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For and Against
The For and Against position gives an indication of the possible benefits and distractions of the current situation that has prompted you to consult the oracle. After you have had an opportunity to see what you might gain or lose from pursuing the path that you are currently on, you may decide that it would be wise to abandon the project and pursue an endeavour that would potentially be more rewarding to you. This card position indicates the hopes and fears of the querent with regard to how the situation will progress. It quite often denotes secret wishes, or those hoped for events that the querent is not even consciously aware of desiring. In astrological terms, this position refers to the sextile, as it denotes opportunities that will be presented to us, which will have an outcome on the successful resolution on the situation that prompted the querent to consult the oracle
0. The Fool.
If The Fool has appeared in the For and Against position, you will have an opportunity to make a fresh start and carve a new life for yourself. If you have been stuck in a rut, bored and complacent with what has become a routine monotony of a life that you no longer have enjoyment in, this will be a perfect opportunity for you to begin afresh, living the life that you have always wanted to pursue. For a time, anyway, you may not have as much money and may therefore not be able to afford things that you previously had taken for granted. The sense of exhilaration that you will feel at having the freedom from the chains that had formerly bound you will far outweigh any financial boundaries that you may find yourself temporarily constricted by.
1. The Magician
If The Magician has appeared in the For and Against position, you will have the opportunity to receive training, which will be an initiation into higher levels of awareness. You may have decided to enter into a new profession, which would ultimately involve learning new skills, either in a formal classroom setting or a more informal training scenario. You may also decide that you would like to progress in your chosen career, which will involve more learning and possibly exams to test your competency. Any time you try something new, there will always be a learning curve that you must overcome before you reach your desired level of competency. In order to achieve maximum results in any endeavour, you must learn to focus your thinking into a clear and distinct pattern. If your thought processes are scattered, you will not achieve as great success, it is therefore essential that you learn to focus your thinking patterns, which may mean that you have to give up some extraneous activities that are hampering your progress. You can do anything you like with a positive mental attitude, and that little known fact is something that you need to keep in mind when you go about fulfilling your dreams. What is important to keep in mind is that ‘if you think it to be so, it will be.’
2. High Priestess
If the High Priestess has appeared in the For and Against position, if you continue on your present path you will be initiated into some of the many secrets of the universe. This knowledge is likely to be revealed to you while sleeping, during meditation, or during a religious ceremony where you must remain silent and attuned to the ‘now’. In the New Testament, Jesus spoke to the masses in parables, but revealed the true universal secrets to his selected disciples. The reason for this was because the masses would not be able to comprehend many laws of our universal existence, and therefore had to be taught within he framework of a story, or analogy. In the same manner, you have a perfect opportunity to learn valuable secrets that have only been revealed to a select few. The downside of all this, however, is that the masses will not be receptive to your new-found revelations because they are not ready to revel with you in your new knowledge. It is for that reason that you will have to keep what you have learned to yourself, sharing it with only a select few individuals who you see eye to eye with, and you know you can trust.
3. The Empress
If The Empress has appeared in the For and Against position, there is a likelihood that you could add to your present family because this is a very fertile time for you. Your relationships will be highly significant, and you will have the opportunity to bring your hopes and dreams to fruition with the help of one specific person. You will have the opportunity to form a very solid foundation, in particular a relationship, which will bear fruit and allow you to leave quite a substantial legacy.
4. Emperor
If the Emperor has appeared in the For and Against position, you have the ability to carve out a rather powerful base for yourself. You will have the opportunity to build a firm foundation for any business, government or family, which will hold you in good stead for years to come. You may, however, be somewhat authoritarian and strong-willed, thinking of your personal gratification before the needs of others. Such egocentric practices, however, will not hold you in high esteem amongst those around you, and they could secretly wish to see you fall. It is for that reason that you will be much happier with your lot in life if you take the time to learn a few people skills and take the needs of others into consideration when making important decisions.
5. Hierophant
If The Hierophant has appeared in the For and Against position, you will have the opportunity to carve out a niche for yourself in the world of business and commerce. It is a high area of professionalism, and you will be afforded the chance to gain respect through your knowledge and expertise in certain areas. You will be exposed to the formalities of education, religion and the professional sector. What you gain in principally standing amongst your contemporaries, you must sacrifice your spirituality. Because you will be surrounded by people who need to operate within the framework of tradition and superb organisation, they will not normally be receptive to the more esoteric aspects of our soul’s existence. It is for that reason that if you decide to follow the path of traditional religious and business ethics, you would be wise to follow the exoteric path, focusing on the here and now. Whilst you may yearn to explore the unseen possibilities that make up the conceptual aspects of our awareness, those whose support that you need are not open to such ideas. Jesus spoke in parables to the masses because they could not fully comprehend the true secrets of the universe. In the same vein, you would be wise to keep your conversations with the general public on a very practical, general level, because they will not generally be receptive to topics that involve any significant depth.
6. Lovers
If The Lovers has appeared in the For and Against position, you will be given the opportunity to make a major choice in your life. You are in a path that will soon come to a metaphorical crossroad. You can either proceed, taking one of the two paths that are available to you, or you can stop where you are. If you stop, the development of your soul will effectively stand still, eventually withering from the self-imposed inertia. The downside of this failure to act is that sooner or later you will have to face the dilemma that has stopped you dead in your tracks, if not in this life, but in another. It therefore would be in your best interests to confront the dilemma in this life, therefore preventing any reactive consequences. If you choose to take a path, you will have to select one or the other avenues that are being made available to you. Both may look equally appealing, but unfortunately, you can choose only one. The direction that you elect to take will take your life in a completely different route, one that you possibly hadn’t dreamed could occur. During times of heightened psychic awareness, you may actually be able to glimpse the alternate reality of the path you could have chosen, enjoying it for a time, experiencing the multiple nature of our souls. In addition to the soul growth that you are destined to make, you also will be given the chance to come into contact with your one true love in this life. In order to capture the eternal bliss that you might have with such an ultimately compatible soul, you may have to give something up, something that you believe that you cannot live without. The choice is yours.
7. Chariot
If The Chariot has appeared in the For and Against position, you will have the chance to embark upon a journey that will serve to enhance your promotional capabilities and expand your level of awareness. It seems that people will look up to you for direction because you will be given a certain level of responsibility, which you really should use wisely. It is highly likely that you will be a success in whatever you set out to do because the energy that you exert will be enough to see the project through to completion even when your interest has begun to wane. It is important that you carefully observe all around you because it is in your immediate scenery that you will gain clues to the prevailing climate.
8. Strength
If Strength has appeared in the For and Against position, you will have the opportunity to learn new skills, especially with regard to tact and diplomacy. In order to achieve a positive outcome to what you desire, you need to develop the art of subtle persuasion, such as the enchantress did when she was able to tame a ferocious lion. You need to be able to use a fair amount of guile to convince others that they actually want to help you achieve your aims, because they will not assist if they do not believe that they will ultimately gain something personally from their collaboration. In addition, if you do not show the appropriate demeanour, it is highly unlikely that you will receive the assistance that you require. A fair and amiable outlook will go a long way towards endearing yourself to others and taming the wild beast within us all.
9. Hermit
If The Hermit has appeared in the For and Against position, you may be expected to spend time in solitude, which is not necessarily what you would like. You would rather have the company of others because they keep your mind occupied, thereby assisting you in not thinking about what is really important right now. If you stay busy and surround yourself with people, you will not have many opportunities to reflect on your past experiences and gain a greater understanding of how they formed you into the person you are today. With time on your own, you will have the chance to reflect upon your problems. The process of enlightenment through self-analysis can be an emotionally painful endeavour, as you must re-experience many more traumatic experiences that have caused so may blockages in your psyche and have kept you from being the person that you were destined to be. After the pain comes healing, which will repair the emotional wounds that are clearly evident and have marred certain aspects of your personality so.
10. Wheel Of Fortune
If The Wheel of Fortune has appeared in the For and Against position, you will have the opportunity to expand your level of awareness by experiencing what it is like to be on the other end of the spectrum of your spatial awareness. If things have been going well for you lately, you may find a few hiccups in your best laid plans, which will serve to slow down your progress. Expect a change of fortune that will effectively lift your spirits and restore your faith in the world. The Wheel corresponds with the zodiacal wheel, which refers to the whole person in the horoscope. It is therefore expected that you will be given the opportunity to become a whole person through your various life experiences.
11. Justice
If Justice has appeared in the For and Against position, the universal flow that you are a part of will balance out your situation so that no inequalities will exist any longer. If you have been hard done by, you can expect a change in circumstances so that you receive retribution for any injustice that has transpired. On the other hand, if you have treated someone unfairly, you can expect your actions to be revealed in the light of day, which will at the very least cause you some embarrassment. It is for that reason that you need to ensure that all of your activities are ethical and honourable, because any surreptitious activities will be uncovered sooner or later.
12. Hanged Man
If The Hanged Man has appeared in the For and Against position, you can expect to attain a fair degree of spiritual enlightenment by certain events that will be transpiring in your personal life. While everything around you seems to be in a state of inertia, there is much activity going on in the more etheric realms of your existence. You will have greater understanding of the world around you, and with such knowledge at your disposal, you may very well have decided that you would rather take a break from the hustle and bustle of such a busy lifestyle, and enter into a hiatus of sorts. While your outer world may very well be perceived to be less than satisfactory, there is much going on in your mind.
13. Death
If Death has appeared in the For and Against position, you can expect to go through some changes of such a major extent that things will never again be the same after the event of such a major magnitude has occurred. You may experience a loss, which is so dramatic that you feel that you can no longer carry on, but carry on you must. Any birth process is an arduous journey. You are drastically yanked from the cosy existence that you had once known, taken through a passage that could be quite traumatic, and then you are thrown into a new existence that is totally alien to you. It is only natural that you would want to recoil in horror at this new world that you have found yourself in, but it is important that you take note of all of your experiences. The point is, however, that you can’t go back to the way things were no matter how hard you try. You have mastered whatever lessons you have been tasked with and must therefore move onto the next step of your soul’s evolution.
14. Temperance
If Temperance has appeared in the For and Against position, you will be given a chance to balance out any existing inequalities in your life. If you have been rushed off your feet, things will slow down so that you will be able to catch your breath and observe the sequence of events with a renewed clarity. On the same token, if you have been idle, things will pick up so that you will be given a renewed sense of purpose in a world that you thought had been passing you by. Balance is the key here because any time one area in your life is out of proportion with other areas, you will feel a sense of uneasiness, or dis-ease. If this tension exists for any length of time and is not resolved, you could very well make yourself ill. Any illness, after all, is merely a physical manifestation of imbalances that have existed in our psyche for quite some time.
