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The environment position indicates the immediate surroundings that we have found ourselves in at the time of the reading. It indicates our friends, family, work or social scene that is pertinent to the outcome of a successful resolution to the situation that prompted the querent to consult the oracle in the first place. It often reflects his living and working conditions, as well as the attitudes of those near him. This card position denotes the 7th house in the horoscope, as it refers to those individuals who we are close to and therefore have the ability to influence us in some way at the time of the reading.
0. The Fool.
If The Fool appears in the Environment position, you have recently undergone a change in your life, which has had he result of affecting your immediate environment. You may have changed jobs, home or friends to propel you into a totally new scenario. As a result of this, you will undergo new experiences that will enhance your present perspective in life. You may have decided to join a club or other social setting that will bring you in touch with different types of people, individuals who have the ability to influence your way of thinking. Ideas that in the past would have been alien to you are now quite plausible in their own unique sort of way. These new people who you will be put in touch with will help you to entertain more progressive ideas, which is a necessary component to your continuing soul evolution.
1. The Magician
If The Magician has appeared in the Environment position, you are in somewhat of a learning situation. You need to acquire some very important skills before it will be possible to successfully manoeuvre through the web of the physicalities of our life. The situation that you are enquiring about contains certain elements involved for which you have no past experience. You may very well need to attend a school to pick up valuable tools of the trade that you will soon be undertaking. College or university is not an option that should be ruled out because it is quite likely that you will be embarking upon a course of study that will give you an important qualification to practice a particular trade. There are some very subtle influences at work that you should be cognisant of because what you don’t know definitely can hurt you. Of note, there is at least one individual around you who has an eloquent manner of speaking and behaving. Positively, he can influence people to opt for a particular course of action. Negatively, he can manipulate people to serve his own needs. The Magician is representative of magic, the magic that is produced from one’s mind or mental imagery. Our thoughts are able to manifest themselves in the physicalities of this world if we are aware of and are in tune with the ebb and flow of the universe, which is the past, present and future all rolled up into one. We should also not discount parallel universes that exist in the same space, yet at different vibrational overtones than our present plane of existence. We can catch a glimpse into these lateral worlds during that twilight time when we are dreaming. If we perceive things out of the corners of our eyes instead of looking directly ahead, we will also be able to glimpse elements of our conscious awareness that are not readily apparent. If you attempt to see the world through the corners of your eyes, you will begin to perceive animals, people and objects that are apparently near you, but not physically near you in the manner that you would normally imagine. Another way that you can become more enlightened as to the potentialities of the people around you is to carefully scrutinise dress, appearance, and mannerisms. What costumes and jewellery have individuals decided to adorn themselves in? What do you see in people’s eyes and facial expressions? These are all clues that will reveal the personality behind the mask. And lastly, the Magician can be seen as Lucifer, when he acted as God’s most glorious creation before he fell down to Earth and became Satan. It is for that reason that you need to guard yourself against secret enemies, who will make their presence known to you at the most inopportune of times.
2. High Priestess
If The High Priestess has appeared in the Environment position, you tend to be surrounded by people who are very perceptive without appearing obtrusive. You may have become involved with a group of people who are quite spiritual and have a quest for the higher meaning of life, which is quite different from religious people, who merely focus upon the simple, more basal, demonstrative elements of one’s spiritual beliefs. You may very well have a secret admirer who would love to get to know you on a more intimate level. In addition, there is a person around you who can show you how you can receive alternate realities and thereby gain a greater understanding of the universal ebb and flow of the world that we have chosen to incarnate into.
3. The Empress
If The Empress has appeared in the Environment position, you are surrounded by people who are highly perceptive. Someone in your immediate milieu may be expecting or trying to conceive a baby, which will bring to her a great amount o joy. One of your friends has a very calming influence on you because she has the wisdom, self confidence and maturity that is necessary to see beyond the petty squabbles that are an inherent part of our day to day living. Some people in your surroundings are also very territorial, which means that you will need to tread carefully and establish protocol in order to ensure that people around you are co-operative and attentive to your needs.
4. Emperor
If The Emperor appears in the Environment position, you are surrounded by powerful people who have the ability to make or break your reputation in this world. It is for that reason that you need to tread very carefully to ensure that you don’t step on anyone’s toes, because you need as many allies as you can get to help you to succeed in this world. In addition, you may have peers who are destined for high places, so it is important that you stay on friendly terms with all of the people who you come into contact with.
5. Hierophant
If The Hierophant has appeared in the Environment position, you are close to some individuals who are considering making some very important life changes. Whether it is a marriage, divorce, christening, funeral service or decision to enter into a specific vocation, the choice at hand is one that isn’t to be taken lightly. You may be close to individuals who are heavily involved in church or some other religious organisation, and their religious convictions may or may in accordance with your own mythological primary certitude. This liaison, however, is not without difficulties because there needs to be a balance between the exoteric principles portrayed by The Hierophant and the esoteric doctrines as depicted by the High Priestess. If anyone steers toward the exoteric, the problem that can arise is that the individual taking this path in life may be prone to rote memorisation of religious dogma with no real understanding behind the scriptures that are being studied so ardently. If one leans too far on the side of the esoteric, the problem will arise where people are not sufficiently grounded to the Earth plane, which is essential for living harmoniously in this plane of existence. It is for this reason, therefore, that a balance needs to be achieved in order to receive the abundant riches to those who are able to master their environment through an understanding of its complexities.
6. Lovers
If The Lovers has appeared in the Environment position, you are surrounded by individuals who presently are, or soon will be, engaged in a love affair. You may not even be aware of the intricate workings of the subtle sexual chemistry that pervades us all from time to time, and it is for that reason that you need to attune yourself to the body language of others, which will emit valuable clues. Ancient Tarot decks depict a young man who is presented with the elements of vice and virtue, and he must select only one as his true path in this life. It is for that reason that the people around you may be involved in a love triangle of sorts, but only one person can be chosen as the life long partner.
