As studied in class, the largest significance in his life is founding L’Arche, a chain of homes for the mntally and physically handicapped. The basis of this founding and development is his belief that all people are to share lives with each other and to aid each other to grow emotionally, socially, and spiritually.
Vanier finds that those who are mentally handicapped are often closer to spiritual values than others who are not handicapped, perhaps for the mere fact that they can be more in touch with themselves. He realizes that God’s love is without limitation, and this shines through in human brokenness.
"Love has a transforming power. It is first and foremost a revelation of a person's essential, fundamental beauty and value. If nobody reveals to children their innate beauty and value, they will never know the importance and the meaning of their life. They will hide behind sulking, depression, violence, aggressive attitudes or will try to prove their brilliance.
When they are listened to and loved they begin to discover what it means to be human. Little by little they become more trusting and want to live more fully. They realise they do not have to defend or prove themselves or always be at the centre of the stage; they have a place, they belong."