Old Dolls
stuff i did when i was first starting out. i can only hope that my more recent stuff looks better than this crap. eew...

first contest i ever entered, just to prove my undying love for Sammi. it's me and my brother, cuz everyone mistakes us to be dating...blah yeah. base - Swiss Cheese Army   me and Miel. i'll be fixing this doll up someday since it does look somewhat crappy right now. base - Swiss Cheese Army 
hah. it's true. base - Swiss Cheese Army      me in my underwear. *gasp* that's inappropriate! base - Dolly Famous

actually, i really do take yoga. yeah. base - Metal Aqua
i don't like to be reminded of ex-boyfriends, but it's pretty so i guess i'll keep it. inspired by the 4th of july, Chris and i lit off a few roman candles. (base has been slightly edited) base - Swiss Cheese Army yay it's Brister! he's so little and cute. base - If Looks Could Kill

i like the glowy sphere in this one. and her hair. but i have no idea what it's supposed to be. base - Dell's Dolls   the first doll i ever did. it's nothing or anyone special, just crap. base - Historical Dolls

i did this for a contest at Autumn Pixels. my entry was never up on the entries page so...i think i screwed up somehow. of course i wouldn't have won anyways. lol. base - Dell's Dolls for Sammi's 'Doll Screach' contest, back when we all called her Screach. base - Tyger Tyger


all work © Monique Renee Gless, 2004