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Trust Your Intuition

by: Tracy Porter

Copyright 1998

In the left brain world where rational thoughts predominate, it is all too easy for the intuitive side of ourselves to lie dormant, unused and eventually even stagnate. As we often rely on data which has been churned out by statisticians and elaborate computer programs, it becomes far too easy to undoubtedly accept these cold, hard facts (which, incidentally, which can be manipulated to show varying results) and ignore those niggling hunches which quite often will yield a more accurate interpretation.

One of the most readily available intuitive tools at our disposal is the analysis of our dreams. While psychologists and doctors have conducted much research in an attempt to determine exactly what transpires when we sleep, from an esoteric perspective, sleep provides the period of rest for both the conscious mind and the animal body. Because the dream state is essential for our bodies to rejuvenate, when we are unable to sleep this is a clear indication that there is at least one area in our lives which needs resolution.

Quite often people will delay making important decisions until the next day to give them a chance to ‘sleep on it’. Even the ancient oriental oracle, I Ching, cautions the enquirer to wait three days before making a decision in hexagram 18 - Repair, thus indicating that a period of gestation is necessary before embarking upon important choices. The reason for this is because our subconscious mind will often direct us to the most appropriate course of action.

Much can be achieved during the sleep state to include problem solving, creativity, past life recall and psychic impressions. During the sleep state, perhaps because we surrender our volition, what is left of self awareness enters the realm where about 90% of our mind is active. In this arena facilities can function which on waking can seem unobtainable:-

As we live in a technologically advanced society, it is quite easy to loose sight of the fact that we are merely highly evolved animals with developed minds which enable us to explore the world around us in a more surreal fashion than other species within the animal kingdom. While we are exploring the inner and outer universe of our awareness it is all too easy to forget that we have still retained some very basic primal behaviourisms unique to our species:-

While some behaviouisms have been culturally derived, there remain mannerisms which are standard among the human race and can be considered to be derived from the collective consciousness. This ability to read the non-verbal signals that we send out is referred to as intuition or perception. Quite often when we have a ‘hunch’ about someone it is because we are reading the messages their body mannerisms are sending us instead of the words that have actually been spoken.

The ability to read a person’s non-verbal signals is such an important skill that a vast amount of research has been conducted to study it. It has been estimated that the total impact of a message is about 7% verbal, 38% vocal and 55% non-verbal. More importantly, the average person actually speaks words for a total of 10 or 11 minutes a day and the average sentence is only 2.5 seconds long. The verbal component of a face-to-face conversation is less than 35% and over 65% of communication is non-verbal.

The term ‘woman’s intuition’ was coined because women as a whole are usually much more perceptive of the subtle nuances which prevail in human behaviour. It is believed that women have a more highly developed ability to read a person’s body language because when raising children they learn to communicate with babies and young children without the benefit of language, thereby heightening their skills of perception.

In addition to the body signals which we unconsciously put out, we also have an energy field commonly called an aura. This subtle field which surrounds our bodies in the shape of an egg tends to change in relation to our temperament and state of health. While not everyone is able to visibly see the aura, there are indicators that allow us to perceive a person’s energy field and in effect his physical and mental state of being. These indicators are based upon our dress and appearance to include the colours we wear. If a person has a preference for a certain colour and wears it frequently, then his energy field will in all probability contain the colour that he wears.