“Reality, God, divinity, truth, love are unknowable: that means they cannot be comprehended by the thinking mind. That would set at rest so many questions people have because we’re always living under the illusion that we know. We don’t. We cannot know.” - Anthony de Mello
To me, this quote speaks the words that have been in my heart, wishing to be unleased to all the scientists and all the “great minds” who disbelieve in God and Christ because their existence cannot be proven through fact.
“The fact is you’re surrounded by God and you don’t see God. The final barrier to the vision of God is your God concept.” - Anthony de Mello
I believe in Christ and God because I have felt their presence in my life. Truly. When I am unhappy with myself and my life, I pray. No, I do not talk to myself. I PRAY. When I pray, I feel a sense of comfort within myself, and when I ask my Lord questions, sometimes meaningful thoughts pop into my head, as if they were answers to my questions. Coincidentially enough, every thought that pops into my head is like a teaching of Jesus telling me that this is the way to be, to go. Whenever I don't receive a response in this way, I know in my heart that those questions must be answered by myself and through my own experiences. It's difficult to come up with examples, but this happens, the pieces of my puzzle fits, and thus I believe.
This is why I believe in God and Christ. Not only do They bring me hope, but I can FEEL Their presence. This feeling, I know, cannot and should not be ignored. And so I don't ignore it. I believe it.
Singer’s view on biological categorism is something I battle with from day to day. I do not consider myself truly Catholic; there are many rituals and beliefs that are a part of the Roman Catholic Church that I do not agree with, nor do I follow them with vigor, because I can’t. It doesn’t feel right to me. I do, however, believe myself to be spiritual, reflective, and a believer of God and Christ, in the most basic of terms. If one REALLY wanted to classify me as something, I am a Christian, for I believe in Christ. Those who believe in Christ are Christians, and I am thus.