Preface, Intro for Essayene, the fourth book,
( 2013-2023 ) copyright@ 2023 at fathomlightproductions
Preface: Excluding the monster series, the scientific, new age, and abstruse
philosophy that forms the basis for the remainder of the book almost comes
across as an LSD trip, i.e. psylosybin, or ketachrome to DMT experience. One of the
truly 'original' and pathbreaking books of the last 50 years.
Introduction: On the heels of his award winning, ' Eyes To The Stars' the
author comes through with another page turner, rife with esoteric psychologies,
new age science, and abstruse philosophies, all woven together masterfully,
leaving the reader in awe of what he is reading. The 21st century has found
its Shakespeare.
Prolegomena: Covering areas of existence that are normally left alone
or unreachable by most minds, the book extends both the mysteries of
the Mind and the Universe into the quantum carousel. This is pure philosophy
in the form of poetry. Not a coffee table ornament.
Dedication: To all the cat lovers of the world
Foreward: When first asked to compose a coherent forward for this
outstanding book, I was hesitant, being that I am the author of this
'syllabus for the spiritually curious'. After re-reading the first four
pages, I couldn't say no. This is truly an exceptional book, one worth
the attention one would give Emerson. Wu Wei.
Commune, the book, the fifth book. Magnificent in its inception.
Beginning with a far out, i.e. unorthordox theme, including the elusive central idea, the
author creates a bona fide rarity in the literary world, whereupon
ideas take the place of persons, giving a sense of bizarre gemeinschaft, i.e. community to
an otherwise tilting to random, eidetic compendium of abstract to abstruse ideas. Mind at its best
Calling all thinkers, especially outside the box, Original Star Trek fans included.
Diverting slightly from the motif and forms of the third and fourth books, this the fifth
book becomes a literary and philosophical revolution in itself, expressed only
Prolegomena Deluxe:
Written from the perspective of a musician, i.e. ex musician
the essence and substance of the book, Commune, is at its best and most accurate
a work of philosophy, equal to Nietzsche, Foucault, Husserl, and Emerson. Yes, Emerson.
Beginning with an synopsis on both abstruse philosophy and the role
of the esteemed modern day american intellectual, i.e. HIPPIE, the psychogeric forces
behind the writing of this extremely rare book soar to new literary heights.
Fusing Musicology and Cryptology, whereupon the crux, gist, and quintessence
rotate around each others indeterminate centre, allowing the most compelling illuminations
to move onward into the realm of Zensa, circa 2001,
whereby a group of advanced individuals form a small, close knit society
based on philosophical concepts, ideas, and principles. Wu Wei.
Dedication of Commune: 1) To all philosophy majors worldwide.
2) To the great and grand culture and nation of India.
Continuing in the same motif as Essayene and Eyes To The Stars, 'Commune'
quickly shows its ineffable mystique as philosophical concepts begin
their compelling interplay. A must read for the multi-layered and trans-dimensional.
Addendum to the Introduction and Prolegomena of both ESSAYENE and COMMUNE, the book
Regarding Essayene,
Oyster for its depth, novelty, and reach, a pinnacle in the world
of speculative fiction and poetry. The author enters the room.........
Futher analysis and/or awards
How now Brown Cow............
I hear the sound of a Gong..........
Anyone else ??

First Book
Second Book
Third Book, Masterpiece
Fourth Book, Essayene, as reviewed by both Rainmaker and Estarius, 2083