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The Celtic Block

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The Below placement is the influence in our lower level of consciousness that serves our more basal physical needs. It represents the more malefic elements of this world, influences that we would rather not acknowledge. In the whole scheme of things, balance and harmony can only be achieved through an equilibrium of both positive and negative forces, which is why the most positive and negative card positions in the spread oppose each other, attempting to strike a balance for the reader to interpret. Therefore, an element of evil must always co-exist with that of holiness, which is why the Bible details in great length the ecclesiastical heights of Lucifer, God’s most adored angel, and Satan, the fallen one (both characters of whom were actually one in the same). That is simply the way of things in the physicality of the world that we have chosen to incarnate into, so it does not good thinking that if we deny the negativity in our lives it will simply go away, because it won’t. To deny that evil exists is to deny the primal forces that compose our inner beings. All of us must battle between the forces of good and evil in this plane of existence during our earthly incarnation. This strife can be something as minor as plucking a flower from someone else’s garden when we know that we shouldn’t, to other more sinister activities, such as robbing a bank or committing terrorist acts. We live in a world of dualisms, where there are two sides to every situation. The Below placement therefore represents the more negative influences of each card, which is opposed to the more positive Above placement.. It reflects the querent’s lower cognition and reveals unfortunate truths that the querent feels that he does not have the power to change at the time of the reading. In many respects, it denotes the most unfortunate aspects of the situation. In astrological terms, this position corresponds to the opposition, as it reflects those areas that are as far away as possible from the querent’s true destiny in this life. The querent must nevertheless face these truths if he is to reach his fullest potential and successfully attain a positive outcome to the situation that prompted him to consult the oracle.

0. The Fool.

If the Fool has landed in the Below position, you have made the conscious or unconscious decision to take a divergent path, which is not necessarily good for your soul growth. This route will ultimately lead to your own self-demise, but unfortunately you may learn this later rather than sooner. The time that you spend embarking on these new activities will show you at a much later date that you are really very naïve, and your time would be better spent focusing on more noble endeavours. Although you are somewhat misguided in your approach to the situation at this time, you are ultimately protected and hopefully will find yourself returning to the journey that was meant for you with minimal inconvenience.

1. The Magician

If the Magician has landed in the Below position, there is an individual around you who is astutely cunning. He thinks very highly of himself and prides himself on his ability to manipulate people and situations to get them to do his bidding. He is a master salesman, as he works to influence people for his own personal gain. He may be somewhat misguided and may genuinely try to persuade people because he honestly believes his particular philosophy to be the one true path in this world. He sees himself as a shape-shifter, shaping time, people, objects and animals to suit his own aims. He is able to use his hypnotic powers to manipulate situations to his advantage. Because he has a friendly demeanour and a smile on his face, it is difficult for casual observers to recognise that his subtle techniques of persuasion are the very early stages of the dark arts, for which much mischief has been brought down to earth. This man is very superficial and there is no love in his heart, so you need to be wary of him. You also need to search the depths of your inner being to make sure that the person who the oracle is describing isn’t you.

2. High Priestess

If the High Priestess has landed in the Below position, there is a woman who has very strong psychic abilities, and she is not necessarily using the gift for the good that it was intended. She may very well be somewhat of a malicious gossip, relaying misinformation to others in the guise of caring. She may have difficulties in her relationships with the opposite sex, which leaves her preferring the company of women. These relationships with women, however, can be fraught with just as many, if not more, obstacles than her relationships with men, as they take on the extremes and intensities of an actual marriage. This woman has little, if any, maternal instincts and would prefer to be childless. If this woman does have children despite her lack of nurturing skills, her offspring are in all probability are neglected and will ultimately suffer from psychological problems as a result of their rather austere upbringing.

3. The Empress

If The Empress has appeared in the Below position, there is a woman who tends to use her status as a mother to get what she wants. She may elect to have a family in the hopes that it will secure her a home, husband and food on the table. If she already has children, she may use her children as a means to get extra benefits or to acquire status by some other means. If this woman’s children are grown, she may use emotional blackmail as a means to get her offspring to do what she would like them to do. Most of the family members who this woman deals with tend to suffer in silence; never daring to assert themselves for fear that she may withdraw the little love that she has to offer.

4. Emperor

If the Emperor has landed in the Below position, you have come across a man who seems to be very powerful. The problem is that he abuses the power that has been bestowed on him, which he will ultimately have to atone for in this life or the next. Because he does not care who he steps on as long as he gets what he wants, he is liable to make many enemies on his way to the top. When circumstances change and he loses his authority in the world, the people who he has harmed will remember all the trouble that he caused in times past, and they will consequently allow him to suffer in the same way that he allowed others to suffer.

5. Hierophant

If the Hierophant has appeared in the Below position, it relates to a religious ceremony that is taking place for all the wrong reasons. It could be that a couple are deciding to marry for reasons other than true love and mutual friendship, which means that without a strong foundation, the union is destined to wither and die. This card placement also indicates a religious leader who is using his position to exploit others. Examples of such abuses of trust abound, as one lavishly paid religious leader after another is exposed in scandal after scandal, showing them in their true light. As sad as it is, we must realise that there are many people who enter into the clerical or helping professions for reasons other than a genuine desire to aide their fellow man, and these people often exploit the very people who they are responsible for serving.

6. Lovers

If The Lovers has appeared in the Below position, it seems that there is a struggle between vice and virtue, and vice seems to be winning. The individuals concerned may very well have come together because they have important work that needs to be conducted on a karmic level, but somehow they have lost their way in this life and are engaged in a destructive relationship, rather than a constructive one. This placement is reminiscent of love gone awry, as the individuals involved have forgotten how to love in a positive, uplifting manner. One partner in the union may have developed an obsession with the other partner, who is apathetic to the love being offered at best. Because there are three individuals in the card, the possibility exists that there may be outside influences that the querent may or may not be cognisant of.

7. Chariot

If The Chariot has appeared in the Below position, there is a powerful person who seems to be trying to do too much too soon. He can be likened to the bull in the china store because he is trying to use brute force when gentleness is the key to accomplishing certain tasks. This individual is thinking like the consummate soldier, dictating orders to people who do not want or appreciate being told what to do. Because this individual is in reality a good intentioned soul, the situation becomes all the more frustrating. He may accomplish what he sets out to do, but he needs to learn some valuable lessons about tact and diplomacy if he wants to make any allies on his way to the top.

8. Strength

If Strength has appeared in the Below position, there is an individual who is using his or her grace and guile in a very destructive way. She may appear to be nice, but only because she has an ulterior motive. Although this person presents a pleasant and charming appearance, inwardly she is a very disturbed individual. Her personality disorder is deeply embedded, as she has a tendency to abuse animals, children, and those individuals who are weaker than herself.

9. Hermit

If The Hermit has found itself in the Below position, it seems that someone is giving you bad advice. The individual concerned may be very well intentioned, but he is not in possession of all the facts and is therefore not able to make an accurate assessment of the situation. Alternatively, you may be choosing to act on a matter that you know is against your better judgement, which will do nothing but cause you further grief in the long run and hinder you along your true path in this life.

10. Wheel Of Fortune

If the Wheel of Fortune has appeared in the Below position, it appears that Lady Luck Is not smiling down upon you. The circle is considered to be an ethereal symbol of eternity, and during its cycle we will encounter fortune and misfortune. Unfortunately, you have entered a period in your life where you must take adequate precautions in all your actions. You may feel that you are being dogged by bad luck, but the fact of the matter is that everything that is happening in your life at this moment in time is merely a culmination of decisions that you have made in the past. It is for that reason that you need to stop, take a look around, repair any damage that you can, and exercise extreme caution when making future life choices.

11. Justice

If Justice has landed in the Below position, it seems that there is a loophole to one particular law that affects you, and someone has found it, much to your chagrin. It seems that in principle you may very well be right, but the rules that have been established by the governing bodies are not on your side, which can cause you a great deal of upset. You may not have necessarily erred to find yourself on the wrong end of the law, but you are nevertheless the one who is being made to suffer. If you have legal counsel, it is best to seek a second opinion because the people who you are employing may not necessarily be working in your best interests.

12. Hanged Man

If The Hanged Man has appeared in the Below position, it seems that there is an air of despondency around you. At the very least, you are surrounded by a severe depression, but the illness that is surrounding you could go much deeper than that. You may have lost your zest for life and may very well wonder why you should even bother carrying on. You may have allowed yourself to be lulled into a deep numbing slumber that can only come through the use of drugs or other substances that are not necessarily good for you, but you nonetheless feel you need to make it through each day. Although you are not yet aware of it, the coping mechanisms that you adopted are no longer something that you engage in for enjoyment, but things that you have come to depend on just to help you cope with normal day to day activities. One day you will reach the dawning of your soul, but for the time being you need to experience the depths that come only from a state of prolonged mental dreaming.

