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Metaphysics/ Perfection Plan 0.6

        Describe the behavior of our universe in a way that shows it will fulfill the Dream theory.

Eternal Solar Energy

        The Dream theory hypothesizes that our natural law must be able to support a dream synthesizer and the associated biology,
for a uninterrupted eternity. (SEE Physics/ How a Star is Created)
. New stars must form as old ones die, because without an eternity of continuous power, there is no way to support an eternity of progressive dream synthesis.

        Suppose our brains exist in a dark lab, but artificial stimulation by a computer gives the illusion of seeing the world. Now, excluding such a possibility, we can make some observations about the world

. the universe we know is the one rule that must exist eternally. Given the richness of its physical and organic properties, the design of this universe appears to have everything we need to synthesize dreams and thus fulfill the dream theory. This design must allow us to make infinitely many other designs! We must be able to interface the brain with computer information, so that every aspect of our experience can be controlled by a program.

        Our dream designs can maintain an infinite variation in style and complexity only if they evolve from previous ones, indefinitely. Thus, our universe could never provide an infinite variety of designs unless one of its civilizations were to survive continuously. The Perfection Plan must insure continuous eternal life. (On the other hand, if the universe cannot support a continuously evolving dream synthesizer, then the Dream Theory is false.)

         However, from just what we've seen in the 20th century, it appears almost impossible that physics would not allow a civilization to evolve for a continuous eternity, and even less likely that a dream synthesizer couldn't be built. Moreover, there appears to be strong evidence that psychological rules will insure that these feats will take place if they can take place. This action of psychology is the crux of the Perfection Plan.

        You can see how a warring, criminal world accelerates the development of technology -- our psyche says, "fight and think"! -- it is highly probable that this will bring us to generally useful technology. You can trust in the Perfection Plan because for various "personal" reasons, no one can stop its method of action until it has already achieved its goal --total automation!         We'll find total life support systems, and a means for traveling to new stars before our sun is exhausted. Star-hopping will give us the eternal solar energy we need for the continuous evolution of synthetic scripts.

dream theory

From natural to technological to ideal evolution, our universe provides all the worst and all the best.
Dreams are the complement of synthetic scripts:
 they provide the unreal scripts we didn't engineer
. In the future,
we must combine the power of dreams with the control of machines (if the Dream theory is true).
Wars and crime go on in simulated worlds,
 where nobody gets hurt, and everybody does what they want to.

 Our psyche could enforce a story that insured the indefinite experience;
The Perfection Plan could have two effects:

 (1) culture:

. by making people imperfect -- even untrustworthy -- it could promote automation and the thorough testing of artificial life support and personal defense systems. The threat of war always insures that some nations will give serious consideration to a space program as a means of riding on the crest of technological advancements which could provide a defensive advantage
. by expanding the population it could make space colonization more appealing.

metaphysics/ scripts:

. through the existence of a "collective conscious"
 the Perfection Plan could maintain not only culture
but also monitor the entire situation through people,
 using the subconscious portions of our mind to sustain
 perpetuated conflict and distrust
to insure the implemention the Perfection Plan
        An actor is any objects of directorship whose behavior is determined to any extent by a script. A script defines behavior by a sequence of instructions rather than general rules. A script may use other-than-local information to decide how an actor uses its rules. In this way, the script insures that a plot is carried out. A plot is a multi-actor program for obtaining a particular result. Are we following scripts in a plot to engage in a technological evolution that will insure that civilization can survive eternally.

Chaos: Infinite Precision

        Even though physical events follow exact laws, predictions would be impossible.  If you know the initial conditions of a deterministic system (one that follows exact rules), then you can predict its future conditions by simulating its exact laws. However, in many natural systems (such as the weather) infinitesimal differences in the initial condition can result in great variations in the outcome. With such chaotic behavior, future conditions can't be predicted unless the current conditions can be measured with infinite precision, which is physically impossible. Thus, one can't get initial values accurately. But, even if one could, the simulation would require infinitely precise operations, again, physically impossible. Digital computation provides accurate operations on numbers having only finite precision. Analog computation works with numbers of infinite precision, but the operations are not accurate to an infinite number digits.

Chaos: Randomness

        On the other hand, assuming we could measure with exactness, it would still be impossible to make exact predictions about a system if it depended on random variables. A physical system must make decisions that determine the interactions between objects. A system that uses a random variable would base some of those decisions on an arbitrary selection whose value could be defined only in terms of a probability distribution.  For circumstances where the effects of random variation was accumulative, rather than canceling the result would again be chaotic behavior.
        Quantum theory states that our physical laws express subatomic mechanics with random processes. The laws of psychology and sociology may depend on random variables also.  Of course, psych could use exact ruls to define a pseudorandom variation, or it could use exact rules while depending on chaotic randomness of the brain's physiology.
 Randomness is predictable only in the sense that it would be highly unlikely for a sequence of random reactions to have a highly repetitive sequence of outcomes; however, the occurrence of any particular situation is never impossible.

