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Clan Psychosis - Dark Asylum Calendar of Events: April - May 2009

  • February 9, 2009: Clan Psychosis is now hosting regular weekly events for paper magic players in the Ashland, Oregon area. For details on how to join please post a message in our mail room and someone will get back to you as soon as possible.

  • November 20, 2008: Clan Psychosis co-founder, Swampwalker0069, is proud to announce that he is now a sanctioned organizer for WPN/DCI Magic: the Gathering events. Events will be announced one (1) month prior to event date, and will be open to a maximum of 20 players. All events will be held at La Casa del Pueblo in Ashland, Oregon, unless otherwise specified. Sign -ups for events should be made via email to Swampwalker at the email addres listed at the bottom of this page.
  • November 2, 2008: Clan Psychosis has taken a serious hit since the MTGO V3.0 update. The poor programming has caused many of our clan to quit playing altogether. Now that the majority of the interface issues have been addressed, the surviving members of Clan Psychosis’ many branches have decided it is time to act. The 'Phoenix Project' headed by Co-founder and Psychosis III captain, N_i_g_h_t_m_a_r_e, and clan member Soarky, is being initiated to bring the survivors of all wings of Clan Psychosis together again to rise up and return the clan to its former strength. Currently, Soarky has been sent to create a new clan branch called PsychosisResurrection which will be the future home of Clan Psychosis. All active members are asked to keep in touch with the Phoenix Project guys so that when the new branch opens, we can start moving bodies.
    We have not yet given up hope on all our members however, and are vigorously sending messages to their profiles so that when/if they return they can rejoin us.


  • Why are we creating a new wing instead of stripping an existing one?
    Because we don’t want to lose members by booting to make room for active members. We consider our dormant clannies in stasis for now until we can determine if they will return. If we return to a full house in PsychosisResurrection, we will then begin expanding anew.

  • Why are we restructuring at all?
    V3 killed off so many clannies that many now feel marooned and without connection to the clan with majorities of players offline. We hope now that with everyone coming together we can stay more connected, more social, and nurture a more positive play environment for future clan prospects.

  • What can I do?
    Contact Soarky and N_i_g_h_t_m_a_r_e so that you can convert your clanship to the new clan wing. Keep your co-clannies informed if you have contact with them to do the same.

  • V3.0 is still a pain for communication, how will the clan adjust to prevent future issues?
    Once the new clan base is established we hope to employ a freeware audio engine so that we can actually talk with one another while playing so that we can avoid the multiple chat screens and bypass the dock-undock issues.

    Clan Psychosis Homepage
    Return to the Asylum

    Got Psychosis? Got something to write home about? Well send us an e-mail with your Psychosis News and we will post it to the site! Make sure to include your MTGO username and make the subject of the e-mail: 'Psychosis News. And remember, "If it ain't broke, hit it with a bigger hammer!"

    Email Swampwalker0069: