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by: Tracy Porter

Copyright 1996

The zodiac can at times appear predominantly masculine as most of the planets have historically been associated with male mythological figures. Until the discovery of the asteroid belt in the 19th century, the only planetary bodies which women could easily identify themselves with were Venus, the Moon and Lilith (which is considered to be Earth’s ante-diluvian satellite). While women have always made significant contributions to society, it must be stressed that they traditionally played the roles of wife and mother as illustrated by Venus and the Moon respectively.

The discovery of the asteroid belt brought about a balance between masculine and feminine archetypes to bring more sexual equality in our solar system. It was also around this time that women began to take on more diversified roles and therefore needed other astrological indicators in what was to become a rapidly changing world. It is also worth noting that those men who have chosen to pursue careers which have traditionally been assigned to women will be able to relate to these more intuitive planetary bodies.

The Moon

The Moon is the Earth’s largest satellite which governs our emotional responses. It is no secret that the close proximity of the Moon to the Earth has a strong effect on our physical environment, as evidenced by the daily motion of oceanic tides and the fact that crime has a tendency to increase during the Full Moon. The Moon relates to our emotive impulses which push us to react, and in many instances it can be such a dominant feature in some horoscopes that it is actually more prominent than the Sun. This may be, as many whose natal Moon is strongly aspected in their natal chart will find to be the case, the reason why some do not show a strong affinity to their natal Sun but instead relate more to lunar impressions. The Moon represents the relationship we have with our mother and women in general, and it denotes what type of mother or parent we are likely to become. While the father is quite often associated with Saturn, those men who are more in tune with the intuitive side of themselves can just as easily identify with the Moon in relation to their parenting style. In Green mythology, the Moon is associated with Artemis, the virgin goddess. She was considered to be eternally young and active, and was equal to any man. Artemis was the twin sister of Apollo, who astrologically depicts the Sun, and the pair were said to have been very close. With these mythological considerations in mind, it should come as no surprise to conclude that the astrological signs of Leo and Cancer, ruled by the Sun and Moon respectively, reign side by side in the zodiac while the remaining five planets in the ancient solar system progress outwardly from the royal pair. The planetary alignment is as follows:-

The placement of these signs, and the rulerships they were given some 2000 years ago does seem to suggest that the summer months were regarded significantly in the astrological year.


Venus has been referred to in the Bible as the morning or evening star because it is the last stellar body visible at dawn and the first to be seen at dusk. While Venus is considered to be a feminine planet, men can identify with its attributes because it relates to the things in life which give us pleasure. Venus rules the signs of Taurus and Libra, which governs our likes, dislikes, and those who we are attracted to and subsequently form partnerships with.


Lilith is considered to be Earth’s second satellite which absorbs, rather than reflects light so that it is not easily seen by the naked eye. Ancient lure suggests that about 10 to 12 thousand years ago a major disaster, occurred which dramatically transformed the proportions of the Earth to such a great magnitude that every culture in existence today tells of an ante-deluvian civilization which is believed to have been significantly superior to the world we now live in. It was during this pre-flood era that Earth’s moon was Lilith, a celestial body which was much smaller and more proportional to the Earth’s own size and orbit. During this catastrophe it is believed that our present moon, Luna, was somehow catapulted into the Earth’s orbit. Lilith is then thought to have left the Earth’s orbit, quite possibly falling into what is now the Pacific ocean. This catastrophe had such a dramatic effect on the Earth that the continents were thus transformed, the atmosphere was unreparably altered to open the door to previously unheard of disease and pestilence which consequently shortened man’s lifespan from several hundred years to approximately 70. Following this magnificent upheaval, a great flood ensued which forever changed the living circumstances of those who managed to survive.

As many people in western civilization can appreciate, even the Bible details the great flood and suggests that there was initially one moon, then two, then one again. Jewish tradition further expands the story because it is said that Lilith was actually Adam’s first wife who refused to be subservient to him. Because she refused to defer to her husband, he divorced her in favour of a more obedient Eve.

