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Code of Conduct

Union comes at the price of self ~ it is with the rejoicing of gallant efforts to build anew,
a society of individuals who are devoted to the Union of All.

These Americas which are now called ‘home’ to many individuals, were founded on just such a premise.
It was not for the few to become wealthy and powerful, for such things breed greed and corruption.
This Unity of One Truth, in which all are created equal, has now become tainted
by those who seek their individual wealth and at the cost of another’s Truth.


There is a code of conduct to be recognized by those who wear Our Seal of God’s Truth and Grace.

  • All ways, do unto others as thou would have done unto thee;
  • Seek no retribution, as it comes at the cost of Self;
  • Give freely unto those who seek, as We have given freely unto thee;
  • Know that as you are, so are your brethren ~ thus if thou art in Peace, so is your brother, if thou art in turmoil, so too is your brother.


    A code of conduct is the way in which you live your life,
    as an individual expression of That Which IS Divine,
    and is conducted to serve the whole of humanity.

    The Way in which you conduct your life is a living, breathing example of the presence of God in your life.
    Going to prayer on Sundays only, has little impact on life and love
    if you do not also carry the torch on the other days of the week.


    This is brought to you by the Council of Nine, so that all people might better hold the light within their individual expressions of the Divine.


    You are That Which you perceive, and as you perceive yourself, so do you perceive the world around you.

    We do not ask for you to become miracle workers overnight, though many of you have elected that path,
    We share this with you now so that you may know that as you live your life, so do you create your world.
    Therefore, if you live your life as a prayer, your world will reflect the Divine in all creatures great and small.

    In Truth ~ We Are One ~