13. Death

If Death has landed in the Below position, you are going through such profound changes that nothing short of total renewal is in store for you. Because of the nature of the transformation that must inevitably take place before you can progress onto the next step of your spiritual evolution, you may not be pleased about the events that must transpire in order for the changes to take place if you were left to your own devices. You would rather putter along your path to boredom and stagnation, too afraid to try new things or look for alternatives to any dilemmas that you may have, which is ultimately a stagnating situation for you to be in. It is your lack of motivation to get up and move that is causing the cosmos to move in ways that do not necessary appeal to you. As a result of this, you may sustain a loss in the form of a relationship, job or a way of life. You may spend a time in convalescence, which you will need to help you to come to terms with the transformative process that your psyche is undergoing. During your darkest hour, when you feel as though you cannot carry on one moment longer, it is important to keep in mind that you will emerge a new being, much wiser for the war that you have had to fight within yourself.

14. Temperance

If Temperance has landed in the Below position it seems that you are waiting, but waiting for what? You can only actively wait for a certain course of events to transpire if you have laid the foundation to allow such gestations to occur. If you have done nothing, however, the waiting that you seek is futile, time consuming and ultimately stagnating. It may very well be that in your attempt to stay on an even keel and not rock the boat, you have forgotten that there are some things in this life that are worth becoming passionate about. Your refusal to involve yourself in a world that is passing you by will not adversely affect you, but others as well. If you see someone who clearly needs you and refuse that take any kind of constructive action, you are just as guilty of complicity in wrongdoing as the people or circumstances that put the needy person in such an awkward position. That is something to think about the next time you feign ignorance or refuse to involve yourself in a particular situation that clearly needs your active participation.

15. Devil

If The Devil has appeared in the Below position, there are some very negative influences around you that can predispose you to destructive behaviour. You may have had a very difficult upbringing, and without appropriate support mechanisms set in motion, you may have developed coping mechanisms that are often more harmful than helpful. You may be somewhat obsessional, which could lead to compulsive behaviour. Because the person that this card refers to is not happy with himself, he may resort to vindictive, spiteful behaviour that will ultimately only backfire on him in the long-run. In the worst case scenario, this individual could find himself engaging in the dark arts, which really is a pity.

16. Tower

If The Tower has appeared in the Below position, there is a major upheaval that is affecting your life. Security and your home are paramount to you, as events that you have no control over are affecting the serenity that you had once held with regard to your home-life. You may have sustained a loss of some kind, which has made it difficult to carry on in the manner that you have grown accustomed to. You or someone close to you may have entered into a period of convalescence, which has put your livelihood and standard of living at risk. There may also be someone who has entered into your sphere of awareness who serves as a catalyst to shake things up a bit. To be forewarned is to be forearmed, so it is best to exercise caution and discretion in all matters, especially those relating to your security and prosperity.

17. Star

If The Star has appeared in the Below position, you are overly hopeful about one particular situation that weighs heavily on your mind. Instead of taking constructive action to ensure that the sequence of events that occur turn out in your favour, you have a tendency to sit back and wish for the best. In addition, the possibility exists that you have placed your faith in an unreliable friend, thereby compounding your sense of frustration over circumstances that you feel you have no control over.

18. Moon

If The Moon has been placed in the Below position, you are in an environment where the people around you are highly insincere at best. At worst, they are setting you up for a fall. It is essential that you use your intuition to help you to determine who to associate with and who to steer clear of, because you will soon discover who your true friends are, much to your chagrin.

19. The Sun

If The Sun has appeared in the Below position, it seems as if the brightness that the Sun gives us has been eclipsed. This card is traditionally thought of as the card of children because a drawing of a small child smiling gaily on a horse is often the archetypal theme of this key. Because of the elusive overtones of this placement, it indicates that children, animals and other vulnerable beings who are not in a position to defend themselves are being abused or misused in some way. You should therefore be on the lookout for any unusual activities from people who have been placed in a position of trust and authority.

20. Judgement

If Judgement has appeared in the Below position, you are not in possession of all of the facts, which makes it impossible to correctly assess the situation that you are currently in. You may also be in a period of enforced convalescence, and although you are not happy with your restricted activities, it is a necessary component in the healing and replenishing process so that you can continue with your soul growth. If you are currently under the supervision of a doctor, it would be in your best interests to carefully research your illness on your own and seek a second opinion if you are not totally happy with the diagnoses. It is also important to note that there are some secrets deeply buried within your lineage, which are affecting you at this very moment in time, even if you are not aware that they exist.

21. World

If The World has appeared in the Below position, you are having problems accepting the fact that there is a certain aspect of your life that is over. It may be that you are in an unfulfilling relationship, job or other situation that you know you must step aside from and re-evaluate. Until you are able to let go of this particular aspect of your life, you will be unable to move onto higher, more fulfilling planes of awareness.



