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Lemurian Kinesiology

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img***Lemurian Kinesiology is the movement of energy stored at the cellular level in order to facilitate healing and growth at the deepest internal level possible. ~ Unlike Etheric Healing, this requires being physically present in order for a deeper and more physical resonance to occur.

While Etheric Healing works in the realm of Spirit and energy, Lemurian Kinesiology works in the realm of Matter and energy. Many people will cry when they have accessed these deep cellular memories, the tears help to cleanse the negativity associated with these memories.

At the end of each session, we will discuss how you experienced these forgotten cellular memories and how I experienced them. This will help you to see and understand those experiences from a more objective viewpoint, thus bringing healing to yourself at a deep internal and physical level.

Lemurian Kinesiology ~ Has to do with cellular memory and the ability to communicate with the energy of that memory, thereby accessing information pertinant to the restoration of declining mental, physical, spiritual health.

Healing is accomplished by addressing the mental body understanding of that experience and through sympathetic vibrational resonance. I am able to adjust my energy field to resonate with yours & help facilitate emotional release of that experience. A typical session is approx. 90 mins.
