this layout came about after a very fatefull trip to Boston and New York in the summer of 2005.

i found out that my friend from a long time ago would be staying in New York the same time we were. unfortunately, (and it's a ridiculously long story with lots of excuses and pathetic nonsense, so don't count on me ever telling it) my parents hate this particular friend. so, the night we arrived in New York, i told them i was going out to explore around the hotel. in reality, i met up with this guy, he acted like a complete dork, and i wondered what i ever saw in him in the first place.

however, the next morning my parents woke me up and made me tell the truth. then the shit hit the fan. they were so furious that i had lied, they rented an entirely different hotel room and cut themselves off from me for the rest of the trip. so i was alone in New York for 4 whole days.

once we got home, it wasn't any better. they spent hours screaming at me and told me how much i disgusted them, all for one little white lie.

and then one day i was listening to 'Little Liar' by Snowdogs, and the chorus really got to me.

you little liar you
you little liar you
we all admire you
you little liar
you think you're wonderful
we're all in love with you
right on
right on
right on

i couldn't resist the cynicism. and voila! this layout was born.

by the way, i definitely recommend dowloading that song. it be awesome yo.

link buttons that matched this layout: