edge watching his every move as he walks up the stairs, pausing yet again. He bends, and enters the ring. The two men are both to their feet and the Rock looks confident as Edge now seems a bit puzzled with the task at hand. The two are nose to nose, the ref to the side.

"Ding ding ding!"

The Rock is delivering a verbal attack as Edge is not listening, and this is shown by Edge's lips moving and his head swaying from side to side. Edge shoves the Great one, who retaliates with a slap across the Rated R Superstars face. Edge is blind sided by the attack, humiliated. He does the first thing he can think of and thrusts his hand across the Rock's face. The Rock on the receiving end this time, showcasing his own embarrassment. The two commence in a lock up. The Rock getting the advantage and sending Edge into the ropes. He goes for a clothesline but misses, Edge tries a drop kick but he fails as Rock side steps it. Edge back to his feet quickly and both men realize neither one will be a push over. The Rock takes in a breath. Edge swipes his hands over his head, pulling his hair back. Edge asks for a test of strength by extending his right hand, but the Rock shakes his head "no." Edge's eye's widen, mouth beginning to curl. The Rock slaps the back side of his left hand on the palm of his right then straitens his posture taking in another breath. The Rock blind sides Edge with a right hand, then a left. Edge blocks the left and lands his own right. The two trade blows until finally Edge ends the battle with a kick to the Great ones mid section. Edge hits the ropes and this time lands a drop kick sending Rock to the mat. Edge is up quickly, as the Rock trails by just a couple of seconds. Edge awaits to stand toe to toe with the Rock before moving in closer. Rock grabs Edge by his head attempting a headlock, but Edge is too quick. He slips out of the way and delivers a closed fist to the Rocks face. The self proclaimed people champ wobbles backward delaying it a few seconds before Edge connects another one. Edge goes for a headlock, locking it in as tight as possible.

Jim Ross: "The Rock sure does seem a tad slower than Edge tonight."

Coach: "I tried to warn ya JR, but you never listen to me!"

The Rock hit's Edge in his ribs with the point of his elbow, loosening Edge's grip. He sends another, and another before Edge releases the hold entirely. The Rock begins to dish out his own attack of electrifying lefts and rights, forcing Edge backwards. Once Edge is against the ropes Rock sends him in motion towards the opposing side of the ring. A thunderous clothesline sends Edge down, where the Rock takes the advantage by stomping with all of his strength. He rushes towards the ropes, mid way through executing the peoples elbow before Edge rolls out the way and gets to his feet. Rock is able to catch himself before he plummeted onto the empty canvas, elbow first. Edge circles to the left while the Rock stands still. His fans begin to feel the confidence as they start to chant "You suck Edge" over and over. The Rock soaking it in as he moves into Edge, grabbing at his head and bringing him close in a headlock of his own. Edge tries to rip his head out from in between Rock's arm and pectoral muscle. He is unable to break free but the Rock soon lets go, dashing towards the ropes. Edge follows suit, ducking the on coming clothesline. Rock continues to head back in the direction he came with a spring of the ropes. Edge on his way back as this time Rock ducks the clothesline. One more time they head for each other but this time Edge lands a cross body! Both men to the mat and Edge hangs on to the top position. He hooks a leg and the ref drops for the count.



Kick out!

Coach: "Edge just got robbed! Can that ref count any slower?"

Jim Ross: "That was closer on paper cause his hand hit the mat, but it was more like one and a half second Coach. You are pathetic!"

The Rock lifts Edge off him with a heroic kick out. Rock springs to his feet in one solid motion. Edge still on his knees, the Rock hustles to him and begins to unload the punishment with solid fists to the face of Edge. DDT out of nowhere and the Rock looks for an easy win but it just was not there. Rock gets to his feet and plants his size twelve upon the head of the Rated R Superstar. He pulls Edge to his feet, suplex connects damn near perfectly! The Rock up again, and so is Edge as his hair is used as a handle by Rock. Body slam! Another series of boots before the Rock plants a forearm into the face of Edge. The Rock has complete control and the entire crowd on his side, he hooks the leg and the ref drops to the mat.



