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The Celtic Block

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The Unknown position shows the querent the areas that he may have overlooked when considering the situation that prompted him to consult the oracle. It shows what is hidden from the querent, but the knowledge thereof is essential in order to effect a successful resolution to any problems that may crop up. This card position reflects that which is hidden from the querent and is hindering him from successfully resolving the issue that prompted him to consult the oracle. It represents those individuals who are working behind the scenes, often at cross-purposes to the querent. In astrological terms, this position denotes Neptune, as it reflects the area in the querent’s life where his perceptive vision is veiled, thereby inhibiting him from seeing what is quite apparent to others.

0. The Fool.

If The Fool has appeared in the Unknown position, there is someone operating in the background who is somewhat of a prankster. He may be a practical joker, playing tricks on others for his own personal amusement. If he is an unbalanced person, he may derive a sort of sadistic pleasure in the demise of others, and may therefore set about creating folly into the lives of people who really don’t need any more distress. It is therefore essential to keep your affairs private and secure, revealing little to those who you have not developed a trusting rapport with. If any of your personal details were to get into the wrong hands, at the very least you could suffer an element of embarrassment amongst your contemporaries.

1. The Magician

If the Magician has appeared in the Unknown position, there is a very clever individual who is manipulating the situation in some way. He is quick-witted and is able to think swiftly on his feet, which enables him to successfully manoeuvre his way through life’s little scrapes. He in all probability has a good standard of education, even if that isn’t the case, he will endeavour to learn as much as he possibly can by utilising the many learning tools that may be made available to him. One problem he has is with the truth. This individual does not see the truth as factual evidence that he can use to make informed decisions that will affect him and those close to him. He sees the truth as something that he can shape in order to fit into the elaborate web that makes up the existence that he would like to create for himself and others. If you happen to be favoured by him, he can conjure elaborate tales that will show you in a good light. If, on the other hand, you have fallen out of favour over some real or imagined slight, he will use your name disparagingly in his lengthly yarns, slandering you and tarnishing your reputation without your knowledge. It is for that reason that you need to keep your ear to the ground and listen intently to any gossip that may be circulating, because some of it may be about you.

2. High Priestess

If The High Priestess is found in the Unknown position, you are not aware of this, but there is a young woman who is influencing the situation that prompted you to consult the oracle. The person in question is in all probability single, but if it transpires that she is in a relationship, it is not likely that it will be giving her the satisfaction that she desires. The relationships that this young woman forms with men are not likely to fulfil all of her needs, and she therefore looks for other things to fill the void in her life. She may undertake hobbies as a therapeutic pass-time. She may attempt to build a satisfactory social life that will put her in contact with a variety of people. She may also throw herself into her work and become the consummate career woman. She may even become the other woman in a heated affair with a married man, thereby allowing her to enjoy all the passion of a marriage, but none of the commitment.

3. The Empress

If The Empress has appeared in the Unknown position, there is a woman who is working behind the scenes to play a significant role in the situation that prompted you to consult the oracle. She would like to have power, and therefore uses whatever influence she has to control whoever she can, such as children, husbands, friends and lovers. The problem lies in the fact that this woman is not necessarily content to allow them to live their own lives and make their own decisions. She prefers to use subtle manipulation to get people to do what she would like to them to do. When her covert manoeuvres fail, she is not above using overt tactics. When all else fails, she will resort all out warfare, engaging in a family feud type mentality and forcing those people who she holds dear to take sides, risking any love and respect that she may have acquired over the years. She believes that one way or another, she will get what she wants in the end because her offspring would not dare to disobey her. She may very well succeed in what she wants, but the emotional blackmail that she uses will only show her in her true light, which is not necessarily very pleasant.

4. Emperor

If The Emperor has appeared in the Unknown position, there is a very powerful man who is working behind the scenes to influence the situation that has prompted you to consult the oracle. He has such great drive and ambition that he will be successful in whatever he sets out to do, whether it is business, property development, the military, the police, or even the religious sector. He is somewhat authoritarian in nature and may not necessarily be well liked. Although he is about as individualistic as they come, he expects those who are subordinate to him to operate as a cohesive team to successfully accomplish the objectives that he sets. It is for that reason that he is somewhat of a paradox. This individual is a good person to have on your side because he can make or break your reputation and therefore effect any vocational ladder that you choose to climb. It is best not to ire him because he is not the sort of person who would like to have a battle with.

5. Hierophant

If The Hierophant has appeared in the Unknown position, there are some very important issues that you need to be aware of before you can make any reasonable decisions regarding the future of the situation that has prompted you to consult the oracle. Although you are not aware of it, it appears that individuals close to you may have formed an alliance that will affect you in some way. These people could have entered into a contractual agreement, totally unknown to you. They may be at great pains to keep you from realising the truth, perhaps even hiding important documents or artefacts. Alternatively, someone close to you could have some very strong religious convictions, which will have an effect on you in some way. It is therefore essential that you look for any clues to a person’s religious beliefs or marital status before you progress the issue further.

6. Lovers

If The Lovers has appeared in the Unknown position, it seems that there are some individuals close to you who may very well be in love. They may be involved in a clandestine affair because they do not want to hurt others. The problem will occur, however, when the relationship between one or the other progresses to the point where a decision will need to be made. The truth will come out sooner or later, and someone could be hurt if the decision that needs to be made will be a choice between one person or another. The best thing that you can do is to look for any surreptitious clues as to the nature of the affair and then organise your life accordingly.

7. Chariot

If The Chariot has appeared in the Unknown position, there is an individual working in the background who has a very ambitious nature. He is quite driven to succeed and will therefore put all of this energy into getting what he wants out of life. He has a wide domain and prefers to travel extensively to view what he has or what he aspires to have. He is a courteous, polite individual, which will endear himself to others so that he has the ability to work his way to the top in his chosen field. It is important to keep in mind that underneath that friendly demeanour is a steely determination to succeed, and if he has to, he will step on those individuals who get in his way.

8. Strength

If Strength has appeared in the Unknown position, there is a woman in the background working behind the scenes to effect the successful resolution of the situation that has prompted you to consult the oracle. She has an affinity to animals and especially can identify with the regal qualities of cats. She has a great deal of charm, which endears herself to others, especially members of the opposite sex. She is a very gentle soul who has gained a great deal of experience that has been gleaned through her subliminal awareness of her past, present and future lives. She is highly psychic and is therefore able to access the akashic records of others at will, knowing their destiny. This woman is such a wise, knowing soul that she has many admirers, and some of them may very well have commitments elsewhere to other people.