Lilith’s rather dubious past has relegated her to the realms of the dark goddess syndrome in that she represents independent career women and wanton women who have learned to use their sexuality to get what they want out of life. While many astrologers do not assign a zodiacal sign to Lilith, it does correspond with the more intense attributes of Cancer, Pluto and Saturn combined, so is therefore very powerful and can bring much sorrow and tears if lessons are not properly learned and warning bells are not headed.


Ceres is a large asteroid within the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter. In Roman mythology she was called Demeter, or Da Mater, which means Earth Mother. Ceres was said to live on Earth and in the heavens, and was the goddess of agriculture. Her daughter, Persephone, was abducted and raped by Pluto, god of the underworld, and in her anguish Ceres made the Earth an barren place to live so crops would not be allowed to grow for the duration of her daughter’s imprisonment. Jupiter, who was responsible for maintaining order on Earth, demanded that Pluto release Persephone, but because she had eaten a few seeds from a pomegranate, she was forever bound to the world of the dead. A compromise was necessary, so Persephone was allowed to live on Earth in the spring and summer months, but was required to descend back into the underworld for autumn and winter. In modern times Ceres associates herself with Virgo, Cancer and the Taurus/Scorpio axis. Her Virgoian association notably relates to her governance of agriculture and harvest, her Cancerian rulership relates to the fact that she was a devoted mother, and her identity with the Taurus/Scorpio axis reflects the extremes she could go to during her period of mourning for the daughter she loved.

Pallas Athena

Pallas Athena is an asteroid in the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter. In Greek mythology she was the virgin goddess of wisdom, second in Olympian hierarchy only to Jupiter. Pallas Athena is said to have been born from Jupiter’s head as a fully gown warrior queen, but earlier myths from the previous matrilineal culture suggest that she was actually born of a woman. Changing political rule consequently caused the stories surrounding her heritage to change in line with the invading patrilineal tribes from the north. Astrologically, Pallas Athena is associated with Libra, Leo and Aquarius. Pallas Athena symbolizes the modern, educated working woman who lives in a man’s world and earns an equivalent salary. Because of her independence, she may appear to lose her femininity and sex appeal when confronting those who feel threatened by strong women.


Vest is the brightest asteroid in the asteroid belt and is symbolic of the virginal state of being. In Greek mythology, Vesta was the first Olympian to be born to Saturn and Rhea, and the last to be reborn to Jupiter when she was freed from her father’s stomach. Vesta refused to marry Apollo or Neptune, and instead remained a virgin. Oddly enough, while it should be expected that the symbolic nature of this asteroid would be an indicator of celibacy, many people such as prostitutes and other individuals who have highly evolved sex lives will find that they have this seemingly chaste asteroid significantly placed in their natal horoscopes. Vesta is closely associated with Virgo and Scorpio which seems appropriate, considering the postulation that in pre-Roman times the constellations which now comprise Virgo, Libra and Scorpio where considered to be one, therefore encompassing the characteristics of all three signs to include analysis, relationship building and an innate sexual aura.


Juno, the goddess of marriage and one of only two legally married women in Olympus, was the wife and sister of Jupiter. While she did represent the sanctity of marriage, she and Jupiter had a rather stormy relationship where he was continually unfaithful to her. Because of Juno’s jealous nature, she pursued his paramours and their offspring with a vengeance regardless of whether or not his consorts were in fact willing partners. Earlier myths surrounding Juno which date back to a more matrilineal civilization depict her as a single goddess in her own right, worshipped as the Queen of Heaven. However, the invading patrilineal Achaen tribes caused the myths regarding this celestial queen to evolve so she was forced to marry Jupiter, her brother, and subsequently lost her supremacy. Her refusal to bear his children, however, did carry with it political overtones as an act of defiance on her part which reflected the political sentiments of the conquered culture which had previously solely worshipped her. Juno most appropriately represents the signs of Libra and Scorpio where she overseas the sanctity of marriage, yet seeks relentless revenge on those who she feels have betrayed her state of marital bliss.