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Changing the Rules


The more that you understand,
the better you become at playing the game.
Soon, with enough experience, you can change the rules, or find other ways of playing the game.


Before you become aware, you are a pawn in the game. As your awareness increases, your understanding increases, which then enables you to do things differently. Instead of only moving one small step at a time, you can move three or more steps at a time.

Experience is gained and retained through many avenues, through many life times.
What you have gained and retained through previous life times is stored within your cellular memories. Some of that information has not been accessed for a long period of ‘time’ and so it has been moved to the archives. This is where you will find information from experiences that will take you back to the beginning of your Uni Verse.

Many of these memories are group memories.
Therefore, many people will have the same memories. These memories may be accessed simply by going to the archives and requesting it.
When you receive those memories, try not to hold judgment of what they contain; simply watch the movie as it plays out in your mind.
Try not to attach to anything that you see, or feel; remember that many of the memories found in the archives are group memories.
To get to the archives, simply go into your altered state and once within, request access to the archives.

Experiences help to mold you into who you are.
Memories are records of experiences you have had before the ‘Now’.
When you are able to access those experiences stored in the archives, you will begin to more fully understand who you are in connection to each other and to that Which IS the One Divine Source.

If you attach to the memories housed in the archives, you run the risk of ego aggrandizement, where-in you become pre-occupied with a personage rather than with the understanding of the experience itself.
The players involved in creating those experiences are not as important as the experience itself.

If you have difficulty understanding the memories as they surface from the archives, simply write them down to review later.
Reviewing memories is also an “experience” and as with all experiences, time is needed to integrate the information before understanding can be obtained.