New York Waste

Along Came A Spyder

By Spyder Darling

Double Barreled Slingshots are May's featured ensemble from the ever fiery Fistful of Rock & Roll CD compilation series. DBS open a main vein on Fistful Vol. 13 with the tits in a twister screamer "Out For Blood". The co-ed Denver based quartet immediately recalls San Francisco proto-punks The Avengers, who opened for the Sex Pistols on their last gig ever and impressed Steve Jones so that he produced their first album. Slingshots' singer/guitarist Pam Puentes' acerbic style is so close to Penelope Houston's that an Avengers cover like "We Are The One" would be redundant. Instead DBS opts for an invigorating Vibrators cover, Whips & Furs on their four song debut CD. Kudos and a carton of Kools though to DBS lead guitarist J. D. Dreyers for his Stooges inspired wha-wha work and rusty six string wizardry. Visit Pam, J.D. and band at today!