16 Piece Bucket Reviews
Check out what the people are saying about 16 Piece Bucket's new CD *Born to Be...* !!!
- *Blending the best of metal riffs with punk attitude and lyrics...*-SKullcrusher Zine [Fall/Winter 2002 edition]
- *Mid 80s speedcore in the vein of old DRI, ADRENALIN OVERDOSE, or LUDICHRIST, atime when Punks and Thrashers listened to the same bands...*-The Metal Gospel [www.metalgospel.com]/ Germany
- *If you like your punk/emtal old school, then this is perfect for you. 16PB are the bastard sons of SUICIDAL TENDENCIES and BAD BRAINS with a hint of the colonel's special recipe thrown in for good measure, with 'Born to Be...' on par with 'Join the Army' and the like. '4 in the Wall' takes you on a trip through your distant metal past when it was still cool to wear stretch jeans and white leather Nike basketball boots (no offense intended to the stretch jeans wearers of today) and is a top notch tune. A bit reminiscent of DEAD KENNEDYS' 'Kill the Poor' in places which I guess is a bit of a contradiction to the metal references earlier. But that is what 16PB are all about-not old school punk or old school metal-just old school and I fuckin' love it! To me this is like what I was listening to around 15 years ago and I'd almost forgotten why. Luckily, 16PB have reminded me and I won't forget again in a hurry. Do yourself a favour and contact the website and order yourself a copy. Class!! (8/10)-Disconnected [www.dis-connected.com]/Scotland
- *Hyper-fast, metallic punk rock with just enough humor to keep it lively without resulting in total retardation, and enough of a serious side to let you know that they can think for themselves and have something to say without being politically driven. Rambunctious, raunchy and tightly chaotic, these dudes are like a combination of MACABRE and GBH. Metallic breakdowns appear randomly bringing a bit of thrash into the mix, making this a total crossover album that sounds like the copyright should read 1988 rather than 2002. Think D.R.I., DEAD KENNEDYS, and GANG GREEN, but faster than all of them combined.-Metal Maniacs [www.metalmaniacs.com]
- *A fusion of heavy metal and old school punk reputedly forms the basis of 16 Piece Bucket's sound. (When I say *punk* I mean punk's second wave in the early eighties and certainly not contemporary punk, which is little more then inoffensive, watered down power pop for 15 year old wannabe rebels.) This is a somewhat optimistic view, as they tend very heavily towards the punk component of the equation, sounding little more than a slightly heavier and more aggressive version of Minor Threat or Black Flag. There are a few nods towards their metal heritage -– most notably through the inclusion of several guitar leads -- which are as popular in punk as in black metal. The production is acceptable though the drums do tend to sound hollow on occasion and the innate simplicity of punk does occasionally grate. But their songs do possess an inimitable energy and catchiness that mitigates their dubious metal heritage -- but are still likely to be of only limited interest to CoC readers. For those who enjoyed DRI’s seminal debut, this may be of some interest, and if you have to buy a punk orientated CD, buy this one which at least has some attitude, unlike the watered down punk beloved by the prepubescent skateboarding vermin.*-Chronicles of Chaos Webzine [www.chroniclesofchaos.com]
- *For some reason, I'm thinking Infectious Groove. For some reason, I think they totally have their sound for this CD. That's just the first band that popped into my head. They still have their old school punk and hardcore sound to them. Good CD.*-Jen's Metal Page [www.jensmetalpage.com]