Randomness Defined

        The Dream theory holds that the psyche of our world's script uses randomness to impart a story. Where the natural laws use random variables, they don't enforce any particular outcome, so the psyche is free to select combinations and sequences, as needed. Thus, the extent to which a random system was chaotic would determine how much control our psych had over it. Our personal behavior and even our genetic integrety depend on randomness. By the use of unlikely combinations and sequences, the psyche could genetically engineer actors that fit their part.

Metaphysics/ Recreation

        introduction to the systems that define experience.
The anatomy of games and simulations. Developes a terminology with which to discuss metaphysics.
subrules =
            semantic, syntactic

Defining Experience
        When the purpose of an activity is to define experience then it is called a recreation. The universe is a recreation, as are many of the activities within it. Recreations are functions, that determine what the value of each dimension of experience will be at any particular point in time. Experience has several dimensions which include the five senses, the emotions, and the thoughts.

A programmable recreation has a language which lets you can design new
describe and thereby change the look & feel of a recreation. The universe is programmable since the language of physics allows you to change the environment that affects the brain that determines the experience.

Physical law describes the behavior of inanimate objects, and their world. An inanimate object is one that doesn't make decisions. The objects that do make decisions are called brains
There are three main subsystems in a recreational system:
(1) physics define the world's objects and their inanimate behavior.
(2) organics (built on physics) define which objects will be the brains. An essential feature of organic matter is that it provides a system for changing its state to reflect a variety of conditions. It must also provide someway of perceiving environmental conditions.
They may also facilitate a programmability that allows the brain's behavior to defined locally rather than through the psyche.
(3) psychics define the brain's mental objects and its decision-making behavior.  Mental objects can be either perceptions, ideas, or the will to cause a certain action. The
There are several ways that a psyche may work
The brain's control
sensory perceptions and the psyche create mental objects and the existence of certain objects will trigger the existence of other mental objects. The brains motor nerves are activated by certain mental objects.
The simplest type of psyche is a script: the brains are given actions to perform in accordance with a plot.
The universe may have a complex psyche that uses direct instructions as well as programming assignments that add on to the brain's built-in system of rules.
        In constrast to natural behavior, a directorship system may allow its natural objects to synthesize new systems from within the natural system. Such a directorship system is called self-programmable. A synthetic directorship would be implemented by a recreational machine (a dream synthesizer) that controls every aspect of one's experience, the way dreams do.
        Nature can be divided into the physics, or physical laws; and the psyche, or psychical laws. The physical laws of our universe are always enforced, but they are not always the definition of one's experience. Our natural laws define a class of directorship subsystems for a variety of mental conditions: reality corresponds to physical law, dreams & schemes routinely defies it, psychoses enhance law, and dementias subtract.
        What essentially distinguishes physics from psyche is that its effect on objects is time-independent. Physics define how objects are transformed, and moved relative to other physical objects. Physical laws are constant, and applied directly to objects; meaning that, when transforming the state or structure of any group of objects, the only information used in the transformation is the memory provided by the previous state or structure of the same objects. Psychical law is neither constant nor direct, and can thereby provide responsive & intelligent behavior. Responsive organisms can sense and change their relationship with their surroundings. Intelligent organisms have a knowledge of physics, and thus predict the future, and engineer responsive environments.

 related to psychical law:

in a game, you are the psychical law, you can use your knowledge of the game's nature to affect a certain outcome
. computation, math models, simulations but not psychical .intelligence is a subsystem of (physics) .organics define this subsystem
.explains how miracles can occur(blind see, talk in tongues, biblical, ..schizo phenom)
. super/natural intelligence   .to keep skills, must build neural nets, but can be radio.ed info .having a large brain gives an organism more idea !space and more !personal skills
nature = world of psychology
supernatural = world of parapsych
-ism =belief in an invisible power that exists beyond and has control over nature
plato: wisdom meant a knowledge of the supernature constituted by the ideas
. psychic unity: a posited unity of mental structure in mankind that leads to indep devel of similar tech traits and institutions
psychic income = prestige
script = natural?cosmos; game systems .organics= game subsystem
cosmos= ordering .subcosmos? .language is a form of (communication) .the system com.s an image to the experience; language structure is an alt to game theory or both; call it experience

Organics define how the simple physical objects, with their unconditional behavior, can be organized into structures that the psyche may control. Organics provide the psyche with an interface into the physical world. An object whose behavior is under the control of the psyche is called an organism. A personality is psychical object that is created for each organism.

