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How I Work

In giving readings and spiritual consultations, there is always the risk of taking another person’s power. It is almost always unintentional, no one truly seeks to give their power away, and most readers and healers do not desire to take another’s power, but it can happen.

This can cause unnecessary difficulties for both the Reader and the Seeker, most especially for the Reader, primarily due to the law of returns. In this, balance is continually sought, so that when something is taken without conscious awareness there is a higher return rate. In Other Words ~ If you give me your power without being consciously aware of what it is that you are doing, And I take it, the Law of Returns requires that I pay (energetically or otherwise) more than what I took from you. It is a way of keeping the scales balanced, most especially between Healer and patient.

Taking someone’s power is extremely debilitating. Most Healers know this and are familiar with the Law of Returns, but it can still happen. This is primarily because Healers don’t like to see or feel people in pain, so they will do whatever they can to alleviate the distress, especially when someone comes to them in extreme distress begging for relief.

When a person is in such a state of extreme distress, they are usually seeking a quick way out of the pain. In such a state of mind, they are willing to give their power away in order to be free of the pain, not realizing or understanding that this is what they are doing. Therefore, it is up to the Healer or Reader to see that this is what is happening and take steps to correct it, lest the Healer or Reader be subject to the Law of Returns.

Working as a Spiritual Detective

I have worked with many people in such extreme states of distress. I will go in and assist them etherically and energetically, but not until we have had a lengthy discussion about what is and has been occurring in their lives. Afterwards, I will only do so on rare occasions in order to help the caller regain their center and sense of balance, so that they can return to a more peaceful life.

As a detective, I will help you find the answers, help you understand what is happening and why it is there, giving you clear insight into the actions or words of those affecting your life … all of this so that you can make clear decisions, so that you can take action, so that you can reclaim your own power and take control of your own life.

When I ask you questions, it will be to help me better understand and to help you see what it is that you are saying. Often, people speak without thinking about what it is that they are saying, the words that you use will give insight to how your mind is working in that moment. Then I will show you, in vivid words, what I am feeling and seeing from other areas within you. Many of the people who call me are able to see or feel what I am showing them because all humans have extra sensory perception, and I am usually able to connect with the callers frequency enough for them to tune into me.

I am here to empower people, to help them find their own inner and greater strength, so that they may take control of their lives and not rely on others to fix things for them.

I do not want to fix you. You are Not broken. There is nothing wrong with you.
You are only seeking understanding and guidance so that the life you long for will be yours and with out having to sell your soul for success or peace of mind.

To give you an idea of how a session usually works :

  • You send a “donation” to me via Pay Pal
  • I send you my phone number.
  • You call me.
  • There is no time restraint on any calls. I will stay with you for as long as it takes to help you find your bearings, and rebuild your hope and faith.
  • During the first half of any call: You will do much of the talking. I will listen, take notes, ask short questions.
  • The first call will usually be at least an hour in length, so please plan for that when you call. When it is my turn to talk, I will tell you what I see, hear, and feel. I will help you to understand what is happening and why it is happening.
  • I will give you clear instructions as to how you can begin to heal what is in your life at that moment.
  • IF I feel it is appropriate, I will OFFER to assist you etherically. I will tell you what that entails, and what can be expected.
  • By the end of our conversation, you will feel hope returned to you, and by the time you have followed some of my simple instructions, you will feel peace returning to your life once again.

    Sometimes, depending on who you are/the path you have chosen for this lifetime, and the strength of the current situation that you are in, two or three calls may be necessary before you are able to fully regain your center and reside in peace. However, since I do not require a set fee for my services, this should not be a concern for you. I expect payment for my services, but I will not set a price on Truth and Love.

    Suggested Donation per session/call is $50


    Follow up calls, after your life has returned to a place of balance, are common. You can also stay in touch with me through emails. Sooner or later, after life has returned to a happier place for you, you will most likely encounter a “test” situation. This is not uncommon, and does not mean that things are going to be “bad” again … it is usually just a test from on High to see if you have learned anything from your past experience and our conversations etc.

    There are breathing exercises etc., that are given to help people through their feelings of anxiety … this is because nearly all human beings will experience stress when faced with a test of any kind. When people are put into situations that they are unprepared for, that pop up without any warning, they tend to become stressed, they lose their focus, forget to breathe, and eventually can become panicked.

    When the “test” is in direct reference to your personal and family life, the stress level is increased and it can be that much more difficult to remain calm. But you CAN do it.

    Tips for staying Centered

  • Stay focused. In a stressful situation, losing your focus can lead to panic. When you panic, injuries result and you lose your way.

  • Keep your focus on yourself. No matter what situation you are in, this is about You, not what someone else is doing or not doing. The Focus is on you and how you are receiving the energy in that moment. IF you are able to keep your focus on yourself and retaining your own Center of Peace, you will not be affected by outside stimuli … and in turn, you will share that peace with those who may have brought the stressful situation into your experience. So, a Win/Win situation is created for all parties involved. Don’t be detoured if this doesn’t work for you right away, it has taken some of us many years to find this place within ourselves.

  • Remember to Breathe! It is common for people to forget to breathe when they are faced with stressful situations; this too, will lead to panic and losing your way.
    Breathe deeply and with each breath feel yourself becoming lighter and softer. With each breath feel the peace returning within you.

  • Take yourself out of your head. Put yourself into Visual mode instead of being in your thoughts. SEE the white light which is the divine essence of all beings. Envision light surrounding you, the people involved in the situation, the building, etc. Take yourself out of your head. Disruptive thoughts abound these days, do not let yourself become entangled in such sticky webs. Go into visual mode and see the Divine Essence that is present in every living creature … it will bring you back to your heart where peace resides.

  • For those who are religious, you can ask for the Grace of God to be with you. If you are agnostic, or atheist, know that you have the power to change the situation by “re-focusing” your thoughts from being negatively charged to being positively charged.

    Breathe, breathe, breathe.

    Heart of Sedona
    Email me