9. Hermit

If The Hermit has appeared in the Unknown position, you may not be aware of it, but there is someone close to you who is feeling somewhat lonely. Even when in a crowded room, he does not feel as if there is anyone he can confide in. He may have put out feelers, dropped hints, and even suggested social outings, but no one has picked up on his desire and/or need for human company. As a result of this, he may spend a lot of time going deep within himself, reflecting upon the circumstances that have brought him to the point where he finds himself in need of company. He may very well have people who he can spend his time with, but for some reason they do not fill the void that is within his soul. Perhaps there is something that you can do to relieve the deafening silence that he is feeling right now. Perhaps a phone call, a friendly chat, or even a social outing is all that is needed to ease the loneliness that has pervaded the depths of this lost soul’s being.

10. Wheel Of Fortune

If the Wheel of Fortune has appeared in the Unknown position, it seems that the karmic wheels are set in motion and there is not a lot that you can do about it. Although you have free will to decide your own personal destiny, you are also part of a group of individuals that has what can be best described as a group karma. Groups, organisations and nations have their own karmic influences that they must work through in order to progress and develop along the evolutionary path that they are destined for. This is precisely why groups, organisations and nations have certain characteristics that are stereotyped and caricatured throughout the physical universe. Sometimes during an intense karmic spell, we must forgo our own karmic and dharmic desires in order to fulfil the destiny of the greater good. This does not mean to imply that our own hopes, dreams and ambitions will be thwarted as a consequence of our group destiny, but it does mean that what we personally desire and need will have to take a back seat to the desires and needs of the group we are in. For example, when the area that we live in is encountering an economic recession or depression, it is quite likely that we will feel the knock-on effect of such influences by experiencing a depressed financial situation as well, even if our natal horoscope indicates that in theory we should be financially well off. In addition, during times of famine, disease and war, young souls who are so full of promise for the future may have to give up their own personal dreams and ambitions to fulfil the karmic obligations of the group that they belong to in order to enable that specific group to grow and develop as a unit in its own right. It is also for that reason that souls have a tendency to incarnate together into groups and specific periods of time, thereby enabling that spiritual circle to fulfil its karmic destiny, as depicted in the akashic records.

11. Justice

If Justice has appeared in the Unknown position, you may not be aware of this, but the wheels of balance are in motion. Someone you know may be involved in litigation, but for reasons known only to them, they have decided not to broadcast the situation. The universe is in a constant state of motion and flux, correcting any imbalances that may exist within it. It is for that reason that you need to ensure that your affairs are in order because even if you are able to keep any deceptions secret, the higher powers of our super-consciousness will ensure that any deceptions come to light and are made public knowledge.

12. Hanged Man

If The Hanged Man has appeared in the Unknown position, there is someone around you who is very depressed and does not know how to adequately express his feelings to other people. He perhaps feels very misunderstood, and for that reason does not feel as if he fits into the normal scheme of things. The reason for this is because he has not yet discovered his true path in this world. All the same, this knowledge does nothing to allay his feelings of being a fish out of water. Perhaps he needs a friend, and perhaps that friend could be you.

13. Death

If Death has appeared in the Unknown position, you are not aware of it, but all around you people are going through major transformations. These changes may at first be seen as massive upheavals, which is the universe’s way of effecting transition when people do not want to make the necessary adjustments on their own. As a result of this, people around you may suffer job losses, difficulties at home, problems with school, losses of relationships, and in some cases, even death. You may not be aware of what is going on around you because many people are reluctant to discuss their difficulties, often considering it socially unacceptable to ‘air one’s dirty laundry’ in public. It is for that reason that you must look for subtle clues that will keep you abreast of hidden agendas. The best course of action is to keep your mouth shut, and your eyes and ears open, and people will open up to you when they find you a worthy confidante. It is important for you to attune yourself to what is going on in the lives of others because any changes in their circumstances will eventually have the knock-on effect of affecting you.

14. Temperance

If Temperance has appeared in the Unknown position, the Universe is in the process of balancing and adjusting any areas where there is a lack of harmony. What is transpiring is of such a subtle nature that you and those around you are not aware of the transformation that is taking place. The opportunities that are being presented to you and those close to you are apparently so minor that you will not automatically give them any credence for making major life changes. However, those chance encounters today are what will influence your future, so it is therefore essential to make the most of every opportunity, no matter how insignificant it may appear at the time.

15. Devil

If The Devil has appeared in the Unknown position, it seems that some individuals are undertaking a few nefarious activities behind your back, only you will not be too pleased to find out what is going on under your very nose. Perhaps someone close to you is embarking upon a path that is not suitable to what you desire and need for your soul growth. The fact that this individual is taking on what you would perceive to be a more sinister outlook on life is an indicator that you may very well be entertaining company that is not suitable to your spiritual development. It is important to think carefully about the associations that you keep. If your relationships are not giving you the happiness and fulfilment that you deserve as a celestial being, maybe it is time to sever those ties so more suitable individuals can enter into your sphere of awareness.

16. Tower

If The Tower has appeared in the Unknown position, people around you are going through some major upheavals in their life. They may find that they suddenly have to move house, which will be a somewhat stressful ordeal. Someone close to you may have an accident, which will deeply affect you because you are close to that person. You will no doubt lament about the unfairness of life, as you must eventually see people around you going through difficulties, which you are powerless to do anything about. During your observations you will receive clarity of mind and a unique awareness of the laws of cause and effect. It is then that you will more fully understand that every action has a reaction, and some individuals who seem unlucky are not total victims in the unfoldment of their destiny. Perhaps they had to move house because they did not pay their rent or damaged the property. Possibly an accident occurred because they did not follow adequate safety precautions. It could be that they lost their job because they were not doing it properly. There is a reason for everything and it is up to you to ask probing questions and analyse the situation before making any biased assumptions.