15. Devil
If The Devil has appeared in the For and Against position, you will have the opportunity to be brought in touch with the more basal aspects of our existence. You may be given a great deal of responsibility, which means that you must work hard to make any significant accomplishments. You may have found yourself in a situation that is dubious at best, and it is up to you to either extract yourself or come to a satisfying resolution to the problem. You may find yourself engaged in an inappropriate relationship, which will only drag you down in the end. You will need to use your best judgement, however, to resolve this dilemma and emerge with your reputation intact.
16. Tower
If The Tower has appeared in the For and Against position, you will have the opportunity to go through some interesting times, as your best laid plans may not necessarily turn out as you had originally planned. You may end up losing something of importance, and the reason for this is because you may have been in a period of stasis, not moving forward, which is what we all must do if we wish to progress onto the next step of our soul evolution, and not moving backwards either. In order to recover what has been lost, you will need to keep your wits about you and think laterally, pondering alternatives that you may have previously deemed unsuitable. You need to take extra precautions not to have an accident because it could prove to be injurious and debilitating to your health.
17. Star
If The Star has appeared in the For and Against position, you will have the opportunity to make new friends, thereby expanding your level of awareness with regard to the intricate workings of a personal relationship. You will be afforded the opportunity to receive a higher knowledge from beings who have transcended the need to operate within our concept of space and time. Because you have received what can best be described as enlightenment, you are able to think laterally and will be able to come up with unique solutions to complex problems. You may even find yourself aware of the fact that there are other entities that co-exist on your world, only invisible to us because we are not tuned to their specific wavelength. Often, when we congratulate ourselves on what we consider to be a really fabulous idea, is in fact merely an idea that has been relayed to us by those opaque, other-worldly beings.
18. Moon
If The Moon has appeared in the For and Against position, you will have the opportunity to explore your psychic abilities because nothing that you will come into contact with will be as it seems. Friends, family and colleagues will become elusive to you, as you can never be sure of their true intentions. It is for that reason that you must look for other clues as to their sentiments because the words they speak cannot be relied upon. It is best, therefore, to observe their body language and tonal inflections, where you will gain valuable insight. This is a time where you will be able to cultivate the untrained part of yourself, a part that has been lying dormant for quite some time because you have been deterred from using it. It is also a time where you cannot rely on others because there are some individuals who have motives that are contradictory to your own, which will be rather frustrating when you discover what these individuals have been surreptitiously involved in. You will find out who your true friends are, but not before you realise that some individuals who you thought were your friends, are not.
19. The Sun
If The Sun has appeared in the For and Against position, you will have the opportunity to achieve a great deal of happiness and abundance in your life. Children are featured highly, so if you were planning to have children or work with children in some capacity, it will be a propitious time to achieve this goal. The outdoors is also signified, and you will have an opportunity to go outside and enjoy the marvellous wonders of plant and animal life, which were created by God for man to enjoy and experience. While this is a period where you can feel quite self-confident and successful, it is important that you do not allow yourself to become smug or arrogant. The reason for such a cautionary note is because we all must go through cycles in our lives, experiencing the highs and lows of a fruitful existence. When the good fortune that has been depicted by the Sun has waned and the inevitable darkness has descended upon you, you need to make sure that you have people sympathetic to you during less fortunate times.
20. Judgement
If Judgement has appeared in the For and Against position, you will be able to see many aspects of your life with renewed clarity. In the past, your perceptions had been shielded, which prevented you from fully understanding many things that had been going around you and have affected you. With a fresh perspective, you will be able to see people and situations in a new light, which will give you insight into why certain events transpired in the manner that they did. You will also be given a chance to begin a new life for yourself, having gained much wisdom through your various life experiences. A deep inner healing will occur that will go through the various layers of your auric make up right through your core being, the aspect of yourself that makes you unique amongst all the other souls. Having been given a chance to start afresh, you will learn from past mistakes and move onto a higher level of your spiritual evolution.
21. World
If The World has appeared in the For and Against position, you will have the opportunity to complete a major cycle in your life. After having finished such an important event, you will have a feeling of unity, knowing that you have taken care of any loose ends that have kept certain aspects of the situation lingering indefinitely. When you have accepted the fact that you have concluded a major life event, such as a job, training programme, relationship, or other vocation, you must also accept that the time will come for you to make a fresh start. Opportunities will come to you when you least expect them, so you must keep your eyes open for any new ventures from the most unlikely of sources. You may also suffer a loss, which is necessary for you to go on to your next stage of spiritual evolution.
If the Ace of Wands has appeared in the For and Against position, you will have the opportunity to come up with new ideas that have the potential to yield fruits at a much later time. The possibility exists for you to enjoy your life and bask in the Sun as it shines down on your soul. You may very well enter into an enterprise that has the possibility to be a great success if you follow the appropriate procedures and liase with other like-minded souls.
If the Two of Wands has appeared in the For and Against position, you will have the opportunity to work with another person on a venture that could relate to work, social engagements or love. You will come together with this individual for the sole purpose of completing the task that you both have taken an interest in, and it is therefore not likely that the foundation of this relationship will be strong enough to endure after the specific project has reached its completion. It is for that reason that you should enjoy the liaison while it lasts and not allow yourself to become too upset when it doesn’t withstand the test of time.
If the Three of Wands has appeared in the For and Against position, you will have an opportunity to gather together with a group of like-minded individuals to accomplish a specific task. The project that you will engage in could be business, professional, social, religious, or family oriented, but it is necessary to enable those involved to express their own creativity in some capacity. You must be aware, however, because at least a few of the persons who you will relate to during this endeavour are only using you in an attempt to further their own ambitions. Even though you are being taken for granted, you can still benefit from this enterprise because you will be given the opportunity to accomplish what you would not otherwise have been asked to achieve. You will also emerge with a sense of achievement, a feeling that will only come from a job well done.
