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Mistresses of the Masters of Poof

Hello, and welcome to a web page dedicated strictly to 5 of the most perfect men on this earth: Brian Molko, David Bowie, Stefan Olsdal, Jonathon Kerrigan, and Steve Hewitt. Enjoy as we take you on a brief tour of who they are and what they mean to us.


This picture is of Placebo, Britain's growing-to-stardom punk band. In the center is the lead vocals, Brian Molko. To Brian's left is drummer Steve Hewitt, and the tall chap on Brian's right is bass Stefan Olsdal. The group has been together for several years now, and they became known in America when they released their single "Pure Morning".

Charitie (my best friend) and I are completely besotted with Brian and his effeminate nature. When we found out that Placebo guest appearred in "Velvet Goldmine", we went crazy. Charitie is the only one that can seem to find their CD's, so I'm simply stuck with cassette copies.

We are so thrilled that Steve took over Robert's spot. For those of you in the dark, Robert was Placebo's original drummer. Steve, with his dark features and dimpled smile, is truly a creature to behold. His musical style is that truly of his own.

Now, Stefan...well, that angel is almost beyond description. His height gives a dramatically attention-grabbing effect to all of the pictures, and heaven knows how good he and Brian look together!

Bowie we come to Britain's top glam star. As Ziggy Stardust, he captured audiences with amazingly bright, flambuoyant concerts and shocking publicity reports. His final concert as Drag-Queen Ziggy was a roaring success, with Spiders from Mars playing back-up.

Today Bowie has gone into a retirement of sorts. He is redoing a lot of his older songs and releasing them, but has since refused to give concerts, except for one. Maybe it was the appeal of the song or the man he was to sing with, but Bowie agreed to sing live at the BritAwards this year along with Placebo. They sang "20th-Century Boy", and he looked smashing in his silver coat with red lapels and green inside-covering.

Bowie played a major role in the fame of Placebo. Bowie heard the group, decided they had vast amounts of potential, and backed them. In return, Placebo opened for Bowie's 50th Birthday Concert in Madison Square Garden. The bond between the group and Bowie is still strong.

Jonathon Kerrigan

Many of you may know this exquisite man as Sam Colloby, nurse in the hit-drama "Casualty". Charitie and I found him quite by accident. You see, Charitie and I love to watch BBC, simply because we are bizarre. No, just kidding. We watch it because we have basically decided that watching BBC is as close as we can get to London at this point in time. So, we satisfy ourselves by talking in a thick accent, driving "British", watching BBC, listening to all of the British bands, and obsessing over our dearly beloved Sam. We never miss an episode.

To those of you who have never seen him...your eyes have been truly neglected.