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Developing your Psychic Senses

What gets in the way of our psychic experiences?
What delays our growth in the realm of psychic senses?

It is the mind.

As human beings, we are reasoning creatures; we are taught to reason: “If this, then that” ~ this is one of our gifts. Yet, reasoning is not the same as conditioning, and many humans have been “conditioned” to think one way or not to think at all, to simply follow what others say is the truth.

Our ability to reason should bring us closer to the Truth we all seek. Yet, only a handful of humanity is actually taught how to reason, how to seek for the unknown.

Most of humanity is taught to believe what the few “seekers” have discovered, rather than to seek for themselves. Humanity has become weak in their ability to seek … anything. They are made to feel that they should be content where they are and leave the seeking up to those more “qualified” for the job. ~ This is debilitating, not only to the individual, but to the culture, to the world in which we live.

There is an easy way around this ~ begin to ask questions, and keep asking until you have no doubt within yourself that you have found the answers. Do not accept an answer just because someone “qualified” has told you that it is so.

Do you believe that “one size fits all”? Just because they say it is so, doesn’t make it so. One size does not fit all. Try it on before you buy it, make sure that it fits you before you take it home and build your life around it.

HOW does this help you to build and hone your own psychic senses?


It helps you to re-condition your mind to ask questions, rather than to simply accept what someone else says.

This in turn helps your mind to “understand” that there are other possibilities. Once your mind understands that other possibilities exist, it will be more open to the experiences of psychic perception.

In order to experience something, it helps to be open to that experience. You may be riding that bike, but if someone has told you that it is a car and you believed what they said, then your mind will tell you that you are driving a car rather than riding a bike. Be open to the possibilities that exist before you and the psychic experiences will become more apparent in your every day life.

So, the first step is to acknowledge the possibility that what you are experiencing could be something other than “just a daydream”, or “just wandering thoughts”.

Once you have accepted the possibility that what you are experiencing might be something more than “just…” , the next step is ~

To NOTICE what it is that you are experiencing. Is it a thought, a vision, a feeling, etc. ?


So, there are a series of questions to ask yourself :

(In Journalism school, reporters are taught to ask key questions that will help them to ferret out the entire story or event : Who, What, Where, When, Why, How)


At this point of developing your psychic senses, the important questions are only three.

1) What ~ Ask yourself every “what” question you can think of.
2) Where ~ Again, ask yourself every “where” question you can think of.
3) Why ~ Why is this here now? Why am I feeling it in my tummy? Why am I thinking this? Why, why, why?

Don’t expect yourself to come up with only one answer. Don’t expect yourself to come up with the right answer. Don’t expect anything, just be open to the possibilities, be open to the myriad of answers that may stream forth once you begin to ask the questions.

After you become accustomed to asking the questions, your mind will begin using its ability to reason.
Once your reasoning capabilities kick in, you will begin to understand which of the answers are more likely to be accurate; you will begin the process of discernment.

Discernment allows us to filter out the garbage and find that which is most likely appropriate to each situation or person. It allows us to know what is right or wrong according to each individual or situation. It allows us to see what is coming in and where it is coming from.

In Discernment, you learn to trust your own Inner Guidance System, which is most closely connected to the Creator; rather than to seek and accept the answers from someone or something outside of yourself.

This is the beginning of your journey to Self Mastery.

You can do it, I KNOW you can. I’ve seen it.

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