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Valley Psychotherapy Associates


Valley Psychotherapy Associates are here to help you find solutions to life's more difficult questions whether you are seeking help for yourself or someone close to you.

Do you or someone you know have any of the following symptoms?

~ Sleep Changes
~ Eating Changes
~ Distractibility
~ Sadness, for large parts of the day
~ Loss of interest in activities
~ Physical symptoms that do not respond to medical treatment

Psychotherapy may be a place for you to assess and address these and other symptoms.
Whether your symptoms are severe and preventing you from a fulfilling life or mild and goal setting is more what you are looking for, psychotherapy is the answer.

Updated: August 2007
©2005-2007 Amy Cox-Martins   
Valley Psychotherapy Associates 697 Valley Street, Suite 2A, Maplewood, NJ 07040 973-761-0520