Part 2

Origins: Two Years and the Induction

It’s hard to believe, some times, that all this started ten years ago. Had I known then, what I know now, I probably would have tried to keep myself from following the path I did. I was so ignorant to the world outside my own little shell. I thought that what I knew was all the world was; everything revolved around my knowledge so-to-speak.

I loved the summers of that small town in Pennsylvania where I used to live. The whole area was beaming with life, and I had it all to myself. I would spend the whole day brandishing this replica sword I owned around the forests searching for real monsters to hunt. The town where I lived wasn’t big on activities, so I had to keep myself occupied. On top of that I had no friends and an overactive imagination to boot.

I was somewhat of a shady person, usually wearing all black. People often thought of me as a delinquent because of the trench coat I would wear to complete my ensemble. I never talked to anyone, and they all left me alone. It wasn’t a particularly proud existence, but I didn’t care. I was in my own world, where I reigned supreme and nothing could hurt me.

That’s the way it was, until one day.

I was out doing my usual thing one late summer night. As I darted around trees I started to hear voices coming from deeper inside the woods. I didn’t know exactly where they were, or who they were. As I continued forward I listened in to their conversation as it progressed. From what I gathered two men were questioning another about some sort of travesty. They kept saying abomination unto the world, and lecherous demon.

“Oh my God,” I though, “it sounds like they’re talking about vampires.” I needed to get closer to see who they were. I followed the voices as their argument grew. By the time I could see all three men, they were having an all out verbal brawl. The one being questioned denied everything the men were saying, and they kept drilling him about some murders that happened in the area.

As I stood there listening, my concentration on the sword I held in my hand wavered and it slipped out and fell to the ground. The forest became so silent the leaves could be heard conversing about the situation. I just stood there, my body frozen, unable to comprehend what will happen. As I stared forward, I could see the alleged vampire’s eyes turn a dull shade of red as he stared back. Then he rushed towards me.

My heart stopped, I panicked and couldn’t think of what to do. I was scared beyond human comprehension. As he came at me, I did the only thing I could think to do. Once he was an arms length from my body, I picked my sword up and jabbed it at him. The screams that creature let out after the sword was imbedded in his chest still haunt me from time to time. It pierced me to the soul, and drained me of all sense.

I looked on with empty eyes as it regained composer enough to turn its attention back to me. Its eyes now glowed with an angry red, as it howled and leaped at me. I was relieved to find its flight cut short by the sound of several gun shots. As I knelt in the fetal position ash poured on me, nearly covering my entire body. The sword fell right in front of me, it too covered in ash. I knelt there from some time, but was startled when one of the other two men placed his hand upon my shoulder. I looked up to see him kneeling next to me, dusting me off.

I wanted to speak, but could find no words. He noticed this and spoke, “Well, kid, you’re lucky to be alive right now. Had it not been for that quick move you did with that sword of yours you probably wouldn’t still be. I don’t expect you to understand this right now, but I’m still going tell you. That was a vampire; my friend and I were sent to kill it. I’ve been doing this for a while, and I must say I’m impressed by what you did. You hungry, how about we grab a bite to eat?”

They took me to a small restaurant out of town a ways. There they described to me exactly who they were, and what they do. By then I was over the shock I had been in, so I was immersed in what they told me. I took to it all so well because I wanted to believe it all. I wanted to believe that there are people out there who hunt vampires and ghosts and monsters. As I listened, I wanted more and more to be one of those people.

As our conversation wound down, the one who had been explaining everything handed me a business card, except it just had a telephone number on it. He told me, “If ever you should want to get a hold of me, this is the number you call.”

It was late by this time, and I was desperate for some sleep after what had happened. The men, who called themselves Arthur and William, gave me a ride to my house in town. I thanked them for saving me, and bid them goodnight. As I got ready for bed, I placed the card he had given me on my dresser. The moment I laid down on my bed, I fell asleep.

Some two years later:

It was the oddest thing, as I was cleaning out my room one day I found this card under my dresser. All that was on it was a phone number, and I couldn’t remember whose it was. It took me quite a while of deep thinking, but then splattered me like a semi hitting a deer. How could I forget what happened that night two years ago? The forest, the hunters, the vampire; it was slowly resurfacing in my memory. I quickly grabbed the phone and dialed the number. Several rings later, someone answered.

“Hello Alexander, we were wondering when you would awaken. I know you must have many questions, and we are definitely willing to answer.” I was not expecting this when I had called, but I listened as he gave me directions as to where I was supposed to go to see him. He told me to bring enough clothes for a few weeks time. I was confused, but I was going to do it. After all, I still had questions about what happened.

It took me several hours to get there, but it was still light outside when I arrived. The old church was a beautiful renaissance, stonework structure. It looked like a small castle, with spires and everything. From the sign by the front doors I had gathered that it was a catholic church, but I didn’t know enough about religion to know exactly what that meant.

As I slid my head through the small opening between the front doors I could see Arthur staring straight at me. As I opened the door the rest of the way and stepped in, he walked forward to greet me. I shook his hand and he led me throughout the building showing me everything within.

It was as if someone had modeled this place after one from a science fiction movie. It had everything: wooden stakes, silver bullets, holy water, spell books, and oh so many swords. It was truly a mind blowing experience. After the tour I asked him, “Why are you showing me all of this, and how come I couldn’t remember what happened two years ago until just today?”

“All of us hunters have the ability to bend people’s memories so that when we leave they do not remember ever having met us. It’s to protect them from what they may have encountered. However, in your case we gave you the card with the phone number on it to trigger your memory and lead you to us some day.”

“But why would you want me to meet you again?”

“Because, Alexander, we want you to join us here at the Acquisition. We want you to become a hunter.” His answer drilled into my brain. He wants me to become a hunter? Oh my God! Why would he choose me to ask this? What made me different from all the other people in the world to choose to do this? I was perplexed.

Arthur saw that I needed more time to think this over; so he suggested that I stay at the church for some time, observe the other hunters, learn what will be required of me if I decide to join, and make my decision later. I agreed to this, and after a few days, I made the decision to join the Inquisition.

That night there was held a ceremony to induct me into their order. I was quite frightened at the fact that I did not know what this entailed. So I just stood there and obeyed everything the high priest of the church told me to do. I was anointed with oils, christened with water, and fed bread and wine. It was a completely new experience for me because I knew nothing of church activities and practices.

After the high priest spoke for what seemed like two hours, he turned to me and began asking me questions. “Do you vow to uphold the laws of God in vanquishing the corrupted souls of the lost?”

I answered, “Yes.”

“Will you forfeit any ties to the life you once had in order to embrace the new life God has planned for you?”


“Do you swear to uphold the laws of the order and remain an enigma to all you encounter?”

To this I also answered, “Yes.”

“Then arise anew, Alexander, for you are now a hunter. Come and chose the instrument through which you will carry out the vows you swore to.” With this he motioned back to a table that had many weapons upon it. They were all quite beautiful, with elaborate designs and writings.

As I browsed over the choices, one in particular caught my eye. It was a sword, much like the replica one that I owned. This one, however, resembled Jesus hanging on the cross. It was a stunning sight, and I immediately knew that this would be my instrument. I picked the sword up and asked if it had a name.

“Max,” the priest replied.

I stood there staring at the sword, and almost became entranced by it. Never had I thought that I would one day be standing in an old church, holding so brilliant a sword, after being inducted into a secret order charged with the task of hunting evil. This was going to be so much fun.