Theory of God

Starting off I would like to take an in depth look into the theory of God. ( I must warn those who do not wish to hear anything threatening to religion, this isn’t the page for you). Since the beginning of time, man has looked to the heavens in hope for some incredible revelation, something to fill the emptiness of not knowing why we exist. So a simple concept began circulation, pouring into the hearts of the hopeless and minds of the educated. Perhaps somewhere, sitting in a golden throne in the sky, is someone watching over all creation, commanding our lives and repenting our sins. Sure, this takes pressure away from us, I mean, hell, I don’t have to worry about doing well in life or making decent money as long as God is up in heaven watching over me. But maybe it’s more than that, because over the decades, these believers have actually acquired some interesting evidence themselves, drawing back to the bible and creation. It is hard to remain skeptical when miracles appear all around me, and force me to question my “known truths” ( we’ll get into that later). These people, these martyrs, are so dedicated to their faith that they will stand up for it at all costs. Pretty amazing, standing up for something that may not even exist. But I guess as long as it exists in their minds, that’s all they have to go by, because reality is only our perception of it. Seeing is not always believing if perceiving is believing. People have always been trying to prove their faith in the eyes of science, thinking of miniscule data as overwhelming proof, when in all actuality, there is a fine line between faith and gullibility. They draw wisdom from an ancient book called the Bible and entire lives have been devoted to carrying it’s message. Although I am not criticizing this behavior, I just cannot seem to understand how one can so thoroughly give themselves to an invisible concept. Without tackling much more of the topic of faith, I will continue by going straight into the heart of this organized religion, and understanding its contradictory nature.
