
Orli is a 12 year old female, and a 2nd year Slytherin at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. She was born October 13th, 1990 in Alaska, and now lives in Massachusetts. She has the skill of reading auras, and is also gifted at legilimency. In some RPs, she is an illegal animagus by the name of Grim, a black cat with piercing green eyes. As far as appearance goes, Orli is short (standing at 5'1''), with very light blonde hair to her chin, and dark, almond shaped eyes. She has fair skin and is very thin. Her parents are divorced, and both magical. She lives with her father, who is a librarian. Orli has been interested in the dark arts since a young age, and excells in writing, photography, and the Afterlife theories of many different religions. ((The above picture was done by Adam McClure))
