song lyrics

here's a few i wrote:

like a vampire, he looks into the mirror, waiting for something to appear

looking, hoping, feeling, groping...

but what sets off his train of fear, is his mother calling him

calling him like a prison guard calls an inmate...

"billy" she says, "get your butt down here, otherwise you're going to miss breakfast"

breakfast.... the most useless thing in billy's world... outside of his hair-less arpits...

oh the fun we had had
chasing adolesence
in the world
without consequence

the bell rang, he was in his seat, and there she was

julie, the girl he had dreamed about for the past 2 weeks

like he stared at the mirror, so he did to her

everyone of her movments set off a jubilation of emotions inside of him

the way she tossed her hair, they way she sat, fuck; even they way she breathed

and when the teacher asked him to go up to the board, he did so with his hands in his pockets

oh the fun we had had
chasing love
in the world
where no one loved us

the meeting began, his boss began to drone on and on like a refridgerator

"and as we saw in the first quarter, our sales-" bill stoped listening

instead he began to think aobut how he had squandered his life away

then he began to think about the weekend, that just made him more depressed...

then he wondered, if he did it here, would anyone even notice?

so right then, he got up, went to the window, and jumped...

(obviously he didn't have time to look if anyone had noticed....)

oh the fun he had had
chasing money
in the world
where no one had cared

be with me:

"we knew the rules when we started
we knew there was no turning back
but has our faith faltered?
how will we fair the attack?

but now that we are persecuted
will our hearts be true?
who will be at your bedside?
who will help you through and through?

but now that the chase is on
now that we are out of time
we need to make a decision fast
will we confess to our crime?

you struggled for so long
and yet you never gave up
you fought so hard for us
hang on deary, buttercup

soon it will be over
why are you acting so depressed?
you have nothing to fear now
for you can now have eternal rest..."