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This page of my site is dedicated to the dedicated conspiracy theorist to whom we owe most of our knowledge of government coverups. Some of them, such as Hymoon Zi, have been working to increase government openess since the 1960s. Others, including Tim Moonie, have only become involved in the movement recently.

Hymoon Zi

Hymoon Zi, born on a little farm in Tennessee in 1941, was raised in a stringent, anti-freedom atmosphere. Seeking to escape this world of intolerence, he first discovered pot in 1961 while at a rock convention in New York. He has proudly smoked pot every day since then. He first become involved in conspiracies when he witnessed first hand NASA's faking the moon landings, and was worked tirelessly for the past 40 years to increase government openess and the legalization of pot and other drugs.

Dr. Jakob Wrip

A researcher into the paranormal, Dr. Jakob is researching the science behind cattle multilations, genetically altered spypets, and aliens manifest in the forms of people. After becoming involved in this kind of research after his pet anaconda turned up inside out at his home in Wisconsin one morning after he had seen strange lights the previous night, he has worked at a number of institutions. "They don't appreciate my research!" Complains Dr. Jakob, who is at a loss as to why he seems not to be able to hold down a job. "They keep telling me-stop killing peoples pets for research. How are we supposed to stop these evil spies if we don't know who they are???"

Stewart Friend

A native of San Fransisco, Stewart became a conspiracy researcher after he saw the government's prejudice against minorities like himself. He is currently working at the International Vatican Research Center, which he heads. He believes people should be able to express themselves and live more freely without the oppression of a bigotrous government. "I think the world would be a much more lovely place if people would just respect each other for who they are...not how they live"