7. Chariot
If The Chariot has appeared in the Environment position, you may find that the people around you are perpetually on the go, either through vocation or lifestyle. These individuals who are around you may be successful, which is a result of the drive and ambition that they have allowed to manifest in their lives through their positive mental attitude. These individuals tend to possess self-confidence, and a correspondingly large area of personal space to go with the self assuredness that comes only through victorious personal achievements. You may very well be invited to go on such a jaunt with one of your up and rising peers, and it would be wise to accept such an invitation so you can observe him and gain a greater understanding of his secret of success.
8. Strength
If Strength has appeared in the Environment position, you are surrounded by individuals who are animal lovers. They have much love to give, but animals, specifically cats, seem to be the main recipients of their adoration. These individuals possess charm and grace, and therefore have the ability to make complex tasks seem easy. They are natural leaders, often the star of the show, able to convince people that they really want to do whatever it is that they would like. These individuals possess an inner reserve of will power, which gives them the strength to carry on under the weight of insurmountable odds, thereby giving others less durable souls something to strive for in the never ending cycle of life.
9. Hermit
If The Hermit has appeared in the Environment position, you seem to be spending a great deal of your time in solitude. Even if you find yourself in the midst of a crowd, it seems that the people who you normally come into contact with on a daily basis are giving you space so that you can work through some very important issues that have been troubling you. They have decided to stand back for the time being, because they know that the direction you are taking is not necessarily the direction that they would like to be on. It is for that reason that these people will tend to detach themselves from your auric web and allow you to pass through their space unhindered. You may not particularly enjoy this important quest that you are embarking upon, but such an endeavour is necessary for your inner enlightenment and soul growth.
10. Wheel Of Fortune
If The Wheel of Fortune has appeared in the Environment position, it seems that all around you things appear to be in a state of flux. It is not the natural order of the universe for our lives to remain in a perpetual state of stasis, and it is for that reason that we will continually be presented with choices that serve to keep the wheel of cause and effect constantly in motion. If your immediate surroundings have gone through a period of affluence, then expect to go through a period where a sense of frugality will be necessary. Alternatively, if your immediate surroundings have been somewhat austere, then expect the situation to improve so you can rest a little easier. This is also a period of magical opportunities, a time that will enable you to advance your position in life by what many would consider to be a mere coincidence. It is therefore essential not to discount any opportunities that come your way because they very well could change your fortune for the better.
11. Justice
If Justice has appeared in the Environment position, the universe is in the process of harmonising any imbalances that may have been inherent in the situation that prompted you to consult the oracle. If you or someone in your immediate circle has been hard done by in some way, events will come into play in order to effect a retribution, thereby changing what you had initially believed was a certain outcome. If, however, you or somebody close to you has found yourself to be at an unfair advantage, you will soon find that your circumstances will change in order to balance out the situation. You, or someone close to you, may be involved in litigation and it is therefore important to ensure that your affairs are conducted in a judicious manner to ensure that you are happy with the outcome. You may also find that other people are judging you for one particular reason and you are not entirely happy with their sentiments. The reason for these unwavering, judgmental attitudes, however, is reflected in the fact that those individuals have not had the same life experiences that you have and therefore have no basis for understanding what you may be experiencing.
12. Hanged Man
If The Hanged Man has appeared in the Environment position, it seems that the things going on around you are at a standstill, neither going forward nor going backward. During this period of stasis, however, you can accomplish a lot inside your head. You can use this time productively as a time of reflection, introspection and retrospection. You can gain a greater understanding of why certain incidents occurred as they did, thereby enabling you to gauge your future actions accordingly. It is also a time for you to rest and regain much of the energy that you have wasted engaging in petty squabbles with other individuals who really are not in a position to affect your true path in this life. It may also be beneficial for you to use this time to explore your own inner spirituality, to look deeper into the true essence of your being, and to find the true spiritual path that you were destined for.
13. Death
If Death has appeared in the Environment position, your immediate surroundings are going through some profound changes to such a magnitude that nothing less than an eventual total renewal is expected. You, or someone close to you, may sustain a loss that will inevitably change your lifestyle. It will take you and those around you time to gather your composure, and until that time you will in all likelihood find yourself at a loss as to what to do with yourself. There is a long held philosophical belief that what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger, and this is one of those instances where you will emerge stronger and wiser from any incident that you must endure. In times of extreme stress, it is important to maintain an element of hope because, as in the nature of the continuous cycle of life, things can only get better.
14. Temperance
If Temperance has appeared in the Environment position, your immediate surroundings are in the process of becoming more balanced in accordance with the natural flow of the universe. If you have gone through a period of frenetic activity, things will slow down so you can catch your breath and evaluate recent circumstances. If, on the other hand, you and those close to you have gone through a period of idleness and boredom, certain situations will come into play to give you something to do to keep your mind occupied. It is important, therefore, to stay busy and engage yourself in productive activity. During the course of your duties, you will be able to gain much more insight into why destiny has unfolded in the manner that it has, thereby helping you to decide the best way to navigate through future scenarios. This is also a time of healing and convalescence, a time where you will gain greater insight into what makes you ill and what improves your state of being.
15. Devil
If The Devil has appeared in the Environment position, you may feel as though you are surrounded by some dour individuals, persons who tend to look on the dark side of life and bring other people down. The fact that these individuals are so depressive does not make them bad people, it is just that they have chosen to deal with life experiences in a more sombre manner than you would prefer. It is important, however, to keep in mind that your thoughts are in fact forms of energy, and if we focus our thoughts intently enough, they will manifest in material form. It is for that reason that if we tend to allow negative thought patterns to enter into our conscious awareness, we will continuously be bombarded with unpleasant situations and may truly believe that we are the victims of bad luck. Alternatively, if we try to maintain a positive mental attitude during the most extreme of situations, we will find that we will encounter more positive than negative influences. Because thoughts can very well manifest themselves in the physical world, if we think good thoughts about others, they will experiences an uplifting sensation that can only come from the positive thoughts directed by us, which is one of the reasons why praise is so important in our lives. On the same note, if we think negative thoughts and direct those impressions towards another being, he will feel the malefic influences that we have directed at him and can even succumb to illness if enough harmful vibrations are able to penetrate his psychic web. Lest you believe that you have found the perfect vehicle to harm others with your negative thoughts, which in itself is a form of black magic, it is important to keep in mind that whatever thoughts that you inflict on another soul will boomerang and come right back at you. It is therefore prudent to try to think positive, uplifting thoughts, regardless of how difficult it may be, because there is simply too much negativity in our physical world, and we really don’t need any more.