If the Four of Wands has appeared in the For and Against position, you can expect to encounter a situation that will help you to feel more secure and settled in what is often a highly unstable world. You may have landed a job, finished a course of training, received a substantial sum of money through a legacy, or even married well. Whatever the actual event, you have cause for celebration because many aspects for your future prosperity and security are being looked after. You may have become involved in a family get-together, and it is important that you participate because you need the backing for your friends and family to assure your future successes.
If the Five of Wands has appeared in the For and Against position, you cannot expect to make any substantial progress in this matter. It seems that all parties involved are not able to focus, which will prevent them from achieving their goals. In may ways, it is as if they are striking out, trying to hit anything, but not sure exactly what their target is. Even in their quarrels, they do not appear to be particularly effective because they are not sure exactly what it is that they are battling against. The problem is that the cause of such discord is rooted much deeper than any of the parties involved realise, and they are merely fighting the symptoms of a much greater issue. The only way that you can resolve this issue is to undertake a deep analysis of the situation to try to ascertain exactly when and where the crises actually began. You may meet an individual who will act as a catalyst, which will help to speed up a process that has been delayed for quite some time.
If the Six of Wands has appeared in the For and Against position, you may very well be successful in what you set out to do. You will, however, need to make sure that you don’t take any shortcuts and follow all established procedures. In addition, it would be in your best interests if you cultivate as many relationships as you can because you will need your allies with you at this time. At one point in time you may find yourself laid bare for all the world to see. It is for that reason that you need to make sure that you do not have any skeletons in your closet because your enemies will be more than happy to expose any foibles that you may be embarrassed about.
If the Seven of Wands has appeared in the For and Against position, don’t expect to make a great deal to progress in this matter. You will encounter obstacles, and in your effort to combat the problems that have come your way, you will not have time to focus on the initial enquiry that prompted you to consult the oracle. It will take a concentrated effort on your part to stay abreast of the situation, so it would be in your best interests to streamline your activities and concentrate on the things that are really important to you.
If the Eight of Wands has appeared in the For and Against position, you may very well make significant advancements during this period. You may even find yourself travelling, which will serve as a rejuvenating experience. While you may be expected to work hard for any successes that you make, the rewards will far outweigh any sacrifices that you may be required to make.
If the Nine of Wands has appeared in the For and Against position, you may find yourself needing to take a defensive stance in a certain situation. Your best-laid plans may have gone somewhat awry, thereby leaving you with a feeling of tension about your present circumstances. You may very well get what you want in the end, but the situation that occurs as a result of obstacles that you had not planned for will take away the feelings of elation that you had initially hoped for. As a result of this, you are likely to feel that you must always be on your guard, which will have the effect of eventually wearing you down.
If the Ten of Wands has appeared in the For and Against position, if you continue on your current path, you are at risk of taking on too many obligations. You may be trying to spread yourself too thin, which means that if you do not relinquish a few of your responsibilities, you will stand the chance of doing all of them very badly, which will do your credibility no good. If you continue to work relentlessly with no respite, you will stand to wear yourself down, which will eventually adversely affect your health. You need to stop, take a breath, and ask yourself if you have taken on other people’s problems in your quest for single-handedly taking care of the woes of the world. If there are any tasks that are more appropriately handled by someone else, it would be in your best interests to leave it to them. As diligently as you endeavour, you can’t do it all, and trying to will only bring misfortune.
If the King of Wands has appeared in the For and Against position, the situation is to a large extent determined by an older man who has much wisdom for his years. He may very well take on the role of family man because he enjoys the adulation that he receives from his spouse and children. He can be somewhat egocentric, which means that he expects other people to defer to his needs, and not the other way around.
If the Queen of Wands has appeared in the For and Against position, a woman who has a very dramatic disposition will come into the picture to influence the situation in some way. She is somewhat egocentric and therefore enjoys any attention that she can get. If she is lacking in admirers, she may actually stir things up so that people will be distracted enough to pay attention to her. She needs desperately to be loved, and it is for that reason that she will enter into relationships where she is the object of another’s adoration. If the loving attention that she desires is not forthcoming, she will either seek retribution for what she believes to be unrequited love, or move onto another more deserving love interest. How she responds will be determined by her psychological make-up and past experiences.
If the Knight of Wands has appeared in the For and Against position, you will come into contact with a young man who will have a very strong influence over the situation that prompted you to consult the oracle. He is likely to have a great deal of confidence to get people, specifically women, to see his way of thinking. He may very well have a great deal of charisma that he uses to his advantage. Although he may be loving and sincere in his declarations of affection, he has not yet experienced enough of life to understand that exclaiming his adoration should be reserved only for the special people in his life, and not anyone who he may fancy in one specific week. It is best, therefore, to tread carefully when dealing with this person because you may be one of many who have been let down by him.
If the Page of Wands has appeared in the For and Against position, you will come into contact with a young person who is full of energy and therefore hard to keep up with. If she has not been damaged by the many irregularities that come to us in this life, she is likely to be happy, lively and full of love. This individual needs a great deal of attention, and is for that reason that she can be somewhat of a hand-full. She needs a great deal of supervision in her more formative years to ensure that she doesn’t get into any serious mishaps while she ponders through her experience of life.
If the Ace of Pentacles has appeared in the For and Against position, you will have the opportunity to make money or other material wealth out of a venture that you are considering. There is the very definite possibility of financial gain, even if it will give you ideas for other ventures that you could pursue at a future date.