Not enough as Edge kicks out. A frustrated Rock hesitates briefly, collecting his thoughts. He rises up, bringing Edge with him yet again. He sends Edge into the ropes and hits the opposing side, he leaves his feet and rocks Edge to the ground with a shoulder block. The Rock rolls on top of him, one arm stretching his chest. He only is awarded a two count, Edge gets his shoulder up. Rock gets to his feet and drops a boot on his nose. He dashes in the ropes, bypasses Edge and hits the other side. Once he reaches Edge he slows down to an almost walk. Elbow pad thrown into the crowd.


Coach: "Move Edge, roll out of the way!"

Edge does not move, the Rock lands it cleanly and the fans are to their feet. The Rock hooks his legs and gets a two count almost a three but Edge will not quit! Rock gets up and Edge is helped by him. The Rock tries to send him into the ropes but Edge reverses it and sends the Rock into the turn buckle, following at a fast pace. He crouches Rock into the corner and lets Rock gain his balance before flying at him again. This time when Edge steps back Rock falls to his knees, holding the rope to keep himself up that far. Edge grabs the top rope and starts dishing him a face full boot forcing his head deep into the turnbuckles cold steel. Edge dashes into the other corner than comes back even quicker with a drop kick to Rock's chest and face area. Edge grabs Rock to his feet now, and connects with his own variation of a suplex. Edge does not go for the pin however, he decides to climb to the top turnbuckle. He poses for a second, then leaps at a downed Rock. He connects with an elbow drop resembling Randy Savage with his near perfect form and execution. Edge now hooks the legs.




The Rock some how, some way manages to kick out and live for at least a few moments longer. Edge is terribly frustrated as he lifts up the Rock. He hits him with a knee, then a right hand. Another right hand before he viciously sends the Rock into the corner, immediately Edge crouches down. The thud is loud and bone crushing as the Rock wobbles in the center of the ring. Edge is dying from the anticipation as he awaits the Rock to reach the perfect spot. Edge is taking the hair out of his face with his hands, revealing a sick look of excitement. Rock reaches the spot as Edge takes off. The Rock side steps to his left, crouching in attempt to get his shoulders lower than Edge's. He does. The Rock hooks his right arm across Edge's body, he lifts and nails his finisher, the Rock Bottom! He hooks the leg as the crowd goes ballistic!




Jim Ross: "The Rock does it! The Rock advances!!"

Coach: "He got lucky, Edge should be the winner right now. You and I and all these people know it JR!"

Jim Ross: "That's not how I saw it Coach, not at all!"

Lillian Garcia: "And here is your winner, the ROCK!!"

Conclusion: The Rock Defeats Edge Via Pinfall To Advance in the World Title Tournament.

Title: The Staight Edge Superstar has arrived.
Involved: CM Punk

After the match ends, "This Fire Burns" begins to play as CM Punk comes from behind the curtain with a grin across his face. He makes his way down to the ring with a slow, arrogant strut, grinning as he looks out into the booing crowd. The Straight-Edge Superstar gets into the ring. He brought a mic down to the ring with him.

Punk: Well, well, well, project:Wrestling has finally gotten off the ground and started its 1st show. Now the sky is the limit for this blooming promotion. But this promotion will have to make a few changes before it can compete with the big dogs of the wrestling world. For example, Eric Bischoff and Jeremy Borash will have to start pushing 1 wrestler over all the others. A wrestler who is a technical wizard inside the ring. A wrestler who can rile up the fans and have them begging for more. And a man who is drug-free, alcohol-free, and addiction-free, "The Second City Saint" CM Punk!

The fans rain down boos toward the ring. Punk holds his ground and points to the back.

Punk: Not a soul in that locker room has the raw talent that I posess. None of them are fit to be the pW World Champion. Only I am worthy of that accolade. So when this mockery of a World Title Tournament is over, it would be in project:Wrestling's best interest to put me in contention for the belt. Bischoff and Borash would rake in the moeny with me as the World Champion, so they should know what the right desicion is. Not to mention that I would get the opportunity to spread my straight-edge lifestyle with all of you mindless addicts.

The fans are enraged at Punk. A few objects go flying into the ring. A full drink cup hits punk in the chest, spilling soda on his chest. Punk gets angry as a scowl crosses his face.

Punk: You worthless piles of trash don't deserve to live the straight-edge way! You deserve to have the alcohol, the drugs, and the STDs kill you! But I won't allow that, oh no. Whether you like it or not, I will save you all from your vices. Because I am CM Punk, and I am better than all of you!

