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The Celtic Block

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The Celtic Cross

The Celtic Cross is an ancient oracle, which has evolved through countless generations and is one of the most widely used spreads today because of its versatility and time tested accurateness. In modern times, the Celtic Cross was mentioned by A E Waite in his work, The Pictorial Key to the Tarot. Prior to his publishing of this oracle, it had been used for many years privately in England, Scotland and Ireland. One of the reasons why the Celtic Cross has withstood the test of time is because it is such a universal spread, which can be used to answer specific questions or provide a general reading to the querent. The Celtic Cross provides insights into what the querent can expect for the upcoming half year.


This card denotes the nature of the question and can often reflect entirely different motives than what we were originally concerned about. It is important to look carefully at this card because it encompasses the entire theme of the reading, and could in fact relate to an entirely different issue, an area of life that the querent may not have previously consciously thought about. In astrological terms, this position denotes the conjunction, as it synthesises the root question into something that the querent can easily understand.


This card reflects those circumstances that are at cross purposes to the attainment of our goals and ambitions. It often tells the querent about an area of life that is stressful to him and is hindering him along his path in this specific part of his incarnation. Quite often the most negative qualities of the card in this placement are revealed to the reader. In astrological terms, this position can be referred to as a square, something that provides stress to the querent, but nonetheless gives him the impetus to take proactive steps to remedy any blockages that prevent us from achieving our fullest potential.


This card placement reflects that which is above the querent. It is the querent’s higher cognition and reveals universal truths that he knows within himself to be accurate. It depicts the most benefic aspects of the situation in question. In astrological terms, this position is related to the sextile, as it shows the querent what opportunities will avail themselves to him so that he can make the best of the situation that prompted him to consult the oracle.


This card position denotes that which is below the querent. It reflects the querent’s lower cognition and reveals unfortunate truths that the querent feels that he does not have the power to change at the time of the reading. In many respects, it denotes the most unfortunate aspects of the situation. In astrological terms, this position corresponds to the opposition, as it reflects those areas that are as far away as possible from the querent’s true destiny in this life. He must nevertheless face these truths if he is to reach his fullest potential and successfully attain a positive outcome to the situation that prompted him to consult the oracle.


This card position represents the present feelings, hopes and fears at the time of the reading. It also reveals recent events that have brought the querent to his current level of thinking. In astrological terms, this card placement refers to the 12th house of the horoscope, as it refers to the past experiences of the querent that are affecting him at the time of the reading.


This card position shows us what is likely to happen in the very near future, usually up to three months. In astrological terms, this card position reflects the 3rd house in the horoscope, as it refers to that which is likely to occur in the near future.


This card position denotes the querent’s attitude and how he sees the situation that he is involved in. In astrological terms, this card position refers to the 1st house in the horoscope, as it depicts the true personality of the querent.


The card denotes the surrounding environment that the querent is in. It often reflects his living and working situation, as well as the attitudes of those close to him. This card position denotes the 7th house in the horoscope, as it refers to those individuals who we are close to and therefore have the ability to influence us in some way at the time of the reading.


This card position indicates the hopes and fears of the querent with regard to how the situation will progress. It quite often denotes secret wishes, or those hoped for events that the querent is not even consciously aware of desiring. In astrological terms, this position refers to the sextile, as it denotes opportunities that will be presented to us, which will have an outcome on the successful resolution on the situation that prompted the querent to select the oracle.


This card position depicts the probable outcome within the next six months, provided that the querent continues along the path that he is currently on at the time of the reading. If he decides to change his mind and endeavour to embark upon a completely new path, then of course the outcome of the reading will change. In astrological terms, this position refers to the 9th house of the horoscope, as it refers to more long-range events that will happen in the future.
