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We are dedicated to the growth of humanity as a whole.

As a collective, we bring together the knowledge and experience necessary
for any individual to move more quickly into their own power and understanding of who they are
and their pupose for being alive in this time of great change.

This site is being created in a desire to give back to the people, the Earth, and the Uni-Verse,
for the Love, Wisdom, and guidance given to us by the Creator of All things.

What is offered here, is offered in Love, as is appropriate in the sharing of Truth.
All Seekers are welcomed, all questions will be answered.

This site is for the soul purpose of helping you find your Way
as you journey through your awakening consciousness.

If you desire to make a donation to assist us in this endeavor,
you may use the "Donate" button at the bottom of the page.
We thank you in advance. Making a donation is not a prerequisite to receiving assistance.

Please feel free to email us

As we begin to awaken to a higher awareness within ourselves, many questions begin to arise. Our dreams become more vivid and they begin to take on more meaning in our waking lives.
We begin to find ourselves in the midst of one synchronistic event after another. We dream about someone and they appear. We think of calling someone, and the phone rings.
You begin to wonder what's happening, are you losing your sanity? Are you becoming psychic? Some will begin to hear voices, see visions, feel things that they have never felt before in this life time. You begin to question your life, who you are, where you came from, what you're doing, and why you're here.

Then one day, you begin to feel a stirring inside of you, a Calling to do something different with your life.

It becomes more difficult to stay focused on work, or to be content with your life at home.
The things that once brought you pleasure no longer fill the emptiness,
the stirring becomes an anxiety, you long for something, but you don't know what it is.
These are some of the signs of an Awakening.
It is your soul and spirit nudging at you to start looking for the Truth in Life.

We all have beings of Light watching over us,
helping us on our earthly journeys,
whether they are Angels, or members of the Heirarchy
the Lords and Ladies who sit on High
assisting all of humanity in their spiritual growth and unfoldment),
they are here to help us ... and all we have to do is Ask.

The Angels are more concerned with the immediate and more practical affairs of individuals,
while those in the Hierarchy are more focused on the spiritual evolution of the whole of humanity.

Contact Carol
