Past Shows
Here is a list of all the shows 16 Piece Bucket has played in the past (list is under construction-not fully updated yet):
2000, 2001
- Rich Wasson-Lead Vocals, Chris Lee-Lead Guitar, Jason Knarr-Bass Guitar, Troy Bryant-Drums
- March 28, 2000-Top Cat's w/ Holy Crap, Hoodoo Caminos, The Muckers
- May 12, 2000-Top Cat's w/ Happy the Wicked, Purple Martin, Sweet Impala, Pale Shebah
- May 13, 2000-Never on Sunday's w/June 6, 2000-Annie's w/ August 26, 2000-Top Cat's w/ Maelstrom, Happy the Wicked, Chapter 11<
- September 30, 2000-Top Cat's [PUNKY POWER MONSTERS OF ROCK FEST] w/ The Messengers, Goatscrew, Chapter 11, Lazy American Workers (Toledo, OH), the Vladimirs, The Goons (DC)
- December 30, 2000-Columbia Performance Center-WOODCROCK I w/ The Rebellious Band, The Scrubs, No Good Heroes, The Hypochondriacs, Deceiving Ralph, Chapter 11 and a whole lot more
- Saturday, January 3@Sudsy Malone's w/ Dinasty, Bloodline 4:20
- Saturday, February 2@Never on Sunday's w/ Execrator
- Saturday, January 25 @ Never on Sunday's (6923 Plainfield Rd., 513-793-4406)Another big multi-band fest. An 8 band show combining four punk bands and four metal bands. DOMINUS OBSCURUM, 16 PIECE BUCKET, ESTUARY, THE HYPOCHONDRIACS, PRIMORDIUM, CHAPTER 11, DEATH WARMED OVER, and FARKUS (formerly BOTTLE ROCKET). Doors will open at 6:00pm. 18+ w/ I.D. Never On's is located at 6923 Plainfield Rd.
- Friday, February 28@Sudsy Malone's
- Friday, March 28@Sudsy Malone's w/C.D. Truth, Pincushion, The Wankers
- Saturday, April 12@The Lime Spider [Akron, OH] w/C.D. Truth, Dropgun
- Wednesday, April 30@Sudsy Malone's w/Easy Action, The Reduced
- Friday, June 6@Sudsy Malone's-LIVE FREAKSHOW w/The Reduced, The Hypochondriacs, Death Warmed Over, SS-20, Elusive Travel, Cinerator
- Wednesday, July 2@ Sudsy Malone's w/ The Hypochondriacs, Croatan
- Sunday, August 3@Sudsy Malone's w/ Dave Brockie Experience, Hats Off
- Saturday, September 6@Sudsy Malone's w/ Jackass, PB Army, Leadfoot
- Friday, October 31@Sudsy Malone's w/ The Hypochondriacs, Croatan, C.D.P., Blood Drive
- Tuesday, November 11@Sudsy Malone's-SEANFEST!! w/ Blind Judgment, Detached, Based in Theory