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Sunday, November 8th, 2009!
Madison Square Garden
New York City
Attendance: 78%

'Here To Stay' by KoRn blasts through out the speaker system and the camera opens to the project:Wrestling arena, which is filled with fans from all around the world yet again. Only the second show ever hosted by project:Wrestling and the ratings are sky rocketing through the roof. The camera pans around the arena looking at the die-hard wrestling fans from everywhere, mostly the northeastern side of the state. Madison Square Garden. Every time this atmosphere is magical and speechless like it should be. Take it in. We do, as we head down to ringside with Jim ‘JR’ Ross and Jonathan ‘Coach’ Coachman.

JR: "Welcome to another exciting show down here on Sunday Night Showcase! What a night we have for you folks, I tell ya what!"

Coach: "You got that right JR! Hi! I’m Jonathan Coachman and I welcome you as well. First before we get right into some action, we’d like to recap on the first ever Sunday Showcase event hosted in Los Angeles, California at the Staples Center."

JR: “Coach, what a night full of events that was! Triple H had the first hand in winning the first ever-main event. Exciting accomplishment. The Rock defeated Edge in a close classical match. Daniels even took out The Miz in a once sided match. Also, the mysterious lights that vanished before our eyes…that was pretty freaky Coach!”

Coach: “Daniels was on fire, the hell with the lights going out. That man looks like a wrecking force.”

JR: “He’ll be taking on The Rock tonight, so he’ll have his hands full Coach. No worries.”

Coach: “Also tonight JR we’ve got another tournament starting up! The Project Championship tournament has been announced along with round two of the World Title tournament.”

JR: “That’s why tonight is the night. Tonight we’ll see who’ll be advancing to becoming that much closer to greatness. Great competition we’ve got here Coach.”

Coach: “Indeed JR, indeed. I’ve just got word that Eric Bischoff is in the building. He’s in his office right now and will be making an announcement.”

Title: Manners
Involved: Eric Bischoff

On the big screen hanging above everybody, the picture becomes vivid with color and brightness. Eric Bischoff is setting behind his big black desk with his slick hair and nicely ironed suit. He’s shuffling through some papers and looks up at the camera. He smiles widely.

Eric Bischoff: "WELCOME AGAIN! Ha! Ha! Ha!"

Eric lifts a stacks of papers in front of him and neatly organizes them with a couple taps off his desk.

Eric Bischoff: "Looks like the ratings are in folks. Looks like project:Wrestling has gone off the fucking charts!”

The Fans: “Project:Wrestling! Project:Wrestling! Project:Wrestling!”

Eric Bischoff: “I would just like to thank every single one of your rats in the back for putting your life and reputation on the line. It makes me feel even better knowing I control every move you make. That’s why I’m proud to announce another tournament to the Sunday Showcase card and that tournament will be for the Project Championship. This title has been ruled that each and every single show that project:Wrestling holds, that title will be defended. The most versatile belt any company would imagine to hold is now in our grasps. That’s not the big news though, oh no far from it. The real news is…”

Title: So What’s The Deal?
Involved: Eric Bischoff & Legacy

Eric Bischoff stops talking as you hear a knock and then the door thrown open. The camera pans to the door and in comes Cody Rhodes and Ted Dibiase Jr. At first, a bit of confusion was on Eric Bischoff’s face but that all changed when the ‘asshole’ mode had kicked in.

Eric Bischoff: “What the hell does you boys want? Can’t you see I’m making an announcement on nation television?”

Cody Rhodes: “Can’t you see…” Cody leans into Eric putting his hands on his desk. “…we’re your business Eric, we are your business.”

Eric Bischoff: “No, you two punks think you’re my business yet in fact, I’ve got eight other superstars competing for the World Title and where are you? No where to join the greatest company ever for the first card? You disgust me!”

Ted Dibiase Jr: “That’s the thing Eric, we’re not here to complain and cry about any hard feelings before.” Ted looks at Cody then back to Eric. “We’re actually here because we want the tag gold.”

Eric Bischoff: “Whoa, whoa, whoa. You know for a fact that the tag team division is a little on the slim side right now. You realize that, I realize that, and so doesn’t the fans. We need more depth than anything.”

Ted Dibiase Jr: “Well, that’s it though boss. You don’t need anybody else as your tag team champions besides us, Legacy. We’re the future of this company, are you to blind to see it? Let us run with the gold until this place has fallen down like every other organization we demolish.”

Eric Bischoff: “Better yet, I’ll do you this favor Ted. Get your ass to the ring because you’ll be taking on Jack Swagger in the first round of the Project Championship match. That’s an order! As for you Cody, you’ll be taking on The Miz later on tonight so you better get ready for that. Advance and we’ll talk but for now…get the fuck out of my office and DEAL WITH IT!”

Ted and Cody both look at each other, than exit the room leaving Bischoff sorting through more papers. The camera cuts back to ringside with Jim Ross and Jonathan Coachman.

Project Championship Tournament- Round 1
Singles Match

Lillian Garcia: “Introducing first, the challenger of the night. He is the ‘All American, American’, the red white and blue, JACK SWAGGER!”

‘Get On Your Knee’s’ begins to play and everybody in the arena knows who’s coming out. Jack Swagger. They all get to their feet but boo for the ‘All American Dream’. Jack Swaggers comes out wearing his red, white, and blue colors. He looks pissed and upset from last week on Sunday Showcase. He’s got something to prove and he’s not letting these fans stand a chance of ignorance. He continues to walk down the ramp and straight forward to the ring. Upon entering the ring he takes a quick glance at Lillian Garcia and then circles the ring a couple times.

JR: “What a terrible loss for Jack Swagger last week on Sunday Night Showcase.”

Coach: “Well just rub it on in JR! Shit, he doesn’t look pissed enough as it is? This is HBO remember? He could knock that cricked smirk off your face in no time!”

JR: “I was just saying that Triple H did get the best of him and Raven, that’s all.”

Coach: “Yeah right. Insult anybody except for the ‘American Dream’ JR, god.”

