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The Celtic Block

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The Unexpected position reveals to you those things that will crop up to add flavour to the situation and give the reading greater significance. It shows what is likely to come up completely out of the blue, but if you honestly look at your situation, you will have to admit that it isn’t as unexpected as you would like to suppose. This card position reflects that which is totally unexpected and what the querent is unaware of. The event depicted in the card is something that will take the querent quite by surprise and he is unlikely to be prepared for it. In astrological terms, this position relates to Uranus, as it depicts that which is unique, extravagant and totally out of the ordinary.

0. The Fool.

If The Fool has appeared in the Unexpected position, quite by chance you will be given the opportunity to begin a new path in this life. This means that you will need to tie up any loose ends in your existing sojourn so that you will be sufficiently able to take up the new venture that will be presented to you sometime in the next year. It will involve doing things that you have never before done, so you need to prepare yourself by reading books and taking courses on anything that piques your interest. The road ahead may be somewhat rocky, so you will need to ensure that you have the proper spiritual foundations to ensure that you can see such a task through to completion. Whatever your endeavour, however, if it is ethical you will be protected whatever course you decide to embark upon.

1. The Magician

If The Magician has appeared in the Unexpected position, you will come into contact with a young, clever man who is quite astute and has the tools available to him to create future that he would like. It is highly likely that he has been endowed with a good standard of education and a reasonable family background that will enable him to get ahead in a world where ‘who you know’ is just as important, if not more so, as ‘what you know’. You must however, tread carefully with this individual because as nice as he may appear to be on the outside, he is extremely self-serving and acts to get what he wants out of life, and is therefore not too particularly concerned about the feelings of others. Alternatively, you may be given the opportunity to begin a course of study. If at all possible, you should endeavour to attend to such a course because the intensified programme of study will endow you with skills that will enable you to advance in this world. In the Biblical sense, this person can be best described as Lucifer, God’s favourite angel before he fell down to earth. Lucifer is Latin for the light bearer, and The Magician is depicted as The Light One, which is in contrast to The Devil, who is depicted as The Dark One. The Hebrew prophet Isaiah used the term in a satirical allusion to the king of Babylon, describing the frustrated ambition of the morning star to rise higher than all the other stars: “How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning” .

2. High Priestess

If the High Priestess has appeared in the Unexpected position, you will encounter a young, single woman who is spiritually inclined. She has a great deal to teach you about the universal flow and will reveal to you many aspects of human nature that you had not previously been aware of. Some of these character traits that she will make known to you are quite unpleasant, but she must show you this because it is what keeps mankind in this third dimensional reality and prevents him from moving on. In many ways, she will act as a mirror to you. If there is something you don’t like about her, it is merely because she presents an aspect of yourself that you have denied the existence of. It is for that reason that you should endeavour to correct the character defects in yourself before attempting to remedy those in others. Was it not Jesus who said, ‘Cast out the beam out of thine own eye, and then shalt thou see clearly to cast out the mote of thy brother’s eye’?

3. The Empress

If The Empress has appeared in the Unexpected position, you will come into contact with a woman who either has children or is ready to start a family. She is somewhat possessive of what she considers to be hers, and this list can be quite a substantial list of possessions. Among her domain is partners, lovers, friends, children, her personal possessions, and the possessions of her partners, just to name a few. The Empress is not one to get into a dispute with because she is stubborn and unreasonable in any disagreement, which makes it very difficult to come to any kind of a compromise. She also does not like to fight her battles single handedly, and therefore uses any and all means to illicit sympathy for her cause. If for any reason you are not able to get this woman on your side, it is best to tread carefully and not openly do anything to upset her, because she doesn’t make a very good friend, and an even worse enemy.

4. Emperor

If The Emperor has appeared in the Unexpected position, you will come into contact with a very powerful man who has a great deal of control over your destiny. It is for that reason that you must tread carefully with this individual. He is a very me-centred person who thinks of his needs over those of others. He is relatively wealthy and is very respected among his community, which is a result of the clout that he has amassed through his diligent efforts. He has many professional and social contacts that he will call upon whenever the need arises. He is ruthless and will take whatever he wants, regardless of whether it has belonged to anyone else in the past. If this man is your ally, he can help you to advance in your chosen vocation, but on the other hand, if he has taken a dislike to you for whatever reason, he can make life very difficult indeed. To be on the safe side, reveal nothing to this person unless it is absolutely essential that you do so, therefore shielding yourself from any possible retribution.

5. Hierophant

If The Hierophant has appeared in the Unexpected position, you or someone close to you may become involved in a religious ceremony or become more active in the church. The event in question is of a major significance, and could be a christening, marriage or funeral and will need many preparations. If you or someone you know has been having marital difficulties, they may decide to formalise the lack of a cohesive union by initiating either a separation, divorce or an annulment. The important thing to remember is that the event in question will be of such a magnitude that your life will not be the same afterwards. It is also likely to involve a religious official or church ceremony, which further illustrates the seriousness of the event in question. It will be a life-changing event, for which it will be very difficult to return to former times. It is for that reason that you will need to think very carefully about what you do next in relation to this matter.

6. Lovers

If The Lovers has appeared in the Unexpected position, you or someone close to you is likely to come into contact with an individual who you are very attracted to. This bond is likely to be destined, as you have met an individual who you have had contacts with in past, future and alternate realties. The feelings that you have for this individual will be of such an intense nature that they will shake up your existing opinions of love, romance, marriage and commitment. Whereas in the past you may very well have viewed your partnerships in a more rational basis, ie a means to help you get what you want out of life, this new person who you will meet will teach you that love is not like that. You will learn that love cannot be defined within the boundaries of age, sex, social standing, education or profession, and you may be required to make a major decision regarding this person, who you will come to view as one of the major loves in your life. You may be required to leave an existing relationship in order to be with this person, but that is a choice that only you can make.

7. Chariot

If The Chariot has appeared in the Unexpected position, you will find that you or someone close to you will go embark upon a journey that will be a life-changing experience. This trip will be essential to your future prosperity, so you will need to take it even if it poses an inconvenience to you. You may have to struggle with one particular issue that is very important to you, but it is likely that your drive and ambition will see you through any difficulties that you will encounter. Your perceptions will be expanded, which will broaden your mind and show you that there are many avenues that one can take to accomplish the same goal.

8. Strength

If Strength has appeared in the Unexpected position, either you or someone close to you is going to have contact with animals. These animals are quite possibly feral or very close to wildness because they do not appear to be very domesticated. Animals have very therapeutic qualities because they do not possess the more narrow-minded human attributes that inhibit a free-flow of love and affection. The one thing that esoterically sets animals apart from human beings and brings them closer to the God in heaven is that animals must kill for survival, while humans kill for fun. Animals, such as cats and dogs, however, have a social structure similar to that of humans, which makes them ideal companions in this life. Although they have their own unique personalities, they are able to love unconditionally, which transcends the human imposed boundaries of sex, race, social class, education or profession.

9. Hermit

If The Hermit has appeared in the Unexpected position, you can expect to spend some time on your own. You may initially balk at the prospect of having nobody but your own self for company, but the solitude that has been forced upon you is as much necessary for your soul growth as it is for the development of those around you. It may be somewhat daunting for you to be a lone individual in what can sometimes be a cruel world because you would so much like to be a part of a couple or a group of people. Even if you are in a relationship, you will find yourself in a situation where you nonetheless feel all alone much of the time. You should use this time of quite solitude to reflect upon your life so that you can decide where you would like for it to go from this point in time. After having spent enough time in your own company, you may realise that you don’t need to be part of a relationship as much as you had previously supposed. It is important to remember that while we humans are social creatures and need the company of others, our personal relationships can at times serve as distractions and prevents us from facing the more crucial issues that are a part of our psychological make-up. It is for that reason that you should use this period of quiet reflection to work on your soul.

10. Wheel Of Fortune

If The Wheel has appeared in the Unexpected position, you are going to be quite surprised that you will undergo a sudden change of fortune. You will complete a minor cycle in your life, which will open the door for new opportunities to come to you. Because The Wheel is composed of the four zodiacal signs that represent the four elemental forces, you need to prepare yourself for somewhat of a rejuvenated existence because new alternatives will be presented to you that will have the potential to change your lifestyle. The only thing for you to do is to make well reasoned choices as they come to you, and your future prosperity will be particularly secured.

11. Justice

If Justice has appeared in the Unexpected position, you can expect to deal with a legal problem that has arisen quite out of the blue. While the case may not actually make its way to the courtroom, a fair degree of mediation will be necessary for you to see it to successful resolution. Because Justice is only concerned about what is fair and equitable, you need to ensure that all of your dealings with other individuals are ethical and beyond reproach. The reason for this is because the universe is not particularly concerned about who is right or wrong, but will ensure that any imbalances are restored to harmony, regardless of the wishes of human beings. Even if you find yourself at an unfair advantage, when you least expect it, any inequalities will be restored, with little regard to your personal feelings.

12. Hanged Man

If The Hanged Man has appeared in the Unexpected position, you will undergo a profound experience that will completely change your thinking patterns. What is important to you today will seem totally insignificant after you experience an event that is so profound that you may even undergo a complete personality change. For all outward appearances, you may be in what can be considered a standstill, not going forward and not going backward. What is going on in your perceptions is a completely different matter, however. When we are firmly grounded to the earth, concentrating on making money and building on our future prosperity, it is almost impossible to still our minds to the point where we can consciously listen to the subatomic particles that collide together in such a fashion as to gently whisper the secrets of the universe. It is when we stop, look and listen, that the secrets of the universe will be revealed to us, and it is then that we will know the truth.

13. Death

If Death has appeared in the Unexpected position, you or someone close to you will suffer a loss of some kind. It doesn’t matter how insignificant the loss actually is, because to you it will be a major cataclysm, and it is how you feel that is important. You may sustain a loss in the form of a relationship that is very important to you, which could bring you a period of grieving. The universe has a way of balancing things out, so you will be presented with new opportunities to fill the void left by the departure of something dear to you. Perhaps you had unrealistic expectations with regard to a particular person or situation, and the false perceptions that you have will be brought to your attention with a resounding clarity and leave you in no doubt as to the reality of the situation. After an appropriate period of mourning for what you have lost, it is important to remember that you will go on.

14. Temperance

If Temperance has appeared in the Unexpected position, you will decide to make plans with regard to a certain issue that will involve a specific period of time. You may decide to engage in a course of study, training programme or apprenticeship that is a very lengthly process. In addition, you may decide to host an event or celebration some time in the future that will require extensive planning and preparation. Because what you are about to become involved in is such a lengthly process, the only thing you can do is to plan what you would like to happen in the future and carry out your preparatory measure with precision. In addition, there are things that will be occurring in your life for the duration of this reading that will not become relevant to the master plan of your life purpose for quite some time. It is for that reason that you will find it useful to keep an accurate hand-written diary of all that you experiences so that you can refer back to it in the future. Your thoughts, feelings and perceptions will become an accurate record in time when the importance of the situation that you will soon be in will be revealed to you.

15. Devil

If The Devil has appeared in the Unexpected position, you will find yourself in a position where you must focus on the physicalities of this world. Your immediate priorities will be work, career, finances and property, and as a result, you may have to put the spiritual side of your being on hold as you concentrate on acquiring those material things that you need to adequately exist in this physical world. You may also come into contact with an individual who appears to have all the answers to the dilemma that you are in. He may make many promises to you with regard to what he can do for you or how successful you will be. Even if you do what he asks, it is highly unlikely that anything he says or does will significantly improve your lot in life. If anything, if you take this person’s advice, your circumstances are likely to significantly degrade to the point where you will wonder how you ever allowed yourself to be lulled into such a psychological stupor and find yourself in such a mess. In the Biblical sense, the individual who you will come into contact with will be nothing less than a false prophet, wrecking havoc in the lives of those he meets. This person will promise you the earth, but the fact is that he simply hasn’t got the wherewithal to give it to you. The only way that you can make any progress is through steady methodical effort on your part. There are no quick fixes this time. In the Biblical sense, this individual can be best described as Satan, the fallen angel.

16. Tower

If The Tower has appeared in the Unexpected position, you will encounter a sudden change of circumstances that will shake you up a bit. You may find that events have arisen that have forced your need to look for a new job, living accommodation, or friends, and this will ultimately propel you into a whole new environment. You may meet someone just by chance, and this encounter could lead to new opportunities that will serve to change your life completely. You or someone close to you could also have a mishap either around the house or while out and about, and this in itself could provide you with a whole new set of circumstances that need to be worked around. The key here is to take extra precautions to avoid any accidents, thereby helping to prevent or minimise any calamities that may befall you.

17. Star

If The Star has appeared in the Unexpected position, you will acquaint yourself with an individual who will help you to see some of your long held dreams become reality. This person will in all probability become a friend to you, and this relationship will help to open you up to new potentialities in this life. You will be able to relate to this person and confide things that you would not reveal to other souls.

18. Moon

If The Moon has appeared in the Unexpected position, events will occur that will leave you in a state of perplexity. You will be somewhat confused and in the dark about some aspects that will affect your well being. You will come to realise that you really don’t know the people who you thought you knew, which will lead to further disenchantment about certain aspects of your life. Your friends will turn out to be unreliable because, lacking understanding of the situation that you will soon be in, they will not be entirely sympathetic to your cause. Some people who you had assumed to be empathetic and on friendly terms with you will turn out to either intentionally or unintentionally cause you more harm than good. This will be a time when you cannot rely on others because they are either not interested or do not have the capability to understand your particular situation in this life. The only thing that you can do is get plenty to rest and relaxation so that you will be able to trust your higher guidance when you are unsure of what to do.

19. The Sun

If The Sun has appeared in the Unexpected position, something will occur that will bring you much happiness and joy. You may have an addition to you family in the form of a child or a pet, and this will help you to see the world in a completely new perspective. You may also go to a sunny place, where you are able to relax a bit and enjoy yourself, basking in the glory of the Sun. You will also receive renewed clarity about one particular situation, and be able to see it in a new light. While the understanding that you have may not be positive news that you would not be necessarily inclined to receive, the sheer fact that you are in possession of pertinent facts will equip you to more effectively carry on with your day to day activities and give you a renewed sense of purpose.

20. Judgement

If Judgement has appeared in the Unexpected position, you will come face to face with a person or a situation from the past that had been long forgotten. The fact is that you really did not forget the incident, no matter how much you would have liked to. Because you were not fully equipped to deal with the issue in a conscious, rational way, your subconscious shoved it to the back of your mind so that when you were sufficiently ready to remember, you could. These long repressed memories can bring you an inner psychic healing of a wound that has been embedded so deeply in your soul that you were almost able to overlook it. If nobody brought it to your attention and you looked around the area that scarred you so, you could almost deny its existence. Now is the time to face your demons from the past so you can emerge reborn, a renewed individual.

21. World

If The World has appeared in the Unexpected position, you will come to realise that one specific area of your life has come to its natural conclusion. It may be difficult for you to accept this, especially if you wanted the situation to carry on, so you may need to go through a period of grieving. This ending may be seen as a loss of sorts, but with every ending there is always the potential for a new beginning. You may have found yourself in a vocation that had become outmoded and stale, so to leave it may very will be the best action that you could make. Of course, you may find that it is not you, but the other party who wants to conclude the situation, and in that case you will need time to reflect upon the reasons why and the events that led up to the metaphorical ending in your life. When you have had time to think about the situation reasonably, you will begin to notice that new opportunities will open up to you so that you can embrace the next step of your soul’s evolution.



If the Ace of Wands has appeared in the Unexpected position, you will find yourself in a situation where you will have many opportunities to advance creatively, professionally and spiritually. You may find yourself in a new job, neighbourhood, school or group of friends, and this new scenario will be enough to spur you to new ideas so that you will begin to ponder alternative solutions to problems so that you can improve your future prospects.

Two If the Two of Wands has appeared in the Unexpected position, you will come together with another person to accomplish an objective that could benefit the both of you. This could be a partnership in a business, educational or social setting, where you are expected to work as part of a team to achieve a common goal. It is very likely that an exchange of money or property will be involved because most business is engaged in the business or processing of goods and services. Alternatively, you may enter together with another individual in a religious setting, possibly deciding to go to a church ceremony. You would benefit greatly from exploring the spiritual side of yourself, and you may meet someone to help you to discover it.


If the Three of Wands has appeared in the Unexpected position, you will find yourself amongst a group of people who you must co-operate with socially or professionally. The job that you do may change so that you find that you have to work together with other people in a team type setting, which may require you to learn a few people skills so that you can effectively persuade people to your line of thinking. You may also engage in a sporting or social activity where you must co-operate with others so that you can achieve a common goal. The archetypal symbol of Wands typically represents business and commerce, so expect an exchange of money to take place. You may also find yourself involved in a religious ceremony, which will give you a new sense of meaning in this life.


If the Four of Wands has appeared in the Unexpected position, you will be pleasantly surprised to be engaged in a celebratory event. You may have achieved a milestone in your life, which has the effect of securing your professional, financial or material security, thereby enabling you to feel more settled in your own status in this world. If your immediate material or security needs are met, it will be much easier for you to concentrate on less immediate, yet just as crucial dilemmas that you may very well have had to put on the backburner of your mind for quite some time. Once you are able to resolve those less urgent issues that have caused you considerable anxiety, you are well on your way to becoming a more well-rounded and adapted individual.


If the Five of Wands has appeared in the Unexpected position, you may find that you have some troubles that you cannot quite put your finger on. You will discover many symptoms to your problem, which will manifest as disagreements with other people. Since you have not yet discovered the root cause of the difficulties, you will experience problems that will become progressively worse until you are left with no alternative but to try to identify what the crux of the problem is, and correct it before your life gets totally out of hand. You well be very surprised to find that the root cause of the problem is not what you had originally supposed, but that is something that you will need to figure out for yourself, and when you do, you will have greater understanding of your purpose in this life.


If the Six of Wands has appeared in the Unexpected position, you will find that you have won a minor victory in the battle of life. You will not be expecting to achieve such success, but by a sudden turn of events, things will turn out in your favour. It is important to keep in mind that, metaphorically speaking, you may have won the battle but you haven’t won the war. Not everybody is happy about your good fortune because it is quite possible that someone may have had to give something up in order for you to get your heart’s desire. It is for that reason that you must remember that you have achieved only one small victory on a constant uphill struggle that will only end when you have completed your last lesson in this incarnation.


If the Seven of Wands has appeared in the Unexpected position, you will encounter some difficulties at your work that will delay you in making the advances in this life that you would like. You may discover that you have some competitors that you had previously not taken into consideration, and this will force you to develop alternate strategies to achieve the same goal. You may also find that the economic climate has changed, which will pose some difficulties to you, as you try to carry on as if everything is normal during what can be considered austere conditions. You will ultimately arrive at your desired destination, but it may take a little longer and be a little more difficult than you had originally planned.


If the Eight of Wands has appeared in the Unexpected position, you will be quite surprised and possibly even delighted to find that you will go on a trip. This trek can be seen as an excursion that will take you away from your daily activities, which can at times be quite boring. You may have worked very hard and have received either a promotion or a new position that is seen as a step up the career ladder. Things will be looking up for you, as you will have an opportunity to seed new people and places, and as a result broaden your awareness in this world.


If the Nine of Wands has appeared in the Unexpected position, you will find that you are on the defensive for some reason. Perhaps some individuals are jealous of your good fortune and have therefore decided to attempt to thwart it. You may have some competitors who would like to achieve the same goal as you, and it is for that reason that you will need to make sure that you are the best at what you do. This will have the effect of putting added stress onto an already overloaded situation, so you need to prepare yourself by taking care of your body and looking after your personal and professional affairs. You may find that the climate around you has changed, which will make it all the more difficult for you to accomplish your goals. While you may very well achieve what you set out to do, it will be somewhat more difficult than you had originally hoped and you will need to work diligently to hang onto any successes that come you way.


If the Ten of Wands has appeared in the Unexpected position, you will find that you have taken on more work than you are physically capable of handling, and this has the effect of wearing you down. If you are offered a new position that would entail increased responsibilities, you need to think very carefully about accepting it because it may be that you do not have all the skills necessary to complete the task at hand. You may need to undertake a training course or get some more life experience before trying to take on such an ambitious task.


If the King of Wands has appeared in the Unexpected position, a man is going to come into your life who will change it dramatically. He may be in a position to help you with your current dilemma, either by giving you sound advice or helping you in some way. He is a loving person and therefore likes to share his love with other people by showering them with affection and gifts whenever the opportunity arises. He can impart sound knowledge on those who would open themselves up to listen.


If the Queen of Wands has appeared in the Unexpected position, you will encounter a woman who has an element of flair to her demeanour, which makes her stand out in a crowd. She has somewhat of a dramatic personality, which means that she is never boring. She enjoys the company of other people, and often entertains so that she can be around the company that she would like. This individual has something to relate to you, so you would be wise to listen carefully to her words for any hidden clues.


If the Knight of Wands has appeared in the Unexpected position, you will come into contact with a young man who has a great deal of passion and flair in his aura, which endows him with a dynamic personality that people would like to be around. Because he is so passionate about what he believes in, it is easy for him to be swept away in a flood of emotion, which unfortunately can fade just as easily as it can begin because this individual is such a fickle soul. It is for that reason that you need to take your time to get to know this person before you commit yourself to him because he is likely to change his mind many times before he settles on one vocation or relationship.


If the Page of Wands has appeared in the Unexpected position, it is highly likely that a young person will enter your life. Unless she has lived in an austere environment, she will have a sunny disposition and therefore loves to be around people and animals. She is somewhat possessive of that which she adores, however, so this can pose problems if she becomes jealous. She likes to stay active, and therefore needs hobbies and other interests to keep her mind occupied. She is happiest when she is in a warm, bright, sunny place.