If the Two of Pentacles has appeared in the For and Against position, it is likely that you will experience a fluctuation of fortunes and other material wealth. Because your physical world is in such a stage of instability, it could very well be an anxious time for you, as you ponder whether you will be able to afford to take care of what you consider to be the bare necessities of this life. If you must organise your finances with another individual, this could very well lead to quarrels, which would further exacerbate your worries.
If the Three of Pentacles has appeared in the For and Against position, you can expect to either move house or engage in some form of renovation to your present accommodation. You will very likely move in with another person, which will give you a feeling of great satisfaction. There is a strong possibility that you will have more money available to spend and will be respected in your work, thereby intensifying your self-esteem.
If the Four of Pentacles has appeared in the For and Against position, you can expect to spend significantly more time at home, almost as if you are in a self-imposed isolation of sorts. You will need to be very careful what types of people you allow into your personal space because some of those individuals are not who they seem to be. The best thing to do in this respect is to take your time to get to know people before you invite them into you home. You will also need to save your money because in the not too distant future, you will need it for something special.
If the Five of Pentacles has appeared in the For and Against position, it is highly unlikely that you will get your heart’s desire if you continue on your present path. In addition, you may find yourself in a position where you are on the outside looking in. You could very well be envious of others because you feel that they have much more material wealth than you. In addition to the financial difficulties that you may find yourself embroiled in, you may find yourself succumbing to a depression that you have been working diligently to keep at bay for quite some time. The depression could start out as prolonged states of anxiety or worry, which could escalate into panic attacks, which could then progress into a full blown depression that could last for six months to a year, or longer. It is for that reason that you need to stop and think very carefully about your next course of action because the current venture that has prompted you to consult the oracle may not be the most suitable move for the prosperity of your soul.
If the Six of Pentacles has appeared in the For and Against position, you are likely to get out of this venture exactly what you put into it. You may be expected to perform some favours or other unpaid work for another person or organisation, but you will be remembered indirectly. As payment for the effort that you put in, you may learn some valuable skills that you otherwise would not have acquired. In addition, you will receive the satisfaction of knowing that you have done something for someone other than yourself, which can only be beneficial to your soul growth. You may also find yourself in the position of needing help or assistance from more fortunate individuals. The assistance you need will be given to you, provided you perform good works for other individuals less fortunate than yourself, thereby balancing the karmic debt that is so very much a part of the universal flow.
If the Seven of Pentacles has appeared in the For and Against position, everything you do for the time being will come to fruition at a later date. You may feel as if life is passing you by and that you are metaphorically spinning your wheels, but everything that you do has a purpose, even though you may not see the results for quite some time. It may take as long as five or more years for your efforts to come to fruition, so do not despair as you carry on carrying on.
If the Eight of Pentacles has appeared in the For and Against position, it is very likely that you will learn new skills that will help you in the ventures that you will soon be undertaking. What you will learn will be something that you cannot pick up in a normal training environment, but is something that you must pick up by doing it until you have perfected the process. Therefore, you will become qualified in your trade by experience, rather than studying for and sitting academic exams. Because you must learn by experience, it is probable that you will make a few mistakes before you become proficient at your craft. You may also be expected to work on a small salary or even take a cut in pay, but the monetary sacrifices that you make now will be rewarded at a later time when you have acquired the competence to command a higher salary.
If the Nine of Pentacles has appeared in the For and Against position, you may experience as respite from the pressures of this world. You may enter into a hiatus, holiday or convalescence, which will give you time to reflect upon the quality of your life. Your physical needs will be met during this period of transition, so money is not necessarily a problem. What you need to do at this time is to concentrate on yourself because a deep, inner healing need to take place before you can enter into the next stage of you development with regard to the physicalities of this Earth walk.
If the Ten of Pentacles has appeared in the For and Against position, you need to be prepared to become engaged in family business, which may or may not be to your liking. This has both positive and negative aspects because while there will be a great deal of interaction with other family members, those outside of the family may not get all of the attention that they need or deserve. This situation could be a bit difficult if money is involved because you may be obliged to have more dealings than you would like with certain family members for financial reasons. The key here is to strike a balance between family and friends, because your friends are not likely to hang around if they feel neglected.
If the King of Pentacles has appeared in the For and Against position, you will come into contact with a man who places a great value on his possessions. He enjoys the finer things in this world and goes out of his way to make sure that he is surrounded by them. He can be generous and thoughtful because he does not mind sharing his good fortune with those who he is close to. He can, however, be unwavering in his opinions, so if he has taken a dislike to you for any reason, it is highly unlikely that he will change his views.
If the Queen of Pentacles has appeared in the For and Against position, you will come in contact with a woman who has a great deal of self-confidence. The reason for this is because she accepts her limitations and only engages in activities that she knows she can do well. In matters of social standing, she would rather be a big fish in a little pond than a little fish in a big one, and will therefore select her path in this life accordingly. In matters of love, she is more inclined to logically weigh the odds of her financial status of such a partnership, and therefore is more likely to engage in unions if she believes they will benefit her in some way.
If the Knight of Pentacles has appeared in the For and Against position, you will encounter a young man who is very fastidious and pays a great deal of attention to detail. Even at a young age, he is very money and status oriented, which will set him apart from his peers. He is therefore driven to make his mark in this world in order to achieve the good things that life has to offer. He prefers to live nicely, and therefore enjoys luxurious cars, prestigious homes, and glamorous girlfriends.