The fans curse and boo at Punk as he exits the ring, the smirk now back on his face. More objects fly toward him as he heads behind the curtain to the back. The next match is about to start!

World Title Tournament- Round 1
Singles Match

Lilly Garcia: "This match is a first round World championship tourament match. Introducing first, Dave Finlay!"

The high energy music that is Drop Kick Murphey's start to roar through the speakers. The fans begin to boo as the green plagued Finlay emerges from behind the curtain, a look of anger and disgust on his face. He negatively taunts the crowd as he makes his way down the ramp, flipping them his middle finger and cursing the entire way. He walks to the stairs and makes his way in the ring. He paces around the center of the mat, bouncing in place and readying himself for a fight.

Lillian Garcia: "And his opponent, Jeff Hardy!"

"Death from above" Sends the crowd to it's feet, cameras flickering simutaniously. Jeff Hardy stands center stage as the music continues, He starts to dance along by swaying his head and bending his knees. He dances slowly to the ring, slapping hands and smiling from ear to ear with great joy. Once he makes it inside the ring the top turnbuckle becomes his target, he hops up and extends his arms, showering in the love and support released from the fans. He hops down, walking to Finlay as the ref calls for the bell.

"Ding, ding, ding!"

Jim Ross: "No surprise who the fan favorite is in this one, these people love Hardy!"

Coach: "What was your first clue?"

Crowd: "Hardy! Hardy! Hardy!"

The fans fuel a fist waiving, foot stomping Jeff Hardy as Dave Finlay attacks the unaware Hardy with a fist shot to the side his face. Dave continues to walk closer to Hardy, still swinging and connecting as the fans quiet. Finlay tries to send Hardy into the ropes and does, however Jeff ducks the clothesline as the two continue to sling shot off the ropes and at eachother again. Jeff reverses it and drops belly first flat against the mat right before Finlay plunges towards him with a shoulder block attempt. Hardy bounces up, Finlay a bit slower only at his knees, Jeff nails him with a drop kick. Dave is down but not at all done as he quickly rolls to his stomach and pushes himself up. Jeff grabs his head and helps lift him up, Finlay makes a fist, stiffens his arm, and thrusts upward in between Hardys legs.

Jim Ross: "LOW BLOW!"

The fans do not like it one bit, Coach begins to chuckle. Jeff is doubled over, Finlay back on his feet and in control as he lands a suplex on the enigma. Finlay rises and hit's the ropes, crushing a right knee onto the face of Hardy. The pain is shown by Hardy's squirm, Finlay relentless and he stomps in the same area. Hardy's long strands of hair is grabbed and pulled up, Finlays rocking standing clothesline sends him down hard. More stomps, more assault. "GET UP YOU BARSTARD!!" Is heard loud and clear as Finlay screams it, standing over Jeff. The downed enigma looks winded and battered, but not finished. Finlay scoots to the middle rope, raising his forearms and dropping them punishingly on the body of Jeff Hardy.

Coach: "Dave Finlay looks to be more fired up for this match, Jeff looks tired Ross."

Jim Ross: "Getting caught with that low blow really changed the pace of this one, no doubt about it. And we know the slower the match, the advantage has to swing towards Finlay. Jeff needs to be in a fast paced match, that is his style. So to say he looks tired I think your wrong Coach!"

Finlay scoops him up and body slams him, Dave whipes his mouth and executes a standing elbow drop. He gets back to his feet and brings along with him Jeff Hardy. He hooks the arm and attempts another suplex, this time Hardy blocks it by tangling his leg in between Finlays. Jeff delivers a suplex of his own and gives new hope to the crowd. Jeff does not get up right after, as he takes the time to regain his breath. Finlay rolls in pain, not threat of getting up right away. Jeff bounces to his feet, the crowd roars with excitment, Jeff's fists pumping as he circles around Dave. Hardy grabs him and immediatly body slams him then hits the ropes. He hops Finlay on the first pass, springboarding off the ropes with a cross body landing perfectly. Finlay grabs his ribs and bends in his knees, the pain clearly shown as Jeff gets to his feet.

Jim Ross: "I thought he was tired Coach?"

Coach: "Lucky. That's what he is."