If the Ace of Wands has landed in the Below position, you have many new ideas, but they are not necessarily conducive for positive soul growth. You may plan on embarking upon some mischief-making endeavours, and although you may very well receive a rush of excitement at the very beginning of such activities, you should soon realise that what you are doing is counterproductive to your ultimate advancement in this life. You may be considering embarking upon a business venture, but you need to rethink any decisions that you make. It is essential that you research your market and ascertain that there is a valid need for the business that you would like to initiate before investing any time or money into such a venture. If you are in any doubt whatsoever about the viability of any projects that you are contemplating, it may be necessary to rethink your original proposal and look into alternative ventures.


If the Two of Wands has appeared in the Below position, you may have entered into an agreement with another person that may not necessarily be suitable for your own personal growth. It is important to check the fine print on any contracts or documents to make sure that there are not any hidden loopholes that you were previously unaware of. It is important to get a second opinion before committing yourself to anything because someone may be giving you bad advice. It is also important to listen to your inner voice because the people around you may not be forthcoming in relating to you any potential problems that you may encounter if you pursue one particular course of action.


If the Three of Wands has landed in the Below position, you may have become involved with a group of people who do not necessarily provide positive influence for you. Your involvement with these individuals is not purely social, as you may come together in the hopes of completing a particular task, such as a business enterprise or an occult undertaking. It is very important that you look at your milieu carefully to ensure that your activities are above reproach.


If the Four of Wands has appeared in the Below position, there are circumstances around you that are affecting the happiness and security that you feel at home. Perhaps you have encountered an intruder who has threatened you in some way, making you feel somewhat unnerved. Whatever the circumstances, events that transpire will cause you to feel quite unsettled, as you struggle to return to the tenacious equilibrium that you once felt that you had a firm grasp on.


If the Five of Wands has appeared in the Below position, there is a sense of futility around you because you seem to be fighting a losing battle. There is much anger within you, which has been built up from unresolved resentments over the years. Because you have so much hatred inside your core being, you tend to pick fights over things that are totally inconsequential in the grand scheme of things. You need to search your psyche for that one trauma that occurred oh, so long ago, which is at the root of the problem that is causing you so much angst. Once you have successfully dealt with the core trauma, everything else will fall into place, thereby enabling you to live serenely with others.


If the Six of Wands has appeared in the Below position, it appears that you have been set up for a fall. You may have decided to embark upon one particular project but have forgotten to take into account one crucial piece of information. Because you are not in possession of all the facts and are not able to accomplish everything that you should, the idea of success will be inconceivable to you at this point in time. You must also be aware of enemies disguised as friends, because some of the people you have discussed your plans with do not wish you well and are eager to see your downfall. Now is not the time to place your trust in those who have not proven themselves as loyal friends, because some of them will be the cause of your undoing.


If the Seven of Wands has appeared in the Below position, you are in the processes of using your best intentions to overcome obstacles that have come to you quite unexpectedly. What makes the situation stressful is that you are working on issues that you have no experience of, making your attempts to stay on top of the situation clumsy at best. Because you are under a great deal of stress, you may find yourself in a dejected mood and therefore somewhat unpopular amongst your peers. You need all the allies that you can get at this point in your life, and alienating yourself will only serve to prolong the difficulties that you are currently enduring. The best you can do is to put a smile on your face and weather the hard times ahead. The difficulties that you are currently experiencing will pass, and you will emerge successful for having managed the obstacles for as long as you have.


If the Eight of Wands has appeared in the Below position, it seems that you are going too fast too soon. There is an old saying that we must learn how to crawl before we can walk, and that has never been more true than in this particular case. You may have taken on a project that, while you have all the confidence in the world of completing, you have not yet acquired the skills necessary to manage it. It is for that reason that you need to step back and honestly assess the situation. If you lack the expertise necessary to accomplish what is being expected of you, it will be in your best interests to speak up before you embarrass yourself and others.


If the Nine of Wands has appeared in the Below position, it appears that you are very paranoid and are therefore spending a great deal of time and energy fuelling your thoughts on one particular issue. It is this extreme defensiveness that is wearing you down and bringing you to a point of extreme exhaustion. While it is important to remain vigilant, it is also important to dismiss any innocuous elements that also enter into your sphere of awareness.


If the Ten of Wands has appeared in the Below position, you are overwhelmed with an insurmountable burden that is causing you many difficulties. You are very angry about the fact that you do not have the skills and expertise necessary to accomplish the task that you have been given, and are therefore inept at the very best. You are quite lonely because you feel that you have no one to talk to about this one particular matter. Perhaps it is best to abandon the project for the time being because you can always resume it when you are more confident of what it is that you would like to do.