If the Page of Pentacles has appeared in the For and Against position, you will come into contact with a young person who is quite practical in her approach to dealing with day to day activities. Even at a relatively young age, she is quite sensible and therefore has a good head on her shoulders. Combined with her stability is a great deal of drive that will manifest itself as ambition in later years.
If the Ace of Swords has appeared in the For and Against position, you will begin a period of intense communication with other individuals, which is necessary for you to evolve to the next phase of your spirituality. There will be correspondence in the form of letters, e-mails, faxes, phone calls, and meetings. It is important, therefore, that you keep close guard over any information that you have in your possession because if it falls in the wrong hands, it could be detrimental to your welfare.
If the Two of Swords has appeared in the For and Against position, you may find that you will fall out with another person on an issue that is of significance to you. The problem may very well be one of semantics, but it is such a delicate nature that you need to tread carefully on this issue. The problem is that you really do care about the individual who you are in disagreement with, which makes the dilemma all the more difficult for you to successfully resolve. If the person who you could not see eye to eye with did not mean a great deal to you, it would be very easy for you to just wash your hands of the situation and walk away. The sheer fact that this person is important to you makes it difficult for you, as you will realise that the only way that the two of you can realise your own individual realities is to do so separately and not as a team effort.
If the Three of Swords has appeared in the For and Against position, it is very unlikely that the situation that prompted you to consult the oracle will yield the results that you desire. You may experience a period of heartache, and it will take a very long time to heal the psychological and emotional wounds that remain. You need to ask yourself if the benefits of such a venture are going to outweigh any sacrifices that you may have to make. It may be better to walk away now before you invest any more emotional energy into a dubious situation, only to wind up getting hurt in the process.
If the Four of Swords has appeared in the For and Against position, this will be a good time for you to ask the universe to send you higher cognition of the situation at hand. It is a time of quiet reflection and meditation, and the answers you seek will come to you in time. What is important is not to make any hasty moves until you receive sufficient guidance to enable you to make the informative choices.
If the Five of Swords has appeared in the For and Against position, you may find yourself to be in disagreement with a person or a group of people with regard to the specific reason that prompted you to consult the oracle. This could be somewhat frustrating because you do not want to find yourself at odds with others, but the situation is so critical that it must be addressed. You need to ask yourself whether the venture you are on is worth the aggravation that it will potentially cause, because it does not seem as if you or the other individuals involved will happy with the outcome.
If the Six of Swords has appeared in the For and Against position, you will find that you will move away from a situation that has caused you a great deal of difficulties. This problem may have arisen due to a relationship, so this issue must be resolved before you can progress mentally and spiritually. The problem lies in the fact that the difficulties that you experience may be a result of a much deeper underlying problem that needs to be addressed. If the root experience is not properly integrated into your psyche, you will eventually begin to manifest symptoms of the problem, which are merely coping mechanisms. To correct the symptom but not the root experience that caused the trauma is, metaphorically speaking, putting a psychic bandage on a deep, gaping wound that is inherent in your auric make-up. What you need is psychic healing and self-analysis to help the residue from the event that distressed you in the past. Then, and only then, will you be able to walk away from a difficult situation and not be confronted with similar situations at a later date that will ultimately act as stumbling blocks to your soul growth.
If the Seven of Swords has appeared in the For and Against position, you need to be very careful who you speak to. The reason for this is because some other people will take advantage of any opportunity to advance themselves, even if such activities are of a dubious nature. You may encounter a theft of sorts, which means that you will need to take adequate precautions to secure your valuables. Information is also valuable, so you will need to safeguard any data that you hold in your possession. Alternatively, you may find that you are the one doing the stalking and stealing. If that is the case, you need to ask yourself what you hope to gain from such activities, because they are destructive to both you and the object of your conquest. There may be more orthodox ways to get what you want, and you would be wise to explore such alternatives. It is important to keep in mind that if your activities are unethical, you will be found out sooner or later.
If the Eight of Swords has appeared in the For and Against position, it is not envisaged that you will benefit from the situation that has prompted you to consult the oracle. You are not in possession of all the facts, which makes it difficult for you to make any appropriate decisions. You or someone close to you may be experiencing a confinement of sorts. This may be self-imposed or inflicted by someone else, but it poses a very restrictive influence if you are not able to get out and about. Your sphere of awareness of the physicalities of the world that you have incarnated into will be severely limited, which will ultimately affect your attitude to the world around you. There will be some situations, such as in maters of health or incarceration, where it will be more difficult for you to achieve a normal degree of mobility. Other instances, such as those inflicted by yourself, can be just as difficult to manoeuvre because you do not have a positive mental attitude, and you will need to break free from the thought induced chains that hold you down. Because it is such a difficult situation to be in, you need to carefully consider whether you wish to carry on in the present path of your soul’s exploration. You possess within yourself all of the skills to begin a new path, if that is what you so desire.
If the Nine of Swords has appeared in the For and Against position, it seems that you will spend a great deal of time in a state of high anxiety. You have a great deal on your mind and spend a fair amount of it worrying and fretting over real or imagined problems. As a result, you could lose much needed sleep, which will further exacerbate the problem and hinder you from thinking reasonably and resolving any issues that you are facing. You may therefore need to take a break from those things that are causing you tension. If you get away from such a stressful situation, you will be given the space to think more clearly and make reasoned choices about your life direction.
If the Ten of Swords has appeared in the For and Against position, it is highly unlikely that you will achieve the satisfaction that you desire from this particular venture. It is highly likely that you will be let down badly by one particular person, someone who you had previously trusted. It is very difficult for someone to betray you when you have not regarded them as a confidante because they are not privy to your hopes, dreams, desires, and what motivates you in this world. If someone who has little meaning to you does something to harm you, he is not nearly so hurtful because such an act would not seem so out of character. When you allow someone into your confidence, however, you let them into your life to certain degree. When they take the trust that you had in them and use it in a way that is harmful to you, you feel the destructive forces that manifest themselves through such a betrayal tenfold, as they sear through your auric web into your soul. After such a psychic assault, you will need time to recuperate and gather your energies. After you have gathered your composure, you will emerge much wiser to the ways of certain individuals who are close to you.
If the King of Swords has appeared in the For and Against position, you will come into contact with a man who is very knowledgeable on any subject that he takes an interest in. He takes his time to study any given subjects in an in-depth fashion, thereby making him an expert of his chosen field. Because he has a superior intellect, he is able to use his wit to his advantage in any debate. The problem is, however, that if it suits his purposes, he can use a false rationale to sway any uncertain thinkers in his direction, thereby becoming the propagator of mis-information. If he is not able to direct his immense intellect through appropriate channels, he can be quite cruel, thereby gaining a few enemies along the way.
If the Queen of Swords has appeared in the For and Against position, you will receive some valuable insight from a woman who is quite knowledgeable on a variety of subjects. She possesses a great deal of wisdom that she has gleaned from observing others and her personal experiences. If life has not been kind to her, she may tend to soften the blows of missed opportunities by embellishing stories to make her situation seem more favourable than it actually is. It is therefore essential to listen carefully to her words for any contradictory meanings in order to get the true content of her story.
If the Knight of Swords has appeared in the For and Against position, you will be influenced by a young man who is very ambitious. He is an astute individual and is able to think quickly on his feet. The problem arises, however, that because he does have such a sharp mind, he can use his intellect to reason his way out of difficulties. He can be very unrealistic in his expectation of others, which can cause him to fall into a depression when he discovers that we are all only human, and by default, are fallible. He is also somewhat dualistic because although he expects perfection in those people who are around him, he does not see why he should have to adhere to the strict standards that he sets for others.
If the Page of Swords has appeared in the For and Against position, you will be strongly influenced by a young person who is witty, communicative and quite sociable in her desires. She uses her intellect as a means to manoeuvre through what at times can be a difficult existence. She has a very active mind, which can be her friend or her foe. Positively, she can use her imagination to play games or make up stories when she is bored. Negatively, she could find herself living in a fantasy world if she is not getting enough stimulation from her immediate environment.
If the Ace of Cups has appeared in the For and Against position, the likelihood of you finding happiness and emotional well being is quite strong. You will experience emotional happiness, which is something that may very well have been a dearth in you life for quite some time. If you continue on the path that you are presently on, you will be well on your way to experiencing a deep satisfaction and feel that things seem to be ticking along more smoothly than they ever have before.
If the Two of Cups has appeared in the For and Against position, it is envisaged that you will receive much emotional happiness and a sense of well being in respect of the situation that prompted you to consult the oracle. Your personal relationships should be particularly satisfying, and you may even come into contact with that one special person who can fill you with the happiness and excitement that can only be achieved through living in this material world in harmony with another being. You may begin a courtship with another person, which will enable you to experience the heights of ecstasy that can only come from working closely with your one true soul-mate in this life.
If the Three of Cups has appeared in the For and Against position, it appears that your social life will improve dramatically. You will be invited to significant gatherings and nights out, which will add meaning to what may well have become a dull existence. This renewed interest in other people indicates that it is likely to become a happy time, where you have the opportunity to engage in light banter and exchange experiences with other like-minded souls. Because you will be given the chance to let your hair down and enjoy yourself, it is probable that other areas of your life will improve as well. You will find that you are not quite so serious about those areas in your life that are not transpiring in the manner that you would have preferred. Having total control over every aspect of your life will not seem so important, as you allow a sense of spontaneity to become a part of your sphere of awareness.
If the Four of Cups has appeared in the For and Against position, it sees that you are going through a period of trepidation, wondering exactly what the future holds in store for you. You have your doubts about the situation that prompted you to consult the oracle, and your concerns are clearly visible for all the world to see. To confound the issue, you are receiving contradictory information from various sources, which makes it difficult for you to decide the most appropriate course of action. Since you are in so much doubt as to the correct path to follow, you will probably want to hold off on making any major irrevocable decisions for the time being. The truth will be revealed soon enough if you are prepared to wait.
If the Five of Cups has appeared in the For and Against position, it is highly unlikely that the situation you are enquiring about will produce a result that is satisfactory to you. A major point that you had not anticipated will hinder the progress that you had hoped to make, thereby negating any benefits that you had hoped to achieve by following the current path. You will emerge from the whole scenario a bit emotionally dishevelled, but your basic perspective will remain intact. You will learn a valuable lesson that will stay with you for some time to come. In addition, there may be a certain aspect of your personality that you had hoped to conceal, but it has been revealed to show you in a less than positive light. In order to save face, the best that you can do is apologise and resolve to change any negative personality traits. The question is, however, are you a big enough person to acknowledge your own shortcomings and then work to change them?
If the Six of Cups has appeared in the For and Against position, the situation that prompted you to consult the oracle is one that is reminiscent of the past. You may recall some childhood experiences that have a direct impact on your current situation. You may recall events that had long been repressed that will serve to clarify many unanswered questions that have lingered dormant in your psyche literally for years. You may also find that children figure prominently, and they can teach you to embrace the world with a type of innocence that has long lied sleeping in your soul.
