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Sustenance is That which sustains us
Emotionally, mentally, physically, Spiritually, & financially


The Law of Abundance says that you shall want for nothing. Meaning that by God’s Grace all things are provided.

If we are experiencing lack in any area of our lives, then it is because we have not completely accepted God’s Grace in that area of our life.

You see, God’s Grace says that you are loved, that you are forgiven, that you shall receive in abundance that which you yourself provide.

Illusion says that you must work hard to receive, that you are not loved, that you are sinners, that you are forgotten in the Kingdom of Heaven and so you may not receive of its bounty.

The illusion resides in the ‘little’ mind ‘I am’, this mind-set is a programmable unit of being. Therefore, you may reprogram this part of yourself to accept and receive the bounty of the Lord God through His Grace-full conception of Love.

This is accomplished through your belief systems. Thus, if your belief system indicates that all humans are sinners and therefore unworthy of the fruits of Heaven, simply reprogram your belief to incorporate God’s forgiveness ~ automatically. You do this by calling upon those to whom you now pray to in your current belief system. These beings are not incarnate and they are called by different names throughout the world of human-kind. Yet, they all hold One thing in common, they are the messengers between Heaven and Earth, they are the Bridge between you and Me.

Seek now to be closer to Me; to erase the illusion that you are not worthy. If you have sought forgiveness, you are forgiven. If you have sought to be worthy, then you are worthy. This I tell you now to be Truth.

To know no other before Me, IS to know Me within.
