16 Piece Bucket Reviews
Check out what the people are saying about 16 Piece Bucket and the debut CD, "5 and Dime"!!!
- *Five songs that hit me like a mix of Golden Showers/Oddities Circle Jerks hybrid. Production is good but yet not too polished. 16 Piece Bucket show on this CD that they are rough, tough, and surely start circle pits wherever they go. I think the members of this band are mostly all in other bands too but I would think that after listening to this disc this is the band that they will be remembered for. I want to hear more and I wanna hear it soon. Yes that name IS for real*-MUSIC: 9.10/10 LYRICS: 9.15/10 ARTWORK: 8/10 FINAL SCORE: 8.75/10-Neus Subjex Fanzine,P.O. Box 18051, Fairfield, OH 45018 - neusSubjex@hotmail.com, NeusSubjex.cjb.net
- *...downloaded some songs, I like the setup, it is punk as fuck!*-Mo Rickle, lead vocalist of After All [http://music.acmecity.com/brass/23]
- *We have listened to your music and have decided it is not of a low enough standard for our aquired taste. Please don't try so hard then you will be as bad as us.*-Dr Cornelius Fish [drcorneliusfish@bigfoot.com , http://www.mp3.com/yaffle]
- *16 PIECE C.D KICKS ASS!!! YES! ARRGGHHHHH*-King Fowley, lead vocals, drums of Deceased and October 31 [http://members.xoom.com/deceasedpage], [http://www.truemetal.org/october31]
- *What is this, the Dead Kennedy's? The singer is a dead ringer for Jello Biafra.*-Justin 'Painkiller' Lambourne, Metalview Webzine [http://members.home.net/jtlam/Metalview.htm]
- *Dude your CD is so old school punk I fucking flip out every time I hear it.*-Dave Caldwell, Hailshaft/Big Mosh Records [https://www.angelfire.com/oh3/bigmoshrecords]
- *Alright so I actually listened to your song and it was rockin. what can I say?*-Monisha, Cincinnati Scenester, socialite, and trendsetter
- *You've always been a stumbling block, Chris. Horrendous is a good word for your band!*-O.J. Barnes/The Metal Zone Video Show