16. Tower
If The Tower has appeared in the Environment position, it appears that the people around you have taken a conspiratory attitude with regard to one specific issue. There have been a great deal of whispers about, but as of yet, nothing concrete has been established. It is time, therefore, to dispel any rumours that have been circulating and establish the truth, which must inevitably emerge. If you personally are not in a position to dispel any myths that may be surrounding you, it is best therefore to approach the source of the problem, which will be either the originator of the rumours or the person who has the power to affect you and your way of living. During the course of the division between fact and fiction, you will be quite surprised and possibly dismayed to discover some very pertinent pieces of information that will have a direct impact on your particular situation. As a result of the chaotic events that are occurring all around you, you may find yourself in a different home or vocation, with possibly a whole new set of friends, thus putting an end to the complacent position that you have previously been residing in.
17. Star
If The Star has landed in the Environment position, you are in an environment of hope and inspiration, where new ideas are coming forth with a great fluency. There is much friendliness surrounding you, but you need to be aware of insincerity in certain individuals, especially those persons who you don’t know very well. There may be someone around you who has something to teach you, although she is likely to use some rather unorthodox teaching methods. You may have a close friend who needs someone to talk to about a particular issue in her life, so it would be a good idea to make yourself available for a friendly one to one chat.
18. Moon
If The Moon has appeared in the Environment position, it seems that your are not in total control of your surroundings. Your sense of perception is veiled in some way, which makes it difficult for you to clearly see your situation in the true light of day. It is for that reason that some individuals who you believe to be your friends are actually working at cross purposes to you, trying to achieve a goal in variance to yours. There are also some feral aspects to your current environment, as some individuals have not learned the correct way to conduct themselves in a civilised society. This failure to conform also poses problems, as you are uncertain how to deal with those individuals who do not behave in a manner that you would traditionally expect them to. You do have friends who you can count on, but because they have chosen to reveal themselves directly to you, it will take you quite some time to realise their true value as allies.
19. The Sun
If The Sun has appeared in the Environment position, you may be in an situation where people try their best to put on a happy face, even under the most trying of circumstances. It is for that reason that if something is amiss in paradise, you will need to look for less obvious clues, such as feet and eye movements. Someone who you know may be thinking of having a child, and it would be a very propitious time to do so because a baby would bring much happiness to an otherwise dull world. There may also be someone around you who needs to be the centre of attention or his self-esteem will suffer. In order to stay in the limelight, he may resort to attention seeking antics, which could only serve to show him in a bad light amongst his contemporaries. It is for that reason that he may need some support to help to resolve those crucial issues that affect him so.
20. Judgement
If Judgement has appeared in the Environment position, the circumstances that you are involved in are one of retrograde movement throughout your particular evolutionary development. You will continuously find yourself encountering people and situations from the past, who prompt you to re-think some crucial issues that you thought had been resolved. While you may think to yourself, ‘My, what a coincidence!’, the rationale behind these carefully orchestrated scenarios is to allow you to face your problems from the past by encountering them all over again. Hopefully, in the interval between facing the obstacle the first and subsequent occurrences, you will have taken the time to reflect on what brought the situation to your attention. What circumstances prompted you to take action? How did you feel your action or intervention affected the outcome of the situation? How did you feel about the outcome of the situation? What, if any, lessons did you learn? After careful analysis by yourself, or with the help of a trusted friend, you should be able to gain at least a fair degree of enlightenment through the process of hindsight and introspection. With this information at hand, when you do find yourself revelling in déjà vu type scenario, think carefully about how you will handle the situation this time around. While it is true that you cannot recreate the past in the normal laws of the physicalities that we have chosen to live under, you are being given the opportunity to make amends for any errors that you have made long ago. Unfortunately, because of the laws of cause and effect that are a part of our karmic existence, if you are not able to successfully resolve the life dilemma that you are being presented with this time around, the universe will assign you the same karmic lessons over and over again until you are finally successful in the major objective. Because that is the true nature of things, it is important that you think very carefully about how your actions and reactions will affect others.
21. World
If The World has appeared in the Environment position, it seems that the people around you are entering a cycle of completion in some way. This sense of finality may very well have come about as a result of finishing a lesson or course of study, ending a job or major project, moving house, getting a promotion, graduating to a higher level of study, or moving on from a relationship. Whether this change is positive or negative, a period of grieving is nevertheless a necessary healing component in the transition from one mode to another. It is for that reason that tempers may flair, as individuals test the water of their new environs. Patience will therefore be necessary to ensure that those close to you can adequately adjust to their new position in life and the upcoming tasks that they will be expected to face.
If the Ace of Rods has appeared in the Environment position, you are surrounded by creative persons who prefer to express themselves via the artistic forms that they produce, rather than the spoken or written word. You may be close to people who work in the world of art, music, theatre, or films because these avenues allow people to make statements through means much vaster than the more traditional ways of expression. You may also be in an environment where business transactions are taking place because some people like to use their abundance of energy in the wheeler dealer world of business, thereby creating wealth and abundance for themselves and others. Because there is a huge potential for great things being accomplished, you would be prudent to watch your contemporaries carefully to see if you can pick up things from them that will be useful to you in your life walk. On the same token, your contemporaries will be keeping an eye on you, trying to discover how you are able to accomplish some crucial tasks with seemingly no effort at all.
If the Two of Rods has appeared in the Environment position, you may be approached by another person to work with him on an endeavour that has the potential to yield profitable results. It is important that you work to build relationships with the people who you come into contact with in your normal day to day activities because they have the ability to help or hinder you along your way to enlightenment. How you feel about someone personally is not the issue here, because what is important is for you to put your personal differences aside to work towards a common goal that will be beneficial for the both of you.