17. Star

If The Star has appeared in the Unknown position, it seems that people around you are on very friendly terms and are making plans for the future. They are full of hope because they have not yet been affected by the knocks that life gives us all. They may work closely in a educational setting because there is a strong desire to learn and disseminate the information that they have been given from higher sources. It is possible that you have not been included in the happy gathering because they feel that you would not be interested. It is for that reason that you should put on a happy face and try to be a bit friendlier if you would like to be included in group social activities.

18. Moon

If The Moon has appeared in the Unknown position, you really need to take care to protect your assets because nothing truly is as it seems. Everything is in a muddle and your auric vision is being blinded, thereby preventing you from seeing things as they actually are. Because we all have certain tasks that we are obliged to perform whilst we are incarnate in the earth plane, certain ethereal filters have been incorporated into our biological bodies, which prevent us from truly seeing the world as it really is. If we were to perceive the complexity of our world beyond our five physical senses, it would simply be too much for our three dimensional bodies to be able to incorporate into our information processes. We would see a spectrum of colours that reach far beyond the three primary colours and various hues, tones and shades that are composed of their combination. We would see shapes and dimensions far beyond what we normally can perceive, and we would realise that the mansions that Jesus spoke of in his father’s house, are composed of a crystalline foundation amongst vapours and mist, almost like glass, except for the fact that they are shatter-proof. We would also be able to hear with a clarity that we have never before experienced, as we are able to perceive the angels speaking to us, filling us in on little known karmic truths. The reason why filters are in place is because if we were able to experience the sensation of oneness of the universe, we would be so engrossed in the many mysteries that we would forget to remember our mission in this life. Although we are weighed down by our three dimensional bodies in a three physical world, we have been given the gift of auric vision, which enables us to intuitively perceive that which we have no conscious reason to know. It is this sixth sense that helps us on our life and prevents us from seriously injuring ourselves during mishaps. There are times, however, when our auric vision becomes blocked, and it is these times when we are not even able to use the logical reasoning ability that we all have to make adequate life choices. When we are under tremendous stress or under the influence of cigarettes, drug, alcohol, and even food, we are clogging up our bodily processes and therefore unable to accurately perceive people and situations as they truly are. This is one of those times when you are not aware of what is going on underneath your very nose.

19. The Sun

If The Sun has appeared in the Unknown position, it seems that love is in the air, but you are totally unaware of it. You, or someone you know, may be in the process of starting a family, but for reasons known only to you, it has not become apparent to anyone else. An animal may soon be coming into your life, and this can be seen only as a positive thing. Animals are able to give a pure, wholesome love that is uncomplicated by the intricate web of human life. Their love shows no bounds, and this may be something that you need to restore your faith in the world around you. Exhibitionism is likely, as someone close to you may be showing off, either to get attention or to add an element of shock to people unprepared for such displays. It is for that reason that you need to look around your immediate environment. Is there someone close to you who craves attention? If so, then this individual may need to be reminded that there are other more orthodox ways to make his presence known.

20. Judgement

If Judgement has appeared in the Unknown position, you or someone close to you may be in need of healing, but are totally unaware of it. Physically, you could have a condition that is virtually symptomless, and you will not be aware of the illness until it has entered into its more advanced stages. Emotionally, you may have endured a trauma, and not knowing how to handle the experience, you repressed or denied it. During repression, you simply push the incident to the back of your mind, where it resides until you feel safe enough to recall it and process how you feel about it on a healthy level. When you deny something, however, your mind twists the experience around so that you are able to make yourself believe something entirely different altogether. While you may be totally unaware of your need for healing, your auric make-up is composed of each and every psychic wound that you have encountered that has not been properly dealt with and integrated into your core being. The key here is to stop, look, listen, and keep your mind as quiet as possible, and it is then that you will awaken from your slumber of eternal forgetfulness.

21. World

If The World has appeared in the Unknown position, there is something in your life that has reached a natural conclusion, but perhaps you have not realised it. You may have been involved in a relationship, vocation or hobby that you have outgrown, but since it is so much a part of your day to day activity, it may be difficult for you to see that you really need to move on in your life. The best way to gauge whether something has outlived its usefulness is to ask yourself how bored you are. If you are bored, you should ask yourself what you need to do to alleviate the boredom. It may mean that you need to change jobs, begin a course of study, or start a hobby. In relationship matters, you will need to have a heart to heart discussion with your significant other to think of ways that you can to renew a relationship that is on the verge of going stale.



If the Ace of Wands has appeared in the Unknown position, it seems that there is a great deal of creativity going on around you, but for some reason you are not utilising such energy to your fullest potential. You are not using your psychic potential and for that reason are missing out on much spiritual insight and knowledge of the akashic records. In order to tap into the psychic elements that are a part of your environment, it would be best for you to begin to engage in creative endeavours, such as drawing, painting, or design. There is universal knowledge that you can attune yourself to, you just need to make yourself an appropriate channel for the information.


If the Two of Wands has appeared in the Unknown position, there are two individuals who have come together to form a partnership, but for some reason have decided to keep it quiet. These people may be involved in a working relationship, but there might be more to the situation than meets the eye. They may meet together for a sporting, academic or even religious event, and for whatever reason, they need the mental stimulation that this other person affords them. Their relationship, however, is of interest to you because you need to be aware of it so that you can make your own choices with regard to the situation that prompted you to consult the oracle. It is for that reason that you need to keep your ear to the ground and look for any subtle clues as to the nature of this major life lesson that you are being presented with.


If the Three of Wands has appeared in the Unknown position, there is a group of people who have gathered together to accomplish a common goal. It may be social, sport, business, academic or religious, and for some reason you have not been included in the group. The reasons for your exclusion could vary; you may not have the necessary skills to compete with your contemporaries, you may have a different belief system that would keep you from harmonising in the group, or more negatively, you could be under a great deal of stress that prevents you from interacting with your peers in a positive manner. If you are feeling left out, you need to ask yourself if the reason is because of something you did or something the group has done. If it transpires that it is because of something you have done, then maybe you can take actions to remedy the situation.


If the Four of Wands has appeared in the Unknown position, there is a family gathering, which you are totally unaware of. It may concern a family celebration or other important event, but for some reason you have not been included in the organisation of it. The reasons for your exclusion can vary, but it is important that you are aware of it because it will affect you in an indirect fashion. It is for that reason that you need to be on the lookout for clues to the nature of other people’s involvement. When you become aware of exactly what this group of people is involved in, you will be able to make your reasonable life choices accordingly.


