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Quotes Too Stupid for the Stupid Quotes List

Warning: You are entering a new level of stupidity. You should not continue if you are prone to heart problems asthma or constapaition.


Alison: "You're being all screwy.."

Anne Marie: *singing* "I'm Screwy, I'm dewy, my name is Lewy!"


Anne Marie: Shit, all my papers are wet..."

Alison: Actually you have papers in your binder not shit."

Anne Marie: XD


Anne Marie: *in a hillbilly hick voice* "We flew that garth."

Alison:*in the same voice* "And I recon you flew it good!"

Anne Marie: "Yep, we flew that garth reaaal good!


Joe: *in a farmer voice* "I like Pigs"


Alison: "ooooooh... pretty blue shiny car!"

Anne Marie: "HEY! That's Charlie's car!"


Anne Marie: "Pens are my loyal subjects!"


Joe: *Throws marble notebook at Anne Marie*

Anne Marie: *gets hit by marble note book* "the Flying Frisbee of DOOM!" *throws notebook back at Joe*


Sorry to interrupt, but Anne Marie has a random comment:

 My hands are cold.

And now back to our  quotes.


Joe: *drinking his soup* "IT BURNS!... IT BURNS!... IT BURNS!.. IT BURNS!.. Hey it doesn't burn anymore."


Anne Marie: *rocking back and forth singing* 

"The Insane List,

 The Insane List, 

this is the Insane List! 

I'm talking thru the rolled up Insane List.

 I like tape, 

I like paper bags, 

I like dogs even with out hair!

Joe likes peas

I like cheese

and hamsters go moo!

Joe hates peas

and I hate cheese

and the pink fluffy bunnies are my subjects

I am their Queen 

I am your Queen


*falls off chair* "ow"


Anne Marie: *Points at nose laughing randomly* "I have a nose!"


Anne Marie: " I have cheese stuck up my nose." (she actually didn't)


Anne Marie:*looking at Anne Marie's Mom* I'm not too sure I'm happy about being on the Quotes too Stupid for the Stupid Quote list so many times" *walks into recliner chair then points at it* "THAT CHAIR IS TRYING TO KILL ME!"

Anne Marie's Mom: XD

Want more? Don't fret (oooh, fret I like that word, fun word!) Knowing us, we will have more really stupid quotes soon. REAL soon.