If the Three of Swords has appeared in the Environment position, you have found yourself to be surrounded by a group of people who have a great deal of energy. It is likely that you know this circle of people through your work, as you all must work together to achieve a certain goal. There is also the possibility, however, that the people who you come into contact with could be related to a team sport, where you must co-operate with the entire group if you would like to succeed. Whatever the nature of this get-together, in order to come out a winner, it is essential that you appear to be an excellent team player. If your contemporaries feel that your alliance has not been given 100% to the team, it will become very difficult for you to work effectively with other people.
If the Four of Rods has appeared in the Environment position, you may be spending much time at home, engaging in numerous activities. People around the home or your immediate family may very well be vibrant, dynamic individuals, who have a great deal of initiative, which you find to be quite appealing. As a result of this, they tend to keep the family together, concentrating on the financial aspects of the small, close knit unit as well as much more practical aspects of any liaisons. In addition, people close to you have a strong need to feel secure and therefore plan for their future meticulously in order to help ensure that their prosperity is established even in later years.
If the Five of Rods has appeared in the Environment position, it seems that everyone around you is quarrelling over one topic or another. While you may not personally be in dispute over any issues that seem to be oh so important to those closest to you, you seem to be caught in the middle, a situation that makes you feel somewhat uncomfortable at the very least. You do not want to appear to take sides because whichever side you take will only alienate you from other individuals. The best you can do, therefore, is to remain impartial when individuals are pouring their hearts out to you, telling you their version of events that have caused them so much anguish. You will find, however, that there is one root cause to the troubles of those near you. When the crux of the problem is resolved, everything else will fall into place and make sense to you in what is becoming with each day an ever increasingly nonsensical world.
If the Six of Rods has appeared in the Environment position, you seem to be surrounded by people who are positive thinkers. These individuals are very ambitious, and subsequently try to surround themselves with equally ambitious and talented individuals. They are great networkers, building relationships with people who they feel have the potential to help them to excel in this life. Although there is the smell of success in the air, in any climb up a social or career ladder, only one person can reach the pinnacle at any one given time. It is, however, how an individual approaches his escalation to the top that counts. If he steps on the little people on his climb upward, they will not doubt remember his ruthless behaviour on his way down and react by repaying him in kind. If the same individual is thoughtful of those less fortunate than himself whilst becoming upwardly mobile, those same individuals will be thoughtful and helpful when times are not so good for him. It is also important to keep in mind that in virtually any endeavour, the air of hypocrisy will prevail in some areas. It is therefore essential that you do not place you trust wholeheartedly in any individuals who have not proven themselves to be trustworthy because some individuals who make your acquaintance could have insincere intentions. An apt scenario is in the case of Julius Caesar, where he was warned to beware of the Ides of March. It was his supposed closest friends who assassinated him in the halls of the senate, and not his enemies, as one would have supposed.
If the Seven of Rods has appeared in the Environment position, you seem to be under pressure to perform under rather austere conditions. You may very well have reached a pinnacle in your career or social ladder, but it is important to keep in mind that unless you are extremely lucky or astute, you cannot stay on top of the situation forever. Therefore, you will experience other people who are vying for the position that you now hold. It is important, therefore, to keep your composure and sense of grace even under the most trying of circumstances, because you will need as many allies as you can get when times are not so opportune. You will also need to keep your wits about you in order to hang onto all of the things that you have worked so hard to attain.
If the Eight of Rods has appeared in the Environment position, you are surrounded by people who are going places in this world. They may be very ambitious, striving to get as far up their career or social ladders as possible, and are therefore conscious to mix with the right types of individuals on their climb to the top. If you consequently feel left out, don’t take it personally. It is nothing that you have said or done, but the fact that certain people around you don’t feel that you are in a position to make a viable contribution to their success, and have therefore decided not to waste their time trying to cultivate a meaningful relationship with you. You may feel that their actions are rather snubbing, which they are, but you should not take it as a reflection of you, but merely an example of their lack of maturity and insight into the complicated world that we live in.
If the Nine of Rods has appeared in the Environment position, you are in a situation where everyone seems to be on their guard and are defensive for one reason or another. You may be in a rather precarious economic environment, which will leave the people vulnerable about their own position in this world. It is for that reason that they may appear a bit snappy, so it is a good idea not to take the insulting things that they may say or do personally.
If the Ten of Rods has appeared in the Environment position, you are surrounded by several people who have been visited with a great deal of responsibility, but are unsure of exactly how to use it. They may very well be inept at the task that they have been assigned, but unless you personally have the power to assign or de-assign work, there is not much you can do about the situation, no matter how frustrating it may be at times. If you bicker about those individuals, it will only show you in a bad light. The best that you can do, therefore, is to either lend a helping hand when you can, or stand back and allow them to muddle through, unhindered by you.
If the King of Wands has appeared in the Environment position, there is a powerful man around you who has the ability to influence the situation one way or another. For the time being he is observing the unfolding of events as they transpire, but the time may come when he will decide to intervene. He can at times appear stern, but this is merely a façade that he uses because he feels that he can be more successful if he puts on a serious front. Because he has a fiery temper and an active mind, he may change his opinions quite quickly, which can be exasperating for those who need a firm decision so they can take appropriate action.
If the Queen of Wands has appeared in the Environment position, there is an active woman who is trying to exert her influence over you. Whether or not she is successful will depend on how resolute you are in your own mind with regard to the situation that prompted you to consult the oracle. While she very often may mean well, she does have ulterior motives that may or may note be to your liking. She may also have some problems of her own that she needs to resolve in her mind, which will consequently affect the accuracy of what she relates to you. It is therefore best to trust your own intuition in this matter because only you alone will know what is correct and proper with regard to your particular situation.