If the Five of Wands has appeared in the Unknown position, there are people around you who are at odds with one another. The reason for their strife is because they are not happy with themselves. If these individuals were content, they would have no need to bicker amongst themselves. The simple fact of the matter is that some people just love a good fight because it is the only way they know how to relate to other people. Perhaps they did not receive enough positive attention during their more formative years, and as a consequence lack the supportive emotions that arise from hugs and cuddles given for the sheer sake of showing love and emotion to someone they are found of. If the only attention that a young person receives is a smack or verbal admonishment, then he in turn will become conditioned to show that kind of attention to others, which is a very negative way to relate. It is important for you to astutely determine exactly where this backbiting is coming from so that you can make sure that you don’t allow yourself to become drawn into it.


If the Six of Wands has appeared in the Unknown position, there are people around you who are making plans for their future success and prosperity. If the nature of this venture is of a professional ilk, it may very well mean that their success could possibly mean that you will be required to defer to them in some way. Because the world we live in is so fickle and people’s tastes change quite rapidly, you need to stay abreast of such interesting times and adapt yourself accordingly. Because you will never know precisely when you will need someone as any ally, it would be in your best interests to cultivate positive relationships, no matter how irrelevant they may appear at the time.


If the Seven of Wands appears in the Unknown position, someone you know may be having some difficulties, which could very well indirectly affect you. You may be close to an individual who is under a great deal of stress in his personal or professional life, which is affecting how he conducts his affairs. There may also be a difficult economic climate, which means that there may be less money to purchase much needed products or services. It is for that reason that you need to remain sensitive to the needs and desires of those around you. When the situation improves, as it inevitably will, those who you helped or did not hinder along their way will remember your acts of humaneness and repay you in kind.


If the Eight of Wands has appeared in the Unknown position, it seems that some people close to you will be making a journey, probably in respect to their duties or obligations. This individual may be given a promotion or more responsibilities at work, which will have an indirect impact on you. You may find yourself in a subordinate position, when in the past, you were regarded as a peer. Possibly, because of the personal circumstances going on in your own life, it is difficult for you to take an interest in other people. As a result, you may appear to be unapproachable to those who would otherwise be friendly to you. Therefore, it you would like to know what is going on with others, you will need to take an active interest in them, even if it means allowing your own problems and concerns to take a backseat, for a little while at least.


If the Nine of Wands has appeared in the Unknown position, there are some individuals around you who feel as if they have been put in the defensive position. Perhaps they lack confidence in their ability to perform well, and as a result see any comments made by you or anybody else as an affront, which will automatically make them feel as if they must defend themselves. A consequence of such feelings will result in you not receiving all of the information that you need to carry out your day to day activities. The important thing is to try to cultivate an environment of mutual trust and acceptance, which will give other individuals the feeling that they could freely relate to you on all matter of subjects.


If the Ten of Wands has appeared in the Unknown position, the circumstances that you are in are tense at best. The reason for this is because those around you have made commitments that they are having difficulties keeping. As a result this is putting a great deal of stress on all parties involved. The economic climate may not be right for growth in a profitable capacity, and this means that it is highly improbable that any significant advances will be made. The situation will affect you because you could lose out on employment prospects, which would affect your financial situation. Therefore, even though you personally may not be responsible for the austere environment that you and those around you have been enveloped in, you will in all likelihood be made to suffer for the mistakes of others. It is for that reason that a team effort to work in a positive, proactive direction is what will be needed to overcome the difficult times ahead.


If the King of Wands has appeared in the Unknown position, there is an older man who is influencing the situation that prompted you to consult the oracle. He might work in a professional capacity, giving advice to people who he feels need it. He also has a great deal of personal magnetism, which makes him a very attractive individual indeed. Because he has so much influence amongst his contemporaries, he either knowingly or unknowingly is working behind the scenes to effect some major changes in your life, which could include a change in job, home, vocation, religion or partner.


If the Queen of Wands has appeared in the Unknown position, there is a woman who can be quite animated, as she works behind the scenes in some capacity. She may not even be aware that she has such a major influence over you, but she does, nevertheless, play an important role in your life. To find out who this woman is and what role she plays, it is important to ask astute questions that are designed to feel out people’s values and intentions. It is also important that you look for any hidden meanings in the conversations that you have with others, because much can be gleaned from simple Freudian slips that the speakers may not even be aware.


If the Knight of Wands has appeared in the Unknown position, there is a young man who is working behind the scenes to influence the situation in some way. He may be totally unaware of the part that he is playing in the resolution of the situation that has prompted you to consult the oracle, but he could also be surreptitiously working to influence the situation in his favour. It is for that reason that you need to become a careful observer with regard to the activities and subtle nuances of others, because the non-verbal cues are the ones that will lead to you an insightful awareness of this person who has become an interloper in your current circumstances.


If the Page of Wands has appeared in the Unknown position, there is a young person who is influencing the situation in some way. Whether you are aware of her presence or not, her mere association with the situation that prompted you to consult the oracle will have an impact on the successful resolution of any problems that you may encounter. She has a cheerful disposition and enjoys having a good time. She likes to be the centre of attention and will engage in attention seeking tactics of either a positive or negative ilk to get a reaction from others.



If the Ace of Pentacles has appeared in the Unknown position, it seems that a new set of economic forces will come into the climate to shake things up a bit. It is for that reason that you may be asked to invest in a venture of some sort. You will, however, need to think very carefully about any financial arrangements that you make because there is no guarantee that you will receive a return on your investment.


If the Two of Pentacles has appeared in the Unknown position, someone close to you is just beginning to have financial difficulties. They may have to juggle their finances, often waiting until they get their final reminder before paying their bills. This could inadvertently affect you because if you lend this individual money it will take you a long time to get it back, and you will have to be the one to instigate any requests for payment, which will undoubtedly put a strain on your relationship with that individual.


If the Three of Pentacles has appeared in the Unknown position, someone close to you will be undergoing a change in their finances, which is likely to be for the better. They may move house, which will be seen as a step up the material ladder. They will have more money, which means that their living circumstances and standard of living will improve considerably. This will indirectly affect you because you stand to benefit from this person’s prosperity, especially if you are intimately involved with him. If the person in question is your partner, then it would be assumed that you would be able to share in his increased material wealth. In the same vein, because he has greater wealth, it would not be unreasonable to assume that he would become more attractive to others. It is for that reason that if this individual means a lot to you, you would need to exercise the necessary precautions to ensure that he stays with you.


If the Four of Pentacles has appeared in the Unknown position, there is someone close to you who is quite frugal. He does not like to spend his money and prefers to keep it stashed away, hopefully in a safe place. Correction: while he does not necessarily mind spending money on himself, he is loathe to spend money on other people. While this does not necessarily pose a problem at the moment, what would happen if you should decide to become intimately involved with this person? If you do enter into an alliance with this person, you would be expected to contribute your fair share financially to keep the relationship on an even keel. What you consider to be a fair and equitable might not necessarily be what he considers to be a fair share, and that is where the problems will arise. In addition, if you were to decide to marry and start a family with this individual, more difficulties will present themselves. If this individual is not prepared to share what he has with you, could you possibly expect him to provide for any children that might arise from the union? These are serious questions that you need to ask yourself about this person. If you are prepared to spend your life putting more into such a relationship than you might receive, then such a liaison may be worth pursuing. If, however, you would prefer to be with someone who is going to be generous with you, then you might want to consider looking around some more for a more giving soul.


If the Five of Pentacles has appeared in the Unknown position, someone close to you is having difficulties in the physical world that we live in. These problems could very well be financial in nature because one of the biggest worries that we have is our ability to provide adequately for ourselves and our families. It has become a well established fact, however, that worries about money can often lead to depression. Therefore, the very nature of the problem will become twofold because when a person is depressed, they lose confidence, which will ultimately affect their earning ability because they would be reluctant to take on the more high profile, financially rewarding jobs. When people have financial difficulties there are other areas of their life that suffer a well because they may not be able to attend schools, participate in social activities, and even attend church services.


If the Six of Pentacles has appeared in the Unknown position, someone may be helping you out in some way and you do not even realise it. You may be receiving subsidised housing, food, clothing, or transportation from a benevolent soul. You may also have been helped along your career path by someone who feels that you are deserving of a break. It is important, therefore, to never look a gift horse in the mouth because benevolence does not come into our lives often. The important thing to remember is that the universe is in a constant state of flux, balancing out any inequalities that may exist. It is for that reason that it is your duty as a celestial being in a physical world to perform your share of good deeds in order to give back to the universe what has been given to you.


If the Seven of Pentacles has appeared in the Unknown position, you and those around you are engaged in a waiting game. There are individuals around you who are working in preparation for a big event that you may not even be aware of. The effects of these activities will not become apparent until much later, but when you finally are to be made privy to the events that are going on under your very nose, everything will fit in with a renewed clarity that will not have been possible before. Because the individuals involved are not likely to go out of their way to fill you in on their long term hopes, dreams and ambitions, you will need to take it upon yourself to act as a sleuth and uncover pertinent details using your own higher cognition.


If the Eight of Pentacles has appeared in the Unknown position, someone close to you will very likely begin a new job or take a course that will enable them to learn new skills. The hands are paramount, as this individual will be required to work with them. There will be a learning curve that needs to be overcome, but when he becomes proficient at this new task, he will be highly skilled at what he does. This re-training may come about through necessity, as circumstances may arise where he must find a new job or vocation in life. He may also decide to take up a hobby, which is likely to be a very rewarding experience. You will in all probability be affected by this new experience, as he will relay to you the events that brought about his transition onto this new path in life.


If the Nine of Pentacles has appeared in the Unknown position, someone you know may need a period of rest and convalescence, possibly spending time in a quiet, serene environment to enable him to recuperate and recharge his batteries. He may very well have acquired a sum of money, which will allow him to take time off work to spend time on himself. Even if he hasn't received money through benevolent sources, he may need to live off of his savings, which could pose a source of frustration for him. This is a time where he needs to rest and reflect on the consequences of his actions and inactions, because, when his equilibrium is restored, he will be able to view the world with renewed clarity and make appropriate life decisions, which could very well affect you.


If the Ten of Pentacles has appeared in the Unknown position, it seems that someone close to you is heavily involved with their family, so much so that it is affecting your personal circumstances. You may not be aware of it because discussions and negotiations are going on without your knowledge, but it is very likely that the conversations that are taking place concern you. It is crucial that you maintain your integrity at all times, even when you have every right to be angry. If you are romantically involved with this person, you need to ask yourself if you would like to continue in a relationship with an individual who will potentially put his family before you.


If the King of Pentacles has appeared in the Unknown position, there is a man influencing the situation from afar. He may be able to wield considerable influence because he either controls finances or business endeavours, which will affect your standard of living considerably. He may also be able to influence the people around you, which will ultimately have an impact on how comfortable you will feel with certain people and situations. It is therefore important that you tread carefully with this individual and follow established protocol when dealing with him.


If the Queen of Pentacles has appeared in the Unknown position, there is a woman who is playing a significant role in the situation that has prompted you to consult the oracle. Because she is so level-headed, she has acted appropriately to ensure that her physical needs are being taken care of. He therefore may have wealth and prosperity in her own right, which instils in her a level of confidence that is not evident in other less fortunate souls. She is a sensuous person and therefore has a healthy appetite for food, wine and sex. It should therefore come as no surprise to find that she has no shortage of admirers who will help to share these good times with her. She does, however, guard what she sees as her possessions fiercely, and is therefore not one to tangle with in any disputes with regard to money, property, or even friendships.


If the Knight of Pentacles has appeared in the Unknown position, there is a young man who is playing a significant part in the situation that has prompted you to consult the oracle. He is generally a very stable individual who can act as a grounding influence during those more uncertain times. He is headstrong because he knows what he wants. Although he has not yet figured out how he would like to go about getting that which he desires, he has a strong, rational intellect that he can use to plan his agenda. He is somewhat sensual because he enjoys the luxurious things that this material world has to offer. If for some reason he is not in a position to go out and get all of those nice things that he desires, he does not mind asking his friends and partners to help him out, sometimes even if it means that other people will have to do without so that he can live the lifestyle he feels he is worthy of.