Lillian Garcia: “Introducing his opponent, one half of the non-merciful team of Legacy! He is…TED DIBIASE JR!”

‘New Day’ airs and the vibrating sounds send chills through your spine. The music of Legacy hits hard and the fans get up to boo Ted as well. The well-hated Ted Dibiase JR comes walking out with his stern, cocky, yet elegant smirk. Ted gets half way down the ramp and then takes off sprinting to the ring. He slides in and right away Jack Swagger heads for Ted. Ted quickly gets up though and blocks a punch coming from Jack, then delivers one to his skull. The referee rings for the bell as Ted blocks another punch and delivers again, this time to his face sending him to the canvas.


Jack is right back to his feet and Ted swings him over his should with an arm drag. Jack isn’t giving up though as he gets to his feet and charges at Ted, going for a spear. Ted lets Swagger run into him but falls back and nails a stunning DDT. Ted gets up and screams to the crowd with the momentum flowing on his side. The crowd reacts with a series of boo’s. Jack Swagger is rolling around holding his head while Ted continues to celebrate the good start here on Sunday Showcase. Ted picks Swagger up by the hair and whips him into the ropes. As Jack comes back he ducks a clothesline and bounces off the other side of the ropes. Jack comes back and leaps onto Ted Dibiase Jr. with a great amount of intensity. Immediately Jack begins to land hard punches to the head of Ted Dibiase while mounting his body, keeping his arms and legs by his side. The referee tries to break up the two but it’s useless.

JR: “What a turn around for Jack Swagger. Ted had a great start, what happened?”

Coach: “Not a clue in hell. Dibiase is a fierce competitor and I hardly doubt he’ll be losing to Jack Swagger on his debut.”

JR: “I couldn’t agree more with you Coach. Wait. Did I just agree with you?”

Coach: “Ha! You did Ross! You did!”

Finally Jack gets up and picks up Ted in frustration. He throws him into the corner so hard that Ted grabs his back in pain as he falls face first to the mat. Jack picks him back up not letting him rest at all. ‘The All American, American’ grabs Ted Dibiase by the back of the neck and tosses his face off the turnbuckle. Ted stumbles back a little bit and Jack picks him up into the air and lands a nice backdrop. Jack rolls the weakened Ted Dibiase and goes for the pin.

Kick out!

JR: “Good try by Jack Swagger but to soon.”

Coach: “Will you shut up JR? He’s the All American, American. You should respect him a bit more.”

All of a sudden blackness fills the arena again for the second time in a row! Everybody is screaming and not knowing what to do as the only thing that guides us again, is the voices of Jim Ross and Jonathan Coachman.

Coach: “What the hell! Not again JR! NOT AGAIN!”

JR: “Folks, it appears we’re having some more technical difficulties with the power again, we do apologize.”

The lights come back to normal and Ted Dibiase is laid out cold in the middle of the ring. The referee is holding onto the ropes adjusting back to the light with his eyes. Jack Swagger…is gone!

JR: “Where the hell is Jack Swagger! Where in gods name did he go coach!”

Coach: “The All American, American is gone! WHAT? This can’t be happnening! Where the fuck is Eric Bischoff JR! This is down right bull shit!”

The referee looks around and has no choice but to start a ten count on Jack Swagger. The referee finally gets to ten and the crowd is erupting in boo’s. The ref rolls Ted Dibiase over to see if he’s okay and there’s paint spray markings again! Revealing the simple words of ‘The Pack Is Back’. The fans see the camera shot on the big screen and scream once again with the slogan we’ve been seeing since day one.


JR: “This is sickening Coach. The fans love it and we’ve got a valued member of our roster gone! This is crazy!”

Coach: “Damn these fans and damn this pack. Speaking of freaks, I guess were going backstage with Raven.”

Conclusion: Ted Dibiase Jr Defeats Jack Swagger Via Pin Fall To Advance in the Project Title Tournament.

Title: Why Me? Why?
Involved: Raven, Eve Torres & Edge

Eve Torres: “Thanks Coach! I’m standing here with the flock of the pack as always, Raven! Raven, so tell me what you’re thinking right now about the this Project Championship?”

Raven: “What am I thinking? What is Raven thinking? I’m hardly ever thinking when I come across your path Eve. Your beautiful. What about me? What about Raven? Does anybody think he’s beautiful? No! Nobody! I don’t give two shits about CM Punk because quite frankly, this Project Championship is mine! I’ve never wanted anything more in this federation than the World Title. It seems I can’t have that now. It appears I’m not worthy enough to be at that level. So here I am. A shot at some more gold and you think I’m going to fail?”

Eve Torres: “I never said that. I wish everybody does good and has a great career.”

Raven: “Don’t pretend you like me. Nobody does. Nobody likes Raven. Why me? Why? The only person to have no friends and to be directed into situations I never seem to get myself out of. It’s always me. Why?”

Eve Torres: “I’m really sorry to hear that Raven but…”

Edge walks into the picture with his dark sunglasses and serious face. He gets right up into the face of Raven, as Eve Torres is jammed in the middle holding the microphone up to his mouth.

Edge: “STOP! All you fucking do is bitch and complain. Do us all a favor and shut the fuck up!”

Edge takes of his sunglasses.

Edge: “Fix up your damn hair a little bit. Take a shower. Actually scrub yourself and maybe just for once in your pathetic lifetime and career Eve’s to afraid to tell you about…you’ll actually look normal. All you do is cry and bitch, complain and moan, sob and be a dead weight to this organization. Step your game up and become a man! LET YOUR FUCKIN BALLS DROP!”

Edge yells into the face of Raven. Raven says no words and just attacks Edge with a big lefts and rights. Eve Torres backs way up and lets the two men go at it. Rolling around on the floor as security is trying to break them apart.

Eve Torres: “Well, back you guys at ringside!”

JR: “Well thanks Eve! Be careful!”

Coach: “I guess we’re going to get right into things here with Jeff Hardy and Lance Storm. What a match this will be!”

Project Championship Tournament- Round 1
Singles Match

Lillian Garcia: "Introducing first, Lance Storm!"

The Canadian Theme starts to play, as the crowd gets restless, knowing who was about to make their way out from behind the thick draped curtains. Sick to their stomachs of listening to the man know as Lance Storm, and even more so with his actions. Most recently he cost AJ Styles his world title opportunity last week, and now he stands in the way of the hero known as Jeff Hardy. Lance slowly struts to the ring, a shower of boos follow his every step, and he looks into the crowd with pure anger. He looks to the ring and notices the ref circling as he climbs up the stairs and enters the ring. He starts to stretch via the ropes, extending his shoulders and back as he gets set for he match.

Lillian Garcia: "And his opponent, Jeff Hardy!"

"Death from Above" screeches through the speakers and straight into the eardrums of the fans, who lift to their feet and share in the excitement with cheers. The obnoxious Hardy emerges from the back, dancing and celebrating the entire way to the ring. High fives and quick greeting sessions as he maneuvers closer to the ring. He hops on the apron, still dancing and playing to the crowd as his music continues to blare. Lance Storm waists no time as he catches Jeff with a forearm to his back, knocking him off the apron. The music dies down and Lance exits the ring. He scoops up Hardy and runs his back into the ring post. Storm rolls him back into the ring and immediately follows.


JR: "Lance Storm wasting no time, as he knows this is a golden opportunity for him after what happened last week."

Coach: "You mean after he got ROBBED!?"

Lance is on the attack quickly with stomps to the back of Jeff Hardy's head, showing no mercy as the fans begin to boo. Jeff is on the ground, arms stretched over his head being used for protection. Storm drops an elbow, getting back to his feet quickly and gaining control of Hardy's head. Lance rips back on the once Hardy Boy, trying to pull his head from his body. Lance repositions then drops him with one hell of a DDT. The fans begin to feel that this is getting worse by the seconds as Lance gets to his feet again, and executes a sidewalk slam. Hardy looks weak and defeated just mere minutes into the match, the angered crowd knows Lance with his cheap shot may have just stole this match. Lance hooks his legs and goes for the pin.


Jeff Hardy kicks out with impressive force. The purple haired man is not ready to throw in the towel just yet, but Storm is irate. He stalks behind the Hardy boy and locks in, then plants a Russian leg sweep. He moves behind Hardy and locks in a secure sleeper hold. Hardy looks to be fading fast as he fans decide they must help their fallen hero. A solid "Hardy" chant bust's out and grows in dramatic fashion as Hardy’s hand falls to the mat for the second time. The screams deepen with concern, as the third attempt on the falling arm of Hardy is a failure. Jeff catches his arm right before it hit's the mat, the fans start to chant even louder and Hardy begins to stomp with his feet. His energy looks to be coming back to him as Lance looks worried.

JR: "And here comes Hardy!"

Jeff stands to his feet with Lance snuggled around his neck. Elbow number one to the stomach of Storm softens him up, loosening his grip. Elbow number two causes him to release his grip and Jeff is off, hitting the ropes and leaping into Lance with a forearm to the head. Lance is down and Hardy is up. Jeff calling for the crowd to stay loud, he grabs Lance by the head and quickly nails him with a twist of fate! Jeff goes for the quick win as he hooks the leg. Only a two count, as Lance Storm is disliked, but no slouch in the ring. Jeff is to his feet and plants Storm into the corner, sitting on the mat. Jeff runs at him full speed then hitting a baseball slide and knocking Storm even further down on the mat.

Coach: "Is that even legal?"

DDT and a suplex by Jeff Hardy cause the fans excitement to swell, and the pain for Storm to mount. Lance is dragged into the center of the ring, then on the receiving end of a leg drop. He gets back up and then lands an elbow drop. Hardy with a few crude stomps to the face then dashes o the turnbuckle. He gets to the top, posing for his fans. Lance looks helpless as Hardy leaps, spinning in miraculous form high in the air. SWANTON BOMB!! He lands it and hooks the leg!



Coach: "Lance, what the hell is going on?"

Lillian Garcia: “And your winner, Jeff Hardy!"

Conclusion: Jeff Hardy Defeats Lance Storm Via Pin Fall To Advance in the Project Championship Tournament.

Title: Shawn Michaels & Jeremy Borash w/ A Splash of McCool
Involved: Shawn Michaels, Michelle McCool, & Jeremy Borash

We cut backstage where Jeremy Borash is standing with a microphone. He raises the microphone up to his mouth and begins to speak.

Jeremy Borash: “Welcome pW fanatics! I’m Jeremy Borash and we’ve got a special interview for you tonight. I’ve personally made it a point to get a word with one of the most coolest, craziest, sexiest, well-loved men this organization and the world has to offer! Mr. Wrestlmania! The Main Event! The Showstoppa! SHAWN MICHAELS!”

Shawn Michaels comes walking into the scene next to Jeremy Borash along with Michelle McCool. The fans go crazy over the sight of these two. Jeremy continues.

Jeremy Borash: “Welcome you two, welcome!”

Shawn Michaels: “Thanks Jeremy. I just want to say thanks to all my fans out there who support me day in and day out. I love the fan mail, keep it coming!”

Michaels says as he smiles and continues to chew his piece of gum. Michelle McCool is hanging on his shoulder with her blonde hair falling to her shoulders and even past. The blonde, fierce, Barbie smiles to the camera and the fans.

Jeremy Borash: “So the first question I have for you Shawn Michaels is this…everybody is saying how AJ Styles would’ve beat you this and that. What’s your thoughts on what happnend? Could you of beat AJ?”

Shawn Michaels: “Well Jeremy, it’s hard to say because in all reality I think I can beat anybody on this roster. That’s my attitude at all times. I’m the best is the way I always looked at it. I’m more pissed that I didn’t get put in the main event. As for AJ Styles advancing in the tournament over me? I hardly doubt it! They don’t call me the ‘Showstoppa’ for nothing! I didn’t need the help of an individual who loses his own advancement after helping me win mine. Trust me.

