ouf in a long time~
damn long time since I wrote....
ummmm wut a day..
ummmm wut.... I dont no wut else
didnt really hav much intrestin stuff goin on...
well letz c yesteday hangd at Sabrinaz~
her bf gave her like this bracelet sayin R 'heart' S
dat wuz real sweet~ hehe
n fo raph we dropd t'is hat in da pool~ looool
........ but he lookd bit pissd but hope he wuznt..
n we just playd buuull shit~ lool wuz fun....
2day letz c...... yun woo ya'z house~ hehe
did project found out how much stupider she wuz~ jk
but wuz fun to did our work n stuff
wuz fun weekend~
still more to come since therz 2morrow
soo ill c wut happenz....
well imma gone