If the King of Wands has appeared in the Below position, there is a man who figures prominently in your life. He has a great deal of energy, but since he has not accomplished what has been his life purpose, he seems to be misguided in many of his opinions. He may have hobbies, which he can become quite obsessional about, and this will ultimately have the effect of thwarting his soul growth. He struggles with his hobbies as if they were work, and then becomes disappointed when they no longer give him the enjoyment that they once did. Because he is not able to focus his energies constructively, much of it is dissipated into utter chaos, leaving a rather confused, ineffectual individual who is not really happy with himself or anyone else.


If the Queen of Wands has appeared in the Below position, there is a woman in the picture who has an abundance of energy within her being. She is very angry, possibly about the opportunities missed in her life, as well as the fact that her personal relationships are not all they could be. Whatever the reason, she conducts her activities in a frenzy, doing lots of things at the same time, but accomplishing very little. Because she is so angry at life in general, she expresses this frustration onto other individuals who have nothing whatsoever to do with the angst that is within her being.


If the Knight of Wands has appeared in the Below position, there is a young man who figures prominently in the situation in some way. His energies are scattered and he has difficulty focusing on one particular subject. Because he is such an unsettled soul, he has difficulty staying in one place, job or relationship for any length of time. The reason for his misguided endeavours is because in his more formative years he suffered a trauma, which he has never recovered from because he has repressed the memory of the event. Once he is able to recall the incident and allow the healing process to occur, he will be much more stable and able to focus on important issues that he must face before he fully matures.


If the Page of Wands has appeared in the Below position, there is a young person who is having a detrimental influence on the situation at hand. This person may have had early life experiences, which will make her a difficult person to care for. She can be very angry and release this pent up aggression by hyperactivity and mischief making. She may also resort to attention seeking tactics, which serve only to exasperate those individuals close to her.



If the Ace of Disks has landed in the Below position, it seems that there are some material concerns that are paramount on your mind, which in many ways is causing you to become blind-sighted. You may be thinking of beginning a project that involves money or other valuable resources, but this new endeavour may not necessarily be in your best interests. Before committing yourself, it is best to thoroughly research the object of your interest and not allow yourself to be swayed by manipulative individuals who only have their own best interests at heart.


If the Two of Disks in the Below position, you or someone close to you may be acquiring money unethically. You may have found yourself in debt, as you have committed yourself to more than you can actually afford. This has subsequently put you in a very difficult position and you will have to make a few tough choices about how you intend to remedy the situation.


If the Three of Disks has appeared in the Below position, it appears that you are not suitably qualified to perform on particular task that you have been presented with. It is for that reason that you appear awkward, and are not sure of your own abilities. Alternatively, one particular venture that affects your material prosperity is on shaky ground. It is for this reason that the venture in question may collapse sometime in the future if adequate precautions are not taken to ensure success.


If the Four of Disks has appeared in the Below position, you or someone close to you is being somewhat miserly. You are holding on too tightly to your worldly possessions, which is inhibiting the enjoyment that you could have in this life. You would be much happier if you would loosen up and open yourself up a bit more to the prosperity that you deserve.


If the Five of Disks has appeared in the Below position, you seem to be in a phase of despondency, which could be much more than just material. It seems that you are very depressed, which is affecting your ability to stay grounded and focused on what needs to be achieved at this time in your life. You may be aware of people who are much more affluent than yourself, and have a tinge of jealousy because what other people have seems to be unreachable to you.


If the Six of Disks has appeared in the Below position, you are in desperate need of some help from an outside source. It seems that you do not have within yourself all of the facilities that you require to satisfy all of your needs. It is best, therefore, to ask for help because people won’t know what your needs are if you don’t tell them.


If the Seven of Disks is in the Below position, you are in the process of playing a waiting game. It is very difficult for you because you are filled with anxiety and trepidation about the future. You must be very careful in all of your dealings with others because any mistakes can lead to accidents and mishaps.


If the Eight of Disks has appeared in the Below position, it appears that you do not have the skills necessary to complete a certain job that really needs to be accomplished. It may be that you lack guidance and supervision, which is leaving you inept at the very best. Unfortunately this is one of those situations when formal schooling is not going to do you any good, and you must therefore learn through experience the task that has been presented to you. There are people out there who will show you how to perform specific roles, but it is essential that you ask them because they are not going to go out of their way to help you.


If the Nine of Disks has appeared in the Below position, you are a financially sound individual who has acquired wealth from work, an inheritance, or a windfall of some kind. Because you have not necessarily earned this money in a normal way, you see it as mad money and have therefore found yourself spending it Willie Nillie. While it is nice to treat yourself once in a while, it is important to exercise a bit of frugality in your spending, because you will never know exactly when you will need that nest egg that has been built up over time.


If the Ten of Disks has landed in the Below position, you have some family ties that are becoming quite burdensome. It may be that you are financially responsible for someone in your family, and this is dragging you down. You feel as if the whole world is on your shoulders. The best that you can do is tighten your belt and limit your contact with those family members who are dragging you down.


If the King of Disks has appeared in the Below position, there is a man who figures prominently in the situation that prompted you to consult the oracle. He can be a bit miserly and will therefore not give to those in need, which ultimately detracts from his personality. Although he may very well have money, he pleads poverty and insists that people give to him because he has a tendency to exploit his position in the world. Because he thinks of his material comfort above all else, he has few, if any, true friends.


If the Queen of Disks has appeared in the Below position there is a woman who figures prominently in the situation that prompted you to consult the oracle. She is somewhat materialistic and does whatever it takes to make sure that she has a reasonable standard of living. This woman is very possessive and does not like any form of competition because deep down inside, she lacks confidence in her ability to attract people because through her positive personality traits. She tends to see her relationships as her way to a better future for herself, and therefore will discard friends and partnerships when they are no longer useful to her, which is a pity because there are people who do not possess wealth and power who can teach her a thing or two about real life.


If the Knight of Disks has appeared in the Below position, there is a young man who is influencing the situation in some way. He can be stubborn and obstinate, and is slow to take any kind of action. This person would like to escape from the harsh realities of this world, and will therefore immerse himself in his hobbies and other pass-times. He may have a problem managing his finances, and will need to control the urge to spend money as a compensatory mechanism.


If the Page of Disks has appeared in the Below position, there is a young person who is weighing heavily on your mind. This individual is a slow starter, and as a result may appear not to be intelligent as well as a bit clumsy. This is not necessarily the case, however, because this person is still in her more formative years. She needs extra guidance and reassurance because she lacks confidence at this stage in her life.



If the Ace of Swords has appeared in the Below position, it seems that there is a great deal of communication going on, so much so that you may find yourself somewhat confused. Unfortunately, all that is being related is not necessarily positive. There is an element of malicious gossip involved, which has the potential to destroy reputations. This is also the card associated with karma, which means that you will need to keep your wits about you to weather the storm of mental activity that will be coming your way. It is always important to keep in mind that we are treated the way we treat others, so if we want to be treated well, we need to treat others well.


If the Two of Swords has appeared in the Below position, it seems that there is a major disagreement brewing between you and another individual, and the both of you cannot see eye to eye. Because of the nature of the dispute, there is the likelihood of slander, libel and perjury. It is for that reason that sound counsel and advice will be necessary to cleverly manoeuvre yourself around the mire of dishonestly that prevails in this situation.


If the Three of Swords has appeared in the Below position, there is some unhappiness and heartache in your life, much of which, unfortunately, has been created by yourself. You may well be involved in a relationship which is counter-productive to your soul growth, and you know deep down inside that before you can find happiness you will need to discard this union. It is difficult, however, because you may very well feel that it is better to be in a bad relationship than to be in no relationship at all, which is the reason why you are not able to move on in your life. The important thing to keep in mind, however, is the good things that you are deserving of will not come to you until you clean out the psychic rubbish from your life. There are many unsatisfactory elements in your personal relationships that need to be resolved before true happiness can be achieved.


If the Four of Swords has appeared in the below position, you are clearly experiencing a great deal of anxiety while you are waiting for the outcome of one particular situation that is weighing heavily on your mind. It would probably be best to calm yourself down by going into a deep mediation, as you try to work yourself around the worry that you are experiencing. At this moment in time, however, the only thing you can do is wait for further illumination to be provided to you. You will receive guidance during your meditations, but the information that you receive may not be what you would like to hear.


If the Five of Swords has landed in the Below position, you are involved in a series of disputes that is affecting your personality and causing you a great deal of anguish. You may very well end up the victor, but at what cost? Even if you do achieve the upper hand, your reputation may very well become tarnished in the process. The best that you can do, therefore, is to walk away from such a destructive situation with your dignity intact. It does not good trying to get retribution for any slights that you may have incurred because the atmosphere is not propitious for your views to be heard with an open mind.


