Grace Base Edit

-> entries are HERE <-

so, with a new layout comes a new contest. and i promise it won't be a disaster like the last one. granted, it was only a disaster cuz my computer caught a virus, but that's a whole different story.

alright, since i'm still quite proud of my new base, this is just a simple base edit contest. yeah nothing too original, sorry. but it gives you a lot of freedom, so you guys should be happy. that's right, be happy dammit.

make a doll using this base.
(there is a faceless version as well)

and remember: the more detailed and unique your doll is, the better chance you have at winning.

- no dollmakers, stealing, guys should know this by now.
- file format must be .gif, .jpg, .png, or .bmp. that's easy enough, right?
- it doesn't have to be transparent. cuz it would be kinda hypocritical of me to require transparent dolls when i don't even know how to do it myself. haha...
- you are free to change the face and the color of the base, but anything else requires MY PERMISSION. no moving of arms or anything like that unless i say so.
- i reserve the right to deny (or admit) any entry. cuz i'm da boss. chya.


title the email "Grace Base" so i won't delete it amongst my junk mail.

send the following information:
email address
your doll
(this is kinda important)

yes, you may reserve a spot in the contest if you need to.
voting will begin...whenever i feel like it. so there.