If the Ace of Pentacles has appeared in the Unexpected position, You will come into some money, which you will find to be a huge surprise. You may receive a bonus, rebate, or inheritance that will come to you totally out of the blue. In addition, you may win a sum of money that was gained by pure speculation. Because the universe has decided to give you extra wealth, you will therefore have the wherewithal to improve your standard of living in some way. You may decide to buy new clothes or something more substantial, such as a car, computer or home. You may also decide to take the money and re-invest it, hoping that in time it will build even greater financial rewards.


If the Two of Pentacles has appeared in the Unexpected position, you may acquire some debts that you had not anticipated paying. This will have the effect of putting a strain on your finances because you had not budgeted for such expenses. As a result of your financial obligations, you may have to either take on a part-time job to keep your current standard of living. Alternatively, you may decide that there are some things that you really don’t need after all, and therefore choose to forgo them. Because your financial situation is in a state of fluctuation, it would be wise for you to carefully consider any commitments before you make them. You will come to realise that what you don’t really need what you thought that you just couldn’t live without.


If the Three of Pentacles has appeared in the Unexpected position, you may quite unexpectedly move house or make much needed changes to your living situation. This move will be seen as a progression, because it will be a nicer, more affluent accommodation than you have previously been accommodated in. It may also be that you decide to set up house with a particular person, which will give you the stability that you will need to perform well on the job, and subsequently advance in your chosen vocation. If you are content with your living situation, other things will fall into place with little or no effort on your part.


If the Four of Pentacles has appeared in the Unexpected position, you will be taken by surprise with regard to matters of your home or other assets. You may decide to invest money into your home by making repairs or redecorating. You may be asked to invest money into a financial venture that, although it promises to yield results, nothing concrete has been guaranteed. It is for that reason that you need to exercise caution and act prudently when spending any of your hard-earned wealth. Unless your investment is promised in the form of a return via a contractual agreement, it would be best to refrain from involving yourself in such a scheme.


If the Five of Pentacles has appeared in the Unexpected position, you will discover that you, or someone close to you, will experience some financial difficulties. As a result, you may not be in a position to pay for all the material items that you need in order to successfully live in our physical world. You may have been presented with a large bill, which is very difficult for you to pay, thereby putting pressure on you in other areas. Because your material problems are weighing heavily on your mind, you may fall prey to worry, anxiety and depression. The important thing to remember is that this difficult phase in your life will pass. If you are prudent in your dealings with others, you will be able to weather the financial and emotional dry spell that you will soon be encountering.


If the Six of Pentacles has appeared in the Unexpected position, you will be asked to make a philanthropic contribution of some kind so that you can repay humanity for the good things that you have been given in this life. You may be asked to make a charitable contribution or to perform some unpaid work that will benefit someone other than yourself, which will in many ways be more beneficial to you than those who you are assisting. In addition to the favours that you are being asked to perform for others, you may need help from someone else. The universe has a way of balancing things out, so any good deeds that you perform will be repaid in kind through the cosmic laws of the universe.


If the Seven of Pentacles has appeared in the Unexpected position, you will find yourself involved in a situation that is not likely to yield any positive results for quite some time. The important thing to do is to analyse the situation carefully and make sure your involvement is open and above board. Therefore, when the time comes that the events that have occurred will be accounted for, you will have an accurate record of your specific experiences with regard to the matter. This will be a period of waiting, waiting for a time where it will be more propitious to act and to reap the rewards of your labour.


If the Eight of Pentacles has appeared in the Unexpected position, you will find that you will be working with your hands in some capacity. It is also envisaged that you will need to undergo a learning curve, using trial and error, and becoming qualified in your trade through experience. You will find it to be very rewarding for you to engage in this new activity because you will learn valuable skills that will better equip you for future employment and projects that you will be given in this life.


If the Nine of Pentacles has appeared in the Unexpected position, you may suddenly find that the universe has given you enough material assets to meet all of your financial obligations in this three dimensional, physical world. As a result, you will have more free time to enjoy the God made gifts that have been given to us to enjoy. You will also have time to reflect upon your life, and such a period of deep, self-analysis, which will help to give you a greater understanding of human nature and how certain incidents have affected your outlook on life.


If the Ten of Pentacles has appeared in the Unexpected position, you will be involved in family matters through a sudden turn of events for which you have no control over. Property and finances are likely to be highlighted, as you are involved with certain family members in a venture that involves the distribution of wealth amongst the other parties. You may or may not actually desire to be so heavily involved with certain family members, but you are tied to them through blood and money, and would therefore find it difficult to extricate yourself from any such alliances without causing offence. It is for that reason that you stay in the alliance, quite possibly at the expense of your own worldly hopes and dreams.


If the King of Pentacles has appeared in the Unexpected position, a man will influence the situation in some way. He is extremely money oriented, and is usually more wealthy than he lets on. He has many possessions, which he wants to keep hold of, and will therefore take steps to preserve what is his, and ultimately attempt to acquire even more wealth. Although he can be quite genuine and caring, he is also quite greedy and is therefore not above using unscrupulous methods to manipulate others. Although this individual may claim poverty, he is actually quite well off and there is no need to add to the riches that he has already accumulated.


If the Queen of Pentacles has appeared in the Unexpected position, a woman of means is likely to influence you in some way. She has wealth of her own, which instils in her a sense of confidence in the future that more vulnerable creatures do not have. She may be able to help you in some way and is therefore a good person to befriend when in need.