If the Six of Swords has appeared in the Below position, you have been through a very difficult time and have suffered a great deal of mental anguish over one particular situation. Much of the anxiety that you have been feeling has been to a great extent created by your imagination, but that does not make the adverse situation created by you to be any less real. You also may have encountered relationship difficulties, which you will have to move away from if you want to achieve satisfying friendships and partnerships.


If the Seven of Swords has appeared in the Below position, there is an element of deceit that permeates the entire situation that you are presently involved in. Nothing is as it seems, and supposedly trustworthy individuals will not keep your confidences. There is a lot going on behind the scenes that you are totally unaware of, so it is essential that you place your trust in yourself and not outside sources. It is therefore best to keep your thoughts close to your heart because someone is sure to repeat what you have said at a most inopportune time.


If the Eight of Swords has appeared in the Below position, you may be stuck in a rut and have no idea how the remove yourself from it. Because you have been in such an awkward position for such a long time, it may be difficult for you to make any decisions that need to be made in order to progress in your spirituality. It seems that you are also not in possession of all the facts, which makes it even more difficult for you to act in a manner that will enable you to delicately extricate yourself from what will soon become an awkward situation.


If the Nine of Swords has appeared in the Below position, you have spent so much time fretting and worrying that you are at the point of nervous exhaustion. You may have so many concerns that you are severely depressed and may be on the brink of a breakdown. A period of time in convalescence may be necessary to help you through this difficult period. In addition, it would be best to receive counsel from authorised individuals who can help you with some of your more tangible concerns.


If the Ten of Swords has appeared in the Below position, someone has let you down in a big way. It is for this reason that you have lost all faith in other people and will have a difficult time trusting others. It may be necessary for you to spend time recovering from the shock of what you see as a betrayal, but time really does heal all wounds, as you will eventually learn.


If the King of Swords has appeared in the Below position, there is a very bitter man who is strongly influencing the situation that prompted you to consult the oracle. He may be deeply unsatisfied with the course of events that have brought him to his current position in this life, and he has therefore decided to take his frustrations and resentments out on those individuals who are not able to defend themselves. It is much easier for this man to blame other people for his failures than to work towards bettering his position with the assets he does have. Because his dissatisfaction with life is so clearly evidently, he has few, if any, friends.


If the Queen of Swords has appeared in the Below position, there is a woman who is a malicious gossip and derives a great deal of pleasure out of stirring things up. She may be bitter about the life that she could have had, and therefore feels the need to put a little excitement into a rather dull life by using the spoken word to wreck havoc into the lives of others. Any things this woman relates must be taken with a grain of salt because she has a highly fertile imagination and prefers to use it to stir up controversy in the lives of others.


If the Knight of Swords has appeared in the Below position, there is a young man who enjoys stirring things up in the lives of others. He can be quite volatile in his speech processes, a trait that does not necessarily endear him to others when he is in one of his tirades. Because his communication skills are not as well developed as he would like them to be, many of this frustrations are expressed through anger.


If the Page of Swords has appeared in the Below position, you will find that there is a young person involved who is a detracting influence on the situation that led you to consult the oracle. This individual may prove to be somewhat disruptive, as she tends to steal and makes up stories, not thinking about the future consequences of her actions.



If the Ace of Cups has appeared in the Below position, it appears that there could be some emotional disorders that are wrecking havoc on a situation that would otherwise be perfectly harmonious. Your, or someone close to you, could be suffering from neurosis or any of the many depressive illnesses that will affect your outlook on life. It is therefore essential to seek help and support if it appears that these emotive imbalances are unmanageable.


If the Two of Cups has landed in the Below position, it appears that you are having some relationship difficulties that are affecting your ability to function effectively in this life. Perhaps you have got together with one particular person for all the wrong reasons, and are having second thoughts about continuing the liaison. Perhaps you or your partner are using one another for your own aims, which also cannot bode well for a happy and harmonious relationship. Whatever the reasons for the tension in your personal life, you need to take a look at how best you can improve your ability to communicate so that you can add meaning to the life you are currently living.


If the Three of Cups has appeared in the Below position, it seems that either you are doing too much socialising or are befriending the wrong types of people whose personalities are counter-productive to your soul’s destiny in this incarnation. While it is good to get out and mingle with your milieu, too much of a good thing can be just as harmful to your health as too little. You may find that you are eating too much or partaking of too many recreational drugs, which includes alcohol and even some foods, for that matter. Such activities will only serve to ruin your health and make it difficult for you to carry out your day to day activities in an efficient manner. Alternatively, be prepared for an unusual situation to develop at a social event, which will cause you much consternation.


If the Four of Cups has appeared in the Below position, you may find yourself inclined to trusting totally inappropriate individuals, who will only cause you problems in the long-run. It is all too easy to listen to the malicious gossip of others and accept hearsay as a fact. It is also important to remember that there are some individuals who thrive on spreading gossip, so it is best to stay away from such individuals who will only tarnish your reputation by association. It is best to trust your intuition and only listen to reliable sources of information before making any decisions.


If the Five of Cups has appeared in the Below position, you are severely deflated and let down by a certain situation in your life. You may have had your hopes high and were sure that a certain situation would transpire in a way that you had hoped, only to find the opposite to be true. You have been quite dismayed and perplexed that events did not occur as you had planned, and you were totally unprepared from the resulting situation that has developed. As a consequence, you will have to go through the grieving process before you can accept the new situation that has evolved. When you have accepted the course of events, you will be in a position to plan you next course of action based upon the realisations that you have recently made with regard to the dilemma that has prompted you to consult this oracle.


If the Six of Cups has appeared in the Below condition, it indicates that someone has had or is currently having an unhappy childhood, which will in the end affect his adult relationships in this life. This is a very sad situation to be in, which indicates neglect, child abuse and general unhappiness that occurred in the more formative years. In order for the individual concerned to proactively grow in his psychic development, he will need to work through the many anger inducing experiences that have affected his attitudes in adulthood. This individual needs a reliable friend, and that friend could be you.


If the Seven of Cups has appeared in the Below position, it appears that you are not in full control of your mental faculties. You may be under the influence of substances, which affect your ability to make appropriate decisions concerning your true destiny in this life. You may also have become afflicted with addictions, compulsions and eating disorders that give you a sense of self loathing and the need to keep formidable secrets. Because you are really not in a position to cope with your problems on your own, it would be in your best interest to seek support from someone you can trust.


If the Eight of Cups has appeared in the Below position, a sense of sadness pervades your soul because you have suffered a loss that is too great for many people to comprehend. Perhaps you gave up something that was dear to you because you had not realised just how precious it was. The whole incident has given you something to think about, as you have had to realise what is important and what is not.


If the Nine of Cups has appeared in the Below position, you may have some difficulties with alcohol or other substances, which is affecting your ability to be a whole person. You may find your weight fluctuating, which is a result of the emotional difficulties that you are currently experiencing. You may find you are engaging in solitary activities, but this is a time when you need other people around you.


If the Ten of Cups has appeared in the Below position, there are problems that are affecting the happiness and security that you feel. Someone at home way very well be ill, which is creating an imbalance that is reverberating through the whole of your life. It is therefore important that you attune yourself to the feelings and motivations of others so that you can ascertain any potential problems and correct them before they get out of hand.


If the King of Cups has appeared in the Below position, there is a man who is emotionally disturbed and figures significantly in the picture. Because he was never provided with adequate support mechanisms necessary to help him to become a well-adjusted individual, he has resorted to addictions and compulsions that he has had to keep hidden from the rest of the world. Even though he tells himself that what he is doing is only a lifestyle choice, deep down in his heart he knows that there is something wrong with his actions, or why else would he keep them so well hidden for those people who are close to him. In order to keep secrets, he resorts to bullying, harassment and other intimidation tactics in order to keep people who have witnessed the dark side of his soul quiet. He is a truly sad man who needs pity, not contempt.


If the Queen of cups has appeared in the Below position, there is a woman who is very emotionally disturbed and figures prominently in the situation that prompted you to consult the oracle. She may have had a very difficult childhood or early adult life, and inadequate support mechanisms had the effect of corrupting her fragile mind. Because she herself was mistreated, she may resort to mistreating others, which is a pity because she could give so much love to this world that we inhabit. Because there is an emptiness insider her soul that is too omnipotent to describe by using human words, she may very well resort to perversities and other dark arts as a way to feel anything at all that can permeates the emptiness of her soul.


If the Knight of Cups has appeared in the Below position, there is a young man who is unsure of his own abilities. He therefore tends to make up stories about his happiness and success in the world in an attempt to hoodwink the casual acquaintance who isn’t really that interested in delving into his personal life anyway. He many also be uncertain about his sexuality and will therefore dabble in more austere forms of physical gratification as a way to test the waters of his psycho-development.


If the Page of Cups has appeared in the Below position, there is a young person who is having emotional difficulties, that are preventing her from functioning positively in this world that we inhabit. She may live in a fantasy would, which is in fact a coping mechanism that she has developed to get away from the harsh realities of a sometimes sinister world that may be too much for her to bear at times. When she matures, she may develop eating disorders and abuse substances as a way to self-medicate a disturbance that needs a deep, inner cleansing before she can grow and develop in a manner that is suitable to her ego.