If the Knight of Wands has appeared in the Environment position, you are close to a young man who has some very dynamic qualities. He possesses a great deal of energy in his auric make-up, which means that he needs to stay active physically as well as mentally in order to be happy and at ease with himself. The fire in his astrological make-up means that he can be impulsive, acting on the spur of the moment. While making impromptu plans can be fun for a while, he needs to learn to carry his projects out to completion if he is to receive full benefit of his active intellect and reasoning ability.
If the Page of Wands has appeared in the Environment position, you are close to a young person who is having an influence on the successful resolution to the situation that prompted you to consult the oracle. This person has a great deal of energy and likes to stay busy. It is for that reason that she needs a fair degree of supervision to ensure that she is given direction and does not get into trouble during more turbulent times in her development.
If the Ace of Disks has appeared in the Environment position, you have found yourself to be in a situation where you are surrounded by money or assets that give others the impression of material wealth. While you personally may not be financially solvent, the circumstances that you have found yourself in indicate that you have access to those items that belong to others. These possessions that you personally don’t own could come to you through a partner, family member or employer who allow you to use their belongings at their pleasure. It is for that reason that you need to exercise care when considering any radical moves that could upset the status quo, because the nice things that you currently have around you could be taken away as a result of any rash moves on you or another’s part.
If the Two of Disks has appeared in the Environment position, you are in a situation where everyone around you seems to be worried about money. It appears that no one you know has enough money to pay for all of the things that they need in order to comfortably exist in modern day society. Some people will try to live frugally and make sacrifices, which means forgoing expensive holidays and trips aboard. Others, however, will run up huge debts, leaving them wondering how they will ever meet their financial obligations. Somehow, the bills will be paid, but it may mean either giving up some not so essential items or taking on more paid work. The important thing, however, is not to allow yourself to be lulled into a sea of never-ending debt because one day you will be expected to repay what you owe to others.
If the Three of Disks has appeared in the Environment position, you may very well find yourself in the midst of some very successful souls. These individuals may very well work with their hands in some way, creating something of value where none previously existed. Certain individuals in your social or professional circle may consider moving, and this move will be seen as a progression of their material standing amongst their contemporaries in our very physical world.
If the Four of Disks has appeared in the Environment position, you are surrounded by several people, who for whatever reason, are quite cloistered in their own little world. These individuals are somewhat insular in their outlook on life, and do not feel comfortable when they find themselves out of their element, an environment that they have not set up for themselves. As a result of this, they tend to only go places and associate with people who they know well and feel safe in the company of. Certain individuals may even suffer from phobias, such as claustrophobia, agoraphobia and social phobias, which will further inhibit their ability to get out and about. It is for that reason that you need to ascertain exactly why those around you would prefer not to venture out into the big wide world.
If the Five of Disks has appeared in the Environment position, you seem to be in an environment where there is never enough money to meet your physical and emotional needs. Those around you must live on modest incomes, which means that they are not necessarily in a position to splash out and treat themselves to the real luxuries in this life. Because the people around you never seem to have enough money to live a reasonable standard of living, they could very well succumb to depression, as they struggle to make ends meet in an ever increasingly complex world. While some people close to you may be able to weather the economic storm, others will be forced to admit defeat and surrender their assets to more powerful authorities.
If the Six of Disks has found itself to be in the Environment position, you are surrounded by philanthropic individuals. You may know people who perform unpaid work, engaging in the activities for the sheer satisfaction of completing a task, with little or no monetary reward. You may also know other individuals who, for whatever reason, are down on their luck and therefore need a helping hand in the form of favours or charity. There is an aura of gifts given and received, as people work to fulfil their karmic obligations that have been acquired from actions in past, present, future and parallel existences.
If the Seven of Disks has appeared in the Environment position, it seems that certain individuals around you are in contemplation about a certain issue, waiting trepidatiously for a successful outcome of a situation that they are not sure of. Not all things in this world can come to a quick resolution, as some rather crucial events may take days, weeks, months or even years to come to fruition. For example, craftsmen must often study for years before they can even be allowed to leave the apprenticeship phase of their vocation. In the same vein, some students study academic subjects for years before they are even qualified to take on a position as a trainee, only to struggle for several more years before they are trusted enough to work on their own unsupervised. Major projects in government and business sectors also must take time, and are very rarely achieved overnight. The situation that you have found yourself in, therefore, is one of those occasions when you and those around you must work tirelessly to envision an end result that will occur in the not so near future.
If the Eight of Disks has appeared in the Environment position, you have found yourself in a situation where you are amongst a group of individuals who are in a learning environment. You, or those close to you, may be in a period of training, which is very much of a hands-on nature, as you must become qualified through experience. In the process of honing your skills, you must learn by trial and error, trying out various methods before you find one that is most suitable to you.
If the Nine of Swords has appeared in the Environment position, you are surrounded by people who are fairly satisfied with the position that they have worked hard for in this life, and have therefore decided to take some time out to enjoy it. Because their finances are relatively secure and they have made provisions for their future prosperity, they have decided that it is time to relax and experience the pleasure of just being, such as enjoying the world as it is. As a result, they may decide to spend more time vacationing with family and friends, recharging their batteries after a time of hard work and dedication to their chosen profession. These people have the confidence that comes only from having made significant achievements and earned enough money to be able to relax. In addition, there may be some individuals among your group of associates who have acquired wealth through means other than effort, such as having been given an inheritance or having married into money. These individuals have the luxury of enjoying the nice material things of this world without having had to go out and earn it. Because of these special circumstances, the attitude is much more flippant because they do not have true understanding of the sacrifices that others have had to make so they could pursue a life of luxury. Because these individuals have not had to work for their money, they have no appreciation of its true value, and as a consequence they may tend to spend it unwisely or even squander it.
