It was a beautiful night and the city resembled a thin net of fireflies hovering far above the ground, their lights slowly flickering on and off. Two figures stood silently at the top of one tall building, insignificant against their imense surroundings.

The man pulled a cigarette out of his back pocket and lit up, flicking the ashes onto the street below. Viviane reached over and plucked it out of his fingers.

"I thought I told you to stop," she murmured, taking a long drag and letting the smoke flow over her lips in curling tendrils. His arm snaked around her waist, drawing her closer to him. Soft lips briefly caressed her forehead.

"It doesn't matter," he whispered soberly. She nodded in understanding. This wasn't going to last.

Viviane let herself fall back into his embrace, gazing over his shoulder at the shimmering lights around them, and then toward the