If the Knight of Pentacles has appeared in the Unexpected position, you will be influenced in some way by a young man who is motivated to a large extent by material wealth. It is for that reason that he will endeavour to enter into a vocation that he feels will promise material security. He enjoys nice things and therefore aspires to opulence in this life. If for whatever reason he is not up to acquiring wealth on his own, he will strive to gain it through his partner. In that respect, he is a very shrewd individual because he knows how to use people to get what he wants out of life.


If the Page of Pentacles has appeared in the Unexpected position, a young person will influence the situation in some way. She is quite practically minded and is therefore methodical in how she pursues certain activities. She can be quite opinionated, and is therefore stubborn in her viewpoints until other evidence is presented to her in a reasonable manner.



If the Ace of Swords has appeared in the Unexpected position, you will receive an item of correspondence that will take you quite by surprise. You may receive a letter, fax or email out of the blue that will contain information of such a profound nature that you will be forced to take action. You may receive legal correspondence that you were not expecting, and it will involve an issue that you had previously felt that was concluded and you therefore had no further reason to be involved in. Alternatively, you could very well find yourself as the originator of some very important correspondence or literature, which will involve other individuals. You may very well decide to write about an actual or fictional experience, which cold very well be cathartic to your soul, as the very act of expressing your thoughts and feelings will lead to a deep inner healing that would not otherwise occur.


If the Two of Swords has appeared in the Unexpected position, you will have a disagreement with someone who you had supposed that you got on really well with. This will tend to serve as a double blow to your ego because, not only will you be at odds with a particular individual, the person who you are in disagreement with is someone whose opinion you value a great deal. If you were in dispute with someone who you did not care for, the matter would not be so crucial to you because you would expect such behaviour from a person who is not your friend. Because you think a lot of the individual in question, it poses an even greater feeling of turmoil in your psyche. The disagreement may be of such a grand nature that you may not be able to continue the alliance any longer, which will be a quite upsetting experience. The problem lies in the fact that you and the other person involved are not in possession of all the facts, which will make it difficult for the both of you to make sound decisions.


If the Three of Swords has appeared in the Unexpected position, you will experience some heartache brought about by the actions of another person, and this experience will have the affect of colouring your whole outlook on life. You are feeling especially vulnerable because the person who has wounded your soul was someone who you did not believe could be capable of inflicting such emotional pain. After having seen a totally different aspect of this person, you will come to realise that absolutely anything is possible. You may also find it difficult to trust again because, after someone who you believed to have been totally trustworthy has let you down in such a tumultuous way, you will have a great deal of difficulty believing that anyone again could be worthy of your trust. If you think about it carefully, you will come to realise that the person who hurt you so was not acting out of character, but behaving in accordance with his true personality, which is markedly different from the temporary character attributes that you wanted to see. The fact is that there were clues to his true personality long before you were so abruptly shaken up, it was just that in your desire to live in an ideal world, you allowed yourself to overlook his character flaws in preference to his outer persona.


If the Four of Swords has appeared in the Unexpected position, you may be given occasion to take a much needed rest. You may find yourself in a church or other religious setting, which would restore your sense of self and clarify any religious or spiritual questions that you may have. When you quiet your mind, you will be given higher guidance as to what the next step in your soul evolution should be.


If the Five of Swords has appeared in the Unexpected position, it seems that you will re-evaluate a situation that is less than satisfying, and decide that there is nothing that can be productively achieved by continuing on in the same vein. You will therefore decide that it would be best to cut your losses and walk away from what appears to be a no-win situation with your reputation intact. There may be some harsh words said as a parting shot, but it really is in your best interests to have nothing more to do with people or organisations that are either consciously or unconsciously hindering your soul growth. When you have eliminated such negative influences from your life, the door that can bring positively to you will be open.


If the Six of Swords has appeared in the Unexpected position, you will find that you will move away from a situation that was very difficult for you. This move could be an actual journey, but it could just as well be a change in your thinking patterns with regard to situations and people. There is a specific part of your life circumstances that has caused you a great deal of emotional tension, if not heartache. After careful reflection, you will decide to distance yourself from the situation, either physically or mentally. Ideally, it would be in your best interest to physically move from the person or situation that is a source of grief for you, but if that is not possible, you can use a positive mental attitude to psychologically remove you from that which bothers you so. In time, your life circumstances will improve and more positive opportunities will be made available to you, but the whole sadness of the incident will stay with you for quite some time, hopefully preventing you from becoming embroiled in other similar scenarios.


If the Seven of Swords has appeared in the Unexpected position, there is an element of secrecy that surrounds your milieu. You may be asked to keep a secret because the disclosure of a vital piece of information could be detrimental to either your or someone close to you, which will inevitably put you in an awkward position. You need to therefore keep your ideas and even your possessions close to your heart, revealing little even to those who you feel to be a trusted friend. Someone close to you, a person who you suppose to be a confidante, could be the very person who proves to lack discretion, so it is very important that you exercise care in your dealings with all individuals, to include those whom you have faith in.


If the Eight of Swords has appeared in the Unexpected position, you will find yourself in a relationship or other situation where you feel that there is no way that you can possibly go forward. The reason for this is because you are not in possession of all of the facts because someone close to you is intentionally keeping vital information from you. This could very well serve as a mental block on your part because it will be difficult for you to decide the best way forward if you are not being presented with the situation as it realistically is. When we are presented with information that we do not want to know, our minds have a way of processing that information in a way that is less painful to us. We will sometimes repress or deny that information, which helps us to carry on in our existence, but in the long run is really not good for our emotional well-being. When we repress information, our minds will shove the memory of the incident to the back of our consciousness, where it stays dormant until the time comes when we are ready to deal with it in a reasonable, mature fashion. When we are in denial, a much more complex psychological process occurs where our minds distort that information so that we honestly believe that everything is fine when really it isn’t. Denial is trickier because we have interpreted information differently than the way that it was actually presented to us, and it will take a major shock to wake us from our psychological induced slumber.


