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The Relationship of Self

~mind, body & spirit~
Linda McCord

"When we begin to realize that we are the co-creators of our lives, we begin to understand the incorporation of Spirit. It is here that we understand the meaning of choice. Through choice we have the opportunity to be responsible for how we act, re-act, think, feel and Be."

The trinity of mind, body and spirit is, without doubt, the most important relationship of self that we have and yet maintaining balance within this trinity often fails. Incorporating the spirit within the mind and body generally creates expectation that often does not hold up to the ideals we have grown into adulthood with.

Societies and Religions have driven the notion that selflessness is the key to being a person of integrity and compassion, yet when we deny the Self, we often associate it with leaving behind those things we find pleasure in such as sexual relationships, dancing, socializing with friends, etc...

Through religious training we are conditioned to believe that in order to know God, we must give up the ego. We must learn to have faith and to release all worldly notions of pleasure in order to find the Spirit within. The Buddha suggests giving up the ego all together and only in that can we find true spiritual awareness....the knowingness of God. How, then, does the average human being making a living, raising a family and working at being a good citizen, have the opportunity to survive within this world and to find harmony within mind, body and spirit?

To find the answers, it is important to explore and fully understand what Mind, Body and Spirit really is. When looking at the mind, we understand it is the thinking process of who we are, but what exactly does that mean?

About the age of 2 years we begin to discover the Self. Personality comes into play and the realization that we are an individual entity. The ego begins to develop. Webster’s Dictionary describes ego as the Self. Within the ego development of desire, thought, self-definition and perception begin. Based upon the environment from which the 2 year old is growing, the beginning of self esteem begins to form either in the positive or negative and from there certain judgments start to form...pride, guilt, love, good or bad perceptions that begin the idea of who we are and who others in our immediate environment are.

As a child continues to grow and more information is gained, religious, family and social structures will continue to play in the ego’s development until eventually the child is an adult with a fairly strong opinion of who he/she is. Self-esteem will have developed according to the nurturing within the child’s life and the ego will have taken on many illusions from that nurturing such as worthiness of love, success and what generates success.

Finding pleasure in life is not denouncing Spirit.

From the formation of self-identity and the perceptions of what is good and bad, the Body will, then, become a reflection of the ego. The body is the vehicle of the Soul...the Spirit....and the mind is the experience of humanity, adapting to an egoistic thought pattern giving way to unlimited experiences.

If the ego is healthy, the body will also reflect health. If the ego is tainted by abuse, trauma and poor self-esteem, the body will, then, reflect this belief in some form of illness, obesity, personal hygiene, etc...

"We do not have to become Monks or self-debasing in order to incorporate Spirit within the relationship of Self."

The Spirit is the Higher Consciousness of Self. Within the Spirit is the Isness where there is no judgment. Through the mind’s desire for spiritual enlightenment, Spirit becomes incorporated with the ego allowing the ego to recognize the oneness of life and the ability to release a part of the egocentric ideas held within. The ego’s limitations begin to grow smaller as the mind expands with knowingness of Spirit. As the mind opens to the realization of Higher Consciousness, self importance lessens, yet a deeper understanding of the relationship of self ensues.

Ultimately, we, as individuals, must come to our own realization of what is necessary to maintain within the ego or to release, but we must understand the ego’s need to be where it is in the moment. If we do not walk through the ego, we will never realize what must be left behind to open way for Spirit. We do not have to become Monks or self-debasing in order to incorporate Spirit within the relationship of Self. We must simply come to the awareness of who we are and who we are within the environment in which we live and make adjustments that allow personal growth.

When we begin to realize that we are the co-creators of our lives, we begin to understand the incorporation of Spirit. It is here that we understand the meaning of choice. Through choice we have the opportunity to be responsible for how we act, re-act, think, feel and Be. It is within this responsibility that we can release the ego’s need to find self-power through vengefulness, greed, blame and deception. It is here, that we develop spiritual integrity and the knowingness that we are not alone in our endeavor to find harmony within Mind, Body, and Spirit.

Finding pleasure in life is not denouncing Spirit. When we put desire for material things or personal need over the integrity of Self, Spirit then becomes out of balance. We can most certainly enjoy a healthy sex life, have lovely things, and make money within the balance of Mind, Body and Spirit when we utilize the integrity of Self-awareness....the Self that is a part of a Higher Consciousness...The All That Is. It is within this awareness that we gain the knowingness that we are not simply ego, but a part of a transitional experience called Life. Through our human experience, we must learn the importance of ego while releasing the limitations that ego can offer while realizing and respecting the importance of body and Spirit. With this we find harmony within Mind, Body and Spirit, understanding the importance and depth in the relationship of self.

L. McCord

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