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The Sword and the Quill, the Charter of Insperatus

Herein lies the charter, defining rules and precepts that govern the guild of Insperatus. All members shall be presented with a copy of the charter, and the original will be filed with the Secretary of Lore.

Let it be known henceforth, that Insperatus, a gathering of friends and family, bears no enmity to any, save those that would do harm to others. We shall seek to gather Knowledge of this world, both Arcane and Natural, and with this Knowledge, to set right what has become wrong with the land.

We do not believe in politics. We are not a political senate, nor will we ever be. There is no greater evil than politics, for it separates love, honor, fellowship, and family ties.

There will be no enmity with those that come or go from us, for everyone must seek Knowledge in their own way.

Decisions affecting Insperatus will be made by a general vote of its members. There are three Officer Positions within Insperatus. The Keeper of Law, who handles alliances, and diplomatic relations of all sorts. He will be a problem solver, a sounding wall, and settle all disputes regarding Insperatus.

The Secretary of Lore will be responsible for managing the guilds coffers, armory, and keeping times and dates clear and concise in the minds of all members. The Secretary will be a highly honored position, as all of the duties that fall to the person chosen will require much time and effort.

Finally, the Battlemaster will coordinate all raids, guild gatherings, and any special events to fit the needs of members of Insperatus. The Battlemaster will also lead these events, or in the event the Battlemaster cannot be present, an appointed member will take the position as raid leader.

Never will any member of Insperatus press its opinions as fact to any other member. Never will we allow a disagreement to go unsettled. Compromise, fellowship, and enjoyment of each other's company will be the watchwords of our success. With the guiding of the patron Deity of each and every member we cry our prayer to strengthen our bond together, and to never allow the ties that bind fade away.

An it harm none, do as ye will.

So Mote it be