If the Ten of Disks has appeared in the Environment position, you are heavily involved with certain members of your family; particularly the ones who control the finances. While you personally may not command a great deal of wealth, certain members of your family may have possessions, which you stand to have a share in if you maintain ties with those persons. The problem arises, however, that if you would like to share in the good fortune of others, you may be expected to make certain personal sacrifices. Certain members of your family may not approve of your choice of partner or friends, and could therefore put pressure on you to associate with individuals of their choice. The message is clear, if you tow the family line and behave in a manner that is suitable to what they would expect of you, then you stand to gain a lot from them. If, however, you exert your own free will, which is your right as a member of the celestial universe, you may risk being ostracised from the very ones who are able to give you a semblance of physical security. Because this oracle only reveals to you what is likely to transpire if you carry on in the same fashion as you have been previously going, it would be inappropriate for the oracle to direct you to a specific course of action. The choice of which direction you could take in this life, therefore, is yours and yours alone.
If the King of Pentacles has appeared in the Environment position, there is a powerful man who if influencing the situation that has prompted you to consult the oracle. He is a man of independent means, having ensured that his physical needs will be met well into old age. Because he is secure in his position in this world, he is able to impart sound knowledge and advice onto others, with no ulterior motives. He is therefore able to act impartially on matters that concern those who are close to him. Because he is not worried about money and other material assets that many lesser souls contemplate on a daily basis, he has the ability to lavish presents on the objects of his desire. Knowing this, he is never short of company, as there are always those longing to benefit from his good fortune.
If the Queen of Pentacles has appeared in the Environment position, you are being influenced by a woman who is practically minded and has wealth in her own right. She has the confidence that comes from the security of knowing that her physical needs are being met. It is for that reason that she will usually speak her mind and will not be terribly bothered if she offends anyone who may be within earshot. Because she is so forthright in her manner of speaking, she may not have a great deal of friends because casual acquaintances usually prefer to be around someone with a little bit more tact. This is a pity, however, because if she were to put forth a little more effort to speak with a modicum diplomacy, she would be able to form more alliances.
If the Knight of Disks has appeared in the Environment position, you are close to a young man who is very deliberate in all that he does. He analyses his actions and weighs out the possible pros and cons of every move that he makes, taking into consideration factors of each and every move. It is his methodology that may lead people to believe that he is slow, but they could not be further from the truth. What they perceive to be a reluctance to take action is merely a dedicated effort on his part to do the right thing. This young person is interested in his status in this life, and will therefore attempt to enter into a vocation that will enable him to acquire the acclaim that he so desperately needs to build what is in actual fact a very fragile ego. This person needs to be pampered and made to feel as if he is special, even though he would never admit to it.
If the Page of Disks has appeared in the Environment position, you have a young person close to you who has a huge impact on the situation that has prompted you to consult the oracle. This person is very grounded and is not prone to flights of fancy. Although she is likely to be spiritual in her own way, this is something that is deeply private to her, so private in fact that she would never even consider thinking in terms of esoteric matters that preoccupy the minds so many others. She tends to think intuitively, but does not see it as such, preferring to attribute her keen perceptions to being able to read body language and being able to attune herself to other clues that would be apparent to others, if they would only look. This person has a logical reason for everything, and if she does by chance come across an aspect of the world at large that she cannot explain rationally, she would prefer to dismiss it from her mind. It is not that she is not open to metaphysical matters, it is first that she already knows that pursuing such things are not her path in life and therefore prefers not to waste any of their precious time dabbling in it.
If the Ace of Swords has appeared in the Environment position, you are in a situation where a great deal of mental activity is prominent in your mind, which will bring about some rather complex thought processes. Books, computers, libraries and correspondence predominates your life, as you need access to valuable information if the situation that prompted you to consult the oracle is to be resolved satisfactorily. This is also one of those situations that you have been karmically destined to face, a dilemma that you are obliged to successfully resolve before you can embark upon the next phase of your soul evolution. You need to have all the facts at hand in order to determine your next move, so it is therefore essential that you take a critical look at any and all data that is presented to you. If you are misinformed, it could adversely affect the outcome of your particular circumstances.
If the Two of Swords has appeared in the Environment position, you are in a situation where people seem to be at odds with one another. There is likely to be two differing schools of thought, and you are being induced into taking sides in the matter. The problem is that if you side with one individual or group, you will effectively alienate yourself from the differing set of people, which is something that you also don’t wish to do. The situation is further complicated because you are not in full possession of the facts, which makes it difficult for you to make any type of educated decision on the matter. It is an emotional situation that is close to the heart of the quarrelling parties. The best that you can do is to refuse to allow yourself to become entangled in the ensuing web of deceit because it is highly unlikely that any of the concerned parties will achieve a desired outcome. It will be difficult for you to detach yourself, however, because those individuals who are trying in earnest to get you to adopt their point of view won’t allow you. You may have to resort to agreeing to disagree, but that is not a necessarily desirable option either.
If the Three of Swords has appeared in the Environment position, you seem to be surrounded by strifeful individuals who have gone far beyond the point of merely disagreeing on a few important points. These individuals have totally and utterly uncomplimentary personalities, which has made it difficult for them to agree on any one issue so that there could be at least something that they could have in common. To make matters worse, you seem to be stuck in the middle, which has made it all the more difficult for you to view the situation in a detached manner and thereby make objective life choices. Because there is such a conflict of personalities, someone will have to go, which will result in an element of heartache for all concerned parties. Only you can decide how best to resolve this situation, but it is not going to be an easy decision to make. No matter what you do, someone will be hurt.
If the Four of Swords has appeared in the Environment position, you have entered into a period where those around you are in a time of reflection. They have expended a great deal of mental energy, thinking and plotting, but there is no time to rest their weary minds and achieve enlightenment through the process of retrospective introspection. The people around you are spending a great deal of time thinking of the past, considering how their actions and reactions have brought them where they are today. They are also thinking of themselves, wondering exactly what it is that motivates them and why they feel the way that they do. During this time of reflection, a time when they can be still and quiet their minds, they will receive insight by remembering events of past, future and parallel lives that have a direct impact on their world growth at this point in time. They will also attain clarity of mind as they receive illumination from higher, more knowledgeable powers, which will help guide them along their sojourn in this Earth walk.
