He ran as fast as he could but he knew he would be caught. It wasn't so much that he cared about being caught, he just wanted to run. Somehow it satisfied his delusional dreams of escaping the cruel reality he lived in. Obviously, no one ever escaped. There was no freedom.

His persuers were gaining on him now. The thought crossed his mind that it might be a good idea to stop and give up, perhaps in that case the punishment would be less severe. He quickly brushed the notion away, he still wanted to run.

Angry hands grabbed at his shoulders. It was over now, they'd won again. He was cautiously led back to the school doors, greeted by a throng of his cheering peers. The principal was waiting at the doorway for him.

"Again, Mr. Harris? What is it this time?" He inquired sternly. Harris looked up and met the principal's cold eyes with his own fridgid ones. A brief smile crossed his lips.

"I just wanted