If the Seven of Cups has entered into the For and Against position, you will enter into a period where all is not as it seems, which is going to make it difficult for you to make any well reasoned life choices. There are some individuals who hope to further their own aims by persuading you to make a particular decision that will affect one specific course of your life. It is for that reason that this person will be seen to manipulate the facts, which will in effect alter the course of your life if you choose to allow this individual to influence you. There is another situation where you are not in possession of pertinent pieces of information that will help you decide your future, and as a result, you may appear to be misguided. You are so full of hope for the future that every option available to you seems to be the golden opportunity that you have been seeking your entire life. The problem is, however, except for very rare instances, there are no quick fixes in this life. The vast majority of us only make progress through slow, methodical toil, which is necessary for our soul growth. We only see improvement little by little, as we struggle to adapt to each new karmic lesson that we are presented with along our evolutionary journey. If something seems too be good to be true, it probably is.
If the Eight of Cups has appeared in the For and Against position, it appears that you will enter into a period of sadness with regard to the situation that prompted you to consult the oracle. It looks as if you will endeavour to make an awkward situation or relationship tenable, hoping that in the end you will be able to achieve an element of satisfaction, and even happiness. This is one of those instances where you are operating on nothing short of blind faith, and such sentiments are passé at the very best. While it is more than appropriate to place your bets on a long-shot where there is at least a slim chance of benefiting, hanging onto a situation or relationship that even you know is pointless is nothing less than pure folly. You really need to ask yourself whether you want to invest any more of your valuable energy in a venture that is doomed to fail. If you look around, there may be more viable alternatives open to you that will yield far greater rewards.
If the Nine of Cups has appeared in the For and Against position, you may very well find that you are content with yourself, but underneath that smile lies a sadness that is not easily discernible by the more shallow observer. If you carry on in the path that you are currently taking, you may find yourself on your own, even amongst a crowd, which is not something that you would necessarily like. You may feel the need to compensate for the sense of enforced solitude by overindulging in drink or food, which could then exacerbate your dilemma by giving you a weight problem as well. It is for this reason that you need to think very carefully about whether or not you would like to continue on your current venture because it may not give you the sense of solidarity and togetherness that you would have originally presumed. There may be another way for you to get what you want without leaving you feeling so all alone in the world.
If the Ten of Cups has appeared in the For and Against position, it is quite likely that you will find the happiness and fulfilment that you deserve if you continue on your present karmic path. It is envisaged that you will unite with your one true soul-mate in this incarnation, which will give you the emotional fulfilment that you need to progress and grow in your karmic journey. It is very difficult to spiritually evolve when one’s life is in constant upheaval, the mere fact that you are in a satisfying supportive relationship will give you the security and stability that you need to ponder the more profound concepts that are part of the laws of the universe.
If the King of Cups has appeared in the For and Against position, a mature man will have an influence on the situation that prompted you to consult the oracle. He is highly emotive, and as a result, can be somewhat impulsive. He is a considerate individual who takes other people’s feeling and opinions on board before making important decisions. Because he is highly perceptive, he is able to pick up thought forms from the universal mind, and therefore uses this knowledge in his day to day activities. As a result, he can employ some rather unorthodox techniques that less enlightened souls may not fully appreciate. Because he is open to new ideas, he embraces alternative concepts of living in an increasingly civilised and stressful society wholeheartedly. He understands the need to progress technologically, spiritually and mentally if our kind are to enter the next step of our soul evolution that has been destined for us.
If the Queen of Cups has appeared in the For and Against position, you will have dealings with a woman who is highly emotive. She lives her life based upon how she feels. Unless she has learned through past experience to utilise the reasoning ability that is very much a part of her, she will tend to allow her emotions to stay on her sleeve instead of reserving them for individuals who are worthy of such honestly and clarity of emotions. If she has had difficult earlier experiences that she has not been able to properly integrate into her personality as a whole, she may develop a type of neurosis, which is a coping mechanism that helps her to survive many of the difficulties that life sometimes put in our path. The problem this poses, however, is that if she is not helped to come to terms with some of her more traumatic life experiences, she can develop personality disorders and will not be able to effectively face the karmic task that she was put in this world to complete.
If the Knight of Cups has appeared in the For and Against position, there is a young man who has a part to play in the scenario that prompted you to consult the oracle. He is highly intuitive, but has not yet developed his powers of perception into a skill that he can use to assist him in his life travels. It seems that he can pick up feelings and thoughts from various directions, but has not yet learned how to zone in on one particular impression and determine exactly who it is coming from. At times he can be totally unaware that he is picking up another being’s emotions, and believe that these feelings belong to him, which is totally incorrect. It is for that reason that he can at times appear moody and inconsistent. When he finds a suitable mentor, he will learn how to focus his perceptions and therefore concentrate on what is important, and filter out what is unimportant to him.
If the Page of Cups has appeared in the For and Against position, a young person will play a significant role in the successful resolution that prompted you to consult the oracle. This individual is highly intuitive and is sympathetic to the needs of others. Although she does not have the vocabulary to express many of her sentiments, she has a deep awareness of what motivates other people. If she is allowed to live in an environment where she is nurtured, she will thrive and grow into a compassionate, sympathetic person. If, on the other hand, she finds herself in a cold and abusive environment, she will suffer developmental delays and can adapt coping mechanisms that can become clearly destructive to herself and others.