Jeremy Borash: “Very good. So how do you feel about tonight? Going against an ex-friend. Somebody whom you’ve stood by in that ring? Triple H.”

Shawn Michaels: “A good friend? You call that bastard of a human being a good friend? Not even close. Triple H is far from a good friend, he’s more like an acquaintance. He thinks it’ll be all fun and all games but guess what? We all know that he’s excellance isn’t as good as mine. Yeah, he may be the next best thing in pW but guess what? I’m the best damn thing that’s happen.”

Jeremy Borash: “Everybody is favoring Triple H over you, how do you feel about that?”

Shawn Michaels: “Are you kidding me? Who is everybody? Because if your talking about a couple people who think they can analyze a match in their puny little skulls, it’s wrong. You don’t know what’s going to happen Jeremy, neither do I. Shit Michelle doesn’t even know. I’m going to get out there and do my best, give it my all, and entertain my fans because this is what I love to do!”

Jeremy Borash: “As we all know Shawn, we know. So when did you guys start ‘hanging’ around each other?”

Shawn Michaels looks at Michelle. She smiles back and then looks at Jeremy.

Michelle McCool: “A few weeks ago.”

Jeremy Borash: “Oh, so this is a new thing uh?”

Shawn Michaels: “Yeah this is actually. So far it’s going great and I wouldn’t want anybody else on my side than this lady right here.”

The fans go wild and crazy. Michelle does a little dance for the crowd and Jeremy’s eyes widened. His professional stature retains fairly quickly though, asking a wrestling question.

Jeremy Borash: “Will we ever see Michelle McCool wrestle in that ring?”

Michelle McCool: “When they want to bring that belt active in this federation, I’ll be more than happy to hold that belt with pride. Because I’m just to damn cool!”

Shawn and Michelle McCool exit the scene.

Jeremy Borash: “Well, back to you guys down at ringside!”

Project Championship Tournament- Round 1
Singles Match

Lillian Garcia: “Introducing first, the challenger making his way to the ring… Cody Rhodes!”

Legacy music begins to play for a second time tonight but this time, it’s Cody Rhodes who comes out walking from the curtains. His black hair, shirtless, and monumental stair down at the ring was the usual for this man. Cody slides into the ring and bounces off the ropes a couple times. He stenches his arms and waits for his opponent.

JR: “Well, let’s see if Cody has just as much luck as his brother did. That was wild Coach, wild.”

Coach: “Cody knows what he’s doing and I think he’ll be just fine. As long as the lights don’t go out and he comes up missing like Jack Swagger, he’ll be fine.”

Lillian Garcia: “Up next, coming to the ring is THE MIZ!”

The Miz comes out walking to his music and he stops at the top entrance. He throws his arms in a crossed position and the fans boo him enormously. As they do, fire works shoot off in every other direction. The Miz bounces down to the ring and climbs up the metal stairs. He as well, enters the ring and bounces off the ropes a couple times. He smiles at Cody Rhodes who looks pissed off more than ever. The referee rings for the bell as Lillian Garcia exits the ring.


JR: “The Miz had a bad week last week and hopefully he can bounce back from his loss Coach. I like this guy.”

Coach: “I do too King but for some reason I just don’t think he’s got what it takes going against a pissed of Cody Rhodes.”

The Miz and Cody Rhodes lock up and struggles for position. Both men seem to be equally matched up. Cody ends up shoving Miz back into the ropes with his power and the Miz just laughs. They lock up yet again, this time The Miz gets the best of Cody and shoves him into the corners turnbuckle. He tries to follow up and lands a body splash but The Miz completely misses and smashes his chest off the turnbuckle. Cody reacts and follows through with a nice neck breaker as Miz stumbled backwards.

JR: “What a nice neck breaker that was Coach!”

Coach: “Cody out to a good start here JR.”

Cody Rhodes pulls The Miz up by his head but as he does, Miz breaks free and smashes Cody in the gut. Cody doubles over and Miz runs and bounces off the ropes, comes up behind him, and delivers one malicious bulldog. The Miz bounces up quick from the move and beats on his chest in rage. The momentum that’s ever so precious in the ring of project:Wrestling, is now back into his hands. The fans still boo him for his cocky arrogant ways, as he stomps on the head of his opponent. The Miz picks up Cody by his head and executes an upper cut. Cody falls back into the ropes and just hangs there with his arms over the top ropes. Miz takes a couple steps back and runs full forces at Cody and nails him with a clothesline, sending both men over the top.

JR: “Oh no Coach, they’re now to the outside!”

Coach: “That’s right JR! With both these well-hated men on the outside, who knows what will happen. They’re both dirty!”

The Miz is still in control as he gets to his feet first and picks up the weekend Cody Rhodes. The Miz smashes his face off the guardrail and drops Rhodes to one knee. Miz takes advantage of the position he’s in and smashes his face off the guardrail once again. Only this time, Cody Rhodes falls to the hard, cold, black mat that covers the cemented floors. Not much cushion at all. The fans start getting more and more into it as The Miz raises his arms in the air like, ‘COME ON’. The Miz runs and slides back into the ring and raised his arms high again. He runs and jumps onto the top turn buckles and launches off the top to the outside of the ring! He lands a perfect elbow drop but also hurts himself in the process.


Coach: “I’m sitting right here, jackass.”

JR: “Both men are down and out Coach this is not good for either one of them!”

Coach: “Well if they don’t their ass up pretty soon, both these guys will be disqualified. The referee has already began the count!”


The Miz is moving around on the outside for a second or two, holding his back in great paint. The high-risk maneuver paid off but it could’ve cost him his next match. The referee continues.


The Miz is now onto his feet.


The Miz makes into the ring and rolls back out, resetting the ten count. The referee even argues with The Miz a bit, because he could’ve really just one that match. Miz picks up Cody and rolls him into the ring. Immediately he covers for the win!

Kick out!

JR: “Oh! I thought he had it Coach! I really thought The Miz had it!”

Coach: “That was close but don’t count out Cody Rhodes just yet. This youngster’s got a lot of fight in him!”