Supernatural Law

        The purpose of a directorship system is to provide a setting apon which to tell a story or play a game. If a directorship system's psychical law involves any randomness then it has made room for an element of supernatural law. The essential feature that distinguishes the supernatural from psychical is that this randomness is overridden by an assigned decision.
        By organizing control into the natural and supernatural, an actor can follow a part in a particular story, and yet have predictable behavior, with a typical variety of creativity, opinions, religions, and adaptations.
        Supernatural law is collectively referred to as god, because if a a random definition is overridden by an assigned one, then creativity was needed to select the assignments. The god of a movie's directorship system is the producer's story. The god of a video game's directorship system is you. (See Development of Reflection: Metaphysics for a discussion about the god of our world's directorship system.)

Metaphysics & Directors

        The metaphysics of a directorship system is a description of how the system is able to effect your experience. For instance, video games use audiovisual equipment to stimulate your senses; and, they have some type of interaction mechanism for the perception of control and the feeling of power. Dream synthesizers use a computer that interfaces directly with brain itself, for total simulation capability.
        Since the purpose of a directorship system is to let you experience its world, every directorship system has atleast one metaphysical entity called a director, that describes the behavior of your view, and thereby directs your experience. For example, our world has a directorship system in which the life of each actor directs a unique experience; so, our directorship system has many directors -- one for each experience; and, they are constant acts -- their only direction is "follow that actor"!
        While reality can make you feel a sense of control simply by mirroring the symantics of an actor's situation, recreational directorship systems (such as video games) must convince your brain that a control relationship exists; and, this is possible only if the directorship system lets you control the director interactively. That means you must have some way of changing your view and your activities whenever it occurs to you. A movie directorship system provides a trivially interactive director only if it keeps your attention away from any desire to be in control. <<must clearly state 2 modes and what they have in common: a natural directorship system has a different ?interface involved than a synthetic directorship system. see directorship system = set of rules = function but synthetic has a handle domain, while nat has a ptr.

Metaphysics/ Directorship

        How our universe fulfills the Dream theory's requirement that experience exist in infinite varieties of stucture.
<<you want to show how the entire script space could be part of this universe. The idea is that nothing has been selected, so a place must be found for every concept in script space. This includes a variety of directorships as described next.>>

Null Directorship

        The simplest existence would be random pattern. In terms of a script, this experience wouldn't be controlled by anything, so the director's value would be null, and its god is undefined. A null directorship allows any values in any combination for any finite length of time. As a result of this, an undefined god has no particular look&feel, or logic. Our universe provides a random pattern during the eternal period Before Directorship (BD).

Functional Directorship

        The complement of the undefined structure is an infinity of definite structures. Together they constitute the indefinite structure. Another way of looking at

the other view is that of values & structures, --(undefined god)=(unstructured) --and structures must be undefinied>>         Our natural laws provide an infinity of natural scripts: reality, dreams, mental illnesses, and physical handicaps are the basic categories.

 Our universe has so many types of experiences: dreams, reality, psychosis, dementia, etc. All this experience can simply appear from nowhere because it collectively means the same thing as nothing: whenever it defines a particular condition, it always contradicts  that definition at some other point.
The two main qualities of hell and heaven are provided by the situation where the subjects' behavior haven't and have adapted to the system behavior.

The experiences defined by our natural laws must coexist with an infinite variety of other laws. Many of these alternative laws are provided by dreams and illness, but many more can only occur if we

 Likewise, However, the natural scripts alone can't direct god indefinitely because they don't provide an infinite progression of complexity and control. Our natural laws provide the remaining gods by allowing us to create new scripts that direct our experience. Not only can we use automation to design interactive simulations and environments, but we can eventually effect the brain directly with a dream synthesizer.

Our universe provides natural and synthetic script directorship during the eternal period After Directorship (AD).

Multivariate And Schismatic Directorship

A unique attribute of Our dream is that it has more than one director. In your dream, you are the only actor that is experiencing anything. Of course, you could simulate the same thing by a having a recurring dream in which your experience is directed by a different actor each time. However, whereas you dream allows such a situation, Our dream enforces it.

Another unique attribute of Our dream is the experience of more than one actor directing simultaneously. (schismatic) I have never had a dream where my experience was directed by two streams of consciousness; and, I assume it can't be done without two brain

 If the brain is viewed as a video camera that sends signals to a display; and, a display's image is viewed as the existence of an experience. then, a multi-variate directorship occurs when there is more than video display; and, a schismatic directorship occurs when more than one camera signal is sent to a given display, so that their images must be superimposed. Keep in mind that such a schism would affect only the display image -- not the camera signals. In terms of reality, that means one stream of experience could be defined by multiple streams of conciousness; and yet, each participant would feel normal, aware only of that part of their experience that they personally directed.

 Therefore, the occurrence of a schism cannot be verified by observation; however, it could affect the story of our universal script if our psyche sees the world as a collection of experiences, rather than consciousnesses. ( See Development of Reflection: Metaphysics II, for more about schismatic directorship.)

 The observable conditions that our universe must have then, in order for the Dream Theory to hold, are indefinite quality and indefinite structure, and a constant, unified rule.  <<infinity differs from indefinite by the element of contradiction. --an infinity of good feelings is not an indefinite experience. >>