If the Nine of Swords has appeared in the Unexpected position, you will find yourself in a situation where you are full of worry and fear. For whatever reason, you may not feel entirely secure in your situation in life, which will predispose you to anxiety attacks. Anxiety in itself is bad enough, but the problem is that if it is not tempered with a good dose of common sense, it can escalate to phobias, panic attacks, depression, bipolar disorder, neurosis, and even psychosis. If you feel that the stresses of this world are getting on top of you, perhaps it would be wise to consult a medial professional, who could determine the most appropriate treatment available to you. You may need a break from the pressures of this world, and this could give you a clearer perspective on your current situation so that you can resume your activities with restored enthusiasm.


If the Ten of Swords has appeared in the Unexpected position, you will be quite disappointed to discover that someone who you trusted has disappointed you in some way. Perhaps an individual made you a series of promises that they could not or would not keep, which had the effect of dashing your hopes. It can be so disappointing when someone lets you down, and it can take a very long time for you to trust again after such a violation of trust. You may confide something to someone, only to earn that the person who you had spoken to betrayed your confidence, which had the effect of negatively altering your circumstances in some way. It is for that reason, therefore, that you really need to be careful who you speak to because some people who you had supposed to be your friends could unknowing or unwittingly become your adversaries though the smallest slip of the tongue.


If the King of Swords has appeared in the Unexpected position, a man will figure prominently in the successful resolution of the problem that has prompted you to consult the oracle. He is an intellectual and strives to better himself by reading extensively on the subject of his interest. He does, however, have a sharp tongue that he will use to disarm or harm anyone who he does not feel is worthy of his respect. Much of his activity is in his mind, and he may have conquered nations and won wars within the confines of his vivid fantasy world. The problem arises, however, when he allows his dissociated states of fantasy to override his waking consciousness. It is important, therefore, that a fair amount of reason is tempered with his thoughts to ensure that he does not end up making up stories that would only fuel any dissociate disorders he may have.


If the Queen of Swords has appeared in the Unexpected position, a woman will come into the scene who in many ways holds the key to the answers you seek. She is very logic oriented and spends a great deal of time pondering the greater issues of this life, trying to formulate suitable theories that meet her primary certitude. She has a desire to communicate, and therefore will go to great lengths to reveal the truth, even if it causes embarrassment to herself or others. As a result of this, she can be perceived by some people as harsh, which is not an accurate reflection of her true personality. More appropriately, she seeks balance in all her dealings with others, and retribution when necessary.


If the Knight of Swords has appeared in the Unexpected position, a young person will figure prominently in the situation that prompted you to consult the oracle. He has an active mind, and unless he has learned to control his impulses, he will tend to say what he thinks with little or no regard as to who he may offend in the process. While he desires a relationship, he may not be willing to put forth the effort to maintain one, and would therefore prefer to think about how lovely it would be in a relationship, as opposed to actually being in one.


If the Page of Swords has appeared in the Unexpected position, a young person will play a significant role in the successful outcome of the situation that prompted you to consult the oracle. This individual is very much thought oriented and will therefore attempt to rationalise the world using logic and reason. When it is not possible to use intellect to solve problems, that is when problems arise in the form of anxiety and other coping mechanisms that normally manifest as neurosis.



If the Ace of Cups has appeared in the Unexpected position, much to your surprise, you will find happiness and fulfilment in an area that you never before thought possible. You may also find that the people around you are very sensitive to your moods, so you therefore need to try to keep your emotional state at an even keel, not allowing yourself to express an overabundance of positive or negative emotions. When you have been able to achieve an inner harmony, you will be quite surprised to discover that the environment around you will attain a balance. The premise, you will eventually discover on your own, is that your surroundings are merely a reflection of what is going on inside of you. Therefore, if everyone and everything around you is in a state of chaos and disarray, it is merely a reflection of your inner self, which is also quite probably in a state of chaos and disarray. In the same vein, if your environment is orderly, your inner emotions are likely to be orderly as well. Therefore, if you would like your current situation to evolve to a point of tranquillity then it would be in your best interests to develop an inner calm, even amongst outer turmoil.


If the Two of Cups has appeared in the Unexpected position, you will be quite surprised to meet one special person who you can relate to on a highly personal basis. In a world full of superficiality, it is so nice to be able to intimately relate to another person who will instinctively understand you without your having to go into elaborate explanations. Maybe you have been drifting along, becoming complacent in your less than satisfactory personal relationships, assuming that you would be obliged to carry on indefinitely tied to people who you simply cannot relate to on a holistic level. When you least expect it, you will meet someone who you are compatible with, someone who you do not have to work at getting along with. The sense of renewal that you will feel at having met one of your soul-mates in this life will be enough to restore your faith in the order of the universe and the part that you play in its intricate web.


If the Three of Cups has appeared in the Unexpected position, you will be surprised by a sudden uplift in your social life. You will receive invitations to parties, concerts, company functions, and other occasions where you will be able to look forward to a good night out. Even if you are a religious person, you can still find times to socialise, such as at church gatherings, revivals, and special ceremonies. This period of actively will be good for your soul, as it will give you a break from the day to day activities that can become somewhat boring, if other elements are not put in place to lessen the tedium that can occur.