The Miz out of frustration and anger argues with the referee and how the slow count was. So he thought. The referee argued back and all of a sudden Miz starts falling backwards!”

Coach: “Cody is going for the pin from behind!”


JR: “NO!”

Coach: “See, I told you. This kid is swift.”

Cody is still hurt and weak though after he built up that energy to try for the win. The Miz got to his feet as well but his back was in a lot of pain still from such a high jump. The crowd is going wild from the acrobatic jumps and moves so far. The Miz picks up Cody and tosses him into the ropes. The Miz goes for a clothesline but misses because of Cody ducking out of the way. Cody grabs Miz from the back and gets him in position for Cross Rhodes. He raises his arm into the air, calling out for the end.

JR: “This is it Coach, if he nails this Miz is done!”

The Miz some how slips out of the hold quickly and taking advantage. He gets Cody set up for the ‘Mizzard of Ozz’ and nails it perfectly!


JR: “What an effort by Cody Rhodes. I guess you could say that The Miz was the swift one here tonight. Good rebound after last week.”

Coach: “Yeah, yeah, yeah JR. Shut up.”

Conclusion: The Miz Defeats Cody Rhodes Via Pin Fall To Advance in the Project Championship Tournament.

Title: One Step Closer
Involved: Jeff Hardy & CM Punk

Jeff Hardy is seen walking down the hall, passing door after door. The tables and various objects that lay before him were no distraction as he continues to his destination. Out of one of the doors comes none other than CM Punk. The two are mere inches from one another as Punk smirks and Jeff takes a step back. Their eyes locked, muscles stiffen. They know what's up, having just got into a argument at a local house show questioning each others ability. Punk lowers his head and begins to speak.

CM Punk:. "You want to do this on television Hardy? The entire world will see how much of a talent less, pathetic, lazy piece of garbage you truly are."

Jeff Hardy: "Punk you are out of your god damn mind if you think you can "fix" me. I am who I am, plain and simple. You either love me, or hate me. And 99.9 percent of those fans, love me."

The crowd tunes in with a loud "HARDY" chant. Punk seems a bit taken back from Jeff Hardy's remarks. His surprise soon turns to a look of anger and disgust.

CM Punk: "See Jeff, that is what I am talking about. You are who you are. I know this, but you see these fans are under an influence. They don't care about the truth, they over look and forget the things you do, because they are out doing the same thing. They don't ask questions, just ignore it and smoke or snort away their problems. PATHETIC!"

Jeff Hardy: "Well this pathetic piece of garbage is one step closer than you at becoming the Project Wrestling's first Project Champion! You win your match tonight and who knows, maybe you get your ass whooping you so desperately desire. Maybe then you will forget this none sense of fixing people, and start living up to your potential."

Jeff walks through Punk, shoving his way past. Punk is pissed, steaming with hate as he stares into the camera. He starts to walk down the hall , rage in his poise as he foams at the mouth.

Project Championship Tournament- Round 1
Singles Match

Lillian Garcia: “This match is scheduled for one fall and introducing first…CM PUNK!”

‘The Fire Burns’ by Killswitch Engage begins its upbeat tempo, as the fans don’t really know how to react. Some cheer and some boo. More so just not caring. CM Punk changes al that and then some when he comes out jumping around and going crazy. Trying to get the fans into it but more importantly showing off his ‘cool’ image. Punk heads for the ring and slides in. Some fire works explode and his music finally comes to an end.

JR: “The newest addition to project:Wrestling, CM Punk made a statement last week. Let’s see if he can pull it off in the ring.”

Coach: “Against Raven? I don’t think so. Raven is a mad man.”

Lillian Garcia: “Introducing next, his opponent they call him RAVEN!”

‘Come Out And Play’ hits and the fans have the same effect as they did for CM Punk, no care. A couple die-hard crazed Raven fans through up their signs and cheered but that was the extent of it. Raven comes out walking from the back with his deranged clothes and messy hair. He enters the ring and sits in the corner. The ref rings for the bell as Raven continues to sit in place.

JR: “So your money’s on Raven then is it?”

Coach: “Shit, my money isn’t on Raven nor CM Punk. I think Raven is going to win and that’s that. I wouldn’t bet my money on these two fools.”

JR: CM Punk just stands there looking at Raven, whom is sitting in the corner still. He’s peering through his dreads draping over his face but has no real concern. He loves pain so he doesn’t care what happens. CM Punk just runs and drops kick Raven right in the face and the ref rings for the bell!


Raven sits back up in his corner and smiles at the pain he just endured. Punk wastes no time and begins to kick his head, bouncing it off the corner post in the ring. He then picks Raven up by the hair and tosses him over the top ropes and onto the outside. Punk bounces off the ropes and runs diving through the middle ropes and into Raven who was trying to get up. CM Punk gets up again and Raven is getting up slowly as well, Punk takes his head and smashes it off the guard rails and Raven falls back down quickly. Most stomps and kicks were delivered but didn’t keep Raven down. Punk grabs Raven and whips him into the steel steps, causing a loud noise to shatter through out the arena.

JR: “What a shot!”

Coach: “Yes that was JR! His head is definitely rattled now.”

Punk tries to pick up Raven but gets punched in the gut. He doubles over and Raven lifts Punk into the air and lands a front suplex nicely. The ref begins the count after trying to get this match under control.


Raven in the mean time doesn’t care and picks him up again, this time he power bombs Punk on the outside. The fans sigh in aw. Raven goes underneath the ring and pulls out a metal chair. He waits for Punk to get to his feet.


CM Punk slowly gets to his feet and turns around.


Raven lights the face up of CM Punk with the chair! The referee singals for the bell right away, not even finishing his ten count!

Lillian Garcia: “Here is your winner due to disqualification! CM PUNK!”

JR: “What the hell is going through this guys mind right now? Does he understand he can’t win doing that?”

Coach: “Somehow, I think he’s still stuck in the ECW era.”

JR: “Something crazy is happening out back, lets’ get to it!”

Conclusion: CM Punk Defeats Raven Via Disqualification To Advance in the World Title Tournament.