If the Page of Pentacles has appeared in the Unknown position, a young person is playing a paramount role in the situation that prompted you to consult the oracle. She has a very practical mind and therefore has a sensible approach to life, even at a very young age. As a grounded individual, she is highly focused on whatever tasks she is presented with, whether it is a hobby, school-work, or vocation in life.



If the Ace of Swords has appeared in the Unknown position, the universal laws of balance are at work to remedy any inequalities or injustices that are inherent in your current situation. There are some circumstances that have an evolutionary path that transcends far beyond the affairs of mere mortals, which indicates that there are some things that we humans have very little control over. For instance, in the last century human beings have placed a tremendous stress on the earth by polluting it and using mass farming techniques. So much harm to an already fragile ecology could not go on indefinitely, and such abuses of power have resulted in the phenomenon called global warming, which will have a major impact on the structure on the earth as we know it. On a more ordinary level, if a person abuses his power in any way, shape or form, his activities will come to light sooner or later, showing him for the person that he actually is. The Ace of Swords shows no sympathy and cannot be biased one way or another. Being dual edged, it sees things as right or wrong, and will use the magnificence of its archetypal energies to set about correcting any inequalities. It is for that reason that you really need to ensure that all of your affairs are ethical and above reproach because any surreptitious activities will eventually be revealed to any relevant parties.


If the Two of Swords has appeared in the Unknown position, certain individuals are intentionally keeping you in the dark with regard to some issues that will have a very definite impact on your well being. At the very best they are simply withholding information from you because they consider it to be a private matter. At the very worst, however, they are intentionally giving you misinformation, which will affect your ability to carry out your day to day activities. Because you are not aware of all of the facts, it will be very difficult for you to make any appropriate long range plans for yourself. It is for that reason that now is not the time to engage in any permanent agreements with individuals who you do not know inside and out.


If the Three of Swords has appeared in the Unknown position, it seems that there are some nefarious activities going on behind your back. You may not be aware of it, but there are individuals associated with your milieu who are quite definitely mean and spiteful. The hidden factors that you and the other individuals involved in are because the persons perpetrating the harm onto others have character defects that are a result of psychological wounds that have never properly healed. As a result of these injuries that are quite obvious in the auric make-up of the person, their personalities have not properly developed, and they consequently have a desire to harm others in the same manner that they were harmed. The problem that presents itself is the fact that every time they knowingly and premeditatedly inflict pain on another soul, it does not relieve the pain that they feel within themselves, but only intensifies the self hatred and self loathing that they feel. Some souls who are not inclined to lashing out at others in an attempt to ease the searing anguish that permeates their being will resort to self harm, which acts as a temporary catharsis, but never truly heals the aching inside. The recurring problem however, is that the pain never goes away because the wound has not been healed. As a result of this, they must inflict pain on themselves and others repeatedly so that they can achieve a temporary release of the tension within, thus creating a never-ending cycle of abuse on themselves and others. It is for that reason that you may have found yourself to be the target of such unwarranted abuse, but instead of despising the perpetrator of such acts, you should pity him. It is he who needs healing, not you.


If the Four of Swords has appeared in the Unknown position, there is someone close to you who has uncertainties about a particular situation, and it is for that reason that he seems to be hesitant about forming a more formalised relationship with you. There is the possibility that he has heard whispers from others who do not have your best interests at heart. Because he trusts these individuals who are so earnestly trying to manipulate him, he does not want to see the harm they are perpetrating. These individuals have their own personal agendas and may not necessarily have his best interests at heart. There is nothing that you can do to influence this person’s opinions because he is not receptive to anything that you have to say in the matter. The only thing that you can do is to ensure that your own actions are above reproach. Eventually, he will see that those individuals who had been whispering in his ear had agendas at cross purposes to his own. Until that time, the only thing that you can do is weather the psychological storm ahead.


If the Five of Swords has appeared in the Unknown position, there are acrimonious negotiations going on behind your back, which will have an impact on you. It seems that you are unknowingly surrounded in an air of slander, libel and deliberate misinformation. People around you are in dispute, and whether you like it or not, you have been caught up in idle gossip. When all is revealed, which it inevitably will be, you will not want your name to be included amongst those who will be reputed to have been trying to stir up angst.


If the Six of Swords has appeared in the Unknown position, there are some individuals close to you who are considering moving on in their life. It seems that there is a particular relationship or situation that they are not happy with, and although they may not have expressed their dissatisfaction in a manner that has been readily apparent to you, they have, metaphorically speaking, come to the end of their tether. The problem may arise in the fact that because you have not been receptive to the verbal and non-verbal cues that have been presented to you, it will seem to be a decision that has come totally out of the blue. The problem that may also arise is that the departing of this individual will leave a void in your life that will not be so easy to replace. Therefore, it would be in your best interests to become more alert to the signals that people are sending out, and ask probing questions to ascertain the true intentions of others.


If the Seven of Swords has appeared in the Unknown position, there are surreptitious and possibly even wicked activities going on under your very nose. People who you had supposed to be your friends are taking advantage of your good nature by taking things from you that they have no right to appropriate. If you have told one particular person something in confidence, it is very likely that that individual will repeat what you thought you were confiding in the strictest of privacy, which could cause considerable embarrassment to you if the wrong persons were to find out that information. If you have entrusted someone with property or finances, it is possible that that person has decided to appropriate some of it for himself. Some people who you know in a professional capacity may take your ideas and work, and pass it on as their own, which will help them to promote themselves. With these factors in mind, it would therefore be prudent to handle your affairs personally, thereby preventing any wickedness from any opportunists who you might meet.


If the Eight of Swords has appeared in the Unknown position, someone close to you is experiencing a mental block, which is preventing him from acting and speaking freely. It could be that he is experiencing a high level of dissatisfaction with regard to one particular aspect or relationship in his life. Because he does not possess the vocabulary to adequately express his feelings on the matter, not knowing precisely which words to use, he chooses to stay nothing, thereby prolonging the inner paralyses that he feels. He may also be much too tactful to express any negative sentiments, so he therefore chooses to say nothing about the issue, thereby denying both of you the opportunity to grow as individuals within the relationship. With this knowledge in mind, perhaps it would be wise for you to consciously use your powers of perception and look beneath outward appearances to try to gain a greater understanding of exactly what it is that is making this person reluctant to speak openly.


If the Nine of Swords has appeared in the Unexpected position, there is someone close to you who is suffering from worry and anxiety, and is losing sleep in the process. He may suffer from a mental illness, such as any one of the number of depressions, psychosis, neurosis, obsessive-compulsive disorders, or an addictions. Because things are not right in his head, his behaviour can be quite erratic, which can be somewhat confusing for individuals who are not able to pinpoint the problem. This individual may be experiencing symptoms of a mental illness due to a chemical imbalance, which could be the result of food intolerances, a hormone imbalance, and digestive problems, which would adversely affect the body’s ability to absorb essential nutrients. Because this person who is exhibiting such problematic behaviour is close to you, it can be a perplexing time because you are not certain exactly what the problem is. It is therefore essential that you help this individual to get the appropriate medical attention in order to ease his suffering.


If the Ten of Swords has appeared in the Unknown position, you are surrounded in an atmosphere of betrayal and letdown. Someone you know has been harmed in a big way by the activities of others, and you may have unwittingly played a part in his demise. It is for that reason that you may not be very popular because some individuals may hold you responsible for the downfall of others. The best way that you can lessen the impact of what appears to be a rather unfortunate situation is to make sure that all of your activities are ethical and strictly business. You really need to be careful what you say because other more malevolent souls may take any statements that you utter and twist them around to mean something entirely different. It is also important that if the individual who has been badly let down holds you responsible for his demise in some way, he may seek retribution, which could cause further problems for you.


If the King of Swords has appeared in the Unknown position, there is an intellectually powerful man who is operating behind the scenes in a certain capacity to affect the situation that prompted you to consult the oracle. He has a mind that is capable of processing large quantities of information to come up with logical conclusions, which indicates that he may work in a professional capacity, dealing with large quantities of data. Because he has such a rapid deduction ability, he is capable of manipulating information so that it appears to be something that it really isn’t, thereby persuading more impressionable souls to do his bidding for him. It is therefore essential that you listen critically to the message that this man attempts to impart onto others. In addition, it is essential that you double-check all of the information that he presents to you for accuracy, seeking outside help if necessary. He is a master manipulator, capable of bamboozling people with an overwhelming logic.


If the Queen of Swords has appeared in the Unexpected position, there is a woman operating behind the scenes to influence the situation that has prompted you to consult the oracle. She is thoughtful and considerate, and for that reason is often well liked by others. She spends much time in deep thought, however, which could cause her to lose sight of her true purpose in this life. She is very knowledgeable on a wide variety of subjects and tries to impart what she knows onto others. Because she is always searching for the perfect relationship, she may find that one person is often not enough to satisfy all of her needs. It is for that reason that she will need several people in her life to fulfil the needs of her multifaceted personality.


If the Knight of Swords has appeared in the Unknown position, there is a young man working behind the scenes to effect the object of your enquiry. He has an active mind and therefore needs to stay mentally stimulated or he could have difficulties functioning in a productive capacity. While he desires a happy partnership, most of his affairs and relationships are more a part of his elaborate fantasy world then what is actually transpiring in the material world. The reason for this is because he is such an idealist that few, if any, mere mortals will be able to live up to the high standards that he sets. It is for that reason that if he is able to settle down in a formal relationship with one individual, he will need other outlets in the form of people outside of the relationship, or a highly developed fantasy world. In his thoughts his perfect partner will exist and therefore never let him down.


If the Page of Swords has appeared in the Unknown position, there is a young person who is operating behind the scenes to influence the situation in some way. She is quite communicative and is therefore able to establish a rapport easily with many people. She also enjoys one to one relationships, and treats everyone as if they are special. Because she is so personable, she rarely has a shortage of friends and acquaintances, and she needs these people to be near her because she has a very strong desire to fit into a group.



If the Ace of Cups has appeared in the Unknown position, there exists within you the capability of everlasting happiness, but you first need to clear away a few blockages that you do not even know exist at this time. It is not so much a fact that you are not aware of the blockages in your auric make-up, but you have allowed yourself to be lulled into an eternal forgetfulness, similar to Homer’s epic poem. In Odyssey, Odysseus and his group of men where almost lulled into an opium induced indifference and thereby temporarily lost their way home during the course of their journey. In the same vein, you have allowed yourself to live in an indefinite state of self-induced narcosis, and thereby allowed yourself to lose consciousness of the traumas that have brought about the blockages in your psyche. Now is the time to wake-up from your self-induced state of indifference so that you can begin to feel the intense happiness and elation that is in fact your birthright.


If the Two of Cups has appeared in the Unknown position, there is someone around you who seems to be extremely happy, as he or she has found someone who they are highly compatible with. This sense of contentment that they feel is likely to spill over into other areas of their life, as they will see the futility of squabbles over supposedly important issues, which, if the truth is known, are not that huge in relation to the grand scheme of things. They are likely to become somewhat introverted, as they would prefer to spend their free time with the one person who they feel that they are truly compatible with. This new-found love and harmony may be wonderful for the participants involved, but if one of the players happens to be someone who you are committed to and rely on a daily basis, it could pose problems. It is essential, therefore, that you delve deeper into the absences of someone dear to you if you feel that they may be sharing their affections with another.


If the Three of Cups has appeared in the Unknown position, there are some individuals around you who are engaged in an abundance of social activities. These festivities are likely to be somewhat prolonged, as they eat, drink and make merry on a regular basis. These social activities can be quite positive, except for the fact that since you are not being made aware of these activities, there is the possibility that you are being excluded for one reason or another. While you may receive some insight if you go right out and ask why you are not being included in these social activities, a more subtle approach may reveal more pertinent information with less embarrassment. It would therefore be best to use a more intuitive approach by observing body language and the non-verbal clues that one unconsciously lets out. While you may very well be hurt by the exclusion that you feel, even if you were invited to such social activities, you may very well not enjoy the company. Alternatively, it may be in your best interests to make friends who have personalities that you are more attuned to because in reality you would glean much more enjoyment from their company.


If the Four of Cups has appeared in the Unknown position, there is someone close to you who may be having doubts about his relationship with you, even through you may very well be totally unaware of any reservations he has. The reason for this is because you have allowed yourself to become so mentally embroiled in how you perceive the relationship to be that you have lost touch with how it actually is. The clues of his uncertainty are there if you look closely, but if you are having a relationship in your mind, it will be significantly more difficult for you to perceive what is really going on between the two of you. It is for that reason that you need to dissociate yourself from the relationship and look at it with a critical mind, thinking logically rather than emotionally, and it is there that it will slowly dawn on you the true nature of your liaison.


If the Five of Cups has appeared in the Unknown position, it seems that there is someone close to you who is disappointed in a recent turn of events. This individual may very well be going through a depression, as he attempts to come to turns with the fact that his ideals have not matched reality. It could be that this person is disappointed in you because you have not lived up to the expectations that he had of you. He may not have openly expressed his disappointment to you, but if you observe his demeanour, it is likely that he will express an anger that wells up just beneath the surface of his conscious awareness, and can be seen as a dichotomy of what appears to be a placid demeanour. This can take the form of sarcastic comments, veiled jokes, or passive aggressive actions. Is there a promise that you have made that you have not kept? Have you not met specific obligations to a specific person? Those are questions that you need to ask yourself because although you may have forgotten all about it, the person close to you hasn’t.


If the Six of Cups has appeared in the Unknown position, children figure prominently in the situation that has prompted you to consult the oracle. Someone close to you may be mulling over events from the past, revelling in the idea of the good times that he had, and wishing to recreate those times. What is important to remember is the fact that as universal beings, we are all in a process of evolvement, changing subtly with every second of every day. Therefore, even if one manages to get in touch with friends from the past to re-create those good times, the reunion will never be the same as it was in past times. It is also important to note that children will figure prominently in some capacity, and it is therefore important to search for clues to exactly whose children they may be.


If the Seven of Cups has appeared in the Unknown position, there is someone close to you who is contemplating making a change in his life that will very likely have an effect on you. The problem will arise in the fact that this individual will not be in possession of accurate information, which will result in his inability to make an appropriate decision that will be beneficial for the both of you. It is for that reason that if someone close to you is going to be making decisions that will have an effect on you, it would be in your best interests to take it upon yourself to research the appropriate information, using whatever means available to you, thereby assisting in the decision making process.


If the Eight of Cups has appeared in the Unknown position, it seems that someone you know has been experiencing a high level of dissatisfaction with one particular relationship or situation for quite some time. This individual may very well have tried his best to adapt to an environment that was not necessarily to his liking. He may very well have verbally and non-verbally expressed his ambivalence to a situation that was becoming increasingly untenable. The fact is, however, that this particular situation or relationship has not been suitable to his soul growth, and he has begun to feel the pull of his psyche to move on to more rewarding endeavours. It is because this person has truly tried to make a go of the situation and has felt that he has failed. He has therefore decided to accept the fact that there are some things in this life that he is not destined to have, and has made the decision to walk away. What you need to be concerned about is that this individual may be walking away from you in the process, which may or may not be to your liking. It is for that reason that you need to proactively ascertain exactly what the problem is so that you can take corrective actions to resolve any inequalities, if necessary.


If the Nine of Cups has appeared in the Unknown position, there is someone close to you who appears happy on the outside to those who can see this individual at a passing glance. This individual needs to be observed with somewhat more depth and with a critical mind in order to realise that there is a lot more to this person that meets the eye. This person may appear to be happy on the outside because he or she has learned maladaptive coping mechanisms to stressful situations that are rooted deeply in his subconscious, as a consequence of events that he has had difficulty coming to terms with. Although the events that prompted these coping mechanisms have been long forgotten, buried somewhere with the hidden recesses of his mind, the mechanisms have become so much a part of him that he continues with these habits without any apparent knowledge of why. It is for that reason that this individual may tend to take things to excess, such as overeating, over-drinking, or over-smoking, just to name a few of the vices that prevail in the society that we are currently a part of. It is for that reason that you need to take a careful look at those around you to see if they have adopted any unhealthy habits. If it is the case, maybe you can lend a helping hand to assist them in overcoming what it is that is bothering them.


If the Ten of Cups has appeared in the Unknown position, there is a couple close to you who have found everlasting happiness together, as they are destined to perform karmic work together to aide their soul growth. It could be that you are involved with the individual in question, and it is therefore essential that you attune yourself to the subtle signals that people in love send out to each other.


If the King of Cups has appeared in the Unknown position, there is a man who is working behind the scenes to influence the situation in some way. He is highly intuitive and therefore uses the animalistic instincts that he was born with to suss out people and situations. When he has been able to integrate his life experiences in a positive direction, he can be a caring, compassionate person who takes the needs of others into consideration when making decisions. If, however, he has not been able to channel his life experiences in a productive, growth provoking manner, he can become somewhat eccentric and unstable, abusing the power that he has been given. It is for that reason that you need to look carefully at the men in your life to see if there is something that they may be hiding from you.


If the Queen of Cups has appeared in the Unknown position, there is a woman working behind the scenes, subtly endeavouring to influence the situation in her favour. You may be in competition with her over a relationship, job or other similar interest. She has therefore decided that if she keeps her perceived level of involvement to a minimum, she has the possibility of effecting the greatest change. Because she will not openly declare to you her true intentions, it is therefore important that you stay vigilant to keep your affairs away from prying eyes and in scrupulous order. You never know what opportunist may be lurking around the corner, waiting to take immediate action at your first falter.


If the Knight of Cups has appeared in the Unknown position, there is a young man who is influencing the situation. He may or may not be aware of the significant role that he plays but he nonetheless exerts a huge influence by his mere presence. He is quite considerate of other people and as a result has wide circle of friends who appreciate his thoughtfulness. As a result of his friendly demeanour, he will not be short of admirers. It is for that reason that he could become involved with more than one paramour simultaneously because he is loathe to offend anyone by choosing one lover over the other.

Page/Princess If the Page of Pentacles has appeared in the Unknown position, there is a young person who is influencing the situation in question, although she may be totally unaware of the role that she is playing. She is quite emotional and tends to cry easily because she has not learned to keep her emotions in check. Because she is such an emotive individual, if she may not able to channel her feelings positively and may learn maladroit coping mechanisms that can be dangerous for herself and others. If her past experiences have been negative and of a nature that inhibited her soul growth and maturity, she could become very self absorbed and demanding. It is for that reason that she needs to be in a supportive or nurturing environment, thereby enabling her to become a productive member of society.
