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Alphabetic Harmonics

by: Tracy Porter

Copyright 1997

The book of Genesis tells of original man walking with God and using telepathic means of communication. This gift is said to have been lost after the mythical fall when Adam and Eve disobeyed their creator and were subsequently expelled from paradise. Having lost this ability to communicate with others without speech, the spoken word has become an art form which is vital to our ability to relate enmasse or on a one to one basis. In contrast to the verbal society we currently live in, past civilisations such as Atlantis and Lemuria are believed to have had a slightly different means of communication which was composed on an elaborate system, including art forms which conveyed special messages to the observer.

In our current age of known history, early man recorded events which transpired by using pictorial representations which told elaborate stories. As time went on these pictures were abbreviated to form hieroglyphics with each symbol depicting a word. As more time elapsed the glyphs were further reduced to represent individual sounds.

The alphabet that we use today is derived from an earlier hieroglyphic system of which the Chinese and Japanese languages still use. As the hieroglyphics evolved to represent sounds instead of specific words, these letters as we now know them took on a complete essence of their own: so much so that the spelling of many words has remained unchanged even though our speech patterns have evolved to make some sounds obsolete.

As mankind’s system of thought and style of communication evolved to become more verbalised, the concept began to become apparent that each sound conveys a particular harmonic vibration which has particular significance to the exoteric as well as esoteric implications of our milieu. Every letter in the alphabet has a specific essence that can best be described by associating it with a numerical value, thereby allowing for ease of computation. Each letter in any given word helps to add a particular flavour in order to clarify its meaning: this is especially so when it is the first letter or multiple occurrences of a particular letter are found in a word. The premier, or first, consonant or vowel of a word tends to carry significant importance and these letters will often reveal the overall essence of a word or name.

A is the numerical equivalent of 1 and the first letter of the alphabet as well as the first vowel. It has a great deal of confidence which enables it to achieve objectives. When it is the first vowel in a name, the bearer tends to be alert and bold. Negatively, A can be critical of efforts of others.

B is the numerical equivalent of 2 and represents our emotional reactions. It is friendly, sympathetic and enjoys domesticity. Negatively, B can be self absorbed if not a bit greedy.

C is the numerical equivalent of 3 and represents energy. It is particularly good humoured and gets along well with others. Negatively, C can be unscrupulous and inattentive to the needs of others.

D is the numerical equivalent of 4 and represents balance. It is very powerful and is the letter associated with business. When it is the first consonant in a name the bearer will display a need for order and tidiness. Negatively, D can be stubborn and uncompromising.

E is the second vowel in the alphabet and is the numerical equivalent of 5. It is a friendly number which is warm hearted, loving and compassionate. When it is the first vowel in a name the bearer is freedom loving and charming. Negatively, E can be unreliable and unstable.

F is the numerical equivalent of 6 and represents love. It is warm-hearted, compassionate, and has the ability to make others feel at ease. When it is the first consonant in a name it carries the vibration of a mother hen type of individual. Negatively, F can carry a sense of melancholy.

G is the numerical equivalent of 7 and represents mysticism and religious experiences. This letter is imaginative, creative, and will look for alternative solutions to everyday problems. When it is the first consonant in a name, the bearer will tend to be intuitive, learned and somewhat solitary. Negatively, G’s are loathe to take even the best intentioned advice from others.

H is the numerical equivalent of 8 and represents creativity and power. This letter has a great deal of business acumen and will therefore find profits through most endeavours. When it is the first consonant of a name the bearer is likely to be successful in business. Negatively, it can be self absorbed and selfish.

I is the third vowel of the alphabet and is the numerical equivalent of 9. It represents law and as a general rule is sensitive, compassionate and humane. Negatively, I can lack self confidence and is quick to anger.

J is the numerical equivalent of 1 and represents our aspirations. This letter is truthful, benevolent and intelligent. When it is the first consonant in a name the bearer will possess an unyielding desire not to give up and will therefore find success - eventually. Negatively, J can be lazy and lack direction.

K is the numerical equivalent of 2 and represents extremes. It is strong willed and influential, if not somewhat emotive at times. When it is the first consonant of a name the bearer will possess insights often missed by others. Negatively, K can be dissatisfied with life.

L is the numerical equivalent of 3 and represents action. It is charitable and well adjusted but can be somewhat accident prone.

M is the numerical equivalent of 4 and represents spirituality. This letter has a great deal of self confidence and is therefore likely to achieve success. It is also an industrious letter that can be somewhat of a workaholic. Negatively, M can be hasty and quick to anger.

N is the numerical equivalent of 5 and represents imagination. It is intuitive and communicative, but negatively can be predisposed to jealousy.

O is the penultimate vowel and equates to the number 6. This letter represents patience and is particularly studious. When it is the first vowel in a name, the person will be community minded and a good student. Negatively, O needs to learn to gain greater control over its emotions.

P is the numerical equivalent of 7 and represents power. It carries with it a commanding influence and possesses much knowledge. When it is the first consonant in a name the bearer is likely to think of spiritual matters. Negatively, P can be totally self absorbed with little time to empathise with the concerns of others.

Q is the numerical equivalent of 8 and represents originality. It is a mysterious letter which in many ways shows areas that would otherwise be unknowable. Negatively, Q can be extremely boring.

R is the numerical equivalent of 9 and represents possibilities. It is tolerant and humane but has a tendency to become short tempered. When it is the first consonant in a name the bearer will often act as peacemaker.

S is the numerical equivalent of 1 and represents beginnings. It has very attractive attributes and instils wealth. Negatively, S can act impulsively and cause massive upheavals to occur.

T is the numerical equivalent of 2 and represents growth. It is a restless letter which seeks answers to spiritual questions. When it is the first consonant in a name, the carrier will have extra strength to help other and tends to be long suffering. Negatively, T is overly emotional and is often easily influenced by the opinions of others.

U is the final true vowel in the alphabet and is the numerical equivalent of 3. This letter represents accumulation and is considered to be very lucky indeed. When it is the first vowel in a name the bearer will be freedom loving. Negatively, U can be selfish, greedy and indecisive.

V is the numerical equivalent of 4 and represents construction. It is an industrial letter which is tireless and efficient. Negatively, V can be unpredictable.

W is the numerical equivalent of 5 and represents self-expression. While this letter can be exceedingly charming, it also possesses an aura of mystique. Negatively, W can be greedy and take too many risks.

X is the numerical equivalent of 6 and represents sexuality. This letter is unrestrained in its quest for pleasure and can therefore fall prey to promiscuity and unfaithfulness.

Y is the penultimate letter in our alphabet and is the numerical equivalent of 7. This number represents freedom and dislikes restraint of any kind. Negatively, Y can be indecisive and as a consequence may miss out on opportunities in life.

Z is the final letter in our alphabet and is the numerical equivalent of 8. It represents hope as it is considered to be a peacemaker. Negatively, Z can be headstrong and must learn to think before acting.