Title: Locked Up
Involved: Abyss

The camera opens up with a door before us, locks placed everywhere and inside the door you could hear a man screaming in rage. Things were being thrown and with the sounds of his voice he didn’t appear to be happy. All of a sudden, a banging from the inside of the door starts to happen. The door begins to shake a bit but nothing serious. Then, silence. All of a sudden the door breaks and the head of Abyss pops out into the plain view. He screams for fear in you. The scene then cuts to black.

JR: “I guess somebody locked up the monster, Abyss.”

Coach: “Good job locking him up because he’s out right now!”

World Title Tournament- Round 2
Singles Match

The crowd is settled and talking amongst themselves when all of a sudden…

Lillian Garcia: “Introducing! ‘Da Champ!”’ JOHN CENA!”

John Cena comes running out from the back hyped up and getting the crowd into it! The house is rocking with John Cena bouncing down the ring looking like the shit. He’s slapping the fans high fives and even rapping to his entrance theme. He enters the ring stylishly and climbs into the ring. His music comes to and end and we wait.

Jim Ross: “Well this should be one hell of a match, I’ve said that may times before but this will be one to remember.”

Coach: “You mean old ass Dave Finlay who will probably end up stomping out John Cena, the new and up rising superstar that he is today? Yeah probably will be a good match.”

“MY NAME IS FINLAY AND I LOVE TO FIGHT!” Blares loud and clear over the PA Systems. The crowd gets to their feet and just watch the Irish machine walk out to the ring. The well maintained yet attitude not so tamebale, monster of a man comes walking down the ramp. Steady and firm his walk was. Not flinching a muscle to the annoying crowd they sometimes can be, or even the dead lock stair John Cena had on him while he was walking to the ring. Nothing. Dave Finlay slides in and stands right up. His emotions high and angry but yet, willing to fight. An open hand from Dave Finlay comes flying across the face of John Cena who was giving the man his respect. The referee sounds for the bell!


John Cena and Dave Finlay go to lock up but Dave Finlay knees John Cena into the gut. He throws him in a head lock and clamps tight, not letting go of a well-liked man here in the project:Wrestling organization. Finlay yanks and pulls trying to wear John Cena down early. The fans get behind him though and start chanting his name.

The Fans: “Cena! Cena! Cena!”

The momentum from these fans chanting his name picks up a little bit. He frees himself and shoves Finlay into the ropes. Finlay comes back and just demolishes John Cena with a huge shoulder block back to the canvas. Cena pops back up and tries to throw a left but gets blocked. Finlay delivers a left. Cena goes for another. Blocked. Finlay hits him again with his big left and send him into the corner. Dave grabs a hold of the top rope and begins to use it as leverage tool by kicking Cena in the face and where ever else he may possibly can.

Coach: “Dave Finlay, what a monster.”

JR: “This Irish guy just don’t give two shits about anybody, does he?”

Coach: “Not one bit.”

Finlay backs up from the corner where Cena is now on the ground, still holding onto the top ropes. The referee made the break up but Finlay charges and Cena and runs his knee into his face. Cena falls completely over to the mat as the fans start to boo. Finlay talks shit back to them with his arms flaring about. He picks up John and puts him between his legs, lifts him up, and comes down hard with a power bomb. Finlay goes for the cover!”

Kick out!

Coach: “Well I guess John Cena isn’t looking like ‘Da Champ’ now, is he?”

JR: “The match just started Coach, shut up and watch it.”

Coach: “Whoa, must be a John Cena fan we got here uh? My bad.”

Finlay gets up and argues with the referee for a couple of seconds, enough time for John Cena to grab his composer and attack Finlay with a spear as soon as he turned around. John gets on top of Finlay and begins to unleash a series of punches and blows to the head area. The fans go nuts for this guy. John gets up and tosses Finlay into the ropes and as Finlay comes back, Cena delivers a huge clothesline. He pumps his hands and screams at the tops of his lungs, getting the crowd more involved. John waste no time after that and throws a couple boots to the back of Dave’s head. He picks him back up and then scoop body slams him. Cena bounces off the ropes and comes back with a huge leg drop! Cena covers for the win!”

Kick out!

JR: “A quick kick out there by the man who picked up his wrestling skills from a bar!”

Coach: “That’s right, Finlay used to fight in bars to get his fix of excitement. Crazy son of a bitch.”

John Cena lifts Finlay up to his feet and chucks him into the ropes yet again. Finlay comes back and ducks a clothesline from Cena and then positions himself for the ‘Celtic Cross’. He grabs John Cena and has everything in position. He lands it perfectly!

JR: “There it is! The Celtic Cross!”

Coach: “That’s what one mistake will do to ya!”


Lillian Garcia: “Here’s your winner by pin fall, DAVE FINLAY!”

JR: “John Cena is sitting up in failure!”

Coach: “He doesn’t look to happy, that’s for sure!”

Conclusion: Dave Finlay Defeats John Cena Via Pin Fall To Advance in the World Title Tournament.

World Title Tournament- Round 2
Singles Match

Lillian Garcia: "Introducing first, R Truth!"

"What’s up?" Is screamed from the crowd, emerging is R Truth with a microphone in hand, shirtless and full of energy. He is bouncing from side to side, dancing with the fans as his interactive entrance is in full swing. "What’s up" Truth yells again with the crowd replying with the same question. Truth throws himself into the wide-open arms of the crowd chanting his favorite phrase. R Truth's own creation of music playing throughout. He nears the ring as the crowd releases him unharmed, still dancing and ready for action. He hops up onto the apron, "What’s up?" again is let loose from his mouth. The fans again respond with the same response. Truth lowers his body and enters the ring. He tosses the microphone to the outside, and then looks to the top of the entranceway.

JR: "R-Truth looks ready!"

Coach: "But can anyone truly be a hundred percent ready for this man?"

Lillian Garcia: "And his opponent, the Monster Abyss!"

JR: "Never have you spoken more truth in one sentence Coach, never!"

The mood sours when the dark familiar carnival music starts, Abyss is seen towering over the audience below the ramp. His walk is slow, his head bent, and hand full of his own hair. He looks to R Truth. The two are locked in a stare down. Truth's mouth slightly opens, as his eyes intense with desire. Abyss takes his time getting to the ring, letting the fans pour on the hate and disgust they have for this disturbed being. Abyss reaches the top rope, lifting him up and entering the ring. R Truth backs up and starts slapping his chest and arms as he bounces in circles around the still Abyss. R Truth goes for a head lock but Abyss swipes him way.


Abyss screams, R Truth hits the rope and the crowd is enriched with excitement. Truth leaves his feet rocketing towards the monster, only to bounce from the beast like he was hitting a brick wall. Abyss unmoved raises his arms looking at the downed R Truth who jumps to his feet and wipes his mouth. The stand still is erased with Truth once more attacking Abyss via springing from the ropes. Nothing. Abyss does not move, this time Truth is still on his feet as he attempted a shoulder block. His strength is not enough to even budge this dangerous creature. R Truth decides to give it one more go, only now he is caught. Clinched in the grips of Abyss, his neck firm in his grasp as Truth’s eyes widens and he soon realizes this is not good.

Coach: "I think this is over JR. OVER!"

JR: "NO! R Truth getting dirty with a low blow!"

Coach: "Did he really have a choice?"

JR: "I suspect not, as I don't see that being in his game plan."

Abyss releases the hand full of Adams apple he had and slumps over. Truth rubs his neck, sore with redness as he hits the rope; diving head butt removes the Monster from his previous position but not off his feet. Abyss is on the receiving end of another attack from Truth, this time a drop kick, which sends him, leaned against the rope but still on his feet. R Truth feeds the crowd as he raises his hand and stomps his feet. Recognizing the control he has, R Truth again spring boards off the rope at Abyss. The huge hands giving to the monster at birth cradle Truth, once again around his neck. This time Abyss lands his well-known choke slam and leaves the crowd stunned. Truth is down, rolling in pain as Abyss brings him back to his feet.


Coach: "Two in a row! No way Truth is getting up!"

JR:: "Here's the pin."


Coach: "Abyss advances!!"

JR: "Indeed he does, in impressive fashion too!"

Lillian Garcia: "And here is your winner, Abyss!!"

Conclusion: Abyss Defeats R-Truth Via Pin Fall To Advance in the World Title Tournament.

World Title Tournament- Round 2
Singles Match

Lillian Garcia: “Introducing first, he’s the one they call ‘The Game’. He is…TRIPLE H!”

“The Game’ by Motohead echoes through out the arena. The sounds enrich the audience to a certain extent, others shrugging of the rude and ignorant Hunter. The Game comes walking out with his water bottle in hand. He stops at the top of the ramp and fire works explode everywhere as he raises his arms into the air. He continues his journey to the ring and gets up on to the apron, but doesn’t get into the ring yet. He spits out a mist of water as more fire works explode from each end of the ring post. He gets in the ring as the lights stop flashing everywhere.

JR: “The Game has looked awfully dominate lately. Last week he demolished Raven and the now missing Jack Swagger last week in the main event.”

Coach: “Great match that was and obviously the victor is standing before us. I’m predicting this man to take it all. Triple H is one man on a mission.”

Lillian Garcia: “Introducing next, his opponent on his way to the ring….the ‘Heart Break Kid’. He is…SHAWN MICHAELS!”

“OH! OH! SHAWN!” Blares and the fans go absolutely nuts! Every single fan in the arena get to their feet and start cheering for this man of his word. He comes out from the back with Michelle McCool behind him. He’s dancing a bit and entertaining the crowd. He stops at the top of the ramp and lens to one side with his famous pose and fire words explode all behind him in a row. Michelle is standing right behind him, pointing with her hands like he’s the show right now. They both walk down to the ring and Shawn is the only one to get in. He takes off his extra and spits out his gum. The referee signals for the bell.

JR: “This is going to be one hell of a match Coach. I can feel the intensity brewing right now.”

Coach: “Are you sure that’s not the chili you ate earlier?”


Triple H and Shawn Michaels stand there looking at each other, not even sizing one another up. Just looking. The history between both these men go back and the friendship they once had took part of this stair down. Triple H extends his hand to Shawn Michaels as a peace offering as the crowd is going nuts, booing at the offer. Michaels looks at the crowd and smiles. He turns his attention back to Triple H and hesitantly shakes his hand. Michelle McCool enters the ring as well and the referee looks confused!

All of a sudden Shawn Michaels looks at the crowd and puts his arms in a ‘X’ sign. He then brings them down and chops his crotch area, screaming two words for the crowd.

Shawn Michaels: “SUCK IT!”

Triple H is laughing in the background as the fans continue to boo!


Coach: “Something isn’t right here JR.”

While Shawn continues to taunt the crowd, Michelle McCool is doing the same thing. Shawn turns around to face Triple H and boom! Gets kicked into the gut.


Triple H hooks the arms of Shawn Michaels and nails the ‘Pedigree’. Hunter goes for the cover as Michelle McCool stands there stunned.

Coach: “I KNEW IT!”


Conclusion: Triple H Defeats Shawn Michaels Via Pin Fall To Advance in the World Title Tournament.

World Title Tournament- Round 2
Main Event

JR: “Well what a match we just saw folks! Coming back from the break, we had Shawn Michaels just embarrassed in front of millions of fans watching from home and this very own arena!”

Coach: “Triple H just shook the hand of Shawn Michaels and made a truths with him and then just ‘Pedigreed’ him to the canvas!”

JR: “Well I guess we’re ready for the main event, the one every body has been waiting for!”

Coach: “Daniels taking on The Rock!”

Lillian Garcia: “Ladies and gentlemen this match is scheduled for one fall and one fall only! Introducing first…the challenger…DANIELS!”