Jeff Hardy lands a DDT. He brings Finlay up and sends him down with a standing drop kick. Jeff then goes to the top turn buckle, he gets the crowd excited but leaps with a leg drop that connects. The crowd feels a bit teased but still show their love for Hardy. Jeff hooks the legs of Dave Finlay, squeezing his body in half attempting a pin..




Nope. Not enough to end Dave Finlay. Jeff gets up to his feet, lifts Finlay to his, and then he body slams him directly where he needs him to be. Once the mat stops shaking from the impact, Jeff exits to the apron and makes his way up to the top turn buckle. He extends his arms, then point's two imaginary guns to his head as the fans scream with anticipation. Jeff leaps, leaving his feet andflying through the air, twisting in mid way to his landing spot, Dave Finlay. Right before Jeff lands, Dave moves and gets out of harms way just bareley. Jeff hit's hard and is in complete pain. He is yelping as Finlay makes his way to his feet. He stomps on Jeff to flaten him out, then lifts him to his feet. Hardy is stretched across the back of Finlay, his head tucked under Dave's and the 'Celitic's Cross' is hooked on. Finlay drops and the crowd goes silent. Finlay turns and makes the pin.




Coach: "Dave Finlay!! I knew it JR. I knew it!"

Jim Ross: "Of course you did..

Lillian Garcia: "And here is your winner, Dave Finlay!"

Conclusion: Dave Finlay Defeats Jeff Hardy Via Pinfall To Advance in the World Title Tournament.

World Title Tournament- Round 1
Main Event

Jack Swagger explodes from behind the curtain, poudly bolstering his puffed out chest. He arrogantly walks to the ring, on the recieving end of a thunderous unkind welcome from the fans. Before he hits the final stretch of walk way he is hit from behind. Raven stands firm delivering a collection of fist shots to Swagger. He grabs him by the head and brings him to the ring, slamming his back against the ring post. Swagger bows to one knee as Raven drops and unsuspecting DDT out of nowhere! More stomps as Raven verbaly taunts the helpless Swagger. He pulls him up once more, beggining to roll him under the bottom rope.

"It's all about the game, and how you play it!"
"Its all about control and if you can take it!"

Triple H comes rushing out and Raven turns once the music starts. Hunter moves up on him too quickly as a forearm lands squareley to his face. Raven shakes his head as Hunter keeps on the attack with shots all over his body. Raven is rolled under the ring, joining Swagger. Triple H gets inside and rips off his shirt, posing for the crowd as his opponents are both down at the momemt. Helmsly walks over to the ropes, then starts racing towards Raven and crashes into him with a knee. Raven goes down quick. Swagger begins to show life and Triple H see's it. Hunter approaches him and grabs his head, then rifles a vicious shot to the top of his head repeatidly. Raven starts to move and Helmsly once more notices it. Triple H stomps on Raven who is still on his knees, a few more shots then Raven is forced back down once again.

Jim Ross: "Triple H is in full control of this one!"

Coach: "Wait a second JR, you may have spoke too soon!"

Jack Swagger comes up behind Triple H and gives him an forearm smash to the back, but Triple H just stands up and stairs Jack down. Jack gives him a left and still no reaction of hurt from Hunter. Jack is backing up jabbing at the face of Triple H, when finally Hunter just releases a relentless attack. He charges Jack and throws him into the corner, bent over he keeps thrusting his shoulder into his mid section until he slumps into the corner. Triple H then begins to stomp on Jack. Inflicting more and more pain. Raven sneaks up behind Triple H and grabs his neck, falling to the canvas with a beautiful and unexspected neck breaker. Raven quickly to his feet again, grabs Triple H by the hair, lifts him up, and hooks up into a suplex position. He lifts Triple H into the air and holds him verticle, letting all the blood rush down to his head. Raven then drops him forward with a front suplex. Jack is regaining some strength as he tries to get up in the corner.

JR: “What a turn around here for Raven, Coach.”

Coach: “Yeah and guess what JR? You can say goodnight to Raven because he’s done.”