If the Four of Cups has appeared in the Unexpected position, you will reach a period of indecision that will leave you somewhat perplexed. The reason for this is because you are being offered something that may be of value of you, but you are reluctant to accept what will be fully given to you if you should decide to accept it. Although you are not consciously aware of the situation that is developing, your subconscious is highly astute to the ever so subtle clues that the logical part of your mind has refused to acknowledge. In circumstances such as these, it is entirely appropriate to take your time deciding. It would be best to gather all of the relevant facts before deciding on one definitive course of action.


If the Five of Cups has appeared in the Unexpected position, it appears that you will be disappointed and hurt over one particular situation in your life. Perhaps you allowed yourself to exist in a state of denial because the truth was simply too painful for you to bear. In his state of self-induced ignorance, you allowed yourself to carry on, completely unaware of what was going on all around you. You cannot carry on forever, believing in people who are not worthy of such acclaim and getting your hopes up high, because the universe simply will not allow it. Part of the purpose of our existence in this world is that we grow, evolve and develop, thereby enabling us to progress along to the next phase of our soul evolution. It is for that reason that if we refuse to see the truth on our own, the universe will set up a scenario that will force us to see the reality of what can often be a surreal situation. When you recover your composure, after having seen for yourself that you did indeed have unrealistic expectations of certain individuals and organisations, you will be able to re-evaluate the role you played in a situation that was not wholly satisfactory. It will take some time, but you will be able to pick up the pieces and move on, much wiser for the experience.


If the Six of Cups has appeared in the Unexpected position, you will be quite surprised to come into contact with someone from the past, and this person is quite possibly from your childhood. You will consequently spend a great deal of time thinking about the past and reflecting on how it has moulded you into the person you are today. You may also have occasion to spend time with children, and this could be a valuable experience for you, as you re-learn to think on more simplistic terms.


If the Seven of Cups has appeared in the Unexpected position, you will be presented with a series of options that are available to you. Some of them are viable opportunities that stand to yield a positive result, while still others will yield nothing. At least one of these alternatives could even be detrimental to your well being. It is for that reason that you will need to think very carefully about anything you do because this is not a time to act hastily. Because you may need to go on a completely divergent path than the one you are currently on. You need to weigh all the pros and cons before endeavouring to make any irrevocable decisions. You may be quite surprised to find that you are in a position that is entirely different from what you had originally supposed.


If the Eight of Cups has arrived in the Unexpected position, you will encounter a period of sadness and desolation, as there is a relationship or an endeavour that you will have to give up. It is not a decision that you will make lightly, but after having expended a great deal of energy in trying to turn the situation around to something that is beneficial for your development, you will reluctantly come to the realisation that you are fighting a lost cause. This is not to mean that you will never get your heart’s desire in relation that one specific issue, but in the foreseeable future it is not envisaged that you will get a great deal of satisfaction from what you have been involved in. You and possibly the other persons involved need to complete more soul work, which is why what you desire is not possible at the moment.


If the Nine of Cups has appeared in the Unexpected position, you will have occasion to be very happy with yourself. You may come into a sum of money, which means that you will be able to go out and enjoy yourself more. Because you have more expendable income to eat, drink and be merry. You may develop a weight problem which, unfortunately is a consequence of a better standard of living. It is for that reason that it would be in your best interests to begin a healthy eating and exercise programme so you don’t find that you can no longer fit into your clothes. You may find it beneficial to share your good fortune with others because it will not be much fun celebrating all on your own.


If the Ten of Cups has appeared in the Unexpected position, you will in all likelihood be quite surprised to find that you will experience happiness and contentment, which is largely due to the fact that you are satisfied with your personal relationships. You may have met that one special person who you want to spend your life with. The contentment of knowing that you have met your one true soul-mate in this life is enough to experience a type of euphoria that makes you happy to be a participant in such a physical reality in order to satisfy your more sensual needs and desires.


If the King of Cups has appeared in the Unexpected position, the situation that prompted you to consult the oracle will be influenced by a man in some way. He is quite sociable and therefore goes out of his way to get to know the people who he is surrounded by. He is often a caring, considerate person, but at times can be somewhat self-serving, focusing on his needs before the needs of others. At times he needs to be given direction about what the common good is because his sense of priorities can be completely different from what other people would expect. He does, however, have good intentions and can be kind-hearted, which is one of his qualities that are endearing to others.


If the Queen of Cups has appeared in the Unexpected position, the situation that prompted you to consult the oracle will be influenced in some way by a woman who is highly emotional. If she has not learned to direct the physical manifestation of what she feels in a positive way, she can become high strung, engaging in a wide variety of activities so that she is so busy she will not have any possibility to think about the problems that plague her so. If she does happen to slow down, she could very well fall into a depression because she is not able to reconcile herself with the elusiveness of her perceptions. If she has learned to integrate her instincts with her day to day activities, she will be able to intuitively select the most promising opportunities that are presented to her and therefore effectively steer clear of hidden pitfalls.


If the Knight of Cups has appeared in the Unexpected position, you will come into contact with a young man who has a great deal of sensitivity and feeling. Because he is quite emotional, he can be somewhat explosive if other stabilising factors are not present. Because he has not matured and become grounded in his sense of self, he may not know how to direct his emotional tendencies in a positive manner, which could be detrimental to his personal relationships. Once he learns to focus his feelings into a positive outlet, he will be able to achieve much and contribute to this world.


If the Page of Cups has appeared in the Unexpected position, you will be introduced to a young person who has a great deal of sensitivity, which might not be readily apparent to the casual observer. It is for that reason that you may need to probe into her psychological make-up to find out what makes her tick. The influence that she plays could be positive or negative, so it would be wise to watch her carefully.