"Wings Of A Fallen Angel" by Dave Oliver begin to play through out the arena. The fans go nuts! They start to cheer for one of their favorite superstars project:Wrestling has to offer in Daniels. Daniels comes out walking and slapping the fans high five. He makes his way down to the ramp and ever so gracefully climbs in. His music comes to and end and the fans settle down a bit.

JR: “Daniels is the favored one in this match-up Coach. This guy seems to be dominate!”

Coach: “The favored one? Are you kidding me JR? Do you realize who his opponent is?”

“IF YA SMELLLLLLLLLLL!!! WHAT THE ROCK!! IS COOKIN!” The Rock comes walking out to his music as it drops hard and the fans get back to their feet. The fans are cheering and some booing with the new and improved ‘cocky Rocky attitude’. The Rock stands at the top of the ramp for a moment, lowers his sunglasses, then rises the ‘People’s Eyebrow’ at the camera and the crowd. He continues down his path and enters the ring. Once in the ring he motions like he’s going to back hand Daniels but just lets him know he’s there. The Rock gets up on the middle rope in one corner of the ring, and raises his hand high and proud. He takes in the intensity this crowd is giving him.

:Coach: “And Daniels is the favored one? Are you kidding me JR? ARE YOU KIDING ME?”

JR: “The Rock is the most electrifying man in sports entertainment.”

The two gentlemen standing in the ring are ready to go at each other’s throat, waiting for the opportunity to advance in the next round of this tournament. The referee asks if both men are ready as they circle each other up. He signals for the bell and we’re under way!”


As the fans go crazy for this match to happen, both men lock up in the middle of the ring. They struggle for position but The Rock gets the upper hand and throws Daniels backwards. Daniels is stunned by the power. They lock up yet again and the same thing happens only this time Daniels gets thrown into the corner. The Rock turns his back to him putting his arms in the air as the crowd goes wild! They begin to chant his name.

The Fans: “Rocky! Rocky! Rocky! Rocky!”

The Rock turns around as Daniels charges at him with a clothesline, yet Rock ducks it and kicks him in the mid section. Immediately The Rock follows up and lands a signature DDT by slapping Daniels on the back before falling backwards. The Rock goes for a quick cover.

Kick out!

JR: “Not this time Coach, nice attempt.”

Coach: “The Rock is gonna have to do a bit more than that to win this match.”

The Rock picks up Daniels and tosses him into the ropes. As he comes back The Rock lifts him onto his shoulders and falls backwards with a salmon drop. The Rock is absolutely pumped up right now as he gets back to his feet and unleashes a couple more kicks to the head of Daniels. The Rock picks him up again taking total control of this match and tosses him into the turnbuckles. The Rock charges and throws his knee into his lower body causing him to double over yet again. The Rock bounces off the ropes and delivers a perfect picture bull dog.

Coach: “Wow, last week on the first ever show we hosted, Daniels dominated his match. This week, not so much JR.”

JR: “Daniels isn’t looking healthy at all and oh my god! He’s in a bad position this early in the match! The Rock is going for the ‘People’s Elbow’!”

The Rock sure enough kicks both arms of Daniels to his side as he laid on the canvas. The Rock slowly rips off his elbow bad, chucks it into the crowd, and then bounces off each side of the ropes before coming down with a stunning elbow on the sternum. The fans go nuts as The Rock just electrified this crowd. He gets up and picks up Daniels at the same time. He hooks him up for Rock Bottom and nails it perfectly! The Rock covers!”


JR: “Wow are you serious!”

Coach: “The Rock just dominated that match JR, dominated! What happened to Daniels there? He’s looking a bit pale!”

Lillian Garcia: “Your winner of the match and now advancing to the next round of the World Title Tournament! THHHHHE ROCK!”

Conclusion: The Rock Defeats Daniels Via Pin Fall To Advance in the World Title Tournament.

JR: “As The Rock is celebrating in the ring with his victory we’ll be turning our attention to backstage folks.”

Coach: “It always gets intresting when we go back stage.”

JR: “Indeed it does Coach, indeed it does.”

Title: Wasn’t Me!
Involved: Eric Bischoff & Edge

We open up right behind Eric Bischoff talking to a couple crew people making sure everything is in the right place. The clean up process takes a while and Eric loves to make sure everything is ran smoothly, even behind the scenes. Eric starts to walk back towards his office and he does so nodding to the by standers congratulating him on a good show. He gets to his office door and opens it.

Eric Bischoff: “WHAT THE FUCK!?”

The camera pans around so you could see inside of the boss man’s office. Black spray-paints all over of his room saying ‘The Pack is Back’ fills the room completely. The anger and hostiality is brewing on his face. He comes walking back out of his office when he meets a familiar face, EDGE!”


Eric Bischoff: “Did you…did you fucking have anything to do with this?”

Edge stands there with a wide smile, almost creepy to the point where you thought it was he. He takes a quick look inside.

Edge: “Wasn’t me!”

Edge walks away brushing Eric Bischoff’s shoulder. Eric throws his clipboard off the wall as we cut back to ringside for the closed captioning.

JR: “Well folks, that’s all we have time for tonight! We hoped you enjoyed the show and please feel free to leave comments and suggestions! Are fan mail is widely arranged for your support!”

Coach: “I’m Jonathan Coachman!”

JR: “And I’m Jim Ross!”

JR & Coach: “DEAL WITH IT!”

The camera fades out to black and the credits begin to roll!

Opening Segment: Eric Bischoff
So What’s The Deal?: Eric Bischoff
Ted Dibiase Jr Vs. Jack Swagger: Eric Bischoff
Why Me? Why?: Raven
Jeff Hardy Vs. Lance Storm: Jeremy Borash
Shawn Michaels & Jeremy Borash w/ A Splash of McCool: Shawn Michaels
Cody Rhodes Vs. The Miz: Eric Bischoff
One Step Closer: Jeremy Borash
CM Punk Vs. Raven: Eric Bischoff
Dave Finlay Vs. John Cena: Eric Bischoff
Abyss Vs. R-Truth Jeremy Borash
Triple H Vs. Shawn Michaels: Edge
Main Event: Eric Bischoff
Wasn’t Me: Eric Bischoff