. ewe is a good bet for the ppc (pocket pc 2002 on dell`axim x5)
because it's natively coded and -- unlike pythonce --
was designed for mobile platforms so it might be easier to follow and
adapt the ewe code to addm .
7.4.4: todo"ewe forum
. SuperWaba can run PocketPC using a proprietary bytecode interpreter?
perhaps they just mean that it's their`s and copyrighted opensource
to protect the trustworthiness of their product
(so phil doesn't make the improved superwaba predatory clown act)
ask on the ewe forum:
.it appears that superwaba is primarily for palm,
how would they compare superwaba for pocket pc to ewe for pocket pc? .
concerning jikes:
. what is it that ewe supports and waba doesn't .
. ewe appears to have gotten it`s name from
jewel -> Java EWE Lang
. more likely it stands for EveryWhere Executable,
which java can't really say because java does a poor job on mobile
platforms .
proj"ppc/dev.ms`evc/getting started
. look for example programs for ce,
found some code for pythonce but not doc's
. unpacked doc's of reinstall kit,
unpacked ppc-related things,
. found a perfect, small example program
at codeguru.com`\Chapter 6 for WinCE\CCeFileFind - File Finder class
. now have the docs, code, and bin of the python version that ppc 2002
can use
. refreshed the downloads of stackless and pypy .
7.3.25: web"ppc/superwaba vs ewe:
. their Virtual Machine is not Jikes compilable
. SuperWaba allows Java programmers to build programs in
their favorite Java IDE for
Palm and WinCE [@] http://www.microsoft.com/windows/embedded/ce/default.asp
. SuperWaba is easier to program yet more robust than java
-- even the Java 2 Mobile Edition
Michael L Brereton`
ewe openware java subset ( Jikes compilable)
The Ewe VM is an openware java subset ( Jikes compilable)
targeted at devices at the PDA level and higher
(a 32-bit OS with at least a 160x160 touch screen, and at least 2 MB
. That is to say,
Ewe does not attempt to fit into such devices as those of the Java
Micro Edition spec':
devices with much smaller memory footprints, smaller displays and very
limited I/O capabilities -
. the ewe vm is a dll, and then your ce programs are exe's
[the way this could work is that the header is native code that calls
the dll,
and pass a pointer to the exe's body which is filled with ewe bytecode
. the dll then contains practically all the native code . ]
todo: (review ewe
The most well known PersonalJava VM available is the Jeode EVM(Sharp
Zaurus) --not free
The Ewe VM and its class library were designed from the ground up to be
targeted at Mobile Platforms
using a proprietary storage format for its system classes
that allows the class library to be memory mapped and used directly,
instead of needing to be decoded and restructured in memory -- very
-- but that word proprietary again! ? reveiw the src .
(review their source)
. Ewe provides a number of advanced GUI data transfer as part of its
standard library.
These features allow you to transfer data between a
Java object and an on screen user interface with virtually no
. set up a ServerSocket to listen to incoming Socket connections on an
Infra-Red port.
This is as easy as using the host name "infra-red" when
creating a ServerSocket or Socket.
This allows Ewe applications to
communicate across the Infra-Red link even between different mobile
. provides a SerialPort class for communicating on the serial port of
devices or desktop PCs.
. EweSync service provides this communication across ActiveSync (for
WinCE devices) and across the Zaurus USB link
todo"see zipped
ppc o dev l java waba
/(ewe vm
ppc o dev l java waba
/(ewe vm
addx (edit automatica machine)
/addx adda (automatica)
/obj lang
/lang ewe
addx (edit automatica machine)
/addx addm (machine)
/m (machine '' cpu)/m java waba l ewe
/(ewe vm/Ewe-Docs-v129/api
J:\co\addn bin (exe n `docs)\m-specific# ppc exe
what's openware about it if you have to be using
a proprietary bytecode interpreter to play it on ppc?
from the way everything's the same on palm and ppc (pdb and prc/exe
it appears that what keeps it proproprietary is that they are
emulating the proproprietary palm os!
(they warn you about it not be blazingly fast as the desktop
-- when my ppc is faster than the pc's I was using in the 80's)
. the assume you have a palm with 16Mhz dragonball,
not a 600mh arm; but if they are emulating palm to emulate java,
600mhz will crawl to something like 16! .
. one good reason for doing that is palm as the microsoft alternative
but palm has a very odd os that requires a lot of work taming
so you should reuse that work instead of crawling around with microsoft
too .
. about http://www.superwaba.com.br/sobre.asp
. the author found that waba(original) was too "(simple) to do a
financing program,
and the waba team wouldn't include his changes so he quit and started
it was someone else who was interested in bringing it to the ppc
--. brought to you from brasil; the same culture that created the
award-winning lua system
(I know them as helping to simplify things by not being afraid to
break from the traditions that keep us lazily inefficient .
Bem Vindo (Portuguese):
. Seja bem vindo; m'quina virtual SuperWaba. O SuperWaba ' desenvolvido
por um brasileiro.
look who likes waba: the open robot
framework! http://sourceforge.net/projects/worf/