Jack Swagger is now up and Raven gets closer to him. Jack comes out swinging and tosses Raven into the ropes, as Raven comes back Jack commences a tilt-the-world back backbreaker and succeeds. Raven falls down and rolls out of the ring in pain, grabbing his back. Triple H is showing some movement but not much. Raven is slowly getting up on the outside of the ring when Jack notices and runs full speed, BASEBALL SLIDE! Raven’s face gets smacked in nose and possibly broken. He grabs his face right away but Jack Swagger doesn’t stop there. He grabs Raven and picks him up, his face covered in blood from his nose. The fans shrug back a bit from the sight as Raven tries to hold his nose from bleeding anymore. Jack doesn’t care and smashes his face off the guardrail. Blood supports a couple by standers shirt with some red coloring as Jack bounces Raven’s face off the guardrail once more. The referee has no choice and starts the count out.

Triple H is now on his feet and climbs out of the ring. He’s sneaking out behind the ref and the complete opposite side of Jack Swagger beating the shit out of Raven. He reaches underneath the ring and pulls out what appears to be a pair of brass knuckles. He slips them on carefully and sneaks around the corner to where Jack was coming around with Raven.

Jack Swagger has Raven by the hair and is dragging him around the ring. All of a sudden Triple H jumps out of nowhere and clocks Jack in the face with the pair of brass knuckles! The referee doesn’t see this knuckles as Triple H shoves them under the ring. Hunter throws Raven into the ring quickly and jumps in himself.

JR: “What the hell! Did you see that Coach? Did you see what the cheater just did?”

Coach: “Cheater? You mean genius? That was brilliant!”

Triple H kicks Raven in the stomach and sets him up for the ‘Pedigree’. Raven doesn’t think so as the blood drips from his face to the canvas. He flips Triple H over his back but falls to his knees out of exhaustion. The referee is trying to keep an eye on the match and to make sure Jack Swagger is okay from that blow from Triple H and his brass knuckles. Jack is slowly moving but covering his face and Raven is catching his breath and whipping the blood around the ring like an artist. Hunter gets to his feet and Raven seeks an opportunity. He nails Hunter in the stomach with his boot and goes for the Raven Effect!

JR: “Raven has just landed the ‘Raven Effect’ on Triple H! This is over right here Coach!”

Coach: “This doesn’t look good for Triple H JR, not good at all”

Raven goes for the cover.



Coach: “That was a close one JR! Jack Swagger is bleeding just as much as Raven I think.”

Jack Swagger picks up Raven who he just nailed in the back of the head with his boot. He picks him up and nails the ‘Red, White, and Blue, Thunder Bomb’. Jack gets up bleeding from his forehead and signals for his finisher. The fans boo him, as his crazed attitude has turned nasty. He picks up Raven and sets him up between his legs. GUTWRENCH POWER BOMB! He goes for the pin but gets a boot to the back his head curtosy from Triple H. Hunter brings him to his feet, kick in the mid section and Swagger is doubled over. PEDIGREE!! Triple H goes for the pin.




Coach: "Triple H wins, he is moving on!"

Jim Ross: "WHAT A MATCH!! What a night!! Join us next week!"

Coach: "After what they just saw, you would have to be crazy not to tune in next week!"

Conclusion: Triple H Defeats Raven & Jack Swagger Via Pin Fall To Advance in the World Title Tournament.

The commentators smile as the camera switches to Hunter in the ring posing and celebrating his victory. The crowd is restless as the music blares. The night was a success and the fans are proving that with their joy. Triple H on the top turnbuckle feeding off from his possee in the stands. The camera catches a man walking to the top of the ramp. Shawn Michaels, another round one winner is standing with his arms folded. Street clothes is his attire, and a sarcastic smile paints his face. Triple H notices him and holds out his arms. The former friends share a common goal in being the first Champion, they now relish in the thought they may have to go through eachother to do it. Neither man budges as the scene fades to black.

Opening Segment: Eric Bischoff
Proven Faith: Eric Bischoff
Abyss Vs. Randy Orton: Jeremy Borash
The Phenomenal Highlight: AJ Styles
AJ Styles Vs. Shawn Michaels: Eric Bischoff
What About Raven: Raven
John Cena Vs. MVP: Eric Bischoff
Call The Pest Control: Eric Bischoff
Lance Storm Vs. R-Truth: Raven
Hide & Seek: Abyss
Daniels Vs. The Miz: Edge
The Rock Vs. Edge: Jeremy Borash
Jeff Hardy Vs. Dave Finlay: Jeremy Borash
Main Event: Eric Bischoff / Jeremy Borash