If the Five of Swords has appeared in the Environment position, you are in a situation where there appears to be a great deal of tension and strife. The reason for this is because of a clash of personalities combined with different ways of how things should be accomplished. The result of differing viewpoints is the cause of a great deal of tension, which does not seem to be subsiding any time in the near future. While a bit of friendly rivalry is always a good thing because it gives people the motivation to try to perform just that little bit better, too much competition can erupt in bitter disputes and sometimes even all out war. If the situation you find yourself in is too worrying, you may find that the best course of action is to walk away and leave the conspirators to their own devices. Those who you are in dispute with are unlikely to change their views any time in the near future, so it is useless trying to sway them.
If the Six of Swords has appeared in the Environment position, either you or someone close to you is intending on making a major move sometime in the near future. It appears that things have not been going so well, your life path has not transpired in the sequence of events that you had originally envisaged, and you may very well have a bitter taste in your mouth about it. You may have had some disputes, and although you tried to utilise your best powers of persuasion to make others see your point of view, those in a position to lessen the stress that you had been experiencing where not necessarily sympathetic to your cause. While you could very well stay on and struggle on in the face of adversity, it would be prudent to know when you are fighting a losing battle, and to know when to walk away. Choosing to walk away does not necessarily make you a loser, it makes you astute to the signs of the times. You may have to leave a relationship, job or a home, but the hope of a brighter future ahead is what will give you the will to leave an untenable situation and enter into the unknown.
If the Seven of Swords has appeared in the Environment position, you have found yourself in a situation where you need to keep your wits about you. The reason for this is because things are not always as they seem. The people around you are quite duplicitous, which will make it difficult for you to try to establish any kind of meaningful relationship with them. It is also important to keep in mind that there are a great deal of surreptitious activities going on behind the scenes that you may be totally unaware of. The clues may have presented themselves to you, but in your desire to see and hear only what you wanted, you have either blocked or repressed the sensations that would rattle the status quo, thus further embedding your deep denial induced psychological slumber. More specifically, there is a thief in your midst, and he is likely to steal ideas and relationships more readily than material objects. It is essential, therefore that you become vigilant to and observant of the acts of those around you.
If the Eight of Swords has appeared in the Environment position, you and those around you are stuck in a rut. For reasons known only to you, you are in a physical or conceptual incarceration that is preventing you from making any concrete steps to improve your situation in this life. Even if you are physically unable to do anything about the austere predicament that you have found yourself in, you can free your mind and experience other aspects of our existence just by sheer mental imagery. Once you experience new insights with a positive mental attitude, other aspects of your living will begin to improve as well because nothing can stay in a state of stasis forever. The 20th century psychic, Edgar Cayce, stated that everything is dreamed before it manifests in the physicalities of this world, so maybe it is time to open your mind to your dreams and see what happens next.
If the Nine of Swords has appeared in the Environment position, you are in a position where there are many people around you who are not well. The illness is such that the sufferers should not be working, but should be trying to take it easy and recuperate. There is the feeling that people are not getting enough sleep, as they spend a great deal of time tossing and turning, worrying about all their problems. This lack of sleep and seemingless endless sense of worry is further exacerbating any real or imagined health problems that may be in existence. Mental difficulties should not be discounted during this time of distress, as psychological disorders tend to increase in direct proportion to how civilised a society becomes.
If the Ten of Swords has appeared in the Environment position, you are in a situation where those around you are at a low point in their life. The people around you tend to be despondent, as their hopes have been dashed in some way. They may very well have placed their faith in the wrong people, and this misplaced trust has caused well-laid plans to completely go awry. This sense of betrayal has been intensified because it was committed by someone who they had imagined to be a friend, a person who they believed that they could trust with all their heart. If such an act of decadence had been committed by an enemy or someone they were indifferent to, the sense of grief would not be nearly so bad. The very act of disloyalty by someone who they had assumed to have been an ally, therefore, makes the morbidity of the scenario ten times worse. It is for this reason that you need to take special care of the sensitivities of others because they are at an all time low and have pretty much lost their will to live in what sometimes can be a very wicked world.
If the King of Swords has appeared in the Environment position, you are being influenced by a man who has a very sharp mind. He is well read and tends to use his intellect when dealing with people. He is a very good at conceptualising and is therefore able to make long range plans to affect the futures of himself and those around him. Because he spends so much time in thought, he has a tendency to brood when he could be just as easily doing something constructive with his time. This sense of introspection can lead to a desire for retribution of any real or imagined wrongs. This quest for retribution could cause him to spend even more time in thought, which quite often results in scheming, which can lead to neurosis, and then ultimately psychosis. In order to stop what can often become a never ending circle of inward thinking, which can ultimately lead to mental illness, he will need to stop using his intellect for a while and do something constructive with his hands. After a period of cerebral rest, he should be able to think with restored clarity of mind.
If the Queen of Swords has appeared in the Environment position, you are being influenced by a woman of some considerable intellect. She may very well have been fortunate enough to have been able to receive a good standard of education, but even if that is not the case, she is able to live by her wits. She is a logical person who uses reason to solve the dilemmas that she finds herself needing to resolve. She is perceptive because she watches people closely, determining the various personalities and temperaments through subtle observation. She is an apt communicator and will therefore tend to enter into vocations that will allow her to present to the world the information that she feels that they will need to progress onto the next level of their evolution.
If the Knight of Swords has appeared in the Environment position, you are being influenced by a young man who is very cerebral in nature. There is a great deal of mental activity going on with this person, and you can never be quite sure exactly what is in his head. He is extremely quick-witted and tends to think his way out of difficulties, often fabricating stories if it is in his best interest to do so. It is therefore best to take whatever this individual says with a grain of salt, since he cannot be relied upon to give an honest account of events that have prompted you to seek a reading.
If the Page of Swords has appeared in the Environment position, you are influenced by a young person who is quite inquisitive. She is very chatty and tends to use her reasoning ability to help her to manoeuvre around life’s obstacles. She may have a learning disorder that will need to be addressed before she can successfully progress to her next level of education. Because she is so chatty, she may unwitting reveal to others subjects told her in confidence, so it is therefore essential that you exercise discretion in what you reveal to her.
