1: All participants have to be female in order to compete.
2: The storie that is written can be either, fiction, fanfiction, lyrics, poem, non-fiction, essay, column.
3: The stories have to have a maximum of 10000 words. the poems and lyrics have to have a maximum of 1000 words.
4: Once the stories are submitted you can withdraw at any given point of the contest, as long as it is two days before the results are given.
5: The results are given on the first of December 2005.
6: The closing day of the submitions is on the first of November 2005.
7 : No storie can hold any pornograpics. no exception. there can be some minor violence in it, just leave it to be readable for everyone.
8: None of the Blacklily network themselves can join in. These are: Cassidy, Lily and DP.
They will not be competing to be sure that the contest is a fair as possible.
9: Who ever wins will be informed by this through e-mail. their name will on the front page as the winner of the Blacklily Writing contest nr1.
So far for the rules. now if you want to enter a storie, just e-mail it to us. the e-mail adress is at the bottem of this page. If you have any questions just ask.
The Blacklily network wishes you all the best.