If the Ace of Cups has appeared in the Environment position, you are in an environment of happiness and emotional well being. There exists within you the need to bring about the fulfilment of many of your hopes and dreams, which will have the effect of making those close to you happy as well. This is a time of dharma, where you and those close to you are experiencing the karmic gifts that you have received from good works performed in past, present and future incarnations.
If the Two of Cups has appeared in the Environment position, it appears that your personal relationships at this point in your life are taking precedence over more mundane endeavours. You may very well have come into contact with one special someone who was in many ways destined to meet you. The both of you find that you are in awe of each other, as you attempt to create a bond that will withstand the test of time and endure through each incarnation.
If the Three of Cups has appeared in the Environment position, you are in a situation where those around you tend to be gay and cheerful. There are several social invitations being given, so it is likely to be a lively time. The one thing to keep in mind is that the vast majority of people will only want to be around you when you are cheerful and upbeat, so it would be wise to put on a happy face if you want to be an included in any merry-making activities.
If the Four of Cups has appeared in the Environment position, you are in a situation of uncertainty, as those around you are unsure of exactly where to turn next. There are many whispers abounding, some true and some not so true. The best that you can do, therefore, is to rely on your gut instinct, because your inner guidance will direct you onto the path that is right for you and those around you.
If the Five of Cups has appeared in the Environment position, you seem to be surrounded by people who seem to be disappointed and let down in some way. Perhaps certain individuals have disappointed them, and they need time to work through the resulting problems in their own way to come to terms with what has transpired. While there is a fair degree of despondency in the air, in time people will see that the resulting situation was not as dire as they had supposed it to be. They will eventually be able to adjust to the new arrangements, looking for alternative solutions to any problems that they may have. This will be a good time to think laterally and explore possibilities that have never before been pondered.
If the Six of Cups has appeared in the Environment position, you may be in a situation that reminds you of the past, a situation that enables you to relive many of your childhood memories, whether they are pleasant or something that you would rather forget. You may also come into contact with children on a daily basis, which will have the effect of provoking you to reflect on children in general. Children are such innocent, trusting beings who take pleasure in the simplest things in this life. They express unabashed wonder at the things that we take for granted and help us to take a renewed interest in the world around us. It is for that reason that children should be treasured because they truly are a gift from God. They will grow up soon enough, so the memories they have should be pleasant.
If the Seven of Cups has appeared in the Environment position, you are surrounded in mystery, wondering what the future has in store for you. There is an element of change that must take place, but the problem is that it is difficult to make a choice. There are so many options, but which direction will yield the most benefic results? You must beware of charlatans, people who make fabulous claims and distorted promises that will rarely come to fruition. It is for that reason that you should use a great deal of caution when considering getting involved with someone who would make such outlandish promises. Even if you do get what you want from these people, you may be expected to make a sacrifice that is wholly out of proportion to what you will actually be receiving. While it is often advantageous to take a risk, it is best to seek advice beforehand so that any chances that you take will be calculated, and success would be a more reasonable possibility.
If the Eight of Cups has appeared in the Environment position, it seems that people all around you are sad for one reason or another. It seems that certain people around you have invested much emotional energy into a specific project or relationship, and after careful deliberation have decided to abandon something that had at one time held so much promise. Could it be that you unwittingly had a part to play in the situation that someone close to you has decided to abandon? If so, you may want to contemplate how you can resolve any issues that will affect your relationship with that person, because it is clearly evident that communication will be strained at the very least. If you act now, you may be able to salvage what is lost, especially if the people in question mean a great deal to you.
If the Nine of Cups has appeared in the Environment position, you may be close to an individual who likes to eat, drink and make merry. He has a very jovial personality, but it is important to look beneath this outward persona and then you will discover more clues to the person behind the mask. What you perceive to be joviality may be anxiety or despair, as it is a well-known fact that people will tend to laugh when nervous. Whilst it is nice to have a drink, smoke or bit to eat to unwind, too much of a good thing is unwise because it wrecks havoc on one’s health. It is therefore essential to carefully scrutinise your friends’ habits because they could very well misuse or abuse substances in an attempt to self-medicate. Your friend may very well be using food, drink or cigarettes as a coping mechanism, which in essence inhibits him from becoming a whole human being.
If the Ten of Cups has appeared in the Environment position, it seems that you are in an environment of happiness and harmony. Your personal relationships are satisfying and you are quite happy with your home life. You may very well have been united with your one true soul-mate in this life, which means that you would very much like to form a more permanent bond with this individual, possibly by adding to what the two of you have by having children or pets.
If the King of Cups has appeared in the Environment position, you are being influenced by a thoughtful man who is concerned about the happiness and well being of others. He can give you some sound advice, if you are prepared to listen to what he has to say.
If the Queen of Cups has appeared in the Environment position, you are close to a woman who has many benevolent characteristics. She takes an interest in helping those who are not in a position to help themselves, and may therefore take in stray animals and people who cross her path. She is, however, prone to depression when things do not go exactly as he had planned, which could cause further health problems. It is therefore essential that she take steps to remain firmly grounded, concentrating on the task at hand. If she is about to successfully complete one project at a time, it will go a long way to allaying any feelings to self doubt that she may experience.
If the Knight of Cups has appeared in the Environment position, you are in close proximity to a young man who is quite sensitive to the needs of others. He has a great deal of feeling, which he expresses to those individuals who he is close to. He may, however, suppress some of his more tender emotions, which could have the effect of bringing them out in explosive force at the most inopportune times. It is therefore necessary to take measures to make time for rest and relaxation even during hectic times.
If the Page of Cups has appeared in the Environment position, you are close to a young person who is sensitive, caring and quite emotional. She has an influence over the situation that prompted you to consult the oracle, and it is for that reason that she feels it is of importance in this matter. Because she is so sensitive, some things will upset her that would not upset sturdier souls, and it is for that reason that you need to tread carefully when criticising her